open Types open Common open Printf open Config_file open Parser_helper type special_export = Re_export_all | Fake_export_all type exports = { export_ok : (context * string) list ; export_auto : (context * string) list ; export_tags : (string * (context * string) list) list ; special_export : special_export option ; } type uses = (string * ((context * string) list option * pos)) list type per_package = { file_name : string ; package_name : string ; has_package_name : bool ; vars_declared : (context * string, pos * bool ref) Hashtbl.t ; imported : ((context * string) * (string * bool ref)) list option ref ; exports : exports ; uses : uses ; required_packages : (string * pos) list ; body : fromparser list ; isa : (string * pos) list option ; lines_starts : int list ; build_time : int ; from_cache : bool ; from_basedir : bool ; } let anonymous_package_count = ref 0 let empty_exports = { export_ok = []; export_auto = []; export_tags = []; special_export = None } let use_lib = ref (readlines (Unix.open_process_in "perl -le 'print foreach @INC'")) let ignore_package pkg = if !Flags.verbose then print_endline_flush ("ignoring package " ^ pkg); lpush ignored_packages pkg let die_with_pos pos msg = failwith (Info.pos2sfull pos ^ msg) let warn_with_pos pos msg = print_endline_flush (Info.pos2sfull pos ^ msg) let s2context s = match s.[0] with | '$' -> I_scalar, skip_n_char 1 s | '%' -> I_hash , skip_n_char 1 s | '@' -> I_array , skip_n_char 1 s | '&' -> I_func , skip_n_char 1 s | '*' -> I_star , skip_n_char 1 s | _ -> I_raw, s let get_current_package t = match t with | Package(Ident _ as ident) :: body -> let rec bundled_packages packages current_package found_body = function | [] -> (Some current_package, List.rev found_body) :: packages | Package(Ident _ as ident) :: body -> let packages = (Some current_package, List.rev found_body) :: packages in bundled_packages packages (string_of_Ident ident) [] body | instr :: body -> bundled_packages packages current_package (instr :: found_body) body in bundled_packages [] (string_of_Ident ident) [] body | _ -> if str_ends_with !Info.current_file ".pm" then warn_with_pos (!Info.current_file, 0, 0) (sprintf "module %s does not have \"package xxxx;\" on its first line" !Info.current_file) ; [ None, t ] let from_qw_raw = function | Call_op("qw", [ Raw_string(s, pos)], _) -> (fun symbol -> symbol, pos) (words s) | String(_, pos) -> warn_with_pos pos "not recognised yet" ; [] | Raw_string(s, pos) -> [ s, pos ] | _ -> internal_error "from_qw_raw" let from_qw e = (fun (s, pos) -> let context, s' = s2context s in let context = match context with | I_raw -> if s'.[0] = ':' then I_raw else I_func | I_func -> warn_with_pos pos "weird, exported name with a function context especially given"; I_func | _ -> context in context, s' ) (from_qw_raw e) let get_exported t = List.fold_left (fun exports e -> match e with | List [ Call_op("=", [ Deref(I_array, Ident(None, "EXPORT", _)); Call _ ], pos) ] | List [ Call_op("=", [ My_our("our", [(I_array, "EXPORT")], _); Call _ ], pos) ] -> if exports.special_export = None then warn_with_pos pos "unrecognised @EXPORT" ; exports | List [ Call_op("=", [ Deref(I_array, Ident(None, "EXPORT", _)); v ], pos)] | List [ Call_op("=", [ My_our("our", [(I_array, "EXPORT")], _); v ], pos)] -> if exports.export_auto <> [] then warn_with_pos pos "weird, @EXPORT set twice" ; { exports with export_auto = from_qw v } | Perl_checker_comment("RE-EXPORT-ALL", _) -> { exports with special_export = Some Re_export_all } | Perl_checker_comment("EXPORT-ALL", _) -> { exports with special_export = Some Fake_export_all } | List [ Call_op("=", [ Deref(I_array, Ident(None, "EXPORT_OK", _)); v ], pos)] | List [ Call_op("=", [ My_our("our", [(I_array, "EXPORT_OK")], _); v ], pos)] -> if exports.export_ok <> [] then warn_with_pos pos "weird, @EXPORT_OK set twice" ; (match v with | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "map", _)), [ Anonymous_sub(Block [List [Deref(I_array, Deref(I_scalar, Ident (None, "_", _)))]], _); Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "values", _)), [ Deref(I_hash, Ident(None, "EXPORT_TAGS", _))])]) -> { exports with export_ok = collect snd exports.export_tags } | _ -> { exports with export_ok = from_qw v }) | List [ Call_op("=", [ Deref(I_hash, Ident(None, "EXPORT_TAGS", _)); v ], pos)] | List [ Call_op("=", [ My_our("our", [(I_hash, "EXPORT_TAGS")], _); v ], pos)] -> (try