/* Nanar * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* $Id$ */ /* PREPROSSEUR FLAGS * HHACK: if defined, activate some functions or behaviour for expert user who * want hacking purpose in their perl code * HDLISTDEBUG: activate some debug code * HDRPMDEBUG: activate rpm debug internals flags * HDRPMMEM: print message about Free()/New on rpm * HDEBUG: active all debug flags */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #undef Fflush #undef Mkdir #undef Stat /* copy data into rpm or use the header */ #define O_SCAREMEM 0 /* If returning perl object */ #define SCAREMEM 0 /* Pre processor flags for debugging purpose */ #ifdef HDEBUG #undef HDLISTDEBUG #define HDLISTDEBUG #undef HDRPMDEBUG #define HDRPMDEBUG #undef HDRPMMEM #define HDRPMMEM #endif #ifdef HDRPMMEM #define PRINTF_FREE(o, a, r) fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG FREE: %s[%p], %d at %s:%d\n", (o), (a), (r), CopFILE(PL_curcop), CopLINE(PL_curcop)) #define PRINTF_NEW(o, a, r) fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG NEW : %s[%p], %d at %s:%d\n", (o), (a), (r), CopFILE(PL_curcop), CopLINE(PL_curcop)) #endif #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG #define PRINTF_CALL fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG RUN: %s() at %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, CopFILE(PL_curcop), CopLINE(PL_curcop)) #endif #if defined(HDRPMMEM) || defined(HDRPMDEBUG) #define _RPMDS_INTERNAL #define _RPMFI_INTERNAL #define _RPMTS_INTERNAL #define HD_HEADER_INTERNAL #endif #include "rpmversion.h" #ifdef RPM4_9_0 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_RPMCONSTANT #include #else #include "rpmconstant.h" #endif #include "RPM4.h" static unsigned char header_magic[8] = { 0x8e, 0xad, 0xe8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; #ifdef RPM4_9_0 typedef struct Package_s * Package; #endif #define CHECK_RPMDS_IX(dep) if (rpmdsIx((dep)) < 0) croak("You call RPM4::Header::Dependencies method after lastest next() of before init()") #define bless_rpmds "RPM4::Header::Dependencies" #define bless_rpmps "RPM4::Db::_Problems" #define bless_rpmts "RPM4::Transaction" #define bless_header "RPM4::Header" #define bless_rpmfi "RPM4::Header::Files" #define bless_spec "RPM4::Spec" /* The perl callback for output err messages */ SV * log_callback_function = NULL; static int scalar2constant(SV * svconstant, const char * context, int * val) { int rc = 0; if (!svconstant || !SvOK(svconstant)) { warn("Use of an undefined value"); return 0; } else if (SvIOK(svconstant)) { *val = SvIV(svconstant); rc = 1; } else if (SvPOK(svconstant)) { rc = rpmconstantFindName((char *)context, (void *) SvPV_nolen(svconstant), val, 0); } else { } return rc; } static int sv2constant(SV * svconstant, const char * context) { AV * avparam; int val = 0; SV **tmpsv; int i; if (svconstant == NULL) { return 0; } else if (!SvOK(svconstant)) { return 0; } else if (SvPOK(svconstant) || SvIOK(svconstant)) { if (!scalar2constant(svconstant, context, &val)) warn("Unknow value '%s' in '%s'", SvPV_nolen(svconstant), context); } else if (SvTYPE(SvRV(svconstant)) == SVt_PVAV) { avparam = (AV*) SvRV(svconstant); for (i = 0; i <= av_len(avparam); i++) { tmpsv = av_fetch(avparam, i, 0); if (!scalar2constant(*tmpsv, context, &val)) warn("Unknow value '%s' in '%s' from array", SvPV_nolen(*tmpsv), context); } } else { } return val; } /* Parse SV arg and return assossiated RPMLOG value */ #define sv2loglevel(sv) sv2constant((sv), "rpmlog") #define sv2deptag(sv) sv2constant((sv), "rpmtag") /* compatibility */ #define sv2sens(sv) sv2senseflags(sv) #define sv2vsflags(sv) sv2constant((sv), "rpmvsflags") #define sv2transflags(sv) sv2constant((sv), "rpmtransflags") static rpmTag sv2dbquerytag(SV * sv_tag) { int val = 0; if (!scalar2constant(sv_tag, "rpmdbi", &val) && !scalar2constant(sv_tag, "rpmtag", &val)) croak("unknown tag value '%s'", SvPV_nolen(sv_tag)); return val; } #define sv2rpmbuildflags(sv) sv2constant((sv), "rpmbuildflags") #define sv2fileattr(sv) sv2constant((sv), "rpmfileattrs") #define sv2senseflags(sv) sv2constant((sv), "rpmsenseflags") #define sv2tagtype(sv) sv2constant((sv), "rpmtagtype") /* * From URPM.xs: */ static char * get_name(Header header, int32_t tag) { struct rpmtd_s val; headerGet(header, tag, &val, HEADERGET_MINMEM); char *name = (char *) rpmtdGetString(&val); rpmtdFreeData(&val); return name ? name : ""; } static char* get_arch(Header header) { return headerIsEntry(header, RPMTAG_SOURCERPM) ? get_name(header, RPMTAG_ARCH) : "src"; } /* * End of URPM import * */ /* This function replace the standard rpmShowProgress callback * during transaction to allow perl callback */ static void * transCallback(const void *h, const rpmCallbackType what, const rpm_loff_t amount, const rpm_loff_t total, fnpyKey pkgKey, rpmCallbackData data) { /* The call back is used to open/close file, so we fix value, run the perl callback * and let rpmShowProgress from rpm rpmlib doing its job. * This unsure we'll not have to follow rpm code at each change. */ const char * filename = (const char *)pkgKey; const char * s_what = NULL; dSP; #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG: RPM4: running Callback transCallback()"); #endif PUSHMARK(SP); switch (what) { case RPMCALLBACK_UNKNOWN: s_what = "UNKNOWN"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE: if (filename != NULL && filename[0] != '\0') { mXPUSHs(newSVpv("filename", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(filename, 0)); } s_what = "INST_OPEN_FILE"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE: s_what = "INST_CLOSE_FILE"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS: s_what = "INST_PROGRESS"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_INST_START: s_what = "INST_START"; if (h) { mXPUSHs(newSVpv("header", 0)); mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, &h)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_header, &h, -1); #endif } break; case RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS: s_what = "TRANS_PROGRESS"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START: s_what = "TRANS_START"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP: s_what = "TRANS_STOP"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_PROGRESS: s_what = "UNINST_PROGRESS"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_START: s_what = "UNINST_START"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_STOP: s_what = "UNINST_STOP"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_PROGRESS: s_what = "REPACKAGE_PROGRESS"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_START: s_what = "REPACKAGE_START"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_STOP: s_what = "REPACKAGE_STOP"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR: s_what = "UNPACKAGE_ERROR"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR: s_what = "CPIO_ERROR"; break; case RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_ERROR: s_what = "SCRIPT_ERROR"; break; } mXPUSHs(newSVpv("what", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(s_what, 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("amount", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSViv(amount)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("total", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSViv(total)); PUTBACK; call_sv((SV *) data, G_DISCARD | G_SCALAR); SPAGAIN; /* Running rpmlib callback, returning its value */ return rpmShowProgress(h, what, amount, total, pkgKey, (long *) INSTALL_NONE /* shut up */); } /* This function is called by rpm if a callback * is set for for the logging system. * If the callback is set, rpm does not print any message, * and let the callback to do it */ int logcallback(rpmlogRec rec, rpmlogCallbackData data) { dSP; if (log_callback_function) { int logcode = rpmlogCode(); #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG: RPM4: running Callback logcallback()"); #endif