path: root/perl_checker.src
diff options
authorPascal Rigaux <>2002-12-18 16:02:09 +0000
committerPascal Rigaux <>2002-12-18 16:02:09 +0000
commit2375b0413acc1f3e6659fc110c13bcc061cd320d (patch)
tree4661b764b6caa774672a30e7b7baf762293ae0b6 /perl_checker.src
parentb852ba8ae186c776d03a44e4a63179a633aaeb52 (diff)
new features including checking methods being available and unused functions
Diffstat (limited to 'perl_checker.src')
18 files changed, 797 insertions, 436 deletions
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/.cvsignore b/perl_checker.src/.cvsignore
index d715755..2bd7e98 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/.cvsignore
+++ b/perl_checker.src/.cvsignore
@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/Makefile b/perl_checker.src/Makefile
index 9b33410..727b38d 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/Makefile
+++ b/perl_checker.src/Makefile
@@ -4,12 +4,21 @@ YFLAGS = -v
TRASH = parser.output TAGS
RESULT = perl_checker
BCSUFFIX = _debug
-SOURCES = types.mli parser.mly lexer.mll
+SOURCES = types.mli parser.mly lexer.mll
LIBS = unix
+VENDORLIB = $(shell dirname `pwd`)/perl_checker_fake_packages
NAME = shyant
-default: TAGS debug-code native-code
+default: TAGS build_ml debug-code native-code
+ rm -f
+ $(MAKE)
+ date '+let date = %s' > $@
+ echo 'let fake_packages_dir = "'$(VENDORLIB)'"' >> $@
ocamltags *.ml
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/build.mli b/perl_checker.src/build.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49acf6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl_checker.src/build.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+val date : int
+val fake_packages_dir : string
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/ b/perl_checker.src/
index 9d21a48..44e63fd 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/
+++ b/perl_checker.src/
@@ -496,10 +496,6 @@ let adjustModDown m n = n - (n mod m)
let adjustModUp m n = adjustModDown m (n + m - 1)
-let hashtbl_set h k v =
- Hashtbl.remove h k;
- Hashtbl.add h k v
let hashtbl_find f h =
let r = ref None in
Hashtbl.iter (fun v c -> if f v c then r := Some v) h ;
@@ -507,11 +503,20 @@ let hashtbl_find f h =
| Some v -> v
| None -> raise Not_found
-let hashtbl_filter f h =
- Hashtbl.iter (fun v c -> hashtbl_set h v (f v c)) h
+let hashtbl_map f h = Hashtbl.iter (fun v c -> Hashtbl.replace h v (f v c)) h
+let hashtbl_values h = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ v l -> v :: l) h []
+let hashtbl_keys h = Hashtbl.fold (fun k _ l -> k :: l) h []
+let hashtbl_to_list h = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v l -> (k,v) :: l) h []
+let hashtbl_collect f h =
+ rev (Hashtbl.fold (fun k v l -> rev_append (f k v) l) h [])
-let hashtbl_to_list h =
- Hashtbl.fold (fun k v l -> (k,v) :: l) h []
+let hashtbl_exists f h =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun v c -> if f v c then raise Found) h ;
+ false
+ with Found -> true
let array_shift a = Array.sub a 1 (Array.length a - 1)
let array_last_n n a =
@@ -677,7 +682,10 @@ let rec times e = function
| n -> e :: times e (n-1)
let skip_n_char_ beg end_ s =
- String.sub s beg (String.length s - beg - end_)
+ let full_len = String.length s in
+ if beg < full_len && full_len - beg - end_ > 0
+ then String.sub s beg (full_len - beg - end_)
+ else ""
let skip_n_char n s = skip_n_char_ n 0 s
let rec non_index_from s beg c =
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/common.mli b/perl_checker.src/common.mli
index f3a66c7..7f2c341 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/common.mli
+++ b/perl_checker.src/common.mli
@@ -144,10 +144,13 @@ val getset_nth : 'a list -> int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list
val set_nth : 'a list -> int -> 'a -> 'a list
val adjustModDown : int -> int -> int
val adjustModUp : int -> int -> int
-val hashtbl_set : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'a -> 'b -> unit
val hashtbl_find : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'a
-val hashtbl_filter : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> unit
+val hashtbl_map : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> unit
+val hashtbl_values : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'b list
+val hashtbl_keys : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'a list
val hashtbl_to_list : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> ('a * 'b) list
+val hashtbl_collect : ('a -> 'b -> 'c list) -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'c list
+val hashtbl_exists : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> bool
val array_shift : 'a array -> 'a array
val array_last_n : int -> 'a array -> 'a array
val array_collect : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a array -> 'b list
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/ b/perl_checker.src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4453f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl_checker.src/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+open Common
+type config_file = {
+ basedir : int option ;
+ }
+let ignored_packages = ref []
+let default = { basedir = None }
+let config_cache = Hashtbl.create 16
+let read dir =
+ try Hashtbl.find config_cache dir with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let file_name = dir ^ "/.perl_checker" in
+ let fh = open_in file_name in
+ let config =
+ fold_lines (fun config line ->
+ match words line with
+ | [ "Basedir"; ".." ] -> { config with basedir = Some 1 }
+ | [ "Basedir"; "../.." ] -> { config with basedir = Some 2 }
+ | [] -> config (* blank line *)
+ | [ "Ignore"; pkg ]
+ | [ pkg ] (* the deprecated form *)
+ -> lpush ignored_packages pkg; config
+ | _ -> prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "bad line \"%s\" in %s" line file_name); config
+ ) default fh
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add config_cache dir config ;
+ config
+ with Sys_error _ -> default
+let rec read_any dir depth =
+ if depth = 0 then () else
+ let _ = read dir in
+ read_any (dir ^ "/..") (depth - 1)
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/config_file.mli b/perl_checker.src/config_file.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5ad2f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl_checker.src/config_file.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+type config_file = { basedir : int option; }
+val ignored_packages : string list ref
+val default : config_file
+val config_cache : (string, config_file) Hashtbl.t
+val read : string -> config_file
+val read_any : string -> int -> unit
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/ b/perl_checker.src/
index 8c88b81..85f405c 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/
+++ b/perl_checker.src/
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ let verbose = ref false
let quiet = ref false
let generate_pot = ref false
let expand_tabs = ref (Some 8)
+let check_unused_global_vars = ref false
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/flags.mli b/perl_checker.src/flags.mli
index d52b5fa..16d929a 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/flags.mli
+++ b/perl_checker.src/flags.mli
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ val verbose : bool ref
val quiet : bool ref
val generate_pot : bool ref
val expand_tabs : int option ref
+val check_unused_global_vars : bool ref
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/ b/perl_checker.src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ce4d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl_checker.src/
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+open Types
+open Common
+open Printf
+open Config_file
+open Parser_helper
+open Tree
+type state = {
+ per_package : (string, per_package) Hashtbl.t ;
