path: root/dwz.macros.in
diff options
authorThierry Vignaud <tv@mageia.org>2012-07-27 17:38:50 +0000
committerThierry Vignaud <tv@mageia.org>2012-07-27 17:38:50 +0000
commite8cee3d3957786e8682ddf7077659575a2cf8052 (patch)
tree4d7470b2af92def5f6ffd4a1ee7e58b104b003c0 /dwz.macros.in
parent745375fc12c97c3560fed10a066a5cdc6f8cd457 (diff)
add support for mini debug packages (disabled by default)
Diffstat (limited to 'dwz.macros.in')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dwz.macros.in b/dwz.macros.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e4813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwz.macros.in
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Macros for reducing debug info size using dwz(1) utility.
+# The two default values below should result in dwz taking at most
+# 3GB of RAM or so on 64-bit hosts and 2.5GB on 32-bit hosts
+# on the largest *.debug files (in mid 2012 those are
+# libreoffice-debuginfo, debuginfos containing
+# libxul.so.debug and libwebkitgtk-*.so.*.debug).
+# This needs to be tuned based on the amount of available RAM
+# on build boxes for each architecture as well as virtual address
+# space limitations if dwz is 32-bit program. While it needs less
+# memory than 64-bit program because pointers are smaller, it can
+# never have more than 4GB-epsilon of RAM and on some architecture
+# even less than that (e.g. 2GB).
+# Number of debugging information entries (DIEs) above which
+# dwz will stop considering file for multifile optimizations
+# and enter a low memory mode, in which it will optimize
+# in about half the memory needed otherwise.
+%_dwz_low_mem_die_limit 10000000
+# Number of DIEs above which dwz will stop processing
+# a file altogether.
+%_dwz_max_die_limit 50000000
+# On x86_64 increase the higher limit to make libwebkit* optimizable.
+# libwebkit* in mid 2012 contains roughly 87mil DIEs, and 64-bit
+# dwz is able to optimize it from ~1.1GB to ~410MB using 5.2GB of RAM.
+%_dwz_max_die_limit_x86_64 110000000
+# On ARM, build boxes often have only 512MB of RAM and are very slow.
+# Lower both the limits.
+%_dwz_low_mem_die_limit_armv5tel 4000000
+%_dwz_low_mem_die_limit_armv7hl 4000000
+%_dwz_max_die_limit_armv5tel 10000000
+%_dwz_max_die_limit_armv7hl 10000000
+%_dwz_limit() %{expand:%%{?%{1}_%{_arch}}%%{!?%{1}_%{_arch}:%%%{1}}}
+%_find_debuginfo_dwz_opts --run-dwz\\\
+ --dwz-low-mem-die-limit %{_dwz_limit _dwz_low_mem_die_limit}\\\
+ --dwz-max-die-limit %{_dwz_limit _dwz_max_die_limit}
' href='#n147'>147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278

use MDK::Common;

my $SLASH_LOCATION = '/tmp/drakx-in-chroot';

my $verbose = 0;
my $prefix_ROOTED = '/mnt';
my $IMAGE_LOCATION_ROOTED = '/tmp/image';
my $MEDIA_LOCATION_ROOTED = '/tmp/media';
my $STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED = '/tmp/stage2';
my $LIVE_LOCATION_REL = 'install/stage2/live/';
my $COMPRESSED_LOCATION_REL = 'install/stage2/';
my $AUTO_INSTALL_ROOTED = '/tmp/auto_inst.cfg.pl';
my $DEFCFG_ROOTED = '/tmp/defcfg.pl';
my $RPMSRATE_ROOTED = '/tmp/rpmsrate';
my $resolution = '800x600';
my ($disk_iso_repository, $repository_uri);

@ARGV >= 2 or die "usage: drakx-in-chroot <root of distrib> <dir to install to> [options]\n
\nOptions specific to drakx-in-chroot:
    --flang XX            use XX locale
    --disk-iso            path of a distro
    --resolution=XXXxYYYY (eg: --resolution=1024x768)\n
    --repository=<path>   path of packages repository
    --text                text mode installer
    --depth=XX            set screen color depth
    --stage2-update X,Y   will mount --bind X on Y

