path: root/src/
diff options
authorMageia SVN-Git Migration <>2007-04-25 15:16:21 +0000
committerMageia SVN-Git Migration <>2007-04-25 15:16:21 +0000
commitbe4fff49f0164e606d4b2f76f64d4d108895f236 (patch)
treea46bc8c23de0b885f8a2962a9069930b48836fd9 /src/
parent4746e8e79a5b3cdf3f72400a5a5d6742f6a76a8c (diff)
Rename folder to match history.
This is a Synthesized commit to combine perl-MDK-Common and perl_checker repository history.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 1409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43d60a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+open Types
+open Common
+open Printf
+let bpos = -1, -1
+let raw_pos2pos(a, b) = !Info.current_file, a, b
+let raw_pos_range { pos = (a1, b1) } { pos = (a2, b2) } = (if a1 = -1 then a2 else a1), (if b2 = -1 then b1 else b2)
+let pos_range esp1 esp2 = raw_pos2pos (raw_pos_range esp1 esp2)
+let get_pos pesp = raw_pos2pos pesp.pos
+let get_pos_start { pos = (start, _) } = start
+let get_pos_end { pos = (_, end_) } = end_
+let var_dollar_ pos = Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", pos))
+let var_STDOUT = Deref(I_star, Ident(None, "STDOUT", raw_pos2pos bpos))
+let new_any mcontext any spaces pos = { mcontext = mcontext ; any = any ; spaces = spaces ; pos = pos }
+let new_any_ any spaces pos = new_any M_unknown any spaces pos
+let new_esp mcontext e esp_start esp_end = new_any mcontext e esp_start.spaces (raw_pos_range esp_start esp_end)
+let new_1esp e esp = new_any esp.mcontext e esp.spaces esp.pos
+let new_pesp mcontext prio e esp_start esp_end = new_any mcontext { priority = prio ; expr = e } esp_start.spaces (raw_pos_range esp_start esp_end)
+let new_1pesp prio e esp = new_any esp.mcontext { priority = prio ; expr = e } esp.spaces esp.pos
+let default_esp e = new_any M_unknown e Space_none bpos
+let default_pesp prio e = new_any M_unknown { priority = prio ; expr = e } Space_none bpos
+let split_name_or_fq_name full_ident =
+ match split_at2 ':'':' full_ident with
+ | [] -> internal_error "split_ident"
+ | [ident] -> None, ident
+ | l ->
+ let fql, name = split_last l in
+ let fq = String.concat "::" fql in
+ Some fq, name
+let is_var_dollar_ = function
+ | Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_var_number_match = function
+ | Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, s, _)) -> String.length s = 1 && s.[0] <> '0' && char_is_number s.[0]
+ | _ -> false
+let non_scalar_context context = context = I_hash || context = I_array
+let is_scalar_context context = context = I_scalar
+let rec is_not_a_scalar = function
+ | Deref_with(_, context, _, _)
+ | Deref(context, _) -> non_scalar_context context
+ | List []
+ | List(_ :: _ :: _) -> true
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "map", _)), _)
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "grep", _)), _) -> true
+ | Call_op("?:", [ _cond ; a; b ], _) -> is_not_a_scalar a || is_not_a_scalar b
+ | _ -> false
+let is_a_scalar = function
+ | Ref _
+ | Num _
+ | Raw_string _
+ | String _
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "N", _)), _) -> true
+ | My_our(_, [ context, _ ], _)
+ | Deref_with(_, context, _, _)
+ | Deref(context, _) -> is_scalar_context context
+ | _ -> false
+let is_a_string = function
+ | String _ | Raw_string _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_parenthesized = function
+ | List[]
+ | List[List _] -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let un_parenthesize = function
+ | List[List[e]] -> e
+ | List[e] -> e
+ | _ -> internal_error "un_parenthesize"
+let rec un_parenthesize_full = function
+ | List[e] -> un_parenthesize_full e
+ | e -> e
+let rec un_parenthesize_full_l = function
+ | [ List l ] -> un_parenthesize_full_l l
+ | l -> l
+let is_always_true = function
+ | Num(n, _) -> float_of_string n <> 0.
+ | Raw_string(s, _) -> s <> ""
+ | String(l, _) -> l <> []
+ | Ref _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_always_false = function
+ | Num(n, _) -> float_of_string n = 0.
+ | Raw_string(s, _) -> s = ""
+ | String(l, _) -> l = []
+ | List [] -> true
+ | Ident(None, "undef", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let rec is_lvalue = function
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, f, _)), _) -> List.mem f [ "substr" ]
+ | Call_op("?:", [ _ ; a ; b ], _) -> is_lvalue a && is_lvalue b
+ | Call_op("local", l, _)
+ | List [ List l ]
+ -> List.for_all is_lvalue l
+ | My_our _
+ | Deref(_, _)
+ | Deref_with(_, _, _, _)
+ | Ident(None, "undef", _)
+ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let not_complex e =
+ if is_parenthesized e then true else
+ let rec not_complex_ op = function
+ | Call_op("?:", _, _) -> false
+ | Call_op(op', l, _) -> op <> op' && List.for_all (not_complex_ op') l
+ | e -> not (is_parenthesized e)
+ in not_complex_ "" (un_parenthesize_full e)
+let not_simple = function
+ | Num _ | Ident _ | Deref(_, Ident _) -> false
+ | _ -> true
+let context2s = function
+ | I_scalar -> "$"
+ | I_hash -> "%"
+ | I_array -> "@"
+ | I_func -> "&"
+ | I_raw -> ""
+ | I_star -> "*"
+let variable2s(context, ident) = context2s context ^ ident
+let rec string_of_fromparser = function
+ | Semi_colon -> ";"
+ | Undef -> "undef"
+ | Num(num, _) -> num
+ | Raw_string(s, _) -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
+ | String(l, _) ->
+ let l' = (fun (s, e) ->
+ s ^ if e = List[] then "" else string_of_fromparser e
+ ) l in
+ "\"" ^ String.concat "" l' ^ "\""
+ | Ident(None, s, _) -> s
+ | Ident(Some fq, s, _) -> fq ^ "::" ^ s
+ | My_our(myour, l, _) -> myour ^ "(" ^ String.concat "," ( (fun (context, s) -> context2s context ^ s) l) ^ ")"
+ | Anonymous_sub(_, e, _) -> "sub { " ^ string_of_fromparser e ^ " }"
+ | Ref(_, e) -> "\\" ^ string_of_fromparser e
+ | Deref(context, e) -> context2s context ^ string_of_fromparser e
+ | Diamond(None) -> "<>"
+ | Diamond(Some e) -> "<" ^ string_of_fromparser e ^ ">"
+ | Sub_declaration(name, _prototype, body, Real_sub_declaration) ->
+ "sub " ^ string_of_fromparser name ^ " { " ^ string_of_fromparser body ^ " }"
+ | Sub_declaration(name, _prototype, body, Glob_assign) ->
+ "*" ^ string_of_fromparser name ^ " = sub { " ^ string_of_fromparser body ^ " };"
+ | Deref_with(_, _, _e1, _e2) ->
+ internal_error "todo"
+ | Package(p) -> "package " ^ string_of_fromparser p
+ | Use(e, []) -> "use " ^ string_of_fromparser e
+ | Use(e, l) -> "use " ^ string_of_fromparser e ^ "(" ^ lstring_of_fromparser l
+ | List l -> lstring_of_fromparser_parentheses l
+ | Block l -> "{ " ^ lstring_of_fromparser l ^ " }"
+ | Call_op(op, l, _) -> op ^ lstring_of_fromparser_parentheses l
+ | Call(e, l) -> string_of_fromparser e ^ lstring_of_fromparser l
+ | Method_call(obj, meth, l) ->
+ let para = if l = [] then "" else lstring_of_fromparser_parentheses l in
+ string_of_fromparser obj ^ "->" ^ string_of_fromparser meth ^ para
+ | Label(e) -> e ^ ": "
+ | Perl_checker_comment _ -> ""
+ | Too_complex -> "XXX"
+and lstring_of_fromparser l = String.concat ", " ( string_of_fromparser l)
+and lstring_of_fromparser_parentheses l = "(" ^ lstring_of_fromparser l ^ ")"
+let rec is_same_fromparser a b =
+ match a, b with
+ | Undef, Undef -> true
+ | Ident(fq1, s1, _), Ident(fq2, s2, _) -> fq1 = fq2 && s1 = s2
+ | Num(s1, _), Num(s2, _)