+ methods : (string, (pos * bool ref) list) Hashtbl.t ;
+ global_vars_declared : (context * string * string, pos) Hashtbl.t ;
+ global_vars_used : ((context * string * string) * pos) list ref ;
+ }
+type vars = {
+ my_vars : ((context * string) * (pos * bool ref)) list list ;
+ our_vars : ((context * string) * (pos * bool ref)) list list ;
+ locally_imported : ((context * string) * (string * bool ref)) list ;
+ required_vars : (context * string * string) list ;
+ current_package : per_package ;
+ state : state ;
+ }
+let rec get_imported state current_package (package_name, (imports, pos)) =
+ try
+ let package_used = Hashtbl.find state.per_package package_name in
+ let exports = package_used.exports in
+ let get_var_by_name var =
+ let b =
+ try snd (Hashtbl.find package_used.vars_declared var)
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ snd (List.assoc var (get_imports state package_used))
+ with Not_found ->
+ warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "name %s is not defined in package %s" (variable2s var) package_name) ;
+ ref true
+ in
+ var, (package_name, b)
+ in
+ match imports with
+ | None ->
+ let re = match exports.special_export with
+ | Some Re_export_all -> get_imports state package_used
+ | Some Fake_export_all ->
+ (* HACK: if package exporting-all is ignored, ignore package importing *)
+ if List.mem package_name !ignored_packages then Tree.ignore_package current_package.package_name;
+ Hashtbl.fold (fun var (_pos, b) l -> (var, (package_name, b)) :: l) package_used.vars_declared []
+ | _ -> [] in
+ let l = get_var_by_name exports.export_auto in
+ re @ l
+ | Some l ->
+ let imports_vars =
+ collect (function
+ | I_raw, tag ->
+ (try
+ List.assoc tag exports.export_tags
+ with Not_found -> die_with_pos pos (sprintf "package %s doesn't export tag %s" package_name tag))
+ | variable ->
+ if List.mem variable exports.export_ok then
+ [ variable ]
+ else
+ die_with_pos pos (sprintf "package %s doesn't export %s" package_name (variable2s variable))
+ ) l
+ in
+ get_var_by_name imports_vars
+ with Not_found -> []
+and get_imports state package =
+ match !(package.imported) with
+ | Some l -> l
+ | None ->
+ let l = collect (get_imported state package) package.uses in
+ package.imported := Some l ;
+ l
+let is_my_declared vars t =
+ List.exists (fun l ->
+ List.mem_assoc t l && (snd (List.assoc t l) := true ; true)
+ ) vars.my_vars
+let is_our_declared vars t =
+ List.exists (fun l ->
+ List.mem_assoc t l && (snd (List.assoc t l) := true ; true)
+ ) vars.our_vars
+let is_var_declared_and_set state package var =
+ try
+ let (_pos, used) = Hashtbl.find package.vars_declared var in
+ used := true ;
+ true
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let (_pos, used) = List.assoc var (get_imports state package) in
+ used := true ;
+ true
+ with Not_found ->
+ false
+let is_var_declared vars var =
+ List.mem_assoc var vars.locally_imported ||
+ is_var_declared_and_set vars.state vars.current_package var
+let is_global_var_declared vars (context, fq, name) =
+ Hashtbl.mem vars.state.global_vars_declared (context, fq, name) ||
+ (try
+ let package = Hashtbl.find vars.state.per_package fq in
+ is_var_declared_and_set vars.state package (context, name)
+ with Not_found -> false)
+let is_global_var context ident =
+ match context with
+ | I_scalar ->
+ (match ident with
+ | "@" | "!" | ">" | "\\" | "$" | "^A" | "'" | "/" | "?" | "<" | "^W" | "|" | "^I" | "&"
+ | "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | I_array ->
+ (match ident with
+ | "ARGV" | "INC" -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | I_hash ->
+ (match ident with
+ | "ENV" | "SIG" -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | I_star ->
+ (match ident with
+ | "__FILE__" | "__LINE__" | "undef" -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | I_func ->
+ (match ident with
+ | "-b" | "-d" | "-e" | "-f" | "-l" | "-r" | "-s" | "-w" | "-x"
+ | "abs" | "alarm" | "basename" | "bless"
+ | "caller" | "chdir" | "chmod" | "chomp" | "chop" | "chown" | "chr" | "chroot" | "close" | "closedir" | "crypt"
+ | "defined" | "delete" | "die"
+ | "each" | "endpwent" | "eof" | "eval" | "exec" | "exists" | "exit"
+ | "fcntl" | "fileno" | "flock" | "formline" | "fork"
+ | "gethostbyaddr" | "gethostbyname" | "getgrnam" | "getgrgid" | "getppid" | "getpwent" | "getpwnam" | "getpwuid" | "gmtime" | "goto" | "grep" | "hex"
+ | "index" | "int" | "ioctl" | "join" | "keys" | "kill"
+ | "last" | "lc" | "length" | "link" | "localtime" | "log" | "lstat"
+ | "map" | "mkdir" | "next" | "no" | "oct" | "open" | "opendir" | "ord"
+ | "pack" | "pipe" | "pop" | "print" | "printf" | "push" | "quotemeta"
+ | "rand" | "read" | "readdir" | "readlink" | "redo" | "ref" | "rename" | "require" | "return" | "reverse" | "rmdir"
+ | "scalar" | "seek" | "select" | "setpwent" | "shift" | "sleep" | "sort" | "splice" | "split" | "sprintf" | "stat" | "substr"
+ | "symlink" | "syscall" | "sysopen" | "sysread" | "sysseek" | "system" | "syswrite" | "tie" | "time"
+ | "uc" | "umask" | "undef" | "unlink" | "unpack" | "unshift" | "utime" | "values" | "vec" | "waitpid" | "wantarray" | "warn" | "write"
+ -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false
+let check_variable (context, var) vars =
+ match var with
+ | Ident(Some pkg, _, _) when uses_external_package pkg || List.mem pkg !ignored_packages -> ()
+ | Ident(None, ident, pos) ->
+ if is_my_declared vars (context, ident) || is_our_declared vars (context, ident) || is_var_declared vars (context, ident) || is_global_var context ident
+ then ()
+ else warn_with_pos pos (if context = I_func then "unknown function " ^ ident else "undeclared variable " ^ variable2s(context, ident))
+ | Ident(Some fq, name, pos) ->
+ if (fq = "CORE") && is_global_var context name || is_global_var_declared vars (context, fq, name)
+ then ()
+ else
+ if context = I_func then
+ warn_with_pos pos ("unknown function " ^ string_of_Ident var)
+ else
+ lpush vars.state.global_vars_used ((context, fq, name), pos)
+ | _ -> ()
+let declare_My vars (mys, pos) =
+ let l_new = List.filter (fun (context, ident) ->
+ if context = I_raw then
+ if ident = "undef" then false else die_with_pos pos (sprintf "bad ident %s in my" ident)
+ else true
+ ) mys in
+ let l_pre = List.hd vars.my_vars in
+ List.iter (fun v ->
+ if List.mem_assoc v l_pre then warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "redeclared variable %s" (variable2s v))
+ ) l_new ;
+ { vars with my_vars = ( (fun v -> v, (pos, ref false)) l_new @ l_pre) :: vars.my_vars }
+let declare_Our vars (ours, pos) =
+ match vars.our_vars with
+ | [] -> vars (* we're at the toplevel, already declared in vars_declared *)
+ | l_pre :: other ->
+ List.iter (fun v ->
+ if List.mem_assoc v l_pre && v <> (I_scalar, "_") then warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "redeclared variable %s" (variable2s v))
+ ) ours ;
+ { vars with our_vars = ( (fun v -> v, (pos, ref false)) ours @ l_pre) :: other }
+let declare_My_our vars (my_or_our, l, pos) =
+ match my_or_our with
+ | "my" -> declare_My vars (l, pos)
+ | "local"
+ | "our" -> declare_Our vars (l, pos)
+ | _ -> internal_error "declare_My_our"
+let check_unused_local_variables vars =
+ List.iter (fun ((_, s as v), (pos, used)) ->
+ if not !used && s.[0] != '_' && not (List.mem s [ "BEGIN"; "END"; "DESTROY" ]) then warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "unused variable %s" (variable2s v))
+ ) (List.hd vars.my_vars)
+let check_variables vars t =
+ let rec check_variables_ vars t = fold_tree check vars t
+ and check vars = function
+ | Block l ->
+ let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [] :: vars.our_vars } in
+ let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' l in