(my $repository, my $dir, @ARGV) = @ARGV;
my ($wrapper);
foreach (@ARGV) {
    if (/--resolution=(.*)/) {
        $resolution = $1;
    } elsif (/--disk-iso=(.*)/) {
        $disk_iso_repository = $1;
    } elsif (/--repository=(.*)/) {
        $repository_uri = $1;
    } elsif (/--gdb/) {
        $wrapper = "gdb -q --args";
    } elsif (/--strace/) {
        $wrapper = "strace -e file $ENV{STRACE_OPTIONS}";
    } elsif (/--depth=(.*)/) {
        $resolution .= "x$1";
my ($repository_without_arch, $repository_arch) = basename($repository) eq arch() ? (dirname($repository), '/' . arch()) : ($repository, '');

my $sudo;
if ($>) {
    $sudo = "sudo";
    $ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:$ENV{PATH}";

my @mounts;
my $_b = before_leaving { sys("$sudo umount $_") foreach reverse @mounts };

undef $ENV{TMPDIR}; # prevent packdrake faillure on creating temporary files

    umount_all(1) == 0 or exit(1);
    sys("$sudo rm -rf $SLASH_LOCATION/var/lib/rpm $SLASH_LOCATION/dev/mapper");

mkdir_p("$SLASH_LOCATION$_") foreach '/dev', '/etc', '/var', '/proc', '/sys', '/run', $STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED, $MEDIA_LOCATION_ROOTED, $prefix_ROOTED;

sys("$sudo rm -rf $dir") if $ENV{CLEAN};
-e $dir or sys("$sudo mkdir -p $dir");


my $remote_repository = $repository =~ m!^(ftp|http)://! && $1;
if ($remote_repository) {
    my $local_mdkinst = "$SLASH_LOCATION/tmp/mdkinst.sqfs";
    sys("curl --silent -o $local_mdkinst $repository/$COMPRESSED_FILE_REL");
} elsif (-d "$repository/$LIVE_LOCATION_REL") {
    mount("$repository/$LIVE_LOCATION_REL", $STAGE2_LOCATION, "-o bind");
} elsif (-e "$repository/$COMPRESSED_FILE_REL") {

mount($dir, "$SLASH_LOCATION$prefix_ROOTED", "-o bind");
$repository_uri ||= $repository_without_arch if !$remote_repository;
mount($repository_uri, "$SLASH_LOCATION$MEDIA_LOCATION_ROOTED", "-o bind") if $repository_uri;

mount('/dev', "$SLASH_LOCATION/dev", " --bind -o ro");
mount('none', "$SLASH_LOCATION/proc", "-t proc");
mount('none', "$SLASH_LOCATION/sys", "-t sysfs");
mount('none', "$SLASH_LOCATION/sys/kernel/debug", "-t debugfs");
mount('none', "$SLASH_LOCATION/run", "-t tmpfs");

# - Ensure we mount the udev run dir for various extra metadata from udevadm
# - If dracut has been used (and thus udev has yummy metadata) make sure
#   drakx knows about it when running in the chroot
# - Also speedup blkid by using its cache
foreach my $dir (qw(initramfs udev blkid)) {
    next if !-d "/run/$dir";
    mount("/run/$dir", "$SLASH_LOCATION/run/$dir", "-o bind");

if ($disk_iso_repository) {
    my $repository_arch = $repository_arch || 'i586';
    mount($disk_iso_repository, $LOOP_MOUNT_POINT, "-o loop,ro");
    symlinkf('loop/' . $repository_arch, "$SLASH_LOCATION$IMAGE_LOCATION_ROOTED"); # FIXME: arch()

symlinkf('media' . $repository_arch, "$SLASH_LOCATION$IMAGE_LOCATION_ROOTED");


output("$SLASH_LOCATION/etc/hosts", " localhost\n") if ! -e "$SLASH_LOCATION/etc/hosts";

#- in the chroot, we have no way to know which device corresponds to the "/" partition.
#- so helping it by giving the device which provide major/minor information
eval { cp_af($_, "$dir$_") } foreach qw(/dev/root);

#- if the DISPLAY is remote, we may need to resolve the name:
eval { cp_af('/etc/resolv.conf', "$SLASH_LOCATION/etc/resolv.conf") };

    chomp(my $kernel_version = `uname -r`);
    my $dir = "/modules/$kernel_version";
    output_p("$SLASH_LOCATION$dir" . $_, "\n") foreach "/lib/$dir/modules.dep", "/lib/$dir/modules.alias";

my $Xnest_pid;
if (!-f ($SLASH_LOCATION . $AUTO_INSTALL_ROOTED) && join('', @ARGV) !~ /--text/) {
    my $Xnest_bin = find { whereis_binary($_) } 'Xephyr', 'Xnest' or die "Xephyr not found! Please install x11-server-xephyr!\n";
    my $DISPLAY = ':8';
    $Xnest_pid = fork();
    if (!$Xnest_pid) {
	exec $Xnest_bin, $DISPLAY, '-ac', ($Xnest_bin eq 'Xephyr' ? '-screen' : '-geometry'), $resolution or die "Xnest failed\n";