+ | Raw_string(s1, _), Raw_string(s2, _) -> s1 = s2
+ | String(l1, _), String(l2, _) ->
+ for_all2_ (fun (s1, e1) (s2, e2) -> s1 = s2 && is_same_fromparser e1 e2) l1 l2
+ | Ref(c1, e1), Ref(c2, e2)
+ | Deref(c1, e1), Deref(c2, e2) -> c1 = c2 && is_same_fromparser e1 e2
+ | Deref_with(c1, c_1, e1, e_1), Deref_with(c2, c_2, e2, e_2) -> c1 = c2 && c_1 = c_2 && is_same_fromparser e1 e2 && is_same_fromparser e_1 e_2
+ | Diamond(None), Diamond(None) -> true
+ | Diamond(Some e1), Diamond(Some e2) -> is_same_fromparser e1 e2
+ | List(l1), List(l2) -> for_all2_ is_same_fromparser l1 l2
+ | Call_op(op1, l1, _), Call_op(op2, l2, _) -> op1 = op2 && for_all2_ is_same_fromparser l1 l2
+ | Call(e1, l1), Call(e2, l2) -> is_same_fromparser e1 e2 && for_all2_ is_same_fromparser l1 l2
+ | Method_call(e1, m1, l1), Method_call(e2, m2, l2) ->
+ is_same_fromparser e1 e2 && is_same_fromparser m1 m2 && for_all2_ is_same_fromparser l1 l2
+ | _ -> false
+let from_scalar esp =
+ match esp.any with
+ | Deref(I_scalar, ident) -> ident
+ | _ -> internal_error "from_scalar"
+let from_array esp =
+ match esp.any with
+ | Deref(I_array, ident) -> ident
+ | _ -> internal_error "from_array"
+let rec get_pos_from_expr = function
+ | Anonymous_sub(_, _, pos)
+ | String(_, pos)
+ | Call_op(_, _, pos)
+ | Perl_checker_comment(_, pos)
+ | My_our(_, _, pos)
+ | Raw_string(_, pos)
+ | Num(_, pos)
+ | Ident(_, _, pos)
+ -> pos
+ | Package e
+ | Ref(_, e)
+ | Deref(_, e)
+ | Sub_declaration(e, _, _, _)
+ | Deref_with(_, _, e, _)
+ | Use(e, _)
+ | Call(e, _)
+ | Method_call(_, e, _)
+ -> get_pos_from_expr e
+ | Diamond(option_e)
+ -> if option_e = None then raw_pos2pos bpos else get_pos_from_expr (some option_e)
+ | List l
+ | Block l
+ -> if l = [] then raw_pos2pos bpos else get_pos_from_expr (List.hd l)
+ | Semi_colon
+ | Too_complex
+ | Undef
+ | Label _
+ -> raw_pos2pos bpos
+let msg_with_rawpos (start, end_) msg = Info.pos2sfull_current start end_ ^ msg
+let die_with_rawpos raw_pos msg = failwith (msg_with_rawpos raw_pos msg)
+let warn warn_types raw_pos msg = if Flags.are_warning_types_set warn_types then print_endline_flush (msg_with_rawpos raw_pos msg)
+let die_rule msg = die_with_rawpos (Parsing.symbol_start(), Parsing.symbol_end()) msg
+let warn_rule warn_types msg = warn warn_types (Parsing.symbol_start(), Parsing.symbol_end()) msg
+let warn_verb warn_types pos msg = if not !Flags.quiet then warn warn_types (pos, pos) msg
+let warn_too_many_space start = warn_verb [Warn_white_space] start "you should have only one space here"
+let warn_no_space start = warn_verb [Warn_white_space] start "you should have a space here"
+let warn_cr start = warn_verb [Warn_white_space] start "you should not have a carriage-return (\\n) here"
+let warn_space start = warn_verb [Warn_white_space] start "you should not have a space here"
+let rec prio_less = function
+ | P_none, _ | _, P_none -> internal_error "prio_less"
+ | P_paren_wanted prio1, prio2
+ | prio1, P_paren_wanted prio2 -> prio_less(prio1, prio2)
+ | P_ternary, P_or -> false
+ | P_ternary, P_and -> false
+ | _, P_loose -> true
+ | P_loose, _ -> false
+ | _, P_or -> true
+ | P_or, _ -> false
+ | _, P_and -> true
+ | P_and, _ -> false
+ | _, P_call_no_paren -> true
+ | P_call_no_paren, _ -> false
+ | _, P_comma -> true
+ | P_comma, _ -> false
+ | _, P_assign -> true
+ | P_assign, _ -> false
+ | _, P_ternary -> true
+ | P_ternary, _ -> false
+ | _, P_tight_or -> true
+ | P_tight_or, _ -> false
+ | _, P_tight_and -> true
+ | P_tight_and, _ -> false
+ | P_bit, P_bit -> true
+ | P_bit, _ -> false
+ | _, P_expr -> true
+ | P_expr, _ -> false
+ | _, P_eq -> true
+ | P_eq, _ -> false
+ | _, P_cmp -> true
+ | P_cmp, _ -> false
+ | _, P_uniop -> true
+ | P_uniop, _ -> false
+ | _, P_add -> true
+ | P_add, _ -> false
+ | _, P_mul -> true
+ | P_mul, _ -> false
+ | _, P_tight -> true
+ | P_tight, _ -> false
+ | _, P_paren _ -> true
+ | P_paren _, _ -> true
+ | P_tok, _ -> true
+let prio_lo_check pri_out pri_in pos expr =
+ if prio_less(pri_in, pri_out) then
+ (match pri_in with
+ | P_paren (P_paren_wanted _) -> ()
+ | P_paren pri_in' ->
+ if pri_in' <> pri_out &&
+ prio_less(pri_in', pri_out) && not_complex (un_parenthesize expr) then
+ warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] pos "unneeded parentheses"
+ | _ -> ())
+ else
+ (match expr with
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, f, _)), _) when f <> "delete" && pri_in = P_uniop && pri_out = P_add
+ -> () (* ugly special case since we don't parse uniop correctly (eg: -d $_ . "foo" *)
+ | Call_op ("print", [Deref (I_star, Ident (None, "STDOUT", _)); (Deref(I_scalar, _) as ident)], _) ->
+ warn [Warn_traps] pos (sprintf "use parentheses: replace \"print %s ...\" with \"print(%s ...)\"" (string_of_fromparser ident) (string_of_fromparser ident))
+ | _ -> warn [Warn_traps] pos "missing parentheses (needed for clarity)")
+let prio_lo pri_out in_ = prio_lo_check pri_out in_.any.priority in_.pos in_.any.expr ; in_.any.expr
+let prio_lo_after pri_out in_ =
+ if in_.any.priority = P_call_no_paren then in_.any.expr else prio_lo pri_out in_
+let prio_lo_concat esp = prio_lo P_mul { esp with any = { esp.any with priority = P_paren_wanted esp.any.priority } }
+let hash_ref esp = Ref(I_hash, prio_lo P_loose esp)
+let sp_0 esp =
+ match esp.spaces with
+ | Space_none -> ()
+ | Space_0 -> ()
+ | Space_1
+ | Space_n -> warn_space (get_pos_start esp)
+ | Space_cr -> warn_cr (get_pos_start esp)
+let sp_0_or_cr esp =
+ match esp.spaces with
+ | Space_none -> ()
+ | Space_0 -> ()
+ | Space_1
+ | Space_n -> warn_space (get_pos_start esp)
+ | Space_cr -> ()
+let sp_1 esp =
+ match esp.spaces with
+ | Space_none -> ()
+ | Space_0 -> warn_no_space (get_pos_start esp)
+ | Space_1 -> ()
+ | Space_n -> warn_too_many_space (get_pos_start esp)
+ | Space_cr -> warn_cr (get_pos_start esp)
+let sp_n esp =
+ match esp.spaces with
+ | Space_none -> ()
+ | Space_0 -> warn_no_space (get_pos_start esp)
+ | Space_1 -> ()
+ | Space_n -> ()
+ | Space_cr -> warn_cr (get_pos_start esp)
+let sp_p esp =
+ match esp.spaces with
+ | Space_none -> ()
+ | Space_0 -> warn_no_space (get_pos_start esp)
+ | Space_1 -> ()
+ | Space_n -> ()
+ | Space_cr -> ()
+let sp_cr esp =
+ match esp.spaces with
+ | Space_none -> ()
+ | Space_0
+ | Space_1
+ | Space_n -> warn_verb [Warn_white_space] (get_pos_start esp) "you should have a carriage-return (\\n) here"
+ | Space_cr -> ()
+let sp_same esp1 esp2 =
+ if esp1.spaces <> Space_0 then sp_p esp2
+ else if esp2.spaces <> Space_0 then sp_p esp1
+let function_to_context word_alone = function
+ | "map" | "grep" | "grep_index" | "map_index" | "uniq" | "uniq_" -> M_array
+ | "partition" -> M_tuple [ M_ref M_array ; M_ref M_array ]
+ | "find" -> M_unknown_scalar
+ | "any" | "every" -> M_bool
+ | "find_index" -> M_int
+ | "each_index" -> M_none
+ | "N" | "N_" -> M_string
+ | "chop" | "chomp" | "push" | "unshift" -> M_none
+ | "hex" | "length" | "time" | "fork" | "getppid" -> M_int
+ | "eof" | "wantarray" -> M_int
+ | "stat" | "lstat" -> M_list
+ | "arch" | "quotemeta" | "join" | "lc" | "lcfirst" | "uc" | "ucfirst" -> M_string
+ | "split" -> M_array
+ | "shift" | "pop" -> M_unknown_scalar
+ | "die" | "return" | "redo" | "next" | "last" -> M_unknown
+ | "caller" -> M_mixed [M_string ; M_list]
+ | "ref" -> M_ref M_unknown_scalar