+ check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
+ Some vars
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "sort", _)), (Anonymous_sub(Block f, pos) :: l)) ->
+ let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars l in
+ let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [ (I_scalar, "a"), (pos, ref true) ; (I_scalar, "b"), (pos, ref true) ] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [] :: vars.our_vars } in
+ let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' f in
+ check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
+ Some vars
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, func, func_pos)), Anonymous_sub(Block f, pos) :: l) when func = "grep" || func = "map" || func = "substInFile" || func = "map_index" || func = "each_index" || func = "partition" || func = "find_index" || func = "grep_index" ->
+ let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars l in
+ let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [(I_scalar, "_"), (pos, ref true)] :: vars.our_vars } in
+ let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' f in
+ check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
+ check_variable (I_func, Ident(None, func, func_pos)) vars ;
+ Some vars
+ | Call_op("while infix", [ expr ; (List [ Call_op("<>", _, _) ] as l) ], pos)
+ | Call_op("for infix", [ expr ; l ], pos) ->
+ let vars = check_variables_ vars l in
+ let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [(I_scalar, "_"), (pos, ref true)] :: vars.our_vars } in
+ let vars' = check_variables_ vars' expr in
+ if List.hd(vars'.my_vars) <> [] then warn_with_pos pos "you can't declare variables in foreach infix";
+ Some vars
+ | Call_op("foreach my", [my; expr; Block block], _) ->
+ let vars = check_variables_ vars expr in
+ let vars = check_variables_ vars (Block (my :: block)) in
+ Some vars
+ | Call_op(op, cond :: Block first_bl :: other, _) when op = "if" || op = "while" || op = "unless" || op = "until" ->
+ let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [] :: vars.our_vars } in
+ let vars' = check_variables_ vars' cond in
+ let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' first_bl in
+ check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
+ let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars other in
+ Some vars
+ | Sub_declaration(Ident(fq, name, pos) as ident, _proto, Block l) ->
+ let vars = declare_Our vars ([ I_func, string_of_Ident ident ], pos) in
+ let local_vars = ((I_array, "_"), (pos, ref true)) :: (if fq = None && name = "AUTOLOAD" then [ (I_scalar, "AUTOLOAD"), (pos, ref true) ] else []) in
+ let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = local_vars :: vars.our_vars } in
+ let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' l in
+ check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
+ Some vars
+ | Anonymous_sub(Block l, pos) ->
+ let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [(I_array, "_"), (pos, ref true)] :: vars.our_vars } in
+ let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' l in
+ check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
+ Some vars
+ | Call_op("foreach", [ expr ; Block l ], pos) ->
+ let vars = check_variables_ vars expr in
+ let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [(I_scalar, "_"), (pos, ref true)] :: vars.our_vars } in
+ let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' l in
+ check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
+ Some vars
+ | Anonymous_sub _
+ | Sub_declaration _ -> internal_error "check_variables"
+ | Ident _ as var ->
+ check_variable (I_star, var) vars ;
+ Some vars
+ | My_our(my_or_our, mys, pos) -> Some(declare_My_our vars (my_or_our, mys, pos))
+ | Deref(context, (Ident _ as var)) ->
+ check_variable (context, var) vars ;
+ Some vars
+ | Deref_with(context, _, (Ident _ as var), para) ->
+ let vars = check_variables_ vars para in
+ check_variable (context, var) vars ;
+ Some vars
+ | Call_op("=", [My_our(my_or_our, mys, pos); e], _) ->
+ (* check e first *)
+ let vars = check_variables_ vars e in
+ List.iter (fun (context, var) ->
+ if non_scalar_context context then die_with_pos pos (sprintf "%s takes all the arguments, %s is undef in any case" (variable2s (context, var)) (variable2s (last mys)))
+ ) (removelast mys) ; (* mys is never empty *)
+ Some(declare_My_our vars (my_or_our, mys, pos))
+ | Call_op("if infix", [List [My_our _]; List [Num("0", _)]], _) -> None (* special allowed case *)
+ | Call_op(op, List (My_our _ :: _) :: _, pos)
+ | Call_op(op, My_our _ :: _, pos)
+ | Call_op(op, Call_op("local", _, _) :: _, pos) ->
+ if op <> "=" then warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "applying %s on a new initialized variable is wrong" op);
+ None
+ | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "require", _)), [Ident _]) -> Some vars
+ | Method_call(Raw_string(package_name, pos), Raw_string ("import", _), para) ->
+ let args =
+ match para with
+ | [] -> None
+ | [ List [v] ] -> Some(from_qw v)
+ | _ -> die_with_pos pos "bad import statement" in
+ let l = get_imported vars.state vars.current_package (package_name, (args, pos)) in
+ let vars = { vars with locally_imported = l @ vars.locally_imported } in
+ Some vars
+ | Method_call(Raw_string(pkg, _), Raw_string(method_, pos), para) ->
+ let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars para in
+ let rec search pkg =
+ if is_global_var_declared vars (I_func, pkg, method_) then true
+ else
+ let package = Hashtbl.find vars.state.per_package pkg in
+ List.exists search ( fst (some_or package.isa []))
+ in
+ (try
+ if not (uses_external_package pkg || List.mem pkg !ignored_packages || search pkg || method_ = "bootstrap") then
+ warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "unknown method %s starting in package %s" method_ pkg);
+ with Not_found -> (* no warning, "can't find package" is already warned *)());
+ Some vars
+ | Method_call(o, Raw_string(method_, pos), para) ->
+ let vars = check_variables_ vars o in
+ let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars para in
+ (try
+ let l = Hashtbl.find vars.state.methods method_ in
+ List.iter (fun (_, used) -> used := true) l
+ with Not_found ->
+ if not (List.mem method_ [ "isa" ]) then
+ warn_with_pos pos ("unknown method " ^ method_)) ;
+ Some vars
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ { vars with my_vars = [[]] } t in
+ vars
+let check_tree state package =
+ let vars = { my_vars = [[]]; our_vars = []; locally_imported = []; required_vars = []; current_package = package; state = state } in
+ let _vars = check_variables vars package.body in
+ ()
+let add_package_to_state state package =
+ let package =
+ try
+ let existing_package = Hashtbl.find state.per_package package.package_name in
+ if existing_package.from_cache then raise Not_found;
+ (* print_endline_flush (existing_package.file_name ^ " vs " ^ package.file_name); *)
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun var pos -> Hashtbl.replace existing_package.vars_declared var pos) package.vars_declared ;
+ { existing_package with
+ body = existing_package.body @ package.body ;
+ uses = existing_package.uses @ package.uses ;
+ exports = { export_ok = existing_package.exports.export_ok @ package.exports.export_ok ;
+ export_auto = existing_package.exports.export_auto @ package.exports.export_auto ;
+ export_tags = existing_package.exports.export_tags @ package.exports.export_tags ;
+ special_export = None }
+ }
+ with Not_found -> package
+ in
+ Hashtbl.replace state.per_package package.package_name package
+let check_unused_vars package =
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun v (pos, is_used) ->
+ if not !is_used then
+ warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "unused function %s::%s" package.package_name (variable2s v))