let export_tags = match v with | List [ List l ] -> (function | Raw_string(tag, _), Ref(I_array, List [List [v]]) -> let para = match v with | Deref(I_array, Ident(None, "EXPORT_OK", _)) -> exports.export_ok | _ -> from_qw v in ":" ^ tag, para | _ -> raise Not_found ) (group_by_2 l) | _ -> raise Not_found in if exports.export_tags <> [] then warn_with_pos pos "weird, %EXPORT_TAGS set twice" ; { exports with export_tags = export_tags } with _ -> warn_with_pos pos "unrecognised %EXPORT_TAGS" ; exports) (* $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [ map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS ]; *) | List [Call_op("=", [ Deref_with(I_hash, I_scalar, Ident(None, "EXPORT_TAGS", _), Raw_string("all", _)); Ref(I_array, List[List[ Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "map", _)), [Anonymous_sub(Block [List [Deref(I_array, Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)))]], _); Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "values", _)), [Deref(I_hash, Ident(None, "EXPORT_TAGS", _))])]) ]]) ], _)] -> { exports with export_tags = (":all", collect snd exports.export_tags) :: exports.export_tags } | List (My_our _ :: _) -> let _,_ = e,e in exports | _ -> exports ) empty_exports t let uses_external_package = function | "vars" | "MDK::Common::Globals" | "Exporter" | "diagnostics" | "strict" | "lib" | "POSIX" | "Gtk" | "Storable" | "Config" | "Socket" | "IO::Socket" | "DynaLoader" | "Data::Dumper" | "Time::localtime" | "Expect" -> true | _ -> false let get_uses t = List.fold_left (fun uses e -> match e with | Use(Ident(None, "lib", _), [libs]) -> use_lib := snd (from_qw libs) @ !use_lib ; uses | Use(Ident _ as pkg, _) when uses_external_package (string_of_Ident pkg) -> uses | Use(Ident(_, _, pos) as ident, l) -> let package = string_of_Ident ident in let para = if l = [] then None else Some(from_qw (List.hd l)) in (package, (para, pos)) :: uses | _ -> uses ) [] t let get_isa t = List.fold_left (fun (isa, exporter) e -> match e with | List [ Call_op("=", [ Deref(I_array, Ident(None, "ISA", pos)) ; classes ], _) ] | List [ Call_op("=", [ My_our("our", [ I_array, "ISA" ], pos) ; classes ], _) ] -> if isa <> None || exporter <> None then die_with_pos pos "@ISA set twice"; let special, l = List.partition (fun (s, _) -> s = "DynaLoader" || s = "Exporter") (from_qw_raw classes) in let exporter = if List.mem_assoc "Exporter" special then Some pos else None in let isa = if l = [] && special <> [] then None else Some l in isa, exporter | _ -> isa, exporter ) (None, None) t let read_xs_extension_from_c global_vars_declared package pos = try let cfile = Filename.chop_extension package.file_name ^ ".c" in let prefix = "newXS(\"" ^ package.package_name ^ "::" in ignore (fold_lines (fun in_bootstrap s -> if in_bootstrap then (try let offset = strstr s prefix + String.length prefix in let end_ = String.index_from s offset '"' in let ident = String.sub s offset (end_ - offset) in match split_name_or_fq_name ident with | None, ident -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (I_func, ident) (pos, ref false) | Some fq, ident -> let fq = package.package_name ^ "::" ^ fq in Hashtbl.replace global_vars_declared (I_func, fq, ident) pos with Not_found -> ()); in_bootstrap || str_contains s "XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK" ) false (open_in cfile)); true with Invalid_argument _ | Sys_error _ -> false let findfile dirs f = List.find (fun dir -> Sys.file_exists (dir ^ "/" ^ f)) dirs let read_xs_extension_from_so global_vars_declared package pos = try let splitted = split_at2 ':'':' package.package_name in let rel_file = String.concat "/" ("auto" :: splitted @ [ last splitted ]) ^ ".so" in let so = (findfile !use_lib rel_file) ^ "/" ^ rel_file in let channel = Unix.open_process_in (Printf.sprintf "nm --defined-only -D \"%s\"" so) in fold_lines (fun () s -> let s = skip_n_char 11 s in if str_begins_with s "XS_" then let s = skip_n_char 3 s in let len = String.length s in let rec find_package_name accu i = try let i' = String.index_from s i '_' in let accu = String.sub s i (i'-i) :: accu in if i' + 1 < len && s.[i'+1] = '_' then find_package_name accu (i' + 2) else List.rev accu, skip_n_char (i'+1) s with Not_found -> List.rev accu, skip_n_char i s in let fq, name = find_package_name [] 0 in Hashtbl.replace global_vars_declared (I_func, String.concat "::" fq, name) pos ) () channel; let _ = Unix.close_process_in channel in true with Not_found -> false let get_vars_declaration global_vars_declared package = List.iter (function | Sub_declaration(Ident(None, name, pos), _proto, _) -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (I_func, name) (pos, ref false) | Sub_declaration(Ident(Some fq, name, pos), _proto, _) -> Hashtbl.replace global_vars_declared (I_func, fq, name) pos | List [ Call_op("=", [My_our("our", ours, pos); _], _) ] | List [ Call_op("=", [My_our("local", ([ I_scalar, "_" ] as ours), pos); _], _) ] | List [ My_our("our", ours, pos) ] | My_our("our", ours, pos) -> List.iter (fun (context, name) -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (context, name) (pos, ref false)) ours | Use(Ident(Some "MDK::Common", "Globals", pos), [ String _ ; ours ]) | Use(Ident(None, "vars", pos), [ours]) -> List.iter (fun (context, name) -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (context, name) (pos, ref false)) (from_qw ours) | Use(Ident(None, "vars", pos), _) -> die_with_pos pos "usage: use vars qw($var func)" | List [ Method_call(Raw_string(pkg, pos), Raw_string("bootstrap", _), _) ] -> if pkg <> package.package_name then warn_with_pos pos "strange bootstrap (the package name is not the same as the current package)" else if not (read_xs_extension_from_c global_vars_declared package pos) then if not (read_xs_extension_from_so global_vars_declared package pos) then ignore_package pkg | _ -> () ) package.body let rec fold_tree f env e = match f env e with | Some env -> env | None -> match e with | Anonymous_sub(e', _) | Ref(_, e') | Deref(_, e') -> fold_tree f env e' | Diamond(e') -> fold_tree_option f env e' | String(l, _) -> List.fold_left (fun env (_, e) -> fold_tree f env e) env l | Sub_declaration(e1, _, e2) | Deref_with(_, _, e1, e2) -> let env = fold_tree f env e1 in let env = fold_tree f env e2 in env | Use(_, l) | List l | Block l | Call_op(_, l, _) -> List.fold_left (fold_tree f) env l | Call(e', l) -> let env = fold_tree f env e' in List.fold_left (fold_tree f) env l | Method_call(e1, e2, l) -> let env = fold_tree f env e1 in let env = fold_tree f env e2 in List.fold_left (fold_tree f) env l | _ -> env and fold_tree_option f env = function | None -> env | Some e -> fold_tree f env e let get_global_info_from_package from_basedir build_time t = let current_packages = get_current_package t in (fun (current_package, t) -> let exports = get_exported t in let exporting_something() = exports.export_ok <> [] || exports.export_auto <> [] || exports.export_tags <> [] || exports.special_export = Some Re_export_all in let package_name = match current_package with | None -> if exporting_something() then die_with_pos (!Info.current_file, 0, 0) "file with no package name wants to export!" else (incr anonymous_package_count ; sprintf "anonymous%d" !anonymous_package_count) | Some name -> name in let isa, exporter = get_isa t in (match exporter with | None -> if exporting_something() then warn_with_pos (!Info.current_file, 0, 0) "you must have \"@ISA = qw(Exporter)\" to EXPORT something" | Some pos -> if not (exporting_something()) then warn_with_pos pos "Inheritating from Exporter without EXPORTing anything"); let uses = List.rev (get_uses t) in let required_packages = (fun (s, (_, pos)) -> s, pos) uses in let required_packages = List.fold_left (fold_tree (fun l -> function | Perl_checker_comment(s, pos) when str_begins_with s "require " -> Some((skip_n_char 8 s, pos) :: l) | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident (None, "require", pos)), [Ident _ as pkg]) -> let package = string_of_Ident pkg in if uses_external_package package then None else Some((package, pos) :: l) | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident (None, "require", pos)), [Raw_string(pkg, _)]) when not (String.contains pkg '/') && Filename.check_suffix pkg ".pm" -> let package = Filename.chop_suffix pkg ".pm" in if uses_external_package package then None else Some((package, pos) :: l) | _ -> None) ) required_packages t in { file_name = !Info.current_file ; package_name = package_name; has_package_name = current_package <> None ; exports = exports ; imported = ref None ; vars_declared = Hashtbl.create 16 ; uses = uses ; required_packages = required_packages ; body = t ; isa = isa ; lines_starts = !Info.current_file_lines_starts ; build_time = build_time ; from_cache = false ; from_basedir = from_basedir ; } ) current_packages