+ | "undef" -> if word_alone then M_undef else M_none
+ | _ -> M_unknown
+let word_alone esp =
+ let word = esp.any in
+ let mcontext, e = match word with
+ | Ident(None, f, pos) ->
+ let e = match f with
+ | "length" | "stat" | "lstat" | "chop" | "chomp" | "quotemeta" | "lc" | "lcfirst" | "uc" | "ucfirst" ->
+ Call(Deref(I_func, word), [var_dollar_ pos])
+ | "split" -> Call(Deref(I_func, word), [ Raw_string(" ", pos) ; var_dollar_ pos ])
+ | "die" -> Call(Deref(I_func, word), [ Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "@", raw_pos2pos bpos)) ])
+ | "return" | "eof" | "caller"
+ | "redo" | "next" | "last" ->
+ Deref(I_func, word)
+ | "hex" | "ref" ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] (sprintf "please use \"%s $_\" instead of \"%s\"" f f) ;
+ Call(Deref(I_func, word), [ Raw_string(" ", pos) ; var_dollar_ pos ])
+ | "time" | "wantarray" | "fork" | "getppid" | "arch" ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] (sprintf "please use %s() instead of %s" f f) ;
+ Deref(I_func, word)
+ | _ -> word
+ in
+ function_to_context true f, e
+ | _ -> M_unknown, word
+ in
+ new_pesp mcontext P_tok e esp esp
+let check_parenthesized_first_argexpr word esp =
+ let want_space = word.[0] = '-' in
+ if word = "return" then () else
+ match esp.any.expr with
+ | [ Call_op(_, (e' :: l), _) ]
+ | e' :: l ->
+ if is_parenthesized e' then
+ if l = [] then
+ (if want_space then sp_n else sp_0) esp
+ else
+ (* eg: join (" ", @l) . "\n" *)
+ die_with_rawpos (get_pos_start esp, get_pos_start esp) "please remove the space before the function call"
+ else
+ sp_p esp
+ | _ ->
+ if word = "time" then die_rule "please use time() instead of time";
+ sp_p esp
+let check_parenthesized_first_argexpr_with_Ident ident esp =
+ if esp.any.priority = P_tok then ();
+ (match ident with
+ | Ident(Some _, _, _) ->
+ (match esp.any.expr with
+ | [e] when is_parenthesized e -> ()
+ | _ -> warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] "use parentheses around argument (otherwise it might cause syntax errors if the package is \"require\"d and not \"use\"d")
+ | Ident(None, word, _) when List.mem word ["ref" ; "readlink"] ->
+ if esp.any.priority <> P_tok then warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] "use parentheses around argument"
+ | _ -> ());
+ check_parenthesized_first_argexpr (string_of_fromparser ident) esp
+let check_hash_subscript esp =
+ let can_be_raw_string = function
+ | "" | "x" | "y" -> false (* special case for {'y'} otherwise the emacs mode goes wild, special case for {'x'} to have the same as {'y'} (since they usually go together) *)
+ | s ->
+ char_is_alpha s.[0] && (String.length s = 1 || string_forall_with char_is_alphanumerical_ 1 s)
+ in
+ match esp.any.expr with
+ | List [String ([(s, List [])], _)] when can_be_raw_string s -> warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] esp.pos (sprintf "{\"%s\"} can be written {%s}" s s)
+ | List [Raw_string(s, _)] when can_be_raw_string s -> warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] esp.pos (sprintf "{'%s'} can be written {%s}" s s)
+ | _ -> ()
+let check_arrow_needed arrow = function
+ | Deref_with(I_array, I_scalar, List [List [Call _]], _) -> () (* "->" needed for (f())[0]->{XX} *)
+ | Deref_with _ -> warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] arrow.pos "the arrow \"->\" is unneeded"
+ | _ -> ()
+let check_scalar_subscripted esp =
+ match esp.any with
+ | Deref(I_scalar, Deref _) -> warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] "for complex dereferencing, use \"->\""
+ | _ -> ()
+let negatable_ops = collect (fun (a, b) -> [ a, b ; b, a ]) [
+ "==", "!=" ;
+ "eq", "ne" ;
+let check_negatable_expr esp =
+ match un_parenthesize_full esp.any.expr with
+ | Call_op("m//", var :: _, _) when not (is_var_dollar_ var) ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] "!($var =~ /.../) is better written $var !~ /.../"
+ | Call_op("!m//", var :: _, _) when not (is_var_dollar_ var) ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] "!($var !~ /.../) is better written $var =~ /.../"
+ | Call_op(op, _, _) ->
+ (try
+ let neg_op = List.assoc op negatable_ops in
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] (Printf.sprintf "!($foo %s $bar) is better written $foo %s $bar" op neg_op)
+ with Not_found -> ())
+ | _ -> ()
+let check_ternary_paras(cond, a, b) =
+ let rec dont_need_short_circuit_rec = function
+ | Num _
+ | Raw_string _
+ | String ([(_, List [])], _)
+ -> true
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "N", _)), [ List(String _ :: l) ])
+ | Call_op(".", l, _)
+ | Ref(I_hash, List l)
+ | List l -> List.for_all dont_need_short_circuit_rec l
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let rec dont_need_short_circuit = function
+ | Ref(_, Deref(_, Ident _))
+ | Deref(_, Ident _) -> true
+ | Ref(I_hash, List l)
+ | List l -> List.for_all dont_need_short_circuit l
+ | e -> dont_need_short_circuit_rec e
+ in
+ let check_ternary_para = function
+ | List [] -> warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_MDK_Common] "you may use if_() here\n beware that the short-circuit semantic of ?: is not kept\n if you want to keep the short-circuit behaviour, replace () with @{[]} and there will be no warning anymore"
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ if dont_need_short_circuit a || is_same_fromparser cond a then check_ternary_para b;
+ if dont_need_short_circuit b || is_same_fromparser cond b then check_ternary_para a;
+ if is_same_fromparser cond a && is_a_scalar a && is_a_scalar b then warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] "you can replace \"$foo ? $foo : $bar\" with \"$foo || $bar\"";
+ [ cond; a; b ]
+let check_unneeded_var_dollar_ esp =
+ if is_var_dollar_ esp.any.expr then warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] esp.pos "\"$_ =~ /regexp/\" can be written \"/regexp/\"" else
+ if is_var_number_match esp.any.expr then warn [Warn_complex_expressions] esp.pos "do not use the result of a match (eg: $1) to match another pattern"
+let check_unneeded_var_dollar_not esp =
+ if is_var_dollar_ esp.any.expr then warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] esp.pos "\"$_ !~ /regexp/\" can be written \"!/regexp/\"" else
+ if is_var_number_match esp.any.expr then warn [Warn_complex_expressions] esp.pos "do not use the result of a match (eg: $1) to match another pattern"
+let check_unneeded_var_dollar_s esp =
+ let expr = esp.any.expr in
+ if is_var_dollar_ expr then warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] esp.pos "\"$_ =~ s/regexp/.../\" can be written \"s/regexp/.../\"" else
+ if is_var_number_match expr then warn [Warn_traps] esp.pos "do not modify the result of a match (eg: $1)" else
+ let expr = match expr with
+ | List [List [Call_op("=", [ expr; _], _)]] -> expr (* check $xx in ($xx = ...) =~ ... *)
+ | _ -> expr in
+ if is_a_string expr || not (is_a_scalar expr) then warn [Warn_complex_expressions] esp.pos "you can only use s/// on a variable"
+let check_my esp = if esp.any <> "my" then die_rule "syntax error"
+let check_foreach esp = if esp.any = "for" then warn [Warn_normalized_expressions] esp.pos "write \"foreach\" instead of \"for\""
+let check_for esp = if esp.any = "foreach" then warn [Warn_normalized_expressions] esp.pos "write \"for\" instead of \"foreach\""