+ ) package.vars_declared
+let arrange_global_vars_declared state =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 16 in
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun (context, fq, name) pos ->
+ try
+ let package = Hashtbl.find state.per_package fq in
+ if not (Hashtbl.mem package.vars_declared (context, name)) then
+ Hashtbl.add package.vars_declared (context, name) (pos, ref false)
+ (* otherwise dropping this second declaration *)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* keeping it in global_vars_declared *)
+ Hashtbl.add h (context, fq, name) pos
+ ) state.global_vars_declared ;
+ { state with global_vars_declared = h }
+let get_methods_available state =
+ let get_classes state =
+ let l = hashtbl_collect (fun _ package ->
+ match package.isa with
+ | None ->
+ if Hashtbl.mem package.vars_declared (I_func, "new") then [package] else []
+ | Some l ->
+ package :: (fun (pkg, pos) ->
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find state.per_package pkg
+ with Not_found -> die_with_pos pos ("bad package " ^ pkg)
+ ) l
+ ) state.per_package in
+ uniq l
+ in
+ List.iter (fun pkg ->
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun (context, v) (pos, is_used) ->
+ if context = I_func then
+ let l = try Hashtbl.find state.methods v with Not_found -> [] in
+ Hashtbl.replace state.methods v ((pos, is_used) :: l)
+ ) pkg.vars_declared
+ ) (get_classes state) ;
+ state
+let default_state() = { per_package = Hashtbl.create 16; methods = Hashtbl.create 256 ; global_vars_declared = Hashtbl.create 256; global_vars_used = ref [] }
+let cache_cache = Hashtbl.create 16
+let read_packages_from_cache state dir =
+ if Hashtbl.mem cache_cache dir then () else
+ try
+ Hashtbl.add cache_cache dir ();
+ let file = dir ^ "/.perl_checker.cache" in
+ let fh = open_in file in
+ let magic = input_line fh in
+ if magic <> "perl_checker cache " ^ string_of_int then () else
+ let l = Marshal.from_channel fh in
+ close_in fh ;
+ let l = List.filter (fun pkg -> not (Hashtbl.mem state.per_package pkg.package_name)) l in
+ if !Flags.verbose then print_endline_flush (sprintf "using cached packages %s from %s" (String.concat " " ( (fun pkg -> pkg.package_name) l)) file) ;
+ List.iter (fun pkg ->
+ Info.add_a_file pkg.file_name pkg.lines_starts ;
+ Hashtbl.add state.per_package pkg.package_name { pkg with from_cache = true }
+ ) l
+ with Sys_error _ -> ()
+let write_packages_cache state dir =
+ try
+ let file = dir ^ "/.perl_checker.cache" in
+ let fh = open_out file in
+ output_string fh ("perl_checker cache " ^ string_of_int ^ "\n") ;
+ let l = List.filter (fun pkg -> pkg.has_package_name) ( (fun pkg -> { pkg with imported = ref None }) (hashtbl_values state.per_package)) in
+ Marshal.to_channel fh l [] ;
+ close_out fh ;
+ if !Flags.verbose then print_endline_flush ("saving cached packages in " ^ file)
+ with Sys_error _ -> ()
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/global_checks.mli b/perl_checker.src/global_checks.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc2240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl_checker.src/global_checks.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+open Types
+open Tree
+type state = {
+ per_package : (string, per_package) Hashtbl.t;
+ methods : (string, (pos * bool ref) list) Hashtbl.t ;
+ global_vars_declared : (context * string * string, pos) Hashtbl.t;
+ global_vars_used : ((context * string * string) * pos) list ref;
+ }
+val default_state : unit -> state
+val check_tree : state -> per_package -> unit
+val add_package_to_state : state -> per_package -> unit
+val check_unused_vars : per_package -> unit
+val arrange_global_vars_declared : state -> state
+val get_methods_available : state -> state
+val read_packages_from_cache : state -> string -> unit
+val write_packages_cache : state -> string -> unit
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/ b/perl_checker.src/
index 947dc50..f64af7a 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/
+++ b/perl_checker.src/
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ let start_a_new_file file =
current_file := file ;
current_file_lines_starts := [0]
+let add_a_file file file_lines_starts = Hashtbl.replace lines_starts file file_lines_starts
let get_lines_starts_for_file file =
if file = !current_file then !current_file_lines_starts else Hashtbl.find lines_starts file
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/info.mli b/perl_checker.src/info.mli
index 4082306..cca0709 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/info.mli
+++ b/perl_checker.src/info.mli
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+val lines_starts : (string, int list) Hashtbl.t
val current_file_lines_starts : int list ref
val current_file_current_line : int ref
val current_file : string ref
val start_a_new_file : string -> unit
+val add_a_file : string -> int list -> unit
+val get_lines_starts_for_file : string -> int list
val raw_pos2raw_line : string -> int -> int * int
val pos2line : string * int * int -> string * int * int * int
val pos2s : string * int * int -> string
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/lexer.mll b/perl_checker.src/lexer.mll
index c9ce890..430770f 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/lexer.mll
+++ b/perl_checker.src/lexer.mll
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ rule token = parse
| "{" ident "}" { (* needed so that $h{if} works *)
not_ok_for_match := lexeme_end lexbuf;
- COMPACT_HASH_SUBSCRIPT(lexeme lexbuf, pos lexbuf)
+ COMPACT_HASH_SUBSCRIPT(skip_n_char_ 1 1 (lexeme lexbuf), pos lexbuf)
| '@' { AT(pos lexbuf) }
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/ b/perl_checker.src/
index e70e94f..19ee2da 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/
+++ b/perl_checker.src/
@@ -389,7 +389,11 @@ let to_List = function
let deref_arraylen e = Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "int", raw_pos2pos bpos)), [Deref(I_array, e)])
let to_Ident ((fq, name), (_, pos)) = Ident(fq, name, raw_pos2pos pos)
let to_Raw_string (s, (_, pos)) = Raw_string(s, raw_pos2pos pos)
-let to_Method_call (object_, method_, para) = Method_call(maybe_to_Raw_string object_, maybe_to_Raw_string method_, para)
+let to_Method_call (object_, method_, para) =
+ match method_ with
+ | Ident(Some "SUPER", name, pos) -> Method_call(maybe_to_Raw_string object_, Raw_string(name, pos), para)
+ | Ident(Some _, _, _) -> Call(Deref(I_func, method_), maybe_to_Raw_string object_ :: para)
+ | _ -> Method_call(maybe_to_Raw_string object_, maybe_to_Raw_string method_, para)
let to_Deref_with(from_context, to_context, ref_, para) =
if is_not_a_scalar ref_ then warn_rule "bad deref";
Deref_with(from_context, to_context, ref_, para)
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/ b/perl_checker.src/
index 6ad9ce2..0d1bb28 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/
+++ b/perl_checker.src/
@@ -1,32 +1,34 @@
open Types
open Common
open Tree
+open Global_checks
-let inc =
- let inc_ref = ref [] in
- let rec updir dir nb =
- if nb = 0 then dir else
- match dir with
- | "." -> String.concat "/" (times ".." nb)
- | _ -> updir (Filename.dirname dir) (nb-1)
- in
- fun file_name package_name has_package_name ->
- if !inc_ref = [] then (
- let reldir = if has_package_name then updir file_name (List.length(split_at2 ':'':' package_name)) else "." in
- let default = readlines (Unix.open_process_in "perl -le 'print foreach @INC'") in
- inc_ref := reldir :: default ;
- try
- ignored_packages := readlines (open_in (reldir ^ "/.perl_checker")) @ !ignored_packages
- with Sys_error _ -> ()
- );
- !inc_ref
+let rec updir dir nb =
+ if nb = 0 then dir else
+ match dir with
+ | "." -> String.concat "/" (times ".." nb)