PUSHMARK(SP); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("logcode", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSViv(logcode)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("msg", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv((char *) rpmlogMessage(), 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("priority", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSViv(RPMLOG_PRI(logcode))); PUTBACK; call_sv(log_callback_function, G_DISCARD | G_SCALAR); SPAGAIN; } return RPMLOG_DEFAULT; } /************************************************** * Real Function rpmts function with double call * * Aka function(arg) or RPM4::Db->function(arg) * * This permit to reuse existing rpmts object * **************************************************/ void _rpm2header(rpmts ts, char * filename, int checkmode) { FD_t fd; Header ret = NULL; rpmRC rc; dSP; #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif if ((fd = Fopen(filename, "r"))) { rc = rpmReadPackageFile(ts, fd, filename, &ret); if (checkmode) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(rc)); ret = headerFree(ret); /* For checking the package, we don't keep the header */ } else { if (rc == 0) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, (void *)ret)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_header, ret, ret->nrefs); #endif } else { mXPUSHs(&PL_sv_undef); } } Fclose(fd); } else { mXPUSHs(&PL_sv_undef); } PUTBACK; return; } void _newdep(SV * sv_deptag, char * name, SV * sv_sense, SV * sv_evr) { rpmTag deptag = 0; rpmsenseFlags sense = RPMSENSE_ANY; rpmds Dep; char * evr = NULL; dSP; if (sv_deptag && SvOK(sv_deptag)) deptag = sv2deptag(sv_deptag); if (sv_sense && SvOK(sv_sense)) sense = sv2sens(sv_sense); if (sv_evr && SvOK(sv_evr)) evr = SvPV_nolen(sv_evr); Dep = rpmdsSingle(deptag, name, evr ? evr : "", sense); if (Dep) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmds, Dep)); } PUTBACK; } /* Get a new specfile */ void _newspec(rpmts ts, char * filename, SV * svpassphrase, SV * svrootdir, SV * svcookies, SV * svanyarch, SV * svforce, SV * svverify) { rpmSpec spec = NULL; char * passphrase = NULL; char * rootdir = NULL; char * cookies = NULL; int anyarch = 0; int force = 0; int verify = 0; dSP; if (svpassphrase && SvOK(svpassphrase)) passphrase = SvPV_nolen(svpassphrase); if (svrootdir && SvOK(svrootdir)) rootdir = SvPV_nolen(svrootdir); else rootdir = "/"; if (svcookies && SvOK(svcookies)) cookies = SvPV_nolen(svcookies); if (svanyarch && SvOK(svanyarch)) anyarch = SvIV(svanyarch); if (svforce && SvOK(svforce)) force = SvIV(svforce); if (svverify && SvOK(svverify)) verify = SvIV(svverify); if (filename) { #ifdef RPM4_9_0 spec = rpmSpecParse(filename, RPMSPEC_ANYARCH|RPMSPEC_FORCE, NULL); #else if (!parseSpec(ts, filename, rootdir, NULL ,0, passphrase, cookies, anyarch, force)) spec = rpmtsSetSpec(ts, NULL); #endif #ifdef HHACK } else { spec = newSpec(); #endif } if (spec) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_spec, (void *)spec)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_spec, spec, -1); #endif } else mXPUSHs(&PL_sv_undef); PUTBACK; return; } /* Building a spec file */ int _specbuild(rpmts ts, rpmSpec spec, SV * sv_buildflags) { rpmBuildFlags buildflags = sv2rpmbuildflags(sv_buildflags); if (buildflags == RPMBUILD_NONE) croak("No action given for build"); #ifdef RPM4_9_0 BTA_t flags = calloc(1, sizeof(*flags)); flags->buildAmount = buildflags; return rpmSpecBuild(spec, flags); #else return buildSpec(ts, spec, buildflags, 0); #endif } void _installsrpms(rpmts ts, char * filename) { char * specfile = NULL; char * cookies = NULL; dSP; I32 gimme = GIMME_V; if (rpmInstallSource( ts, filename, &specfile, &cookies) == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSVpv(specfile, 0)); if (gimme == G_ARRAY) mXPUSHs(newSVpv(cookies, 0)); } PUTBACK; } int _header_vs_dep(Header h, rpmds dep, int nopromote) { CHECK_RPMDS_IX(dep); return rpmdsAnyMatchesDep(h, dep, nopromote); /* return 1 if match */ } int _headername_vs_dep(Header h, rpmds dep, int nopromote) { char *name; rpm_tagtype_t type; int rc = 0; CHECK_RPMDS_IX(dep); struct rpmtd_s val; headerGet(h, RPMTAG_NAME, &val, HEADERGET_MINMEM); name = (char *) rpmtdGetString(&val); if (strcmp(name, rpmdsN(dep)) != 0) rc = 0; else rc = rpmdsNVRMatchesDep(h, dep, nopromote); rpmtdFreeData(&val); return rc; /* return 1 if match */ } MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4 BOOT: if (rpmReadConfigFiles(NULL, NULL) != 0) croak("Can't read configuration"); #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG rpmSetVerbosity(RPMLOG_DEBUG); #else rpmSetVerbosity(RPMLOG_NOTICE); #endif #ifdef HDRPMDEBUG _rpmds_debug = -1; _rpmdb_debug = -1; _rpmts_debug = -1; _rpmfi_debug = -1; _rpmte_debug = -1; #endif int isdebug() CODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG RETVAL = 1; #else RETVAL = 0; #endif OUTPUT: RETVAL void moduleinfo() PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv("Hack", 0)); #ifdef HHACK mXPUSHs(newSVpv("Yes", 0)); #else mXPUSHs(newSVpv("No", 0)); #endif mXPUSHs(newSVpv("RPMVERSION", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(RPMVERSION, 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("RPM4VERSION", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(VERSION, 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("RPMNAME", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmNAME, 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("RPMEVR", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmEVR, 0)); # Functions to control log/verbosity void setverbosity(svlevel) SV * svlevel CODE: rpmSetVerbosity(sv2loglevel(svlevel)); void setlogcallback(function) SV * function CODE: if (function == NULL || !SvOK(function)) { rpmlogSetCallback(NULL, NULL); } else if (SvTYPE(SvRV(function)) == SVt_PVCV) { log_callback_function = newSVsv(function); rpmlogSetCallback(logcallback, NULL); } else croak("First arg is not a code reference"); void lastlogmsg() PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmlogCode())); mXPUSHs(newSVpv((char *) rpmlogMessage(), 0)); int setlogfile(filename) char * filename PREINIT: FILE * ofp = NULL; FILE * fp = NULL; CODE: if (filename && *filename != 0) { if ((fp = fopen(filename, "a+")) == NULL) { XSprePUSH; PUSHi((IV)0); XSRETURN(1); } } if((ofp = rpmlogSetFile(fp)) != NULL) fclose(ofp); RETVAL=1; OUTPUT: RETVAL int readconfig(rcfile = NULL, target = NULL) char * rcfile char * target CODE: RETVAL = rpmReadConfigFiles(rcfile && rcfile[0] ? rcfile : NULL, target); OUTPUT: RETVAL void rpmlog(svcode, msg) SV * svcode char * msg CODE: rpmlog(sv2loglevel(svcode), "%s", msg); # Return hash of know tag # Name => internal key (if available) void querytag() PREINIT: CODE: int tagtypevalue(svtagtype) SV * svtagtype CODE: RETVAL = sv2tagtype(svtagtype); OUTPUT: RETVAL int tagValue(tagname) char * tagname CODE: RETVAL = rpmTagGetValue((const char *) tagname); OUTPUT: RETVAL void tagName(tag) int tag PREINIT: const char *r = NULL; PPCODE: r = rpmTagGetName(tag); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(r, 0)); void flagvalue(flagtype, sv_value) char * flagtype SV * sv_value PPCODE: if (strcmp(flagtype, "loglevel") == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(sv2constant(sv_value, "rpmlog"))); } else if (strcmp(flagtype, "deptag") == 0) { /* Who will use this ?? */ mXPUSHs(newSViv(sv2deptag(sv_value))); } else if (strcmp(flagtype, "vsf") == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(sv2constant(sv_value, "rpmverifyflags"))); } else if (strcmp(flagtype, "trans") == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(sv2transflags(sv_value))); } else if (strcmp(flagtype, "dbquery") == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(sv2dbquerytag(sv_value))); } else if (strcmp(flagtype, "build") == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(sv2rpmbuildflags(sv_value))); } else if (strcmp(flagtype, "fileattr") == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(sv2fileattr(sv_value))); } else if (strcmp(flagtype, "sense") == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(sv2senseflags(sv_value))); } else