+let check_for_foreach esp arg =
+ match arg.any.expr with
+ | List [ Deref(I_scalar, _) ] ->
+ if esp.any = "foreach" then warn [Warn_normalized_expressions] esp.pos "you are using the special trick to locally set $_ with a value, for this please use \"for\" instead of \"foreach\""
+ | List [ Deref_with(context, I_scalar, _, _) ] when context <> I_func ->
+ if esp.any = "foreach" then warn [Warn_normalized_expressions] esp.pos "you are using the special trick to locally set $_ with a value, for this please use \"for\" instead of \"foreach\""
+ | List [ Deref(I_hash, _) ] ->
+ warn [Warn_traps] esp.pos "foreach with a hash is usually an error"
+ | _ ->
+ if esp.any = "for" then warn [Warn_normalized_expressions] esp.pos "write \"foreach\" instead of \"for\""
+let check_block_expr has_semi_colon last_expr esp_last esp_BRACKET_END =
+ sp_p esp_BRACKET_END ;
+ if esp_BRACKET_END.spaces = Space_cr then
+ (if not has_semi_colon then warn_verb [Warn_white_space] (get_pos_end esp_last) "missing \";\"")
+ else
+ (if last_expr = Semi_colon then warn_verb [Warn_white_space] (get_pos_end esp_last) "spurious \";\" before closing block")
+let check_block_lines esp_lines esp_BRACKET_END =
+ match fst esp_lines.any with
+ | [] ->
+ sp_0_or_cr esp_BRACKET_END
+ | l ->
+ (if List.hd l = Semi_colon then sp_0 else sp_p) esp_lines ;
+ check_block_expr (snd esp_lines.any) (last l) esp_lines esp_BRACKET_END
+let check_unless_else elsif else_ =
+ if elsif.any <> [] then warn [Warn_complex_expressions] elsif.pos "don't use \"elsif\" with \"unless\" (replace \"unless\" with \"if\")";
+ if else_.any <> [] then warn [Warn_complex_expressions] else_.pos "don't use \"else\" with \"unless\" (replace \"unless\" with \"if\")"
+let check_my_our_paren { any = ((comma_closed, _), l) } after_esp =
+ (if l = [] then sp_0 else sp_1) after_esp ;
+ if not comma_closed then die_rule "syntax error"
+let check_simple_pattern = function
+ | [ String([ st, List [] ], _); Raw_string("", _) ] ->
+ if String.length st > 2 &&
+ st.[0] = '^' && st.[String.length st - 1] = '$' then
+ let st = skip_n_char_ 1 1 st in
+ if string_forall_with char_is_alphanumerical_ 0 st then
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] (sprintf "\"... =~ /^%s$/\" is better written \"... eq '%s'\"" st st)
+ | _ -> ()
+let rec only_one esp =
+ match esp.any with
+ | [List l'] -> only_one { esp with any = l' }
+ | [e] -> e
+ | [] -> die_with_rawpos esp.pos "you must give one argument"
+ | _ -> die_with_rawpos esp.pos "you must give only one argument"
+let only_one_array_ref esp =
+ let e = only_one esp in
+ (match e with
+ | Call_op("last_array_index", [Deref(I_array, e)], _) ->
+ warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] esp.pos (sprintf "you can replace $#%s with -1" (string_of_fromparser e))
+ | _ -> ());
+ e
+let only_one_in_List esp =
+ match esp.any.expr with
+ | List l -> only_one { esp with any = l }
+ | e -> e
+let rec is_only_one_in_List = function
+ | [List l] -> is_only_one_in_List l
+ | [_] -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let maybe_to_Raw_string = function
+ | Ident(None, s, pos) -> Raw_string(s, pos)
+ | Ident(Some fq, s, pos) -> Raw_string(fq ^ "::" ^ s, pos)
+ | e -> e
+let to_List = function
+ | [e] -> e
+ | l -> List l
+let deref_arraylen e = Call_op("last_array_index", [Deref(I_array, e)], raw_pos2pos bpos)
+let deref_raw context e =
+ let e = match e with
+ | Raw_string(s, pos) ->
+ let fq, ident = split_name_or_fq_name s in
+ Ident(fq, ident, pos)
+ | Deref(I_scalar, (Ident _ as ident)) ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] (sprintf "%s{$%s} can be written %s$%s" (context2s context) (string_of_fromparser ident) (context2s context) (string_of_fromparser ident));
+ e
+ | _ -> e
+ in Deref(context, e)
+let to_Ident { any = (fq, name); pos = pos } = Ident(fq, name, raw_pos2pos pos)
+let to_Raw_string { any = s; pos = pos } = Raw_string(s, raw_pos2pos pos)
+let to_Method_call (object_, method_, para) =
+ match method_ with
+ | Ident(Some "SUPER", name, pos) -> Method_call(maybe_to_Raw_string object_, Raw_string(name, pos), para)
+ | Ident(Some _, _, _) -> Call(Deref(I_func, method_), maybe_to_Raw_string object_ :: para)
+ | _ -> Method_call(maybe_to_Raw_string object_, maybe_to_Raw_string method_, para)
+let to_Deref_with(from_context, to_context, ref_, para) =
+ if is_not_a_scalar ref_ then warn_rule [] "bad deref";
+ Deref_with(from_context, to_context, ref_, para)
+let to_Deref_with_arrow arrow (from_context, to_context, ref_, para) =
+ if from_context != I_func then check_arrow_needed arrow ref_ ;
+ to_Deref_with(from_context, to_context, ref_, para)
+let lines_to_Block esp_lines esp_BRACKET_END =
+ check_block_lines esp_lines esp_BRACKET_END;
+ Block (fst esp_lines.any)
+let to_Local esp =
+ let l =
+ match esp.any.expr with
+ | List[List l] -> l
+ | e -> [e]
+ in
+ let local_vars, local_exprs = fpartition (function
+ | Deref(I_star as context, Ident(None, ident, _))
+ | Deref(I_scalar as context, Ident(None, ("_" as ident), _)) ->
+ Some(context, ident)
+ | Deref(I_scalar, Ident _)
+ | Deref(I_array, Ident _)
+ | Deref(I_star, Ident _)
+ | Deref_with(I_hash, I_scalar, Ident _, _)
+ | Deref_with(I_hash, I_scalar, Deref(I_scalar, _), _)
+ | Deref_with(I_hash, I_scalar, Deref_with(I_hash, I_scalar, Ident _, _), _)
+ | Deref_with(I_hash, I_scalar, Deref_with(I_hash, I_scalar, Deref(I_scalar, Ident _), _), _) ->
+ None
+ | _ -> die_with_rawpos esp.pos "bad argument to \"local\""
+ ) l in
+ if local_vars = [] then Call_op("local", local_exprs, raw_pos2pos esp.pos)
+ else if local_exprs = [] then My_our("local", local_vars, raw_pos2pos esp.pos)
+ else die_with_rawpos esp.pos "bad argument to \"local\""
+let sub_declaration (name, proto) body sub_kind = Sub_declaration(name, proto, Block body, sub_kind)
+let anonymous_sub proto lines bracket_end = Anonymous_sub (proto, lines_to_Block lines bracket_end, raw_pos2pos lines.pos)
+let call_with_same_para_special f = Call(f, [Deref(I_star, (Ident(None, "_", raw_pos2pos bpos)))])
+let remove_call_with_same_para_special = function
+ | Call(f, [Deref(I_star, (Ident(None, "_", _)))]) -> f
+ | e -> e
+let check_My_under_condition msg = function
+ | List [ My_our("my", _, _) ] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_traps] "this is stupid"
+ | List [ Call_op("=", [ My_our("my", _, _); _ ], _) ] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_traps] msg
+ | _ -> ()
+let cook_call_op op para pos =
+ (match op with
+ | "le" | "ge" | "eq" | "ne" | "gt" | "lt" | "cmp" ->
+ if List.exists (function Num _ -> true | _ -> false) para then
+ warn_rule [Warn_traps] (sprintf "you should use a number operator, not the string operator \"%s\" (or replace the number with a string)" op)
+ | "." ->
+ if List.exists (function Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "N_", _)), _) -> true | _ -> false) para then
+ warn_rule [Warn_MDK_Common; Warn_traps] "N_(\"xxx\") . \"yyy\" is dumb since the string \"xxx\" will never get translated"
+ | _ -> ());
+ (match op, para with
+ | "if", List [Call_op ("=", [ _; e ], _)] :: _ when is_always_true e || is_always_false e ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_traps] "are you sure you did not mean \"==\" instead of \"=\"?"