+ | _ -> updir (Filename.dirname dir) (nb-1)
+let search_basedir file_name nb =
+ let dir = Filename.dirname file_name in
+ let config = dir in
+ let nb = some_or config.Config_file.basedir nb in
+ updir dir nb
-let findfile dirs f = List.find Sys.file_exists ( (fun dir -> dir ^ "/" ^ f) dirs)
+let basedir = ref ""
+let set_basedir state package =
+ let nb = List.length (split_at2 ':'':' package.package_name) - 1 in
+ let dir = search_basedir package.file_name nb in
+ lpush Tree.use_lib dir ;
+ read_packages_from_cache state dir ;
+ basedir := dir
-let rec parse_file state file =
+let mtime f = int_of_float ((Unix.stat f).Unix.st_mtime)
+let rec parse_file from_basedir state file =
if !Flags.verbose then print_endline_flush ("checking " ^ file) ;
+ let build_time = int_of_float (Unix.time()) in
let command =
match !Flags.expand_tabs with
| Some width -> "expand -t " ^ string_of_int width
@@ -36,14 +38,17 @@ let rec parse_file state file =
Info.start_a_new_file file ;
let tokens = Lexer.get_token Lexer.token lexbuf in
- (*let _ = Unix.close_process_in channel in*)
+ let _ = Unix.close_process_in channel in
let t = Parser_helper.parse_tokens Parser.prog tokens (Some lexbuf) in
- let packages, required_packages = get_global_info_from_package t in
- List.fold_left (fun (required_packages, state) package ->
- Tree.get_vars_declaration state package ;
- let state = Tree.add_package_to_state state package in
- (fun (s, (_, pos)) -> s, pos) package.uses @ required_packages, state
- ) (required_packages, state) packages
+ let packages = get_global_info_from_package from_basedir build_time t in
+ let required_packages =
+ collect (fun package ->
+ get_vars_declaration state.global_vars_declared package ;
+ Global_checks.add_package_to_state state package ;
+ set_basedir state package ;
+ package.required_packages
+ ) packages in
+ required_packages, state
with Failure s -> (
print_endline_flush s ;
exit 1
@@ -52,19 +57,38 @@ let rec parse_file state file =
| Not_found -> internal_error "runaway Not_found"
and parse_package_if_needed state (package_name, pos) =
- if List.mem_assoc package_name state.per_package then [], state else
+ if List.mem package_name !Config_file.ignored_packages then [], state else
+ let splitted = split_at2 ':'':' package_name in
+ let rel_file = String.concat "/" splitted ^ ".pm" in
+ (*print_endline_flush ("wondering about " ^ package_name) ;*)
- let package = snd (List.hd state.per_package) in
- let inc = !Tree.use_lib @ inc package.file_name package.package_name package.has_package_name in
- if List.mem package_name !ignored_packages then [], state
- else
- let rel_file = String.concat "/" (split_at2 ':'':' package_name) ^ ".pm" in
- let file = findfile inc rel_file in
- if List.mem file state.files_parsed
- then [], state (* already seen, it happens when many files have the same package_name *)
- else parse_file state file
+ let dir = findfile (Build.fake_packages_dir :: !use_lib) rel_file in
+ let file = dir ^ "/" ^ rel_file in
+ Config_file.read_any dir (List.length splitted) ;
+ let already_done =
+ try
+ let pkg = Hashtbl.find state.per_package package_name in
+ if pkg.from_cache then
+ if pkg.build_time > mtime file then (
+ Hashtbl.replace state.per_package package_name { pkg with from_cache = false };
+ (*print_endline_flush (package_name ^ " wants " ^ String.concat " " ( fst pkg.required_packages)) ; *)
+ Some pkg.required_packages
+ ) else (
+ if !Flags.verbose then print_endline_flush (Printf.sprintf "cached version of %s is outdated, re-parsing" file);
+ Hashtbl.remove state.per_package package_name ; (* so that check on file name below doesn't need to check from_cache *)
+ None
+ )
+ else Some []
+ with Not_found -> None in
+ match already_done with
+ | Some required_packages -> required_packages, state
+ | None ->
+ if hashtbl_exists (fun _ pkg -> pkg.file_name = file) state.per_package
+ then [], state (* already seen, it happens when many files have the same package_name *)
+ else parse_file (dir = !basedir) state file
with Not_found ->
- Tree.warn_with_pos pos (Printf.sprintf "can't find package %s" package_name) ;
+ warn_with_pos pos (Printf.sprintf "can't find package %s" package_name) ;
[], state
let rec parse_required_packages state = function
@@ -88,6 +112,7 @@ let parse_options =
"-v", Arg.Set Flags.verbose, " be verbose" ;
"-q", Arg.Set Flags.quiet, " be quiet" ;
"-t", Arg.Int (fun i -> Flags.expand_tabs := Some i), " set the tabulation width (default is 8)" ;
+ "--check-unused", Arg.Set Flags.check_unused_global_vars, " check unused global functions & variables" ;
"--restrict-to-files", Arg.Set restrict_to_files, " only display warnings concerning the file(s) given on command line" ;
"--generate-pot", Arg.String generate_pot_chosen, "" ;
] in
@@ -95,7 +120,9 @@ let parse_options =
Arg.parse options (lpush args_r) usage;
let files = if !args_r = [] then ["../"] else !args_r in
- let required_packages, state = collect_withenv parse_file default_state files in
+ let required_packages, state = collect_withenv (parse_file true) (default_state()) files in
+ let required_packages = uniq_ (fun (a,_) (b,_) -> a = b) required_packages in
if !Flags.generate_pot then Parser_helper.generate_pot !pot_file else (
@@ -103,11 +130,19 @@ let parse_options =
let state = parse_required_packages state required_packages in
if !restrict_to_files then Common.print_endline_flush_quiet := false ;
- let l = snd state.per_package in
+ let state = arrange_global_vars_declared state in
+ write_packages_cache state !basedir ;
+ let state = Global_checks.get_methods_available state in
+ let l = snd (hashtbl_to_list state.per_package) in
+ let l = List.filter (fun pkg -> not pkg.from_cache && pkg.from_basedir) l in
(* HACK: skip ignored_packages. Some package may have appeared in ignored_packages due to the xs bootstrap hack *)
- let l = List.filter (fun pkg -> not (List.mem pkg.package_name !ignored_packages)) l in
+ let l = List.filter (fun pkg -> not (List.mem pkg.package_name !Config_file.ignored_packages)) l in
let l = if !restrict_to_files then List.filter (fun pkg -> List.mem pkg.file_name files) l else l in
- List.iter (check_tree state) l
+ List.iter (Global_checks.check_tree state) l;
+ if !Flags.check_unused_global_vars then List.iter Global_checks.check_unused_vars l
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/ b/perl_checker.src/
index 8cf6257..78f365b 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/
+++ b/perl_checker.src/
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
open Types
open Common
open Printf
+open Config_file
open Parser_helper
-type special_export = Re_export_all | Export_all
+type special_export = Re_export_all | Fake_export_all
type exports = {
export_ok : (context * string) list ;
@@ -17,33 +18,22 @@ type uses = (string * ((context * string) list option * pos)) list
type per_package = {
file_name : string ;
package_name : string ; has_package_name : bool ;
- vars_declared : (context * string, pos) Hashtbl.t ;
- imported : ((context * string) * string) list option ref ;
+ vars_declared : (context * string, pos * bool ref) Hashtbl.t ;
+ imported : ((context * string) * (string * bool ref)) list option ref ;
exports : exports ;
uses : uses ;
- body : fromparser list;
- }
-type state = {
- per_package : (string * per_package) list ;
- files_parsed : string list ;
- global_vars_declared : (context * string * string, pos) Hashtbl.t ;
- global_vars_used : ((context * string * string) * pos) list ref ;
- }
-type vars = {
- my_vars : ((context * string) * (pos * bool ref)) list list ;
- our_vars : ((context * string) * (pos * bool ref)) list list ;
- locally_imported : ((context * string) * string) list ;
- required_vars : (context * string * string) list ;
- current_package : per_package ;
- state : state ;
+ required_packages : (string * pos) list ;
+ body : fromparser list ;
+ isa : (string * pos) list option ;
+ lines_starts : int list ;
+ build_time : int ;
+ from_cache : bool ;
+ from_basedir : bool ;
let anonymous_package_count = ref 0
-let default_state = { per_package = []; files_parsed = []; global_vars_declared = Hashtbl.create 256; global_vars_used = ref [] }
let empty_exports = { export_ok = []; export_auto = []; export_tags = []; special_export = None }
-let ignored_packages = ref []
-let use_lib = ref []
+let use_lib = ref (readlines (Unix.open_process_in "perl -le 'print foreach @INC'"))
let ignore_package pkg =
if !Flags.verbose then print_endline_flush ("ignoring package " ^ pkg);
@@ -79,21 +69,26 @@ let get_current_package t =
if str_ends_with !Info.current_file ".pm" then warn_with_pos (!Info.current_file, 0, 0) (sprintf "module %s does not have \"package xxxx;\" on its first line" !Info.current_file) ;
[ None, t ]
-let from_qw = function
+let from_qw_raw = function
| Call_op("qw", [ Raw_string(s, pos)], _) ->
- (fun s ->
- let context, s' = s2context s in
- let context =
- match context with
- | I_raw -> if s'.[0] = ':' then I_raw else I_func
- | I_func -> warn_with_pos pos "weird, exported name with a function context especially given"; I_func
- | _ -> context
- in context, s'
- ) (words s)
+ (fun symbol -> symbol, pos) (words s)
| String(_, pos) ->
warn_with_pos pos "not recognised yet" ;
- | _ -> internal_error "get_exported"
+ | Raw_string(s, pos) ->
+ [ s, pos ]
+ | _ -> internal_error "from_qw_raw"
+let from_qw e =
+ (fun (s, pos) ->
+ let context, s' = s2context s in
+ let context =
+ match context with
+ | I_raw -> if s'.[0] = ':' then I_raw else I_func
+ | I_func -> warn_with_pos pos "weird, exported name with a function context especially given"; I_func
+ | _ -> context
+ in context, s'
+ ) (from_qw_raw e)
let get_exported t =
List.fold_left (fun exports e ->
@@ -109,7 +104,7 @@ let get_exported t =
{ exports with export_auto = from_qw v }
| Perl_checker_comment("RE-EXPORT-ALL", _) -> { exports with special_export = Some Re_export_all }
- | Perl_checker_comment("EXPORT-ALL", _) -> { exports with special_export = Some Export_all }
+ | Perl_checker_comment("EXPORT-ALL", _) -> { exports with special_export = Some Fake_export_all }
| List [ Call_op("=", [ Deref(I_array, Ident(None, "EXPORT_OK", _)); v ], pos)]
| List [ Call_op("=", [ My_our("our", [(I_array, "EXPORT_OK")], _); v ], pos)] ->
@@ -144,6 +139,19 @@ let get_exported t =
with _ ->
warn_with_pos pos "unrecognised %EXPORT_TAGS" ;
+ (* $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [ map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS ]; *)
+ | List [Call_op("=", [
+ Deref_with(I_hash, I_scalar, Ident(None, "EXPORT_TAGS", _), Raw_string("all", _));
+ Ref(I_array,
+ List[List[
+ Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "map", _)),
+ [Anonymous_sub(Block [List [Deref(I_array, Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, "_", _)))]], _);
+ Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "values", _)), [Deref(I_hash, Ident(None, "EXPORT_TAGS", _))])])
+ ]])
+ ], _)] ->
+ { exports with export_tags = (":all", collect snd exports.export_tags) :: exports.export_tags }
| List (My_our _ :: _) ->
let _,_ = e,e in
@@ -151,8 +159,8 @@ let get_exported t =
) empty_exports t
let uses_external_package = function
- | "vars" | "MDK::Common::Globals" | "Exporter" | "diagnostics" | "strict" | "lib" | "POSIX" | "Gtk" | "Gtk2"
- | "Config" | "Socket" | "Net::FTP" | "IO::Socket" | "DynaLoader" | "Data::Dumper" -> true
+ | "vars" | "MDK::Common::Globals" | "Exporter" | "diagnostics" | "strict" | "lib" | "POSIX" | "Gtk" | "Storable"
+ | "Config" | "Socket" | "IO::Socket" | "DynaLoader" | "Data::Dumper" | "Time::localtime" | "Expect" -> true
| _ -> false
let get_uses t =
@@ -169,21 +177,87 @@ let get_uses t =
| _ -> uses
) [] t
-let get_vars_declaration state package =
+let get_isa t =
+ List.fold_left (fun (isa, exporter) e ->
+ match e with
+ | List [ Call_op("=", [ Deref(I_array, Ident(None, "ISA", pos)) ; classes ], _) ]
+ | List [ Call_op("=", [ My_our("our", [ I_array, "ISA" ], pos) ; classes ], _) ] ->
+ if isa <> None || exporter <> None then die_with_pos pos "@ISA set twice";
+ let special, l = List.partition (fun (s, _) -> s = "DynaLoader" || s = "Exporter") (from_qw_raw classes) in
+ let exporter = if List.mem_assoc "Exporter" special then Some pos else None in
+ let isa = if l = [] && special <> [] then None else Some l in
+ isa, exporter
+ | _ -> isa, exporter
+ ) (None, None) t
+let read_xs_extension_from_c global_vars_declared package pos =
+ try
+ let cfile = Filename.chop_extension package.file_name ^ ".c" in
+ let prefix = "newXS(\"" ^ package.package_name ^ "::" in
+ ignore (fold_lines (fun in_bootstrap s ->
+ if in_bootstrap then
+ (try
+ let offset = strstr s prefix + String.length prefix in
+ let end_ = String.index_from s offset '"' in
+ let ident = String.sub s offset (end_ - offset) in
+ match split_at2 ':'':' ident with
+ | [_] -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (I_func, ident) (pos, ref false)
+ | l ->
+ if l <> [] then
+ let fql, name = split_last l in
+ let fq = String.concat "::" (package.package_name :: fql) in
+ Hashtbl.replace global_vars_declared (I_func, fq, name) pos
+ with Not_found -> ());
+ in_bootstrap || str_contains s "XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK"
+ ) false (open_in cfile));
+ true
+ with Invalid_argument _ | Sys_error _ -> false
+let findfile dirs f = List.find (fun dir -> Sys.file_exists (dir ^ "/" ^ f)) dirs
+let read_xs_extension_from_so global_vars_declared package pos =
+ try
+ let splitted = split_at2 ':'':' package.package_name in
+ let rel_file = String.concat "/" ("auto" :: splitted @ [ last splitted ]) ^ ".so" in
+ let so = (findfile !use_lib rel_file) ^ "/" ^ rel_file in
+ let channel = Unix.open_process_in (Printf.sprintf "nm --defined-only -D \"%s\"" so) in
+ fold_lines (fun () s ->
+ let s = skip_n_char 11 s in
+ if str_begins_with s "XS_" then
+ let s = skip_n_char 3 s in
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let rec find_package_name accu i =
+ try
+ let i' = String.index_from s i '_' in
+ let accu = String.sub s i (i'-i) :: accu in
+ if i' + 1 < len && s.[i'+1] = '_' then
+ find_package_name accu (i' + 2)
+ else
+ List.rev accu, skip_n_char (i'+1) s
+ with Not_found -> List.rev accu, skip_n_char i s
+ in
+ let fq, name = find_package_name [] 0 in
+ Hashtbl.replace global_vars_declared (I_func, String.concat "::" fq, name) pos
+ ) () channel;
+ let _ = Unix.close_process_in channel in
+ true
+ with Not_found -> false
+let get_vars_declaration global_vars_declared package =
List.iter (function
| Sub_declaration(Ident(None, name, pos), _proto, _) ->
- Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (I_func, name) pos
+ Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (I_func, name) (pos, ref false)
| Sub_declaration(Ident(Some fq, name, pos), _proto, _) ->
- Hashtbl.replace state.global_vars_declared (I_func, fq, name) pos
+ Hashtbl.replace global_vars_declared (I_func, fq, name) pos
| List [ Call_op("=", [My_our("our", ours, pos); _], _) ]
| List [ My_our("our", ours, pos) ]
| My_our("our", ours, pos) ->
- List.iter (fun (context, name) -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (context, name) pos) ours
+ List.iter (fun (context, name) -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (context, name) (pos, ref false)) ours
| Use(Ident(Some "MDK::Common", "Globals", pos), [ String _ ; ours ])
| Use(Ident(None, "vars", pos), [ours]) ->
- List.iter (fun (context, name) -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (context, name) pos) (from_qw ours)