if (strcmp(flagtype, "tagtype") == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(sv2tagtype(sv_value))); } else if (strcmp(flagtype, "list") == 0) { mXPUSHs(newSVpv("loglevel", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("deptag", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("vsf", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("trans", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("dbquery", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("build", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("fileattr", 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv("tagtype", 0)); } # Macros functions: void expand(name) char * name PPCODE: const char * value = rpmExpand(name, NULL); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(value, 0)); free((char *) value); void expandnumeric(name) char *name PPCODE: int value = rpmExpandNumeric(name); mXPUSHs(newSViv(value)); void addmacro(macro) char * macro CODE: rpmDefineMacro(NULL, macro, RMIL_DEFAULT); void delmacro(name) char * name CODE: delMacro(NULL, name); void loadmacrosfile(filename) char * filename PPCODE: rpmInitMacros(NULL, filename); void resetmacros() PPCODE: rpmFreeMacros(NULL); void resetrc() PPCODE: rpmFreeRpmrc(); void getosname() PREINIT: const char *v = NULL; PPCODE: rpmGetOsInfo(&v, NULL); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(v, 0)); void getarchname() PREINIT: const char *v = NULL; PPCODE: rpmGetArchInfo(&v, NULL); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(v, 0)); int osscore(os, build = 0) char * os int build; PREINIT: int machtable; CODE: machtable = build ? RPM_MACHTABLE_BUILDOS : RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTOS; RETVAL = rpmMachineScore(machtable, os); OUTPUT: RETVAL int archscore(arch, build = 0) char * arch int build; PREINIT: int machtable; CODE: machtable = build ? RPM_MACHTABLE_BUILDARCH : RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTARCH; RETVAL = rpmMachineScore(machtable, arch); OUTPUT: RETVAL int platformscore(platform) const char * platform PREINIT: CODE: RETVAL=0; croak("platformscore exists only from rpm 4.4.8; unused anyway"); OUTPUT: RETVAL void buildhost() PREINIT: PPCODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 static char hostname[1024]; static int oneshot = 0; struct hostent *hbn; if (! oneshot) { (void) gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); hbn = gethostbyname(hostname); if (hbn) strcpy(hostname, hbn->h_name); else rpmlog(RPMLOG_WARNING, _("Could not canonicalize hostname: %s\n"), hostname); oneshot = 1; } mXPUSHs(newSVpv(hostname,0)); #else mXPUSHs(newSVpv(buildHost(),0)); #endif # Dump to file functions: void dumprc(fp) FILE *fp CODE: rpmShowRC(fp); void dumpmacros(fp) FILE *fp CODE: rpmDumpMacroTable(NULL, fp); int rpmvercmp(one, two) char *one char *two # create a new empty header # Is this usefull void headernew() PREINIT: Header h = headerNew(); PPCODE: mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, (void *)h)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_header, h, h->nrefs); #endif # Read data from file pointer and return next header object # Return undef if failed # fedora use HEADER_MAGIC_NO, too bad, set no_header_magic make the function # compatible void stream2header(fp, no_header_magic = 0, callback = NULL) FILE *fp int no_header_magic SV * callback PREINIT: FD_t fd; Header header; PPCODE: if (fp && (fd = fdDup(fileno(fp)))) { #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif if (callback != NULL && SvROK(callback)) { while ((header = headerRead(fd, no_header_magic ? HEADER_MAGIC_NO : HEADER_MAGIC_YES))) { ENTER; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK(SP); mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, (void *)header)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_header, header, header->nrefs); #endif PUTBACK; call_sv(callback, G_DISCARD | G_SCALAR); SPAGAIN; FREETMPS; LEAVE; } } else { header = headerRead(fd, no_header_magic ? HEADER_MAGIC_NO : HEADER_MAGIC_YES); if (header) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, (void *)header)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_header, header, header->nrefs); #endif } #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG else fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG: No header found from fp: %d\n", fileno(fp)); #endif } Fclose(fd); } # Read a rpm and return a Header # Return undef if failed void rpm2header(filename, sv_vsflags = NULL) char * filename SV * sv_vsflags PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); rpmVSFlags vsflags = RPMVSF_DEFAULT; PPCODE: if (sv_vsflags == NULL) /* Nothing has been passed, default is no signature */ vsflags |= _RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES; else vsflags = sv2vsflags(sv_vsflags); rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, vsflags); _rpm2header(ts, filename, 0); SPAGAIN; ts = rpmtsFree(ts); int rpmresign(passphrase, rpmfile) char * passphrase char * rpmfile CODE: RETVAL = rpmsign(passphrase, (const char *) rpmfile); OUTPUT: RETVAL void installsrpm(filename, sv_vsflags = NULL) char * filename SV * sv_vsflags PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); rpmVSFlags vsflags = RPMVSF_DEFAULT; PPCODE: vsflags = sv2vsflags(sv_vsflags); rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, vsflags); PUTBACK; _installsrpms(ts, filename); SPAGAIN; ts = rpmtsFree(ts); MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4::Header PREFIX = Header_ void Header_DESTROY(h) Header h CODE: #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_FREE(bless_header, h, h->nrefs); #endif headerFree(h); # Write rpm header into file pointer # fedora use HEADER_MAGIC_NO, too bad, set no_header_magic make the function # compatible int Header_write(h, fp, no_header_magic = 0) Header h FILE * fp int no_header_magic PREINIT: FD_t fd; CODE: RETVAL = 0; #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif if (h) { if ((fd = fdDup(fileno(fp))) != NULL) { headerWrite(fd, h, no_header_magic ? HEADER_MAGIC_NO : HEADER_MAGIC_YES); Fclose(fd); RETVAL = 1; } } OUTPUT: RETVAL void Header_hsize(h, no_header_magic = 0) Header h int no_header_magic PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(headerSizeof(h, no_header_magic ? HEADER_MAGIC_NO : HEADER_MAGIC_YES))); void Header_copy(h) Header h PREINIT: Header hcopy; PPCODE: hcopy = headerCopy(h); mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, (void *)hcopy)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_header, hcopy, hcopy->nrefs); #endif void Header_string(h, no_header_magic = 0) Header h int no_header_magic PREINIT: char * string = NULL; char * ptr = NULL; int hsize = 0; PPCODE: hsize = headerSizeof(h, no_header_magic ? HEADER_MAGIC_NO : HEADER_MAGIC_YES); string = headerUnload(h); if (! no_header_magic) { ptr = malloc(hsize); memcpy(ptr, header_magic, 8); memcpy(ptr + 8, string, hsize - 8); } mXPUSHs(newSVpv(ptr ? ptr : string, hsize)); free(string); free(ptr); int Header_removetag(h, sv_tag) Header h SV * sv_tag PREINIT: rpmTag tag = -1; CODE: if (SvIOK(sv_tag)) { tag = SvIV(sv_tag); } else if (SvPOK(sv_tag)) { tag = rpmTagGetValue(SvPV_nolen(sv_tag)); } if (tag > 0) RETVAL = headerDel(h, tag); else RETVAL = 1; OUTPUT: RETVAL int Header_addtag(h, sv_tag, sv_tagtype, ...) Header h SV * sv_tag SV * sv_tagtype PREINIT: char * value; int ivalue; int i; rpmTag tag = -1; rpmTagType tagtype = RPM_NULL_TYPE; STRLEN len; CODE: if (SvIOK(sv_tag)) { tag = SvIV(sv_tag); } else if (SvPOK(sv_tag)) { tag = rpmTagGetValue(SvPV_nolen(sv_tag)); } tagtype = sv2tagtype(sv_tagtype); if (tag > 0) RETVAL = 1; else RETVAL = 0; /* if (tag == RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES) expandFilelist(h); */ for (i = 3; (i < items) && RETVAL; i++) { struct rpmtd_s td = { .tag = tag, .type = tagtype, .data = (void *) &value, .count = 1, }; switch (tagtype) { case RPM_CHAR_TYPE: case RPM_INT8_TYPE: case RPM_INT16_TYPE: case RPM_INT32_TYPE: ivalue = SvUV(ST(i)); td.data = (void *) &ivalue; RETVAL = headerPut(h, &td, HEADERPUT_APPEND); break; case RPM_STRING_TYPE: case RPM_BIN_TYPE: value = (char *)SvPV(ST(i), len); RETVAL = headerPutString(h, tag, value); break; case RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE: value = SvPV_nolen(ST(i)); RETVAL = headerPut(h, &td, HEADERPUT_APPEND); break; default: value = SvPV_nolen(ST(i)); RETVAL = headerPut(h, &td, HEADERPUT_APPEND); break; } } /* if (tag == RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES) { compressFilelist(h); } */ OUTPUT: RETVAL void Header_listtag(h) Header h PREINIT: HeaderIterator iterator; struct rpmtd_s td; PPCODE: iterator = headerInitIterator(h); while (headerNext(iterator, &td)) { mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmtdTag(&td))); rpmtdFreeData(&td); } rpmtdFreeData(&td); headerFreeIterator(iterator); int Header_hastag(h, sv_tag) Header h SV * sv_tag PREINIT: rpmTag tag = -1; CODE: if (SvIOK(sv_tag)) { tag = SvIV(sv_tag); } else if (SvPOK(sv_tag)) { tag = rpmTagGetValue(SvPV_nolen(sv_tag)); } if (tag > 0) RETVAL = headerIsEntry(h, tag); else RETVAL = -1; OUTPUT: RETVAL # Return the tag value in headers void Header_tag(h, sv_tag) Header h SV * sv_tag PREINIT: rpmTag tag = -1; PPCODE: if (SvIOK(sv_tag)) { tag = SvIV(sv_tag); } else if (SvPOK(sv_tag)) { tag = rpmTagGetValue(SvPV_nolen(sv_tag)); } if (tag > 0) { struct rpmtd_s val; if (headerGet(h, tag, &val, HEADERGET_DEFAULT)) { int type = rpmtdType(&val); int n = rpmtdCount(&val); switch(type) { case RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE: { int i; EXTEND(SP, n); rpmtdInit(&val); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmtdNextString(&val), 0)); } break; case RPM_STRING_TYPE: mPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmtdGetString(&val), 0)); break; case RPM_CHAR_TYPE: case RPM_INT8_TYPE: case RPM_INT16_TYPE: case RPM_INT32_TYPE: { int i; EXTEND(SP, n); rpmtdInit(&val); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { rpmtdNext(&val); mPUSHs(newSViv(rpmtdGetNumber(&val))); } } break; case RPM_BIN_TYPE: /* XXX HACK ALERT: element field abused as no. bytes of binary data. */ mPUSHs(newSVpv((char *)val.data, val.count)); break; default: croak("unknown rpm tag type %d", type); } rpmtdFreeData(&val); } } unsigned int Header_tagtype(h, sv_tag) Header h SV * sv_tag PREINIT: rpmTag tag = -1; struct rpmtd_s td; CODE: if (SvIOK(sv_tag)) { tag = SvIV(sv_tag); } else if (SvPOK(sv_tag)) { tag = rpmTagGetValue(SvPV_nolen(sv_tag)); } RETVAL = RPM_NULL_TYPE; if (tag > 0) if (headerGet(h, tag, &td, HEADERGET_DEFAULT)) RETVAL = rpmtdType(&td); rpmtdFreeData(&td); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Header_queryformat(h, query) Header h char * query PREINIT: char *s = NULL; PPCODE: s = headerFormat(h, query, NULL); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(s, 0)); free(s); void Header_fullname(h) Header h ALIAS: nevr= 1 PREINIT: I32 gimme = GIMME_V; char *name; char *version; char *release; char *arch; PPCODE: if (h) { name = get_name(h, RPMTAG_NAME); version = get_name(h, RPMTAG_VERSION); release = get_name(h, RPMTAG_RELEASE); if (ix != 1) arch = get_arch(h); if (gimme == G_SCALAR) { if (ix == 1) { mXPUSHs(newSVpvf("%s-%s-%s", name, version, release)); } else { mXPUSHs(newSVpvf("%s-%s-%s.%s", name, version, release, headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_SOURCERPM) ? arch : "src" )); } } else if (gimme == G_ARRAY) { EXTEND(SP, 4); mPUSHs(newSVpv(name, 0)); mPUSHs(newSVpv(version, 0)); mPUSHs(newSVpv(release, 0)); if (ix != 1) { if (!headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_SOURCERPM)) { mPUSHs(newSVpv("src", 0)); } else { mPUSHs(newSVpv(arch, 0)); } } } } int Header_issrc(h) Header h CODE: RETVAL = !headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_SOURCERPM); OUTPUT: RETVAL # Dependancies versions functions int Header_compare(h1, h2) Header h1 Header h2 CODE: RETVAL = rpmVersionCompare(h1, h2); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Header_dep(header, type, scaremem = O_SCAREMEM) Header header SV * type int scaremem PREINIT: rpmds ds; rpmTag tag; PPCODE: tag = sv2deptag(type); ds = rpmdsNew(header, tag, scaremem); ds = rpmdsInit(ds); if (ds != NULL) if (rpmdsNext(ds) >= 0) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmds, ds)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_rpmds, ds, ds->nrefs); #endif } void Header_files(header, scaremem = O_SCAREMEM) Header header int scaremem PREINIT: rpmfi Files = NULL; rpmts ts = NULL; /* NULL; setting this to NULL skip path relocation * maybe a good deal is Header::Files(header, Dep = NULL) */ PPCODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif Files = rpmfiNew(ts, header, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, scaremem); if (Files != NULL && (Files = rpmfiInit(Files, 0)) != NULL && rpmfiNext(Files) >= 0) { SPAGAIN; XPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(sv_newmortal(), bless_rpmfi, (void *)Files)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_rpmfi, Files, Files->nrefs); #endif } void Header_hchkdep(h1, h2, type) Header h1 Header h2 SV * type PREINIT: rpmds ds = NULL; rpmds pro = NULL; rpmTag tag; PPCODE: tag = sv2deptag(type); ds = rpmdsNew(h1, tag, SCAREMEM); pro = rpmdsNew(h2, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, SCAREMEM); #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG: Header::hchkdep %d: %s vs %s %p\n", tag, hGetNEVR(h1, NULL), hGetNEVR(h2, NULL), ds); #endif if (ds != NULL) { rpmdsInit(ds); while (rpmdsNext(ds) >= 0) { rpmdsInit(pro); while (rpmdsNext(pro) >= 0) { if (rpmdsCompare(ds,pro)) { mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmdsDNEVR(ds), 0)); #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG: Header::hchkdep match %s %s p in %s\n", rpmdsDNEVR(ds), rpmdsDNEVR(pro), hGetNEVR(h2, NULL)); #endif break; } } } } pro = rpmdsFree(pro); ds = rpmdsFree(ds); int Header_matchdep(header, Dep, sv_nopromote = NULL) Header header SV * sv_nopromote rpmds Dep PREINIT: int nopromote = 0; CODE: if (sv_nopromote != NULL) nopromote = SvIV(sv_nopromote); RETVAL = _header_vs_dep(header, Dep, nopromote); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Header_namematchdep(header, Dep, sv_nopromote = NULL) Header header rpmds Dep SV * sv_nopromote PREINIT: int nopromote = 0; CODE: if (sv_nopromote != NULL) nopromote = SvIV(sv_nopromote); RETVAL = _headername_vs_dep(header, Dep, nopromote); /* return 1 if match */ OUTPUT: RETVAL # DB functions MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4 int rpmdbinit(rootdir = NULL) char * rootdir PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); CODE: if (rootdir) rpmtsSetRootDir(ts, rootdir); /* rpm{db,ts}init is deprecated, we open a database with create flags * and close it */ /* 0 on success */ RETVAL = rpmtsInitDB(ts, 0644); ts = rpmtsFree(ts); OUTPUT: RETVAL int rpmdbverify(rootdir = NULL) char * rootdir PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); CODE: if (rootdir) rpmtsSetRootDir(ts, rootdir); /* 0 on success */ RETVAL = rpmtsVerifyDB(ts); ts = rpmtsFree(ts); OUTPUT: RETVAL int rpmdbrebuild(rootdir = NULL) char * rootdir PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); CODE: if (!rootdir) rootdir="/"; if (rootdir) { rpmtsSetRootDir(ts, rootdir); } /* 0 on success */ RETVAL = rpmtsRebuildDB(ts); ts = rpmtsFree(ts); OUTPUT: RETVAL #ifdef HHACK void emptydb() PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); PPCODE: mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmts, (void *)ts)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_rpmts, ts, ts->nrefs); #endif #endif void newdb(write = 0, rootdir = NULL) int write char * rootdir PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); PPCODE: if (rootdir) rpmtsSetRootDir(ts, rootdir); rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, RPMTRANS_FLAG_NONE); /* is O_CREAT a good idea here ? */ /* is the rpmtsOpenDB really need ? */ if (rpmtsOpenDB(ts, write ? O_RDWR | O_CREAT : O_RDONLY) == 0) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmts, (void *)ts)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_rpmts, ts, ts->nrefs); #endif } else { ts = rpmtsFree(ts); } MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4::Transaction PREFIX = Ts_ void Ts_new(perlclass, rootdir = NULL) char * perlclass char * rootdir PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); PPCODE: if (rootdir) rpmtsSetRootDir(ts, rootdir); mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), perlclass, (void *)ts)); void Ts_DESTROY(ts) rpmts ts CODE: #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_FREE(bless_rpmts, ts, ts->nrefs); #endif ts = rpmtsFree(ts); # Function to control RPM4::Transaction behaviour int Ts_vsflags(ts, sv_vsflags = NULL) rpmts ts SV * sv_vsflags PREINIT: rpmVSFlags vsflags; CODE: if (sv_vsflags != NULL) { vsflags = sv2vsflags(sv_vsflags); RETVAL = rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, vsflags); } else { RETVAL = rpmtsVSFlags(ts); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int Ts_transflag(ts, sv_transflag = NULL) rpmts ts SV * sv_transflag PREINIT: rpmtransFlags transflags; CODE: if (sv_transflag != NULL) { transflags = sv2transflags(sv_transflag); /* Take care to rpm config (userland) */ if (rpmExpandNumeric("%{?_repackage_all_erasures}")) transflags |= RPMTRANS_FLAG_REPACKAGE; RETVAL = rpmtsSetFlags(ts, transflags); } else { RETVAL = rpmtsFlags(ts); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int Ts_injectheader(db, header) rpmts db Header header PREINIT: CODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 croak("injectheader>rpmdbAdd exists only in rpm < 4.9; unused anyway"); #else rpmdb rdb; rdb = rpmtsGetRdb(db); RETVAL = rpmdbAdd(rdb, 0, header, db, NULL); #endif OUTPUT: RETVAL int Ts_deleteheader(db, sv_offset) rpmts db SV * sv_offset PREINIT: rpmdb rdb; unsigned int offset = 0; CODE: offset = SvUV(sv_offset); rdb = rpmtsGetRdb(db); if (offset) { #ifdef RPM4_9_0 croak("deleteheader exists only in rpm < 4.9; unused anyway"); RETVAL = 0; #else RETVAL = rpmdbRemove(rdb, 0, offset, db, NULL); #endif } else RETVAL = 1; OUTPUT: RETVAL int Ts_traverse(ts, callback = NULL, sv_tagname = NULL, sv_tagvalue = NULL, keylen = 0, sv_exclude = NULL) rpmts ts SV * callback SV * sv_tagname SV * sv_tagvalue SV * sv_exclude int keylen PREINIT: rpmTag tag; void * value = NULL; rpmdbMatchIterator mi; Header header; int rc = 1; int count = 0; int * exclude = NULL; AV * av_exclude; int i; CODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif #ifdef RPM4_9_0 ts = rpmtsLink(ts); #else ts = rpmtsLink(ts, "RPM4 Db::traverse()"); #endif if (sv_tagname == NULL || !SvOK(sv_tagname)) { tag = RPMDBI_PACKAGES; /* Assume search into installed packages */ } else { tag = sv2dbquerytag(sv_tagname); } if (sv_tagvalue != NULL && SvOK(sv_tagvalue)) { switch (tag) { case RPMDBI_PACKAGES: i = SvIV(sv_tagvalue); value = &i; keylen = sizeof(i); break; default: value = (void *) SvPV_nolen(sv_tagvalue); break; } } RETVAL = 0; if (tag >= 0) { mi = rpmtsInitIterator(ts, tag, value, keylen); if (sv_exclude != NULL && SvOK(sv_exclude) && SvTYPE(SvRV(sv_exclude)) == SVt_PVAV) { av_exclude = (AV*)SvRV(sv_exclude); exclude = malloc((av_len(av_exclude)+1) * sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i <= av_len(av_exclude); i++) { SV **isv = av_fetch(av_exclude, i, 0); exclude[i] = SvUV(*isv); } #ifdef RPM4_9_0 //FIXME: rpmtsPrunedIterator() is rpmlib internal only: //rpmtsPrunedIterator(ts, exclude, av_len(av_exclude) + 1); #else rpmdbPruneIterator(mi, exclude, av_len(av_exclude) + 1, 0); #endif } while (rc && ((header = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) != NULL)) { RETVAL++; if (callback != NULL && SvROK(callback)) { ENTER; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK(SP); mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, headerLink(header))); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_header, header, header->nrefs); #endif mXPUSHs(newSVuv(rpmdbGetIteratorOffset(mi))); PUTBACK; count = call_sv(callback, G_SCALAR); SPAGAIN; if (tag == RPMDBI_PACKAGES && value != NULL) { rc = 0; } else if (count == 1) { rc = POPi; } FREETMPS; LEAVE; } } if (exclude != NULL) free(exclude); rpmdbFreeIterator(mi); } else RETVAL = -1; ts = rpmtsFree(ts); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Ts_get_header(ts, off) rpmts ts int off PREINIT: rpmdbMatchIterator mi; Header header; PPCODE: mi = rpmtsInitIterator(ts, RPMDBI_PACKAGES, &off, sizeof(off)); if ((header = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) != NULL) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, headerLink(header))); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_header, header, header->nrefs); #endif } rpmdbFreeIterator(mi); int Ts_transadd(ts, header, key = NULL, upgrade = 1, sv_relocation = NULL, force = 0) rpmts ts Header header char * key int upgrade SV * sv_relocation int force PREINIT: rpmRelocation * relocations = NULL; HV * hv_relocation; HE * he_relocation; int i = 0; I32 len; CODE: if (key != NULL) key = strdup(key); /* Relocation settings */ if (sv_relocation && SvOK(sv_relocation) && !force) { /* if (! (headerGetEntry(eiu->h, RPMTAG_PREFIXES, &pft, (void **) &paths, &c) && (c == 1))) { */ if (! headerIsEntry(header, RPMTAG_PREFIXES)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("package %s is not relocatable\n"), ""); XPUSHi((IV)1); XSRETURN(1); } if (SvTYPE(sv_relocation) == SVt_PV) { /* String value, assume a prefix */ relocations = malloc(2 * sizeof(*relocations)); relocations[0].oldPath = NULL; relocations[0].newPath = SvPV_nolen(sv_relocation); relocations[1].oldPath = relocations[1].newPath = NULL; } else if (SvTYPE(SvRV(sv_relocation)) == SVt_PVHV) { hv_relocation = (HV*)SvRV(sv_relocation); hv_iterinit(hv_relocation); while ((he_relocation = hv_iternext(hv_relocation)) != NULL) { relocations = realloc(relocations, sizeof(*relocations) * (++i)); relocations[i-1].oldPath = NULL; relocations[i-1].newPath = NULL; relocations[i-1].oldPath = hv_iterkey(he_relocation, &len); relocations[i-1].newPath = SvPV_nolen(hv_iterval(hv_relocation, he_relocation)); } /* latest relocation is identify by NULL setting */ relocations = realloc(relocations, sizeof(*relocations) * (++i)); relocations[i-1].oldPath = relocations[i-1].newPath = NULL; } else { croak("latest argument is set but is not an array ref or a string"); } } /* TODO fnpyKey: another value can be use... */ RETVAL = rpmtsAddInstallElement(ts, header, (fnpyKey) key, upgrade, relocations); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Ts_transremove(ts, recOffset, header = NULL) rpmts ts int recOffset Header header PREINIT: rpmdbMatchIterator mi; CODE: RETVAL = 0; if (header != NULL) { /* reprofit Db_traverse */ rpmtsAddEraseElement(ts, header, recOffset); } else { mi = rpmtsInitIterator(ts, RPMDBI_PACKAGES, &recOffset, sizeof(recOffset)); if ((header = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) != NULL) { #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG: Db::transremove(h, o) H: %p Off:%u\n", header, recOffset); #endif rpmtsAddEraseElement(ts, header, recOffset); RETVAL = 1; } rpmdbFreeIterator(mi); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int Ts_transremove_pkg(ts, N_evr) rpmts ts char * N_evr PREINIT: rpmdbMatchIterator mi; Header header; int recOffset; CODE: RETVAL = 0; /* N_evr is not NEVR but N(EVR), with RPMDBI_LABEL * I want to find another way to exactly match a header * For more flexible function, check Db_traverse / Db_transremove */ mi = rpmtsInitIterator(ts, RPMDBI_LABEL, N_evr, 0); while ((header = rpmdbNextIterator(mi))) { recOffset = rpmdbGetIteratorOffset(mi); #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG: Db::transremove(Name) N: %s H: %p Off:%u\n", N_evr, header, recOffset); #endif if (recOffset != 0) { rpmtsAddEraseElement(ts, header, recOffset); RETVAL ++; } } rpmdbFreeIterator(mi); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Ts_traverse_transaction(ts, callback, type = 0) rpmts ts