+ | "foreach", [ _; Block [ expr ; Semi_colon ] ]
+ | "foreach", [ _; Block [ expr ] ] ->
+ (match expr with
+ | Call_op("if infix", [ List [ Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "push", _)), [ Deref(I_array, Ident _) as l ; Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)) ]) ] ; _ ], _) ->
+ let l = string_of_fromparser l in
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_functional] (sprintf "use \"push %s, grep { ... } ...\" instead of \"foreach (...) { push %s, $_ if ... }\"\n or sometimes \"%s = grep { ... } ...\"" l l l)
+ | Call_op("if infix", [ List [ Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "push", _)), [ Deref(I_array, Ident _) as l; _ ]) ] ; _ ], _) ->
+ let l = string_of_fromparser l in
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_functional] (sprintf "use \"push %s, map { ... ? ... : () } ...\" instead of \"foreach (...) { push %s, ... if ... }\"\n or sometimes \"%s = map { ... ? ... : () } ...\"\n or sometimes \"%s = map { if_(..., ...) } ...\"" l l l l)
+ | Call_op ("if", [ _; Block [ List [ Call_op("=", [Deref(I_scalar, _) as ret; Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)) ], _) ];
+ Semi_colon;
+ List [ Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "last", _)) ];
+ Semi_colon ] ], _) ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_functional; Warn_MDK_Common] (sprintf "use \"%s = find { ... } ...\"" (string_of_fromparser ret))
+ | List [ Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "push", _)), [ Deref(I_array, Ident _) as l; _ ]) ] ->
+ let l = string_of_fromparser l in
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_functional] (sprintf "use \"push %s, map { ... } ...\" instead of \"foreach (...) { push %s, ... }\"\n or sometimes \"%s = map { ... } ...\"" l l l)
+ | _ -> ())
+ | "=", [My_our _; Ident(None, "undef", _)] ->
+ warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] pos "no need to initialize variable, it's done by default"
+ | "=", [My_our _; List[]] ->
+ if Info.is_on_same_line_current pos then warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] pos "no need to initialize variables, it's done by default"
+ | "=", [ Deref_with(I_array, I_scalar, id, Deref(I_array, id_)); _ ] when is_same_fromparser id id_ ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] "\"$a[@a] = ...\" is better written \"push @a, ...\""
+ | "=", [ Deref(I_star, String ([(sf1, List [])], _)); _ ] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_help_perl_checker] (sprintf "write *{'%s'} instead of *{\"%s\"}" sf1 sf1)
+ | "||=", List [ List _ ] :: _
+ | "&&=", List [ List _ ] :: _ -> warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] "remove the parentheses"
+ | "||=", e :: _
+ | "&&=", e :: _ -> if is_not_a_scalar e then warn_rule [Warn_traps] (sprintf "\"%s\" is only useful with a scalar" op)
+ | "==", [Call_op("last_array_index", _, _); Num(n, _)] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] (sprintf "$#x == %s is better written @x == %d" n (1 + int_of_string n))
+ | "==", [Call_op("last_array_index", _, _); Call_op("- unary", [Num (n, _)], _)] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] (sprintf "$#x == -%s is better written @x == %d" n (1 - int_of_string n))
+ | "||", e :: _ when is_always_true e -> warn_rule [Warn_strange] "<constant> || ... is the same as <constant>"
+ | "&&", e :: _ when is_always_false e -> warn_rule [Warn_strange] "<constant> && ... is the same as <constant>"
+ | "||", e :: _ when is_always_false e -> warn_rule [Warn_strange] "<constant> || ... is the same as ..."
+ | "&&", e :: _ when is_always_true e -> warn_rule [Warn_strange] "<constant> && ... is the same as ..."
+ | "or", e :: _ when is_always_true (un_parenthesize_full e) -> warn_rule [Warn_strange] "<constant> or ... is the same as <constant>"
+ | "and", e :: _ when is_always_false (un_parenthesize_full e) -> warn_rule [Warn_strange] "<constant> and ... is the same as <constant>"
+ | "or", e :: _ when is_always_false (un_parenthesize_full e) -> warn_rule [Warn_strange] "<constant> or ... is the same as ..."
+ | "and", e :: _ when is_always_true (un_parenthesize_full e) -> warn_rule [Warn_strange] "<constant> and ... is the same as ..."
+ | "or", [ List [ Deref(I_scalar, id) ]; List [ Call_op("=", [ Deref(I_scalar, id_); _], _) ] ] when is_same_fromparser id id_ ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] "\"$foo or $foo = ...\" can be written \"$foo ||= ...\""
+ | "and", [ _cond ; expr ] -> check_My_under_condition "replace \"<cond> and my $foo = ...\" with \"my $foo = <cond> && ...\"" expr
+ | "or", [ _cond ; expr ] -> check_My_under_condition "replace \"<cond> or my $foo = ...\" with \"my $foo = !<cond> && ...\"" expr
+ | _ -> ());
+ match op, para with
+ | "=", [ Deref(I_star, (Ident _ as f1)); Deref(I_star, (Ident _ as f2)) ] ->
+ let s1, s2 = string_of_fromparser f1, string_of_fromparser f2 in
+ warn [Warn_complex_expressions] pos (sprintf "\"*%s = *%s\" is better written \"*%s = \\&%s\"" s1 s2 s1 s2) ;
+ sub_declaration (f1, None) [ call_with_same_para_special(Deref(I_func, f2)) ] Glob_assign
+ | "=", [ Deref(I_star, Raw_string(sf1, pos_f1)); Deref(I_star, (Ident _ as f2)) ] ->
+ let s2 = string_of_fromparser f2 in
+ warn [Warn_help_perl_checker] pos (sprintf "\"*{'%s'} = *%s\" is better written \"*{'%s'} = \\&%s\"" sf1 s2 sf1 s2) ;
+ sub_declaration (Ident(None, sf1, pos_f1), None) [ call_with_same_para_special(Deref(I_func, f2)) ] Glob_assign
+ | "=", [ Deref(I_star, (Ident _ as f1)); Ref(I_scalar, Deref(I_func, (Ident _ as f2))) ] ->
+ sub_declaration (f1, None) [ call_with_same_para_special(Deref(I_func, f2)) ] Glob_assign
+ | "=", [ Deref(I_star, Raw_string(sf1, pos_f1)); Ref(I_scalar, Deref(I_func, (Ident _ as f2))) ] ->
+ sub_declaration (Ident(None, sf1, pos_f1), None) [ call_with_same_para_special(Deref(I_func, f2)) ] Glob_assign
+ | "=", [ Deref(I_star, (Ident _ as f1)); (Anonymous_sub(proto, sub, _)) ] ->
+ sub_declaration (f1, proto) [ sub ] Glob_assign
+ | _ -> Call_op(op, para, raw_pos2pos pos)
+let to_Call_op mcontext op para esp_start esp_end =
+ let pos = raw_pos_range esp_start esp_end in
+ new_any mcontext (cook_call_op op para pos) esp_start.spaces pos
+let to_Call_op_ mcontext prio op para esp_start esp_end =
+ let pos = raw_pos_range esp_start esp_end in
+ new_any mcontext { priority = prio ; expr = cook_call_op op para pos } esp_start.spaces pos
+let to_Call_assign_op_ mcontext prio op left right esp_left esp_end =
+ if not (is_lvalue left) then warn [Warn_strange] esp_left.pos "invalid lvalue";
+ to_Call_op_ mcontext prio op [ left ; right ] esp_left esp_end
+let followed_by_comma expr true_comma =
+ if true_comma then expr else
+ match split_last expr with
+ | l, Ident(None, s, pos) -> l @ [Raw_string(s, pos)]
+ | _ -> expr
+let pot_strings = Hashtbl.create 16
+let po_comments = ref []
+let po_comment esp = lpush po_comments esp.any
+let check_format_a_la_printf s pos =
+ let rec check_format_a_la_printf_ contexts i =
+ try
+ let i' = String.index_from s i '%' in
+ try
+ let contexts =
+ match s.[i' + 1] with
+ | '%' -> contexts
+ | 'd' -> M_int :: contexts
+ | 's' | 'c' -> M_string :: contexts
+ | c -> warn [Warn_strange] (pos + i', pos + i') (sprintf "invalid command %%%c" c); contexts
+ in
+ check_format_a_la_printf_ contexts (i' + 2)
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> warn [Warn_strange] (pos + i', pos + i') "invalid command %" ; contexts
+ with Not_found -> contexts
+ in check_format_a_la_printf_ [] 0
+let generate_pot file =
+ let fd = open_out file in
+ output_string fd
+# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid \"\"
+msgstr \"\"
+\"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\\n\"
+\"POT-Creation-Date: " ^ input_line (Unix.open_process_in "date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z'") ^ "\\n\"
+\"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\\n\"
+\"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n\"
+\"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\\n\"
+\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\"
+\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\\n\"
+\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\\n\"
+") ;
+ let rec print_formatted_char = function
+ | '"' -> output_char fd '\\'; output_char fd '"'
+ | '\t' -> output_char fd '\\'; output_char fd 't'
+ | '\\' -> output_char fd '\\'; output_char fd '\\'
+ | '\n' -> output_string fd "\\n\"\n\""
+ | c -> output_char fd c
+ in
+ let sorted_pot_strings = List.sort (fun (_, pos_a) (_, pos_b) -> compare pos_a pos_b)
+ (Hashtbl.fold (fun k (v, _) l -> (k,v) :: l) pot_strings [] ) in
+ List.iter (fun (s, _) ->
+ match Hashtbl.find_all pot_strings s with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | l ->
+ List.iter (fun _ -> Hashtbl.remove pot_strings s) l ;
+ List.iter (fun po_comment -> output_string fd ("#. " ^ po_comment ^ "\n")) (collect snd l);
+ let pos_l = List.sort compare ( fst l) in
+ fprintf fd "#: %s\n" (String.concat " " ( Info.pos2s_for_po pos_l)) ;
+ output_string fd "#, c-format\n" ;
+ output_string fd (if String.contains s '\n' then "msgid \"\"\n\"" else "msgid \"") ;
+ String.iter print_formatted_char s ;
+ output_string fd "\"\n" ;
+ output_string fd "msgstr \"\"\n\n"
+ ) sorted_pot_strings ;
+ close_out fd
+let check_system_call = function
+ | "mkdir" :: l ->
+ let has_p = List.exists (str_begins_with "-p") l in
+ let has_m = List.exists (str_begins_with "-m") l in
+ if has_p && has_m then ()
+ else if has_p then warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_MDK_Common] "you can replace system(\"mkdir -p ...\") with mkdir_p(...)"
