package URPM; use strict; use DynaLoader; # different files, but same package # require them here to avoid dependencies use URPM::Build; use URPM::Resolve; use URPM::Signature; our @ISA = qw(DynaLoader); our $VERSION = '1.07'; URPM->bootstrap($VERSION); sub new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $self = bless { depslist => [], provides => {}, }, $class; $self->{nofatal} = 1 if $options{nofatal}; $self; } sub set_nofatal { $_[0]->{nofatal} = $_[1] } sub search { my ($urpm, $name, %options) = @_; my $best; #- tries other alternative if no strict searching. unless ($options{strict_name}) { if ($name =~ /^(.*)-([^\-]*)-([^\-]*)\.([^\.\-]*)$/) { foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}{$1} || {}}) { my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_]; $pkg->fullname eq $name and return $pkg; } } unless ($options{strict_fullname}) { if ($name =~ /^(.*)-([^\-]*)-([^\-]*)$/) { foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}{$1} || {}}) { my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_]; my ($n, $v, $r, $a) = $pkg->fullname; $options{src} && $a eq 'src' || $pkg->is_arch_compat or next; "$n-$v-$r" eq $name or next; !$best || $pkg->compare_pkg($best) > 0 and $best = $pkg; } $best and return $best; } if ($name =~ /^(.*)-([^\-]*)$/) { foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}{$1} || {}}) { my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_]; my ($n, $v, undef, $a) = $pkg->fullname; $options{src} && $a eq 'src' || $pkg->is_arch_compat or next; "$n-$v" eq $name or next; !$best || $pkg->compare_pkg($best) > 0 and $best = $pkg; } $best and return $best; } } } unless ($options{strict_fullname}) { foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}{$name} || {}}) { my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_]; my ($n, undef, undef, $a) = $pkg->fullname; $options{src} && $a eq 'src' || $pkg->is_arch_compat or next; $n eq $name or next; !$best || $pkg->compare_pkg($best) > 0 and $best = $pkg; } } return $best; } #- Olivier Thauvin: #- Returns @$listid, $start .. $end or the whole deplist id #- according to the given args sub build_listid { my ($urpm, $start, $end, $listid) = @_; @{$listid || []} > 0 ? @{$listid} : (($start || 0) .. (defined($end) ? $end : $#{$urpm->{depslist}})); } sub traverse { my ($urpm, $callback) = @_; if ($callback) { foreach (@{$urpm->{depslist} || []}) { $callback->($_); } } scalar @{$urpm->{depslist} || []}; } sub traverse_tag { my ($urpm, $tag, $names, $callback) = @_; my $count = 0; my %names; if (@{$names || []}) { if ($tag eq 'name') { foreach my $n (@$names) { foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}{$n} || {}}) { my $p = $urpm->{depslist}[$_]; $p->name eq $n or next; $callback and $callback->($p); ++$count; } } } elsif ($tag eq 'whatprovides') { foreach (@$names) { foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}{$_} || {}}) { $callback and $callback->($urpm->{depslist}[$_]); ++$count; } } } else { @names{@$names} = (); if ($tag eq 'whatrequires') { foreach (@{$urpm->{depslist} || []}) { if (grep { exists $names{$_} } $_->requires_nosense) { $callback and $callback->($_); ++$count; } } } elsif ($tag eq 'whatconflicts') { foreach (@{$urpm->{depslist} || []}) { if (grep { exists $names{$_} } $_->conflicts_nosense) { $callback and $callback->($_); ++$count; } } } elsif ($tag eq 'group') { foreach (@{$urpm->{depslist} || []}) { if (exists $names{$_->group}) { $callback and $callback->($_); ++$count; } } } elsif ($tag eq 'triggeredby' || $tag eq 'path') { foreach (@{$urpm->{depslist} || []}) { if (grep { exists $names{$_} } $_->files, grep { m!^/! } $_->provides_nosense) { $callback and $callback->($_); ++$count; } } } else { die "unknown tag"; } } } $count; } package URPM::Package; our @ISA = qw(); # help perl_checker package URPM::Transaction; our @ISA = qw(); # help perl_checker package URPM::DB; our @ISA = qw(); # help perl_checker 1; __END__ =head1 NAME URPM - Perl module to manipulate RPM files =head1 SYNOPSIS use URPM; # using the local RPM database my $db = URPM::DB::open(); $db->traverse(sub { my ($package) = @_; # this is a URPM::Package object print $package->filename, "\n"; # ... }); # loading and parsing a synthesis file my $urpm = new URPM; $urpm->parse_synthesis(""); $urpm->traverse(sub { # retrieve all packages from the dependency list # ... }); =head1 DESCRIPTION The URPM module allows you to manipulate RPM files, RPM header files and hdlist files and manage them in memory. It is notably used by the B utility. It provides four classes : C, C, C, and C. =head2 The URPM class =over 4 =item new() The constructor creates a new, empty URPM object. It's a blessed hash that contains two fields: B is an arrayref containing the list of depending packages (which are C objects). B is an hashref containing as keys the list of items provided by the URPM object. If the constructor is called with the arguments C<< nofatal => 1 >>, various fatal error messages are suppressed (file not found in parse_hdlist() and parse_synthesis()). =item read_config_files() Force the re-reading of the RPM configuration files. =item list_rpm_tag() Return a hash containing the key/id values of known rpm tags =item ranges_overlap($range1, $range2 [, $nopromoteepoch]) This utility function compares two version ranges, in order to calculate dependencies properly. The ranges have roughly the form [<|<=|==|=>|>] [epoch:]version[-release] where epoch, version and release are RPM-style version numbers. If the optional parameter $nopromoteepoch is true, and if the 2nd range has no epoch while the first one has one, then the 2nd range is assumed to have an epoch == 0. =item $urpm->parse_synthesis($file, [ callback => sub {...} ]) This method gets the B and the B from a synthesis file and adds them to the URPM object. =item $urpm->parse_hdlist($file, %options) This method loads rpm informations from rpm B contained in an hdlist file and adds them to the URPM object. Allowed options are packing => 0 / 1 callback => sub { ... } keep_all_tags => 0 / 1 Return value is an array of first and last id parsed. =item $urpm->parse_rpms($files, %options) This method loads rpm informations from rpm B and adds them to the URPM object. Return value is an array of first and last id parsed. =item $urpm->parse_rpm($file, %options) This method gets the B and the B from an RPM file and adds them to the URPM object. Allowed options are packing => 0 / 1 keep_all_tags => 0 / 1 callback => sub { ... } =item $urpm->search($name, %options) Search an RPM by name or by part of name in the list of RPMs represented by this $urpm. The behaviour of the search is influenced by several options: strict_name => 0 / 1 strict_fullname => 0 / 1 src => 0 / 1 =item $urpm->traverse($callback) Executes the callback for each package in the depslist, passing a C object as argument the callback. =item $urpm->traverse_tag($tag, $names, $callback) $tag may be one of C, C, C, C, C, C, or C. $names is a reference to an array, holding the acceptable values of the said tag for the searched variables. Then, $callback is called for each matching package in the depslist. =item $urpm->verify_rpm($file, %options) Verifies an RPM file. Recognized options are: db => $urpm_db nopgp => 0 / 1 nogpg => 0 / 1 nomd5 => 0 / 1 norsa => 0 / 1 nodsa => 0 / 1 nodigests => 0 / 1 tmp_filename => '...' nosignatures => 0 / 1 (equivalent to nopgp = nogpg = norsa = nodsa = 1) =item $urpm->import_pubkey(%options) db => $urpm_db root => '...' block => '...' filename => '...' =back =head2 The URPM::DB class =over 4 =item open($prefix, $write_perm) Returns a new C object pointing on the local RPM database. $prefix defaults to C<""> and indicates the RPM DB root directory prefix if any. (See the B<--root> option to rpm(1)). $write_perm is a boolean that defaults to false, and that indicates whether the RPM DB should be open in read/write mode. =item rebuild($prefix) Rebuilds the RPM database (like C). $prefix defaults to C<"">. =item $db->traverse($callback) Executes the specified callback (a code reference) for each package in the DB, passing a C object as argument the callback. =item $db->traverse_tag($tag,$names,$callback) $tag may be one of C, C, C, C, C, C, or C. $names is a reference to an array, holding the acceptable values of the said tag for the searched variables. Then, $callback is called for each matching package in the DB. =item $db->create_transaction($prefix) Creates and returns a new transaction (an C object) on the specified DB. For $prefix, cf L. =back =head2 The URPM::Package class Most methods of C are accessors for the various properties of an RPM package. =over 4 =item $package->arch() =item $package->build_header($fileno) =item $package->build_info($fileno, [$provides_files]) =item $package->buildarchs() =item $package->buildhost() =item $package->buildtime() =item $package->changelog_name() =item $package->changelog_text() =item $package->changelog_time() =item $package->compare($evr) =item $package->compare_pkg($other_pkg) =item $package->conf_files() =item $package->conflicts() =item $package->conflicts_nosense() =item $package->description() =item $package->distribution() =item $package->epoch() =item $package->excludearchs() =item $package->exclusivearchs() =item $package->filename() =item $package->files() =item $package->files_flags() =item $package->files_gid() =item $package->files_group() =item $package->files_md5sum() =item $package->files_mode() =item $package->files_mtime() =item $package->files_owner() =item $package->files_size() =item $package->files_uid() =item $package->flag($name) =item $package->flag_available() =item $package->flag_base() =item $package->flag_disable_obsolete() =item $package->flag_installed() =item $package->flag_requested() =item $package->flag_required() =item $package->flag_selected() =item $package->flag_skip() =item $package->flag_upgrade() =item $package->free_header() =item $package->fullname() Returns a 4 element list: name, version, release and architecture in an array context. Returns a string NAME-VERSION-RELEASE.ARCH in scalar context. =item $package->get_tag($tagid) Returns an array containing values of $tagid. $tagid is the numerical value of rpm tags. See rpmlib.h. =item $package->queryformat($format) Querying the package like rpm --queryformat do. The function calls directly the rpmlib, then use header informations, so it silently failed if you use synthesis instead of hdlist/rpm/header files or rpmdb. =item $package->get_tag_modifiers($tagid) Return an array of human readable view of tag values. $tagid is the numerical value of rpm tags. =item $package->group() =item $package->header_filename() =item $package->id() =item $package->is_arch_compat() =item $package->license() =item $package->name() =item $package->obsoletes() =item $package->obsoletes_nosense() =item $package->obsoletes_overlap($s, [$nopromoteepoch,] [$direction]) =item $package->os() =item $package->pack_header() =item $package->packager() =item $package->provides() =item $package->provides_nosense() =item $package->provides_overlap($s, [$nopromoteepoch,] [$direction]) =item $package->rate() =item $package->release() =item $package->requires() =item $package->requires_nosense() =item $package->rflags() =item $package->set_flag($name, $value) =item $package->set_flag_base($value) =item $package->set_flag_disable_obsolete($value) =item $package->set_flag_installed($value) =item $package->set_flag_requested($value) =item $package->set_flag_required($value) =item $package->set_flag_skip($value) =item $package->set_flag_upgrade($value) =item $package->set_id($id) =item $package->set_rate($rate) =item $package->set_rflags(...) =item $package->size() =item $package->sourcerpm() =item $package->summary() =item $package->update_header($filename, ...) =item $package->upgrade_files() =item $package->url() =item $package->vendor() =item $package->version() =back =head2 The URPM::Transaction class =over 4 =item $trans->set_script_fd($fileno) Sets the transaction output filehandle. =item $trans->add($pkg, %options) Adds a package to be installed to the transaction represented by $trans. $pkg is an C object. Options are: update => 0 / 1 : indicates whether this is an upgrade excludepath => [ ... ] =item $trans->remove($name) Adds a package to be erased to the transaction represented by $trans. $name is the name of the package. =item $trans->check(%options) Checks that all dependencies can be resolved in this transaction. Options are: translate_message => 0 / 1 (currently ignored.) =item $trans->order() Determines package order in a transaction set according to dependencies. Returns a boolean indicating success. =item $trans->run($data, %options) Runs the transaction. $data is an arbitrary user-provided piece of data to be passed to callbacks. Recognized options are: callback_close => sub { ... } callback_inst => sub { ... } callback_open => sub { ... } callback_trans => sub { ... } callback_uninst => sub { ... } delta => used for progress callbacks (trans, uninst, inst) excludedocs => 0 / 1 force => 0 / 1 nosize => 0 / 1 oldpackage => 0 / 1 test => 0 / 1 translate_message They roughly correspond to command-line options to rpm(1). =back =head2 Macro handling functions =item loadmacrosfile($filename) Load the specified macro file. Sets $! if the file can't be read. =item expand($name) Expands the specified macro. =item add_macro($macro_definition) Define a macro. For example, URPM::add_macro("vendor Mandrakesoft"); my $vendor = URPM::expand("%vendor"); =item del_macro($name) Delete a macro. =item resetmacros() Destroys macros. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2002-2005 Mandrakesoft Original author: François Pons This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut