open List open Printf open Common let (lines_starts : (string, int list) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 4 let current_file_lines_starts = ref [] let current_file_current_line = ref 0 let current_file = ref "" let start_a_new_file file = if !current_file <> "" then Hashtbl.add lines_starts !current_file !current_file_lines_starts ; current_file := file ; current_file_lines_starts := [0] let add_a_file file file_lines_starts = Hashtbl.replace lines_starts file file_lines_starts let get_lines_starts_for_file file = if file = !current_file then !current_file_lines_starts else Hashtbl.find lines_starts file let cwd = expand_symlinks (Unix.getcwd()) let file_to_absolute_file file = let abs_file = if file.[0] = '/' then file else if file = "." then cwd else cwd ^ "/" ^ file in expand_symlinks abs_file let absolute_file_to_file = let s1 = Filename.dirname cwd in if String.length s1 < 4 then (fun x -> x) else let short_cwd = let s2 = Filename.dirname s1 in if String.length s2 < 4 then s1 else let s3 = Filename.dirname s2 in (* allow up to ../../../xxx *) if String.length s3 < 4 then s2 else s3 in memoize (fun abs_file -> if str_begins_with abs_file (short_cwd ^ "/") then let rec to_file rel cwd = if str_begins_with abs_file (cwd ^ "/") then rel ^ skip_n_char_ (String.length cwd + 1) 0 abs_file else to_file ("../" ^ rel) (Filename.dirname cwd) in to_file "" cwd else abs_file) let raw_pos2raw_line file a = let starts = map_index (fun a b -> a,b) (rev (get_lines_starts_for_file file)) in let ((offset, line), _) = find (fun (_,(e,_)) -> e > a) (combine starts (tl starts @ [999999999, 999999999])) in line, offset let pos2line (file, a, b) = let line, offset = raw_pos2raw_line file a in file, line, a - offset + 1, b - offset + 1 let pos2s (file, a, b) = sprintf "(%s, %d, %d)" file a b let pos2sfull pos = try let file, line, n1, n2 = pos2line pos in sprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, character %d-%d\n" (absolute_file_to_file file) (line + 1) n1 n2 with Not_found -> failwith ("bad position " ^ pos2s pos) let pos2s_for_po pos = let file, line, _, _ = pos2line pos in absolute_file_to_file file ^ ":" ^ string_of_int (line + 1) let is_on_same_line file (a,b) = let line_a, _ = raw_pos2raw_line file a in let line_b, _ = raw_pos2raw_line file b in line_a = line_b let is_on_same_line_current (a,b) = is_on_same_line !current_file (a,b) let pos2sfull_current a b = pos2sfull (!current_file, a, b)