+ else if has_m then warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_MDK_Common] "you can replace system(\"mkdir -m <mode> ...\") with mkdir(..., <mode>)"
+ else warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_MDK_Common] "you can replace system(\"mkdir ...\") with mkdir(...)"
+ | _ -> ()
+let call_raw force_non_builtin_func (e, para) =
+ let check_anonymous_block f = function
+ | [ Anonymous_sub _ ; Deref (I_hash, _) ] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_strange] ("a hash is not a valid parameter to function " ^ f)
+ | Anonymous_sub _ :: _ -> ()
+ | _ -> warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] (sprintf "always use \"%s\" with a block (eg: %s { ... } @list)" f f)
+ in
+ match e with
+ | Deref(I_func, Ident(None, f, _)) ->
+ (match f with
+ | "join" ->
+ (match un_parenthesize_full_l para with
+ | e :: _ when not (is_a_scalar e) -> warn_rule [Warn_traps] "first argument of join() must be a scalar";
+ | [_] -> warn_rule [Warn_traps] "not enough parameters"
+ | [_; e] when is_a_scalar e -> warn_rule [Warn_traps] "join('...', $foo) is the same as $foo"
+ | _ -> ())
+ | "length" ->
+ if para = [] then warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] (sprintf "please use \"%s $_\" instead of \"%s\"" f f) else
+ if is_not_a_scalar (List.hd para) then warn_rule [Warn_traps] "never use \"length @l\", it returns the length of the string int(@l)" ;
+ | "open" ->
+ (match para with
+ | [ List(Ident(None, name, _) :: _) ]
+ | Ident(None, name, _) :: _ ->
+ if not (List.mem name [ "STDIN" ; "STDOUT" ; "STDERR" ]) then
+ warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] (sprintf "use a scalar instead of a bareword (eg: occurrences of %s with $%s)" name name)
+ | _ -> ())
+ | "N" | "N_" ->
+ (match para with
+ | [ List(String([ s, List [] ], (_, pos_offset, _ as pos)) :: para) ] ->
+ if !Flags.generate_pot then (
+ Hashtbl.add pot_strings s (pos, !po_comments) ;
+ po_comments := []
+ ) ;
+ let contexts = check_format_a_la_printf s pos_offset in
+ if f = "N" then
+ if List.length para < List.length contexts then
+ warn_rule [Warn_traps; Warn_MDK_Common] "not enough parameters"
+ else if List.length para > List.length contexts then
+ warn_rule [Warn_traps; Warn_MDK_Common] "too many parameters" ;
+ (*if String.contains s '\t' then warn_rule "tabulation in translated string must be written \\\\t";*)
+ (*if count_matching_char s '\n' > 10 then warn_rule "long string";*)
+ | [ List(String _ :: _) ] -> die_rule "don't use interpolated translated string, use %s or %d instead"
+ | _ -> die_rule (sprintf "%s() must be used with a string" f))
+ | "if_" ->
+ (match para with
+ | [ List [ _ ] ] -> warn_rule [Warn_traps; Warn_MDK_Common] "not enough parameters";
+ | _ -> ())
+ | "map" ->
+ (match para with
+ | Anonymous_sub(None, Block [ List [ Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "if_", _)),
+ [ List [ _ ; Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)) ] ]) ] ], _) :: _ ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_MDK_Common] "you can replace \"map { if_(..., $_) }\" with \"grep { ... }\""
+ | _ -> check_anonymous_block f para)
+ | "grep" ->
+ (match para with
+ | [ Anonymous_sub(None, Block [ List [ Call_op("not", [ Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "member", _)), [ List(Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)) :: _) ]) ], _) ] ], _); _ ] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_MDK_Common] "you can replace \"grep { !member($_, ...) } @l\" with \"difference2([ @l ], [ ... ])\""
+ | [ Anonymous_sub(None, Block [ List [ Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "member", _)), [ List(Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)) :: _) ]) ] ], _); _ ] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_MDK_Common] "you can replace \"grep { member($_, ...) } @l\" with \"intersection([ @l ], [ ... ])\""
+ | _ -> check_anonymous_block f para)
+ | "any" ->
+ (match para with
+ [Anonymous_sub (None, Block
+ [ List [ Call_op("eq", [Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)); _ ], _) ] ],
+ _); _ ] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_MDK_Common] "you can replace \"any { $_ eq ... } @l\" with \"member(..., @l)\""
+ | _ -> check_anonymous_block f para)
+ | "grep_index" | "map_index" | "partition" | "uniq_"
+ | "find"
+ | "every"
+ | "find_index"
+ | "each_index" -> check_anonymous_block f para
+ | "member" ->
+ (match para with
+ [ List [ _; Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "keys", _)), _) ] ] ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_MDK_Common] "you can replace \"member($xxx, keys %yyy)\" with \"exists $yyy{$xxx}\""
+ | _ -> ())
+ | "pop" | "shift" ->
+ (match para with
+ | []
+ | [ Deref(I_array, _) ]
+ | [ List [ Deref(I_array, _) ] ] -> ()
+ | _ -> warn_rule [Warn_traps] (f ^ " is expecting an array and nothing else"))
+ | "push" | "unshift" ->
+ (match para with
+ | Deref(I_array, _) :: l
+ | [ List (Deref(I_array, _) :: l) ] ->
+ if l = [] then warn_rule [Warn_traps] ("you must give some arguments to " ^ f)
+ | _ -> warn_rule [Warn_traps] (f ^ " is expecting an array"))
+ | "system" ->
+ let fake_string_option_from_expr = function
+ | String(l, _) -> Some(String.concat "" ( fst l))
+ | Raw_string(s, _) -> Some s
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ (match un_parenthesize_full_l para with
+ | [ e ] ->
+ (match fake_string_option_from_expr e with
+ | Some s ->
+ if List.exists (String.contains s) [ '\'' ; char_quote ] &&
+ not (List.exists (String.contains s) [ '<' ; '>' ; '&' ; ';']) then
+ warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] "instead of quoting parameters you should give a list of arguments";
+ check_system_call (split_at ' ' s)
+ | None -> ())
+ | l ->
+ let l' = filter_some_with fake_string_option_from_expr l in
+ check_system_call l')
+ | _ -> ()
+ );
+ let para' = match f with
+ | "no" ->
+ (match para with
+ | [ Ident(_, _, pos) as s ] -> Some [ Raw_string(string_of_fromparser s, pos) ]
+ | [ Call(Deref(I_func, (Ident(_, _, pos) as s)), l) ] -> Some(Raw_string(string_of_fromparser s, pos) :: l)
+ | _ -> die_rule "use \"no PACKAGE <para>\"")
+ | "undef" ->
+ (match para with
+ | [ Deref(I_star, ident) ] -> Some [ Deref(I_func, ident) ]
+ | _ -> None)
+ | "goto" ->
+ (match para with
+ | [ Ident(None, s, pos) ] -> Some [ Raw_string(s, pos) ]
+ | _ -> None)
+ | "last" | "next" | "redo" when not force_non_builtin_func ->
+ (match para with
+ | [ Ident(None, s, pos) ] -> Some [ Raw_string(s, pos) ]
+ | _ -> die_rule (sprintf "%s must be used with a raw string" f))
+ | "split" ->
+ (match para with
+ | [ List(Call_op("m//", Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)) :: pattern, pos) :: l) ]
