#!/usr/bin/perl ##- Nanar ##- ##- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ##- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ##- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ##- any later version. ##- ##- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ##- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ##- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ##- GNU General Public License for more details. ##- ##- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ##- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ##- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; my @availlabletables; # Binding we want # In this file we'll found # FILE.h => # Constant matching the REGEXP goes in this table. # 'REGEXP' => table, my %file_const = ( 'rpmlib.h' => { '^(RPMDBI_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmdbi', '^_?(RPMSENSE_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmsenseflags', '^(RPMTAG_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmTag', '^(RPMRC_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmRC', '^(RPMFILE_[^(STATE_)][\w_]+)' => 'rpmfileAttrs', '^(RPMFILE_STATE_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmfileState', '^(RPM_MACHTABLE_[\w_]+)' => 'rpm_machtable', '^(RPMPROB_FILTER_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmprobFilterFlags', '^(FA_[\w_]+)' => 'fileAction', '^(PIPE|CDEV|XDIR|BDEV|REG|LINK|SOCK)$' => 'fileTypes', '^(RPMTRANS_FLAG_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmtransFlags', '^(INSTALL_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmInstallInterfaceFlags', '^(UNINSTALL_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmEraseInterfaceFlags', '^(RPMSIGTAG_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmtagSignature', }, 'header.h' => { '^(HEADER_MAGIC_[\w_]+)' => 'hMagic', '^(RPM_[\w]+)_TYPE$' => 'rpmTagType', }, 'rpmbuild.h' => { '^(RPMBUILD_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmBuildFlags', '^(PART_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmParseState', }, 'rpmcli.h' => { '^(RPMSIGN_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmSignFlags', '^(VERIFY_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmVerifyFlags', }, 'rpmdb.h' => { '^(RPMMIRE_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmMireMode', }, 'rpmerr.h' => { '^(RPMERR_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmerrCode', }, 'rpmlog.h' => { '^(RPMLOG_(?!PRI$|MAKEPRI$|FAC$|MASK$|UPTO$)[\w_]+)' => 'rpmlog', }, 'rpmmacro.h' => { '^(RMIL_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmMacrosContext', }, 'rpmmessage.h' => { '^(RPMCALLBACK_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmCallbackType', '^(RPMMESS_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmmess', }, 'rpmps.h' => { '^(RPMPROB_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmProblemType', }, 'rpmte.h' => { '^(TR_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmElementType', }, 'rpmts.h' => { '^_?(RPMVSF_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmvsflags', '^(RPMTRANS_TYPE_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmtsType', '^(RPMTS_OP_[\w_]+)' => 'rpmtsOpX', }, ); my %tableprefix = ( rpmmess => 'RPMMESS_', rpmCallbackType => 'RPMCALLBACK_', rpmlog => 'RPMLOG_', rpmdbi => 'RPMDBI_', rpmElementType => 'TR_', rpmMacrosContext => 'RMIL_', rpmerrCode => 'RPMERR_', rpmParseState => 'PART_', rpmBuildFlags => 'RPMBUILD_', rpmTagType => 'RPM_', hMagic => '', rpmMireMode => 'RPMMIRE_', rpmsenseflags => 'RPMSENSE_', rpmtsTransFlag => 'RPMVSF_', rpmTag => 'RPMTAG_', rpmtsType => 'RPMTRANS_TYPE_', rpmtsOpX => 'RPMTS_OP_', rpmRC => 'RPMRC_', rpmfileState => 'RPMFILE_STATE_', rpmfileState => 'RPMFILE_', rpm_machtable => 'RPM_MACHTABLE_', rpmprobFilterFlags => 'RPMPROB_FILTER_', fileAction => 'FA_', fileTypes => '', rpmtransFlags => 'RPMTRANS_FLAG_', rpmInstallInterfaceFlags => 'INSTALL_', rpmEraseInterfaceFlags => 'UNINSTALL_', rpmtagSignature => 'RPMSIGTAG_', rpmProblemType => 'RPMPROB_', rpmSignFlags => 'RPMSIGN_', rpmVerifyFlags => 'VERIFY_', rpmvsflags => 'RPMVSF_', ); my $ch = *STDOUT; sub parseconst { my ($header) = @_; my ($hbasename) = $header =~ m!(?:.*/)(.*)$!; my $hconstant = $file_const{$hbasename} or return; open(my $hheader, "<", $header) or die "Can't open $header\n"; my %constants_found; my $i; my $line = <$hheader>; my $headerdef; $headerdef = $1 if $line =~ /^\s*#\s*ifndef\s+(\S+)/; while ($line = <$hheader>) { $line =~ s!^\s*/\*[^\*]*\*/!!; my ($w, $c) = $line =~ m!(?:#\s*define\s*)?([\w_]+)[^(/\*)]*(/\*.*\*/)?!; defined($w) or next; foreach my $regexp (keys %$hconstant) { if ($w =~ /$regexp/) { $constants_found{$hconstant->{$regexp}}{$w}{n} ||= ++$i; $constants_found{$hconstant->{$regexp}}{$w}{c} ||= $c; $constants_found{$hconstant->{$regexp}}{$w}{s} ||= $1; } } } close($hheader); while (my ($tbl, $const) = each %constants_found) { $tableprefix{$tbl} ||= ""; print $ch <{$a}{n} <=> $const->{$b}{n} } keys %$const) { printf $ch qq(\t{ "%s", %s }, %s\n), uc($const->{$c}{s} || $c), $c, $const->{$c}{c} || ""; } print $ch "#endif /* $headerdef */\n" if $headerdef; printf $ch "\t{ %s, %s } /* NULL terminated (%s) */\n", "NULL", "0", $tbl; print $ch "};\n"; printf $ch "const struct rpmconstant_s * %sctable = %sctbl;\n\n", $tbl, $tbl; push @availlabletables, $tbl; } } printf $ch < * Parsed files: * %s */ #define RPMCONSTANT_INTERNAL #include "rpmconstant.h" EOF , join("\n * ", @ARGV); GetOptions( ); foreach (@ARGV) { parseconst($_); } print $ch "static const struct rpmconstantlist_s rpmconstanttp[] = {\n"; foreach (sort(@availlabletables)) { printf $ch "\t{ %s, %s, %s },\n", '(void *)' . $_ . "ctbl", '"' . lc($_) . '"', $tableprefix{$_} ? qq("$tableprefix{$_}") : "NULL"; } printf $ch "\t{ %s, %s, %s } /* NULL terminated */\n", "(void *) NULL", "NULL", "NULL"; print $ch "};\n"; printf $ch "const struct rpmconstantlist_s * rpmconstanttype = rpmconstanttp;\n"; print $ch "const int rpmconstanttypesize = sizeof(rpmconstanttp) / sizeof(rpmconstanttp[0]) -1;\n";