" Mandrakelinux configuration. " Rafael Garcia-Suarez " Don't set vi-compatibility set nocp " Syntax highlighting only for vim-enhanced if has("syntax") syntax on endif " I know it's horrible for a vi master but useful for newbies. imap I imap A map w imap w cmap " Some macros to manage the buffer of vim map :bp map :bn map :bd " Default backspace like normal set bs=2 " Terminal for 80 char ? so vim can play till 79 char. "set textwidth=79 " Some options deactivated by default (remove the "no" to enable them) set nobackup set nohlsearch set noincsearch " Always display a status-bar " set laststatus=2 " Show the position of the cursor set ruler " Uncomment this to disable wrap "set nowrap " Show matching parentheses set showmatch " Make % work with <> set mps+=<:>