+ | Call_op("m//", Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)) :: pattern, pos) :: l ->
+ Some(Call_op("qr//", pattern, pos) :: l)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None
+ in Call(e, some_or para' para)
+ | _ -> Call(e, para)
+let call(e, para) = call_raw false (e, para)
+let check_return esp_func esp_para =
+ match esp_func.any with
+ | Ident(None, "return", _) ->
+ prio_lo_check P_call_no_paren esp_para.any.priority esp_para.pos (List esp_para.any.expr)
+ | _ -> ()
+let call_and_context(e, para) force_non_builtin_func priority esp_start esp_end =
+ let context =
+ match e with
+ | Deref(I_func, Ident(None, f, _)) -> function_to_context false f
+ | _ -> M_unknown
+ in
+ new_pesp context priority (call_raw force_non_builtin_func (e, para)) esp_start esp_end
+let call_no_paren esp_func esp_para = check_return esp_func esp_para; call_and_context(Deref(I_func, esp_func.any), esp_para.any.expr) false P_call_no_paren esp_func esp_para
+let call_with_paren esp_func esp_para = check_return esp_func esp_para; call_and_context (Deref(I_func, esp_func.any), esp_para.any.expr) false P_tok esp_func esp_para
+let call_func esp_func esp_para =
+ call_and_context(esp_func.any, esp_para.any.expr) true P_tok esp_func esp_para
+let call_one_scalar_para prio { any = e ; pos = pos } para esp_start esp_end =
+ let para' =
+ match para with
+ | [] ->
+ if e = "shift" || e = "pop" then
+ [] (* can't decide here *)
+ else
+ (if not (List.mem e [ "length" ]) then warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] (sprintf "please use \"%s $_\" instead of \"%s\"" e e) ;
+ [var_dollar_ (raw_pos2pos pos)])
+ | _ -> para
+ in
+ new_pesp M_unknown prio (call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, e, raw_pos2pos pos)), para')) esp_start esp_end
+let (current_lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf option ref) = ref None
+let rec list2tokens l =
+ let rl = ref l in
+ fun lexbuf ->
+ match !rl with
+ | [] -> internal_error "list2tokens"
+ | ((start, end_), e) :: l ->
+ (* HACK: fake a normal lexbuf *)
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p <- { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = start } ;
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- { Lexing.dummy_pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = end_ } ;
+ rl := l ; e
+let parse_tokens parse tokens lexbuf_opt =
+ if lexbuf_opt <> None then current_lexbuf := lexbuf_opt ;
+ if tokens = [] then [] else
+ parse (list2tokens tokens) (some !current_lexbuf)
+let parse_interpolated parse l =
+ let l' = (fun (s, tokens) -> s, to_List(parse_tokens parse tokens None)) l in
+ match split_last l' with
+ | pl, ("", List []) -> pl
+ | _ -> l'
+let to_String parse strict { any = l ; pos = pos } =
+ let l' = parse_interpolated parse l in
+ (match l' with
+ | [ "", List [Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, ident, _))]] ->
+ if ident <> "!" && strict then warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] pos (sprintf "%s is better written without the double quotes" (variable2s(I_scalar, ident)))
+ | [ "", List [Deref(I_hash, _)]] ->
+ warn [Warn_traps] pos "don't use a hash in string context"
+ | [ "", List [Deref(I_array, _)]]
+ | [ "", List [Deref_with(I_array, I_array, _, _)]] -> (* for slices like: "@m3[1..$#m3]" *)
+ ()
+ | [("", _)] ->
+ if strict then warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] pos "double quotes are unneeded"
+ | _ -> ());
+ String(l', raw_pos2pos pos)
+let from_PATTERN parse { any = (s, opts) ; pos = pos } =
+ let re = parse_interpolated parse s in
+ (match List.rev re with
+ | (s, List []) :: _ ->
+ if str_ends_with s ".*" then
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] (sprintf "you can remove \"%s\" at the end of your regexp" ".*")
+ else if str_ends_with s ".*$" then
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] (sprintf "you can remove \"%s\" at the end of your regexp" ".*$")
+ | _ -> ());
+ let pattern = [ String(re, raw_pos2pos pos) ; Raw_string(opts, raw_pos2pos pos) ] in
+ check_simple_pattern pattern;
+ pattern
+let from_PATTERN_SUBST parse { any = (s1, s2, opts) ; pos = pos } =
+ [ String(parse_interpolated parse s1, raw_pos2pos pos) ;
+ String(parse_interpolated parse s2, raw_pos2pos pos) ;
+ Raw_string(opts, raw_pos2pos pos) ]
+let rec mcontext2s = function
+ | M_none -> "()"
+ | M_bool -> "bool"
+ | M_int -> "int"
+ | M_float -> "float"
+ | M_string -> "string"
+ | M_ref c -> "ref(" ^ mcontext2s c ^ ")"
+ | M_revision -> "revision"
+ | M_undef -> "undef"
+ | M_sub -> "sub"
+ | M_unknown_scalar -> "scalar"
+ | M_tuple l -> "tuple(" ^ String.concat ", " ( mcontext2s l) ^ ")"
+ | M_list -> "list"
+ | M_array -> "array"
+ | M_hash -> "hash"
+ | M_special -> "special"
+ | M_unknown -> "unknown"
+ | M_mixed l -> String.concat " | " ( mcontext2s l)
+let rec mcontext_lower c1 c2 =
+ match c1, c2 with
+ | M_special, _ | _, M_special -> internal_error "M_special in mcontext_compare"
+ | M_unknown, _
+ | _, M_unknown -> true
+ | M_mixed l, c -> List.exists (fun a -> mcontext_lower a c) l
+ | c, M_mixed l -> List.exists (mcontext_lower c) l
+ | M_none, M_none | M_sub, M_sub | M_hash, M_hash | M_hash, M_bool -> true
+ | M_none, _ | M_sub, _ | M_hash, _ -> false
+ | _, M_list -> true
+ | M_list, M_bool
+ | M_list, M_tuple _
+ (* M_unknown_scalar is M_mixed [ M_int ; M_float ; M_string ; M_bool ; M_ref _ ; M_revision ; M_undef ] *)
+ | M_unknown_scalar, M_int | M_unknown_scalar, M_float | M_unknown_scalar, M_string | M_unknown_scalar, M_bool
+ | M_unknown_scalar, M_ref _ | M_unknown_scalar, M_revision | M_unknown_scalar, M_undef | M_unknown_scalar, M_unknown_scalar
+ | M_array, M_array | M_array, M_int | M_array, M_float | M_array, M_bool | M_array, M_unknown_scalar | M_array, M_tuple _
+ | M_int, M_int | M_int, M_float | M_int, M_string | M_int, M_bool | M_int, M_unknown_scalar
+ | M_float, M_float | M_float, M_string | M_float, M_bool | M_float, M_unknown_scalar
+ | M_string, M_string | M_string, M_bool | M_string, M_unknown_scalar
+ | M_bool, M_bool | M_bool, M_unknown_scalar
+ | M_ref _, M_unknown_scalar
+ | M_revision, M_revision | M_revision, M_unknown_scalar
+ | M_undef, M_undef | M_undef, M_unknown_scalar
+ -> true
+ | M_tuple t1, M_tuple t2 ->
+ List.length t1 = List.length t2 && for_all2_true mcontext_lower t1 t2
+ | M_tuple [c], M_int | M_tuple [c], M_float | M_tuple [c], M_string | M_tuple [c], M_bool
+ | M_tuple [c], M_ref _ | M_tuple [c], M_revision | M_tuple [c], M_undef | M_tuple [c], M_unknown_scalar
+ -> mcontext_lower c c2
+(* | M_ref a, M_ref b -> mcontext_lower a b *)
+ | _ -> false
+let mcontext_is_scalar = function
+ | M_unknown -> false
+ | c -> mcontext_lower c M_unknown_scalar
+let mcontext_to_scalar = function
+ | M_array -> M_int