if (my $pid = fork()) {
    waitpid $pid, 0;
    umount_all() == 0 or warn "umounting failed\n";
    $Xnest_pid and kill 15, $Xnest_pid;
} else {
    $ENV{TERM} = 'linux'; # we only have terminfo for terminal "linux"
    $ENV{HOME} = '/';
    # to kept sync with mdk-stage1/init.c::env:
    if ($remote_repository) {
	$ENV{URLPREFIX} = $repository;
    my $cmd = join(' ', "/usr/bin/runinstall2 --local_install", 
                   if_($disk_iso_repository, "--method disk-iso"),
		   if_($remote_repository, "--method $remote_repository"),
    if ($wrapper) {
	warn qq(GDB USAGE
Beware that debug info won't be found so on segfault
just generate a core dump with "gcore" and then
analyze it offline.
Thus you sessions will look like:
(gdb) run
(gdb) gcore
(gdb) exit
    exec "$sudo $wrapper chroot $SLASH_LOCATION $cmd" or die "exec $cmd in $SLASH_LOCATION failed\n";

sub system_verbose { warn join(' ', @_), "\n" if $verbose; system(@_) }
sub sys { &system_verbose; $? and die qq(running "@_" failed: $?\n) }

sub mount_mdkinst {
    my ($mdkinst) = @_;
    mount($mdkinst, $STAGE2_LOCATION, "-t squashfs -o loop,ro");
sub create_initial_symlinks() {
    foreach (cat_or_die("$STAGE2_LOCATION/usr/share/symlinks")) {
	my ($from, $to_) = split;
	my $to = $SLASH_LOCATION . ($to_ || $from);
	$from = "$STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED$from" if !$to_;
	if (! -l $to) {
	    symlink $from, $to or die "symlinking $to failed\n";
	my $from = "$STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED/usr";
	my $to = "$SLASH_LOCATION/usr";
	symlink $from, $to or die "symlinking $to failed\n";
	foreach ('bin', 'sbin', 'lib', 'lib64') {
	    $from = "usr/$_";
	    $to = "$SLASH_LOCATION/$_";
	    symlink $from, $to or die "symlinking $to failed\n";

sub mount {
	my ($from, $mntpt, @opts) = @_;
	push @mounts, $mntpt;
	sys("$sudo mount $from $mntpt " . join(' ', @opts));

sub umount_all {
    my ($b_umount_dev_too) = @_;
    my $err;
    my @procs = (qw(/proc /sys/kernel/debug /sys /run/udev /run/blkid /run/initramfs /run));
    # special case for !draklive case (else a 2nd run would fail):
    if ($b_umount_dev_too && cat_('/proc/mounts') =~ m! $SLASH_LOCATION/dev !) {
	    system_verbose "$sudo umount $SLASH_LOCATION/dev" and rm_rf("$SLASH_LOCATION/dev");
    foreach ((map { "$prefix_ROOTED$_" } @procs, '/dev', ''), @procs, $STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED, $LOOP_MOUNT_POINT, $MEDIA_LOCATION_ROOTED, $IMAGE_LOCATION_ROOTED) {
	my $dir = "$SLASH_LOCATION$_";
	rmdir $dir;
	if (-d $dir) {
	    if (m!/sys/kernel/debug! || begins_with($_, $prefix_ROOTED)) {
		system_verbose "$sudo umount $dir 2>/dev/null";
	    system_verbose "$sudo umount $dir";
	rmdir $dir;
	if (-d $dir) {
	    warn "$dir is busy\n";
    if (my @remaining = cat_('/proc/mounts') =~ m!($SLASH_LOCATION/mnt/\S+)!g) {
	warn "umount those mount points first: ", join(' ', @remaining), "\n";

sub copy_auto_install_files() {
    my ($opt);
    each_index {
        if ($opt eq 'auto_install' && -f $_) {
            cp_f($_, $SLASH_LOCATION . $AUTO_INSTALL_ROOTED);
            $_ = $AUTO_INSTALL_ROOTED;
        } elsif ($opt eq 'defcfg' && -f $_) {
            cp_f($_, $SLASH_LOCATION . $DEFCFG_ROOTED);
            $_ = $DEFCFG_ROOTED;
        } elsif ($opt eq 'rpmsrate' && -f $_) {
            cp_f($_, $SLASH_LOCATION . $RPMSRATE_ROOTED);
        undef $opt;
        /^--?(.*)/ and $opt = $1;
    } @ARGV;

my @stage2_updates;
sub apply_stage2_updates() {
    each_index {
        if ($_ eq '--stage2-update') {
            my $file = $ARGV[$::i+1];
            my $dest = $ARGV[$::i+2];
            if (-f $file && $dest) {
                undef $_;
                undef $ARGV[$::i+1];
                undef $ARGV[$::i+2];
                push @stage2_updates, $dest;
                mount($file, "$STAGE2_LOCATION/$dest", " --bind");
    } @ARGV;

sub clean_stage2_updates() {
    sys("$sudo umount $STAGE2_LOCATION/$_") foreach @stage2_updates;