+ List.iter (fun (context, name) -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (context, name) (pos, ref false)) (from_qw ours)
| Use(Ident(None, "vars", pos), _) ->
die_with_pos pos "usage: use vars qw($var func)"
@@ -191,70 +265,12 @@ let get_vars_declaration state package =
if pkg <> package.package_name then
warn_with_pos pos "strange bootstrap (the package name is not the same as the current package)"
- (try
- let cfile = Filename.chop_extension package.file_name ^ ".c" in
- let prefix = "newXS(\"" ^ pkg ^ "::" in
- ignore (fold_lines (fun in_bootstrap s ->
- if in_bootstrap then
- (try
- let offset = strstr s prefix + String.length prefix in
- let end_ = String.index_from s offset '"' in
- let ident = String.sub s offset (end_ - offset) in
- match split_at2 ':'':' ident with
- | [_] -> Hashtbl.replace package.vars_declared (I_func, ident) pos
- | l ->
- if l <> [] then
- let fql, name = split_last l in
- let fq = String.concat "::" (pkg :: fql) in
- Hashtbl.replace state.global_vars_declared (I_func, fq, name) pos
- with Not_found -> ());
- in_bootstrap || str_contains s "XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK"
- ) false (open_in cfile))
- with Invalid_argument _ | Sys_error _ -> ignore_package pkg)
+ if not (read_xs_extension_from_c global_vars_declared package pos) then
+ if not (read_xs_extension_from_so global_vars_declared package pos) then
+ ignore_package pkg
| _ -> ()
) package.body
-let rec get_imported state current_package (package_name, (imports, pos)) =
- try
- let package_used = List.assoc package_name state.per_package in
- let exports = package_used.exports in
- match imports with
- | None ->
- let re = match exports.special_export with
- | Some Re_export_all -> get_imports state package_used
- | Some Export_all ->
- (* HACK: if package exporting-all is ignored, ignore package importing *)
- if List.mem package_name !ignored_packages then ignore_package current_package.package_name;
- Hashtbl.fold (fun var _ l -> (var, package_name) :: l) package_used.vars_declared []
- | _ -> [] in
- let l = (fun (context, name) -> (context, name), package_name) exports.export_auto in
- re @ l
- | Some l ->
- let imports_vars =
- collect (function
- | I_raw, tag ->
- (try
- List.assoc tag exports.export_tags
- with Not_found -> die_with_pos pos (sprintf "package %s doesn't export tag %s" package_name tag))
- | variable ->
- if List.mem variable exports.export_ok then
- [ variable ]
- else
- die_with_pos pos (sprintf "package %s doesn't export %s" package_name (variable2s variable))
- ) l
- in
- (fun (context, name) -> (context, name), package_name) imports_vars
- with Not_found -> []
-and get_imports state package =
- match !(package.imported) with
- | Some l -> l
- | None ->
- let l = collect (get_imported state package) package.uses in
- package.imported := Some l ;
- l
let rec fold_tree f env e =
match f env e with
| Some env -> env
@@ -302,22 +318,34 @@ and fold_tree_option f env = function
| Some e -> fold_tree f env e
-let get_global_info_from_package t =
+let get_global_info_from_package from_basedir build_time t =
let current_packages = get_current_package t in
- map_withenv (fun required_packages (current_package, t) ->
+ (fun (current_package, t) ->
let exports = get_exported t in
- let uses = get_uses t in
+ let exporting_something() = exports.export_ok <> [] || exports.export_auto <> [] || exports.export_tags <> [] || exports.special_export = Some Re_export_all in
let package_name =
match current_package with
| None ->
- if exports.export_ok <> [] || exports.export_auto <> [] || exports.export_tags <> [] then
+ if exporting_something() then
die_with_pos (!Info.current_file, 0, 0) "file with no package name wants to export!"
(incr anonymous_package_count ; sprintf "anonymous%d" !anonymous_package_count)
| Some name -> name
+ let isa, exporter = get_isa t in
+ (match exporter with
+ | None ->
+ if exporting_something() then warn_with_pos (!Info.current_file, 0, 0) "you must have \"@ISA = qw(Exporter)\" to EXPORT something"
+ | Some pos ->
+ if not (exporting_something()) then warn_with_pos pos "Inheritating from Exporter without EXPORTing anything");
+ let uses = List.rev (get_uses t) in
+ let required_packages = (fun (s, (_, pos)) -> s, pos) uses in
let required_packages = List.fold_left (fold_tree (fun l ->
+ | Perl_checker_comment(s, pos) when str_begins_with s "require " ->
+ Some((skip_n_char 8 s, pos) :: l)
| Call(Deref(I_func, Ident (None, "require", pos)), [Ident _ as pkg]) ->
let package = string_of_Ident pkg in
if uses_external_package package then None else Some((package, pos) :: l)
@@ -335,260 +363,12 @@ let get_global_info_from_package t =
imported = ref None ;
vars_declared = Hashtbl.create 16 ;
uses = uses ;
+ required_packages = required_packages ;
body = t ;
- }, required_packages
- ) [] current_packages
-let is_my_declared vars t =
- List.exists (fun l ->
- List.mem_assoc t l && (snd (List.assoc t l) := true ; true)
- ) vars.my_vars
-let is_our_declared vars t =
- List.exists (fun l ->
- List.mem_assoc t l && (snd (List.assoc t l) := true ; true)
- ) vars.our_vars
-let is_var_declared vars (context, name) =
- List.mem_assoc (context, name) vars.locally_imported ||
- List.mem_assoc (context, name) (get_imports vars.state vars.current_package) ||
- Hashtbl.mem vars.current_package.vars_declared (context, name)
-let is_global_var_declared vars (context, fq, name) =
- Hashtbl.mem vars.state.global_vars_declared (context, fq, name) ||
- (try
- let package = List.assoc fq vars.state.per_package in
- Hashtbl.mem package.vars_declared (context, name) ||
- List.mem_assoc (context, name) (get_imports vars.state package)
- with Not_found -> false)
-let is_global_var context ident =
- match context with
- | I_scalar ->
- (match ident with
- | "@" | "!" | ">" | "\\" | "$" | "^A" | "'" | "/" | "?" | "<" | "^W" | "|" | "^I" | "&"
- | "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" -> true
- | _ -> false)
- | I_array ->
- (match ident with
- | "ARGV" | "INC" -> true
- | _ -> false)
- | I_hash ->
- (match ident with
- | "ENV" | "SIG" -> true
- | _ -> false)
- | I_star ->
- (match ident with
- | "__FILE__" | "__LINE__" | "undef" -> true
- | _ -> false)
- | I_func ->
- (match ident with
- | "-b" | "-d" | "-e" | "-f" | "-l" | "-r" | "-s" | "-w" | "-x"
- | "abs" | "alarm" | "basename" | "bless"
- | "caller" | "chdir" | "chmod" | "chomp" | "chop" | "chown" | "chr" | "chroot" | "close" | "closedir" | "crypt"
- | "defined" | "delete" | "die"
- | "each" | "endpwent" | "eof" | "eval" | "exec" | "exists" | "exit"
- | "fcntl" | "fileno" | "flock" | "formline" | "fork"
- | "gethostbyaddr" | "gethostbyname" | "getgrnam" | "getgrgid" | "getppid" | "getpwent" | "getpwnam" | "getpwuid" | "gmtime" | "goto" | "grep" | "hex"
- | "index" | "int" | "ioctl" | "join" | "keys" | "kill"
- | "last" | "lc" | "length" | "link" | "localtime" | "log" | "lstat"
- | "map" | "mkdir" | "next" | "no" | "oct" | "open" | "opendir" | "ord"
- | "pack" | "pipe" | "pop" | "print" | "printf" | "push" | "quotemeta"
- | "rand" | "read" | "readdir" | "readlink" | "redo" | "ref" | "rename" | "require" | "return" | "reverse" | "rmdir"
- | "scalar" | "seek" | "select" | "setpwent" | "shift" | "sleep" | "sort" | "splice" | "split" | "sprintf" | "stat" | "substr"
- | "symlink" | "syscall" | "sysopen" | "sysread" | "sysseek" | "system" | "syswrite" | "tie" | "time"
- | "uc" | "umask" | "undef" | "unlink" | "unpack" | "unshift" | "utime" | "values" | "vec" | "waitpid" | "wantarray" | "warn" | "write"
- -> true
- | _ -> false)
- | _ -> false
-let check_variable (context, var) vars =
- match var with
- | Ident(Some pkg, _, _) when uses_external_package pkg || List.mem pkg !ignored_packages -> ()
- | Ident(None, ident, pos) ->