SV * callback int type PREINIT: rpmtsi pi; rpmte Te; CODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 ts = rpmtsLink(ts); #else ts = rpmtsLink(ts, "RPM4 Db::traverse_transaction()"); #endif pi = rpmtsiInit(ts); RETVAL = 0; while ((Te = rpmtsiNext(pi, type)) != NULL) { RETVAL++; if (callback != NULL && SvROK(callback)) { ENTER; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK(SP); #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), "RPM4::Db::Te", Te)); PUTBACK; call_sv(callback, G_DISCARD | G_SCALAR); SPAGAIN; FREETMPS; LEAVE; } } pi = rpmtsiFree(pi); ts = rpmtsFree(ts); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Ts_transcheck(ts) rpmts ts CODE: RETVAL = rpmtsCheck(ts); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Ts_transorder(ts) rpmts ts CODE: RETVAL = rpmtsOrder(ts); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Ts_transclean(ts) rpmts ts PPCODE: rpmtsClean(ts); int Ts_transrun(ts, callback, ...) rpmts ts SV * callback PREINIT: int i; rpmprobFilterFlags probFilter = RPMPROB_FILTER_NONE; rpmInstallFlags install_flags = INSTALL_NONE; rpmps ps; CODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 ts = rpmtsLink(ts); #else ts = rpmtsLink(ts, "RPM4 Db::transrun()"); #endif if (!SvOK(callback)) { /* undef value */ rpmtsSetNotifyCallback(ts, rpmShowProgress, (void *) ((long) INSTALL_LABEL | INSTALL_HASH | INSTALL_UPGRADE)); } else if (SvTYPE(SvRV(callback)) == SVt_PVCV) { /* ref sub */ rpmtsSetNotifyCallback(ts, transCallback, (void *) callback); } else if (SvTYPE(SvRV(callback)) == SVt_PVAV) { /* array ref */ install_flags = sv2constant(callback, "rpminstallinterfaceflags"); rpmtsSetNotifyCallback(ts, rpmShowProgress, (void *) ((long) install_flags)); } else { croak("Wrong parameter given"); } for (i = 2; i < items; i++) probFilter |= sv2constant(ST(i), "rpmprobfilterflags"); ps = rpmtsProblems(ts); RETVAL = rpmtsRun(ts, ps, probFilter); ps = rpmpsFree(ps); ts = rpmtsFree(ts); OUTPUT: RETVAL # get from transaction a problem set void Ts__transpbs(ts) rpmts ts PREINIT: rpmps ps; PPCODE: ps = rpmtsProblems(ts); if (ps && rpmpsNumProblems(ps)) /* if no problem, return undef */ mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmps, ps)); int Ts_importpubkey(ts, filename) rpmts ts char * filename PREINIT: uint8_t *pkt = NULL; size_t pktlen = 0; int rc; CODE: rpmtsClean(ts); if ((rc = pgpReadPkts(filename, (uint8_t ** ) &pkt, &pktlen)) <= 0) { RETVAL = 1; } else if (rc != PGPARMOR_PUBKEY) { RETVAL = 1; } else if (rpmtsImportPubkey(ts, pkt, pktlen) != RPMRC_OK) { RETVAL = 1; } else { RETVAL = 0; } free(pkt); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Ts_checkrpm(ts, filename, sv_vsflags = NULL) rpmts ts char * filename SV * sv_vsflags PREINIT: rpmVSFlags vsflags = RPMVSF_DEFAULT; rpmVSFlags oldvsflags = RPMVSF_DEFAULT; PPCODE: oldvsflags = rpmtsVSFlags(ts); /* keep track of old settings */ if (sv_vsflags != NULL) { vsflags = sv2vsflags(sv_vsflags); rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, vsflags); } PUTBACK; _rpm2header(ts, filename, 1); /* Rpmread header is not the most usefull, * but no other function in rpmlib allow this :( */ SPAGAIN; rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, oldvsflags); /* resetting in case of change */ void Ts_transreset(ts) rpmts ts PPCODE: rpmtsEmpty(ts); # Remaping function: # RPM4::rpm2header(filename); # Reusing existing RPM4::Db void Ts_rpm2header(ts, filename) rpmts ts char * filename PPCODE: _rpm2header(ts, filename, 0); SPAGAIN; # RPM4::Spec::specbuild([ buildflags ]); Reusing existing RPM4::Db int Ts_specbuild(ts, spec, sv_buildflags) rpmts ts rpmSpec spec SV * sv_buildflags CODE: RETVAL = _specbuild(ts, spec, sv_buildflags); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Ts_installsrpm(ts, filename) rpmts ts char * filename PPCODE: PUTBACK; _installsrpms(ts, filename); SPAGAIN; MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4::Db::Te PREFIX = Te_ void Te_DESTROY(Te) rpmte Te CODE: #ifdef HDRPMMEM /* PRINTF_FREE(RPM4::Db::Te, -1); */ #endif /* Don't do that ! * Te = rpmteFree(Te); */ int Te_type(Te) rpmte Te CODE: RETVAL = rpmteType(Te); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Te_name(Te) rpmte Te PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteN(Te), 0)); void Te_version(Te) rpmte Te PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteV(Te), 0)); void Te_release(Te) rpmte Te PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteR(Te), 0)); void Te_epoch(Te) rpmte Te PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteE(Te), 0)); void Te_arch(Te) rpmte Te PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteA(Te), 0)); void Te_os(Te) rpmte Te PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteO(Te), 0)); void Te_fullname(Te) rpmte Te PREINIT: I32 gimme = GIMME_V; PPCODE: if (gimme == G_SCALAR) { mXPUSHs(newSVpvf("%s-%s-%s.%s", rpmteN(Te), rpmteV(Te), rpmteR(Te), rpmteA(Te))); } else { mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteN(Te), 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteV(Te), 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteR(Te), 0)); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmteA(Te), 0)); } void Te_size(Te) rpmte Te PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVuv(rpmtePkgFileSize(Te))); void Te_dep(Te, type) rpmte Te SV * type PREINIT: rpmds ds; rpmTag tag; PPCODE: tag = sv2deptag(type); ds = rpmteDS(Te, tag); if (ds != NULL) if (rpmdsNext(ds) >= 0) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmds, ds)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_rpmds, ds, ds->nrefs); #endif } void Te_files(Te) rpmte Te PREINIT: rpmfi Files; PPCODE: Files = rpmteFI(Te); if ((Files = rpmfiInit(Files, 0)) != NULL && rpmfiNext(Files) >= 0) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmfi, Files)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_rpmfi, Files, Files->nrefs); #endif } MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4 # Return a new Dep object void newdep(sv_depTag, Name, sv_sense = NULL, sv_evr = NULL) SV * sv_depTag char * Name SV * sv_evr SV * sv_sense PPCODE: PUTBACK; _newdep(sv_depTag, Name, sv_sense, sv_evr); SPAGAIN; void rpmlibdep() PREINIT: rpmds Dep = NULL; rpmds next; const char ** provNames; int * provFlags; const char ** provVersions; int num = 0; int i; PPCODE: #if 0 num = rpmGetRpmlibProvides(&provNames, &provFlags, &provVersions); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "HDEBUG: rpmlibdep %s %s %d\n", provNames[i], provVersions[i], provFlags[i]); #endif next = rpmdsSingle(RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, provNames[i], provVersions[i], provFlags[i]); rpmdsMerge(&Dep, next); next = rpmdsFree(next); } if (Dep != NULL) { Dep = rpmdsInit(Dep); if (rpmdsNext(Dep) >= 0) { mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmds, Dep)); #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_NEW(bless_rpmds, Dep, Dep->nrefs); #endif } } #else if (!rpmdsRpmlib(&Dep, NULL)) mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmds, Dep)); #endif void rpmsysinfodep(sysinfofile = NULL) char * sysinfofile PREINIT: PPCODE: croak("rpmsysinfodep exists only in rpm5; unused anyway"); void rpmgetconfdep(path = NULL) char * path PREINIT: PPCODE: croak("rpmgetconfdep exists only in rpm5; unused anyway"); void rpmcpuinfodep(path = NULL) char * path PREINIT: PPCODE: croak("rpmcpuinfodep exists only in rpm5; unused anyway"); void rpmunamedep() PREINIT: PPCODE: croak("rpmunamedep exists only in rpm5; unused anyway"); void rpmpipedep(cmd, tag = 0) char * cmd int tag PREINIT: PPCODE: MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4::Header::Dependencies PREFIX = Dep_ void Dep_newsingle(perlclass, sv_tag, name, sv_sense = NULL, sv_evr = NULL) char * perlclass SV * sv_tag char * name SV * sv_sense SV * sv_evr PPCODE: PUTBACK; _newdep(sv_tag, name, sv_sense, sv_evr); SPAGAIN; void Dep_DESTROY(Dep) rpmds Dep CODE: #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_FREE(bless_rpmds, Dep, Dep->nrefs); #endif Dep = rpmdsFree(Dep); int Dep_count(Dep) rpmds Dep CODE: RETVAL = rpmdsCount(Dep); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Dep_move(Dep, index = 0) rpmds Dep int index CODE: if (index == -1) /* -1 do nothing and give actual index */ RETVAL = rpmdsIx(Dep); else RETVAL = rpmdsSetIx(Dep, index); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Dep_init(Dep) rpmds Dep CODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif rpmdsInit(Dep); int Dep_next(Dep) rpmds Dep CODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif RETVAL = rpmdsNext(Dep); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Dep_hasnext(Dep) rpmds Dep CODE: RETVAL = rpmdsNext(Dep) > -1; OUTPUT: RETVAL int Dep_color(Dep) rpmds Dep CODE: RETVAL = rpmdsColor(Dep); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Dep_find(Dep, depb) rpmds Dep rpmds depb CODE: RETVAL = rpmdsFind(Dep, depb); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Dep_merge(Dep, depb) rpmds Dep rpmds depb CODE: RETVAL = rpmdsMerge(&Dep, depb); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Dep_overlap(Dep1, Dep2) rpmds Dep1 rpmds Dep2 CODE: CHECK_RPMDS_IX(Dep1); CHECK_RPMDS_IX(Dep2); RETVAL = rpmdsCompare(Dep1, Dep2); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Dep_info(Dep) rpmds Dep PREINIT: rpmsenseFlags flag; I32 gimme = GIMME_V; PPCODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif CHECK_RPMDS_IX(Dep); if (gimme == G_SCALAR) { mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmdsDNEVR(Dep), 0)); } else { switch (rpmdsTagN(Dep)) { case RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME: mXPUSHs(newSVpv("P", 0)); break; case RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME: mXPUSHs(newSVpv("R", 0)); break; case RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME: mXPUSHs(newSVpv("C", 0)); break; case RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME: mXPUSHs(newSVpv("O", 0)); break; case RPMTAG_TRIGGERNAME: mXPUSHs(newSVpv("T", 0)); break; default: break; } mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmdsN(Dep), 0)); flag = rpmdsFlags(Dep); mXPUSHs(newSVpvf("%s%s%s", flag & RPMSENSE_LESS ? "<" : "", flag & RPMSENSE_GREATER ? ">" : "", flag & RPMSENSE_EQUAL ? "=" : "")); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmdsEVR(Dep), 0)); } void Dep_tag(Dep) rpmds Dep PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmdsTagN(Dep))); void Dep_name(Dep) rpmds Dep PPCODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif CHECK_RPMDS_IX(Dep); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmdsN(Dep), 0)); void Dep_flags(Dep) rpmds Dep PPCODE: CHECK_RPMDS_IX(Dep); mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmdsFlags(Dep))); void Dep_evr(Dep) rpmds Dep PPCODE: CHECK_RPMDS_IX(Dep); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmdsEVR(Dep), 0)); int Dep_nopromote(Dep, sv_nopromote = NULL) rpmds Dep SV * sv_nopromote CODE: if (sv_nopromote == NULL) { RETVAL = rpmdsNoPromote(Dep); } else { RETVAL = rpmdsSetNoPromote(Dep, SvIV(sv_nopromote)); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int Dep_add(Dep, name, sv_sense = NULL, sv_evr = NULL) rpmds Dep char * name SV * sv_evr SV * sv_sense PREINIT: rpmsenseFlags sense = RPMSENSE_ANY; rpmds Deptoadd; char * evr = NULL; CODE: RETVAL = 0; if (sv_sense && SvOK(sv_sense)) sense = sv2sens(sv_sense); if (sv_evr && SvOK(sv_evr)) evr = SvPV_nolen(sv_evr); Deptoadd = rpmdsSingle(rpmdsTagN(Dep), name, evr ? evr : "", sense); if (Deptoadd) { rpmdsMerge(&Dep, Deptoadd); Deptoadd = rpmdsFree(Deptoadd); RETVAL = 1; } OUTPUT: RETVAL int Dep_matchheader(Dep, header, sv_nopromote = NULL) Header header SV * sv_nopromote rpmds Dep PREINIT: int nopromote = 0; CODE: if (sv_nopromote != NULL) nopromote = SvIV(sv_nopromote); RETVAL = _header_vs_dep(header, Dep, nopromote); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Dep_matchheadername(Dep, header, sv_nopromote = NULL) rpmds Dep Header header SV * sv_nopromote PREINIT: int nopromote = 0; CODE: if (sv_nopromote != NULL) nopromote = SvIV(sv_nopromote); RETVAL = _headername_vs_dep(header, Dep, nopromote); OUTPUT: RETVAL MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4::Header::Files PREFIX = Files_ void Files_DESTROY(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_FREE(bless_rpmfi, Files, Files->nrefs); #endif Files = rpmfiFree(Files); int Files_compare(Files, Fb) rpmfi Files rpmfi Fb CODE: RETVAL = rpmfiCompare(Files, Fb); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Files_move(Files, index = 0) rpmfi Files; int index PREINIT: int i; CODE: index ++; /* keeping same behaviour than Header::Dep */ rpmfiInit(Files, 0); RETVAL = 0; for (i=-1; i < index && (RETVAL = rpmfiNext(Files)) >= 0; i++) {} if (RETVAL == -1) { rpmfiInit(Files, 0); rpmfiNext(Files); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int Files_count(Files) rpmfi Files CODE: RETVAL = rpmfiFC(Files); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Files_countdir(Files) rpmfi Files CODE: RETVAL = rpmfiDC(Files); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Files_init(Files) rpmfi Files CODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif rpmfiInit(Files, 0); void Files_initdir(Files) rpmfi Files CODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif rpmfiInitD(Files, 0); int Files_next(Files) rpmfi Files CODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif RETVAL = rpmfiNext(Files); OUTPUT: RETVAL int Files_hasnext(Files) rpmfi Files CODE: RETVAL = rpmfiNext(Files) > -1; OUTPUT: RETVAL int Files_nextdir(Files) rpmfi Files CODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; #endif RETVAL = rpmfiNextD(Files); OUTPUT: RETVAL void Files_filename(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: #ifdef HDLISTDEBUG PRINTF_CALL; fprintf(stderr, "File %s", rpmfiFN(Files)); #endif mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmfiFN(Files), 0)); void Files_dirname(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmfiDN(Files), 0)); void Files_basename(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmfiBN(Files), 0)); void Files_fflags(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmfiFFlags(Files))); void Files_mode(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVuv(rpmfiFMode(Files))); void Files_md5(Files) rpmfi Files PREINIT: const char * md5; PPCODE: if ((md5 = rpmfiFDigestHex(Files, NULL) ) != NULL && *md5 != 0 /* return undef if empty */) { mXPUSHs(newSVpv(md5, 0)); } void Files_link(Files) rpmfi Files PREINIT: const char * link; PPCODE: if ((link = rpmfiFLink(Files)) != NULL && *link != 0 /* return undef if empty */) { mXPUSHs(newSVpv(link, 0)); } void Files_user(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmfiFUser(Files), 0)); void Files_group(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmfiFGroup(Files), 0)); void Files_inode(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmfiFInode(Files))); void Files_size(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmfiFSize(Files))); void Files_dev(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmfiFRdev(Files))); void Files_color(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmfiFColor(Files))); void Files_class(Files) rpmfi Files PREINIT: const char * class; PPCODE: if ((class = rpmfiFClass(Files)) != NULL) mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmfiFClass(Files), 0)); void Files_mtime(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmfiFMtime(Files))); void Files_nlink(Files) rpmfi Files PPCODE: mXPUSHs(newSViv(rpmfiFNlink(Files))); MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4 void newspec(filename = NULL, passphrase = NULL, rootdir = NULL, cookies = NULL, anyarch = NULL, force = NULL, verify = NULL) char * filename SV * passphrase SV * rootdir SV * cookies SV * anyarch SV * force SV * verify PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); PPCODE: PUTBACK; _newspec(ts, filename, passphrase, rootdir, cookies, anyarch, force, verify); ts = rpmtsFree(ts); SPAGAIN; MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4::Spec PREFIX = Spec_ void Spec_new(perlclass, specfile = NULL, ...) char * perlclass char * specfile PREINIT: rpmts ts = NULL; SV * passphrase = NULL; SV * rootdir = NULL; SV * cookies = NULL; SV * anyarch = 0; SV * force = 0; SV * verify = 0; int i; PPCODE: for(i=2; i < items; i++) { if(strcmp(SvPV_nolen(ST(i)), "transaction") == 0) { i++; if (sv_isobject(ST(i)) && (SvTYPE(SvRV(ST(i))) == SVt_PVMG)) { ts = (rpmts)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(ST(i))); #ifdef RPM4_9_0 ts = rpmtsLink(ts); #else ts = rpmtsLink(ts, bless_spec); #endif } else { croak( "transaction is not a blessed SV reference" ); XSRETURN_UNDEF; } } else if (strcmp(SvPV_nolen(ST(i)), "force") == 0) { i++; force = ST(i); } else if (strcmp(SvPV_nolen(ST(i)), "verify") == 0) { i++; verify = ST(i); } else if (strcmp(SvPV_nolen(ST(i)), "anyarch") == 0) { i++; anyarch = ST(i); } else if (strcmp(SvPV_nolen(ST(i)), "passphrase") == 0) { i++; passphrase = ST(i); } else if (strcmp(SvPV_nolen(ST(i)), "root") == 0) { i++; rootdir = ST(i); } else { warn("Unknown value in " bless_spec "->new, ignored"); i++; } } if (!ts) ts = rpmtsCreate(); PUTBACK; _newspec(ts, specfile, passphrase, rootdir, cookies, anyarch, force, verify); SPAGAIN; ts = rpmtsFree(ts); void Spec_DESTROY(spec) rpmSpec spec CODE: #ifdef HDRPMMEM PRINTF_FREE(bless_spec, spec, -1); #endif #ifdef RPM4_9_0 rpmSpecFree(spec); #else freeSpec(spec); #endif void Spec_srcheader(spec) rpmSpec spec PPCODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 Header header = rpmSpecSourceHeader(spec); mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, (void *)headerLink(header))); #else if ( ! spec->sourceHeader) initSourceHeader(spec); mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, (void *)headerLink(spec->sourceHeader))); #endif void Spec_binheader(spec) rpmSpec spec PREINIT: Package pkg; PPCODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 rpmSpecPkgIter iter = rpmSpecPkgIterInit(spec); while ((pkg = rpmSpecPkgIterNext(iter)) != NULL) mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, (void *)headerLink(rpmSpecPkgHeader(pkg)))); #else for (pkg = spec->packages; pkg != NULL; pkg = pkg->next) mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_header, (void *)headerLink(pkg->header))); #endif void Spec_srcrpm(spec) rpmSpec spec PREINIT: const char *name, *version, *release; Header header = NULL; PPCODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 header = rpmSpecSourceHeader(spec); #else header = spec->packages->header; #endif name = get_name(header, RPMTAG_NAME); version = get_name(header, RPMTAG_VERSION); release = get_name(header, RPMTAG_RELEASE); mXPUSHs(newSVpvf("%s/%s-%s-%s.%ssrc.rpm", rpmGetPath("%{_srcrpmdir}", NULL), name, version, release, // FIXME: we basically want genSourceRpmName() which is internal :-( "" //spec->noSource ? "no" : "" )); void Spec_binrpm(spec) rpmSpec spec PREINIT: Package pkg; char * binFormat; char * binRpm; char * path; Header header; PPCODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 rpmSpecPkgIter iter = rpmSpecPkgIterInit(spec); while ((pkg = rpmSpecPkgIterNext(iter)) != NULL) { #else for(pkg = spec->packages; pkg != NULL; pkg = pkg->next) { if (pkg->fileList == NULL) continue; #endif /* headerCopyTags(h, pkg->header, copyTags); */ binFormat = rpmGetPath("%{_rpmfilename}", NULL); #ifdef RPM4_9_0 header = rpmSpecSourceHeader(spec); #else header = pkg->header; #endif binRpm = headerFormat(header, binFormat, NULL); free(binFormat); path = rpmGetPath("%{_rpmdir}/", binRpm, NULL); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(path, 0)); free(path); free(binRpm); } void Spec_check(spec, ts = NULL) rpmSpec spec PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); rpmps ps; PPCODE: PUTBACK; if (ts) #ifdef RPM4_9_0 ts = rpmtsLink(ts); #else ts = rpmtsLink(ts, "Spec_check"); #endif else ts = rpmtsCreate(); #ifndef RPM4_9_0 if ( ! spec->sourceHeader) initSourceHeader(spec); #endif #ifdef RPM4_9_0 Header header = rpmSpecSourceHeader(spec); #else Header header = spec->sourceHeader; #endif if (!headerIsEntry(header, RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME) && !headerIsEntry(header, RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME)) /* XSRETURN_UNDEF; */ return; (void) rpmtsAddInstallElement(ts, header, NULL, 0, NULL); if(rpmtsCheck(ts)) croak("Can't check rpmts"); /* any better idea ? */ ps = rpmtsProblems(ts); if (ps && rpmpsNumProblems(ps)) /* if no problem, return undef */ mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmps, ps)); ts = rpmtsFree(ts); SPAGAIN; int Spec_build(spec, sv_buildflags) rpmSpec spec SV * sv_buildflags PREINIT: rpmts ts = rpmtsCreate(); CODE: RETVAL = _specbuild(ts, spec, sv_buildflags); ts = rpmtsFree(ts); OUTPUT: RETVAL const char * Spec_specfile(spec) rpmSpec spec CODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 croak("specfile exists only in rpm < 4.9; unused anyway"); #else RETVAL = spec->specFile; #endif OUTPUT: RETVAL void Spec_sources(spec, is = 0) rpmSpec spec int is PREINIT: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 rpmSpecSrc srcPtr; #else struct Source * srcPtr; #endif PPCODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 rpmSpecSrcIter iter = rpmSpecSrcIterInit(spec); while ((srcPtr = rpmSpecSrcIterNext(iter)) != NULL) { if (is && !(rpmSpecSrcFlags(srcPtr) & is)) continue; mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmSpecSrcFilename(srcPtr, 0), 0)); } #else for (srcPtr = spec->sources; srcPtr != NULL; srcPtr = srcPtr->next) { if (is && !(srcPtr->flags & is)) continue; mXPUSHs(newSVpv(srcPtr->source, 0)); } #endif void Spec_sources_url(spec, is = 0) rpmSpec spec int is PREINIT: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 rpmSpecSrc srcPtr; #else struct Source * srcPtr; #endif PPCODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 rpmSpecSrcIter iter = rpmSpecSrcIterInit(spec); while ((srcPtr = rpmSpecSrcIterNext(iter)) != NULL) { if (is && !(rpmSpecSrcFlags(srcPtr) & is)) continue; mXPUSHs(newSVpv(rpmSpecSrcFilename(srcPtr, 1), 0)); } #else for (srcPtr = spec->sources; srcPtr != NULL; srcPtr = srcPtr->next) { if (is && !(srcPtr->flags & is)) continue; mXPUSHs(newSVpv(srcPtr->fullSource, 0)); } #endif void Spec_icon(spec) rpmSpec spec PREINIT: Package pkg; PPCODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 croak("icon exists only in rpm < 4.9; unused anyway"); #else for (pkg = spec->packages; pkg != NULL; pkg = pkg->next) { char * dest = NULL; int len; if (!pkg->icon) continue; len = strlen(pkg->icon->source); dest = malloc(len); memcpy(dest, pkg->icon->source, len); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(dest, len)); } #endif void Spec_icon_url(spec) rpmSpec spec PREINIT: Package pkg; PPCODE: #ifdef RPM4_9_0 croak("icon_url exists only in rpm < 4.9; unused anyway; unused anyway"); #else for (pkg = spec->packages; pkg != NULL; pkg = pkg->next) { char * dest = NULL; int len; if (!pkg->icon) continue; len = strlen(pkg->icon->fullSource); dest = malloc(len); memcpy(dest, pkg->icon->fullSource, len); mXPUSHs(newSVpv(dest, len)); } #endif MODULE = RPM4 PACKAGE = RPM4::Db::_Problems PREFIX = ps_ void ps_new(perlclass, ts) char * perlclass rpmts ts PREINIT: rpmps ps; PPCODE: ps = rpmtsProblems(ts); if (ps && rpmpsNumProblems(ps)) /* if no problem, return undef */ mXPUSHs(sv_setref_pv(newSVpvs(""), bless_rpmps, ps)); void ps_DESTROY(ps) rpmps ps PPCODE: ps = rpmpsFree(ps); int ps_count(ps) rpmps ps CODE: RETVAL = rpmpsNumProblems(ps); OUTPUT: RETVAL void ps_print(ps, fp) rpmps ps FILE *fp PPCODE: rpmpsPrint(fp, ps); int ps_isignore(ps, numpb) rpmps ps int numpb PREINIT: CODE: RETVAL = 0; /* ignoreProblem is obsolete and always false */ OUTPUT: RETVAL const char * ps_fmtpb(ps, numpb) rpmps ps int numpb PREINIT: rpmProblem p; int i; CODE: rpmpsi psi = rpmpsInitIterator(ps); for (i = 0; i <= numpb; i++) if (rpmpsNextIterator(psi) < 0) break; p = rpmpsGetProblem(psi); if (p) RETVAL = rpmProblemString(p); else { RETVAL = NULL; } OUTPUT: RETVAL