+ | c -> if mcontext_is_scalar c then c else M_unknown_scalar
+let mcontext_merge_raw c1 c2 =
+ match c1, c2 with
+ | M_unknown, _ | _, M_unknown -> Some M_unknown
+ | M_unknown_scalar, c when mcontext_is_scalar c -> Some M_unknown_scalar
+ | c, M_unknown_scalar when mcontext_is_scalar c -> Some M_unknown_scalar
+ | M_mixed _, _ | _, M_mixed _ -> internal_error "mcontext_merge_raw"
+ | _ ->
+ if mcontext_lower c1 c2 then Some c2 else
+ if mcontext_lower c2 c1 then Some c1 else
+ if c1 = c2 then Some c1 else
+ None
+let rec mcontext_lmerge_add l = function
+ | M_mixed l2 -> List.fold_left mcontext_lmerge_add [] (l2 @ l)
+ | c ->
+ let rec add_to = function
+ | [] -> [c]
+ | M_mixed subl :: l -> add_to (subl @ l)
+ | c2 :: l ->
+ match mcontext_merge_raw c c2 with
+ | Some c' -> c' :: l
+ | None -> c2 :: add_to l
+ in add_to l
+let mcontext_lmerge l =
+ match List.fold_left mcontext_lmerge_add [] l with
+ | [] -> internal_error "mcontext_lmerge"
+ | [c] -> c
+ | l -> M_mixed l
+let mcontext_merge c1 c2 = mcontext_lmerge [ c1 ; c2 ]
+let mcontext_lmaybe esp = if esp.any = [] then [] else [esp.mcontext]
+let mcontext_check_raw wanted_mcontext mcontext =
+ if not (mcontext_lower mcontext wanted_mcontext) then
+ warn_rule [Warn_context] (sprintf "context %s is not compatible with context %s" (mcontext2s mcontext) (mcontext2s wanted_mcontext))
+let mcontext_check wanted_mcontext esp =
+ (match wanted_mcontext with
+ | M_list | M_array | M_float | M_mixed [M_array; M_none] | M_tuple _ -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ match un_parenthesize_full esp.any.expr with
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "grep", _)), _) ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler; Warn_help_perl_checker] (if wanted_mcontext = M_bool then
+ "in boolean context, use \"any\" instead of \"grep\"" else
+ "you may use \"find\" instead of \"grep\"")
+ | _ -> ());
+ mcontext_check_raw wanted_mcontext esp.mcontext
+let mcontext_check_unop_l wanted_mcontext esp =
+ mcontext_check wanted_mcontext { esp with any = { esp.any with expr = List esp.any.expr } }
+let mcontext_check_non_none esp =
+ if esp.mcontext = M_none then warn_rule [Warn_context] "() context not accepted here"
+let mcontext_check_none msg expr esp =
+ let rec mcontext_check_none_rec msg expr = function
+ | M_none | M_unknown -> ()
+ | M_mixed l when List.exists (fun c -> c = M_none) l -> ()
+ | M_tuple l ->
+ (match expr with
+ | [Block [List l_expr]]
+ | [List l_expr]
+ | [List l_expr ; Semi_colon] ->
+ let rec iter = function
+ | e::l_expr, mcontext::l ->
+ mcontext_check_none_rec (if l = [] then msg else "value is dropped") [e] mcontext ;
+ iter (l_expr, l)
+ | [], [] -> ()
+ | _ -> internal_error "mcontext_check_none"
+ in iter (un_parenthesize_full_l l_expr, l)
+ | _ -> internal_error "mcontext_check_none")
+ | _ ->
+ match expr with
+ | [List [Num("1", _)]; Semi_colon] -> () (* allow "1;" for package return value. It would be much better to check we are at toplevel, but hell i don't want to wire this information up to here *)
+ | [List [Call_op ("<>", [Ident (None, "STDIN", _)], _)]; Semi_colon] -> () (* allow <STDIN> to ask "press return" *)
+ | [List [Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "map", _)), _)]; Semi_colon] -> warn_rule [Warn_void] "if you don't use the return value, use \"foreach\" instead of \"map\""
+ | _ -> warn [Warn_void] esp.pos msg
+ in
+ mcontext_check_none_rec msg expr esp.mcontext
+(* only returns M_float when there is at least one float *)
+let mcontext_float_or_int l =
+ List.iter (mcontext_check_raw M_float) l;
+ if List.mem M_float l then M_float else M_int
+let mcontext_op_assign left right =
+ mcontext_check_non_none right;
+ let left_mcontext =
+ match left.mcontext with
+ | M_mixed [ c ; M_none ] -> c
+ | c -> c
+ in
+ let wanted_mcontext = match left_mcontext with
+ | M_array -> M_list
+ | M_hash -> M_mixed [ M_hash ; M_list ]
+ | m -> m
+ in
+ mcontext_check wanted_mcontext right;
+ let return_mcontext =
+ match left_mcontext with
+ | M_tuple _ -> M_array
+ | c -> c
+ in
+ mcontext_merge return_mcontext M_none
+let mtuple_context_concat c1 c2 =
+ match c1, c2 with
+ | M_array, _ | _, M_array
+ | M_hash, _ | _, M_hash -> M_list
+ | M_tuple l, _ -> M_tuple (l @ [c2])
+ | _ -> M_tuple [c1 ; c2]
+let call_op_if_infix left right esp_start esp_end =
+ (match left, right with
+ | List [Call_op("=", [Deref(context, _); _], _)], _ when non_scalar_context context -> ()
+ | List [Call_op("=", [v; _], _)],
+ List [Call_op("not", [v'], _)] when is_same_fromparser v v' ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] "\"$foo = ... if !$foo\" can be written \"$foo ||= ...\""
+ | _ -> ());
+ mcontext_check_none "value is dropped" [left] esp_start;
+ (match right with
+ | List [ Num("0", _)] -> () (* allow my $x if 0 *)
+ | _ -> check_My_under_condition "replace \"my $foo = ... if <cond>\" with \"my $foo = <cond> && ...\"" left);
+ let pos = raw_pos_range esp_start esp_end in
+ new_any M_none (Call_op("if infix", [ left ; right], raw_pos2pos pos)) esp_start.spaces pos
+let call_op_unless_infix left right esp_start esp_end =
+ (match left, right with
+ | List [Call_op("=", [Deref(context, _); _], _)], _ when non_scalar_context context -> ()
+ | List [Call_op("=", [v; _], _)], List [v'] when is_same_fromparser v v' ->
+ warn_rule [Warn_suggest_simpler] "\"$foo = ... unless $foo\" can be written \"$foo ||= ...\""
+ | _ -> ());
+ (match right with
+ | List [Call_op(op, _, _)] ->
+ (match op with
+ | "&&" | "||" | "not" | "ne" | "?:" -> warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] "don't use \"unless\" when the condition is complex, use \"if\" instead"
+ | _ -> ());
+ | _ -> ());
+ mcontext_check_none "value is dropped" [left] esp_start;
+ check_My_under_condition "replace \"my $foo = ... unless <cond>\" with \"my $foo = !<cond> && ...\"" left;
+ let pos = raw_pos_range esp_start esp_end in
+ new_any M_none (Call_op("unless infix", [ left ; right], raw_pos2pos pos)) esp_start.spaces pos
+let symops pri para_context return_context op_str left op right =
+ sp_same op right;
+ let skip_context_check =
+ (op_str = "==" || op_str = "!=") && (match left.any.expr, right.any.expr with
+ | Deref(I_array, _), List [] -> true (* allow @l == () and @l != () *)
+ | _ -> false)
+ in
+ if op_str <> "==" && op_str <> "!=" && para_context = M_float then
+ (match un_parenthesize_full left.any.expr with
+ | Call_op("last_array_index", _, _) -> warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] "change your expression to use @xxx instead of $#xxx"
+ | _ -> ());
+ if not skip_context_check then
+ (mcontext_check para_context left ; mcontext_check para_context right) ;
+ to_Call_op_ return_context pri op_str [prio_lo pri left; prio_lo_after pri right] left right