- if is_my_declared vars (context, ident) || is_our_declared vars (context, ident) || is_global_var context ident || is_var_declared vars (context, ident)
- then ()
- else warn_with_pos pos (if context = I_func then "unknown function " ^ ident else "undeclared variable " ^ variable2s(context, ident))
- | Ident(Some fq, name, pos) ->
- if (fq = "CORE") && is_global_var context name || is_global_var_declared vars (context, fq, name)
- then ()
- else
- if context = I_func then
- warn_with_pos pos ("unknown function " ^ string_of_Ident var)
- else
- lpush vars.state.global_vars_used ((context, fq, name), pos)
- | _ -> ()
-let declare_My vars (mys, pos) =
- let l_new = List.filter (fun (context, ident) ->
- if context = I_raw then
- if ident = "undef" then false else die_with_pos pos (sprintf "bad ident %s in my" ident)
- else true
- ) mys in
- let l_pre = List.hd vars.my_vars in
- List.iter (fun v ->
- if List.mem_assoc v l_pre then warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "redeclared variable %s" (variable2s v))
- ) l_new ;
- { vars with my_vars = ( (fun v -> v, (pos, ref false)) l_new @ l_pre) :: vars.my_vars }
-let declare_Our vars (ours, pos) =
- match vars.our_vars with
- | [] -> vars (* we're at the toplevel, already declared in vars_declared *)
- | l_pre :: other ->
- List.iter (fun v ->
- if List.mem_assoc v l_pre && v <> (I_scalar, "_") then warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "redeclared variable %s" (variable2s v))
- ) ours ;
- { vars with our_vars = ( (fun v -> v, (pos, ref false)) ours @ l_pre) :: other }
-let declare_My_our vars (my_or_our, l, pos) =
- match my_or_our with
- | "my" -> declare_My vars (l, pos)
- | "local"
- | "our" -> declare_Our vars (l, pos)
- | _ -> internal_error "declare_My_our"
-let check_unused_local_variables vars =
- List.iter (fun ((_, s as v), (pos, used)) ->
- if not !used && s.[0] != '_' then warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "unused variable %s" (variable2s v))
- ) (List.hd vars.my_vars)
-let check_variables vars t =
- let rec check_variables_ vars t = fold_tree check vars t
- and check vars = function
- | Block l ->
- let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [] :: vars.our_vars } in
- let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' l in
- check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
- Some vars
- | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "sort", _)), (Anonymous_sub(Block f, pos) :: l)) ->
- let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars l in
- let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [ (I_scalar, "a"), (pos, ref true) ; (I_scalar, "b"), (pos, ref true) ] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [] :: vars.our_vars } in
- let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' f in
- check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
- Some vars
- | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, func, _)), Anonymous_sub(Block f, pos) :: l) when func = "grep" || func = "map" || func = "substInFile" || func = "map_index" || func = "each_index" || func = "partition" || func = "find_index" || func = "grep_index" ->
- let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars l in
- let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [(I_scalar, "_"), (pos, ref true)] :: vars.our_vars } in
- let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' f in
- check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
- Some vars
- | Call_op("while infix", [ expr ; (List [ Call_op("<>", _, _) ] as l) ], pos)
- | Call_op("for infix", [ expr ; l ], pos) ->
- let vars = check_variables_ vars l in
- let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [(I_scalar, "_"), (pos, ref true)] :: vars.our_vars } in
- let vars' = check_variables_ vars' expr in
- if List.hd(vars'.my_vars) <> [] then warn_with_pos pos "you can't declare variables in foreach infix";
- Some vars
- | Call_op("foreach my", [my; expr; Block block], _) ->
- let vars = check_variables_ vars expr in
- let vars = check_variables_ vars (Block (my :: block)) in
- Some vars
- | Call_op(op, cond :: Block first_bl :: other, _) when op = "if" || op = "while" || op = "unless" || op = "until" ->
- let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [] :: vars.our_vars } in
- let vars' = check_variables_ vars' cond in
- let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' first_bl in
- check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
- let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars other in
- Some vars
- | Sub_declaration(Ident(fq, name, pos) as ident, _proto, Block l) ->
- let vars = declare_Our vars ([ I_func, string_of_Ident ident ], pos) in
- let local_vars = ((I_array, "_"), (pos, ref true)) :: (if fq = None && name = "AUTOLOAD" then [ (I_scalar, "AUTOLOAD"), (pos, ref true) ] else []) in
- let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = local_vars :: vars.our_vars } in
- let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' l in
- check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
- Some vars
- | Anonymous_sub(Block l, pos) ->
- let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [(I_array, "_"), (pos, ref true)] :: vars.our_vars } in
- let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' l in
- check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
- Some vars
- | Call_op("foreach", [ expr ; Block l ], pos) ->
- let vars = check_variables_ vars expr in
- let vars' = { vars with my_vars = [] :: vars.my_vars ; our_vars = [(I_scalar, "_"), (pos, ref true)] :: vars.our_vars } in
- let vars' = List.fold_left check_variables_ vars' l in
- check_unused_local_variables vars' ;
- Some vars
- | Anonymous_sub _
- | Sub_declaration _ -> internal_error "check_variables"
- | Ident _ as var ->
- check_variable (I_star, var) vars ;
- Some vars
- | My_our(my_or_our, mys, pos) -> Some(declare_My_our vars (my_or_our, mys, pos))
- | Deref(context, (Ident _ as var)) ->
- check_variable (context, var) vars ;
- Some vars
- | Deref_with(context, _, (Ident _ as var), para) ->
- let vars = check_variables_ vars para in
- check_variable (context, var) vars ;
- Some vars
- | Call_op("=", [My_our(my_or_our, mys, pos); e], _) ->
- (* check e first *)
- let vars = check_variables_ vars e in
- List.iter (fun (context, var) ->
- if non_scalar_context context then die_with_pos pos (sprintf "%s takes all the arguments, %s is undef in any case" (variable2s (context, var)) (variable2s (last mys)))
- ) (removelast mys) ; (* mys is never empty *)
- Some(declare_My_our vars (my_or_our, mys, pos))
- | Call_op("if infix", [List [My_our _]; List [Num("0", _)]], _) -> None (* special allowed case *)
- | Call_op(op, List (My_our _ :: _) :: _, pos)
- | Call_op(op, My_our _ :: _, pos)
- | Call_op(op, Call_op("local", _, _) :: _, pos) ->
- if op <> "=" then warn_with_pos pos (sprintf "applying %s on a new initialized variable is wrong" op);
- None
- | Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "require", _)), [Ident _]) -> Some vars
- | Method_call(Raw_string(package_name, pos), Raw_string ("import", _), para) ->
- let args =
- match para with
- | [] -> None
- | [ List [v] ] -> Some(from_qw v)
- | _ -> die_with_pos pos "bad import statement" in
- let l = get_imported vars.state vars.current_package (package_name, (args, pos)) in
- let vars = { vars with locally_imported = l @ vars.locally_imported } in
- Some vars
- | _ -> None
- in
- let vars = List.fold_left check_variables_ { vars with my_vars = [[]] } t in
- vars
-let check_tree state package =
- let vars = { my_vars = [[]]; our_vars = []; locally_imported = []; required_vars = []; current_package = package; state = state } in
- let _vars = check_variables vars package.body in
- ()
-let add_package_to_state state package =
- let per_package =
- try
- update_assoc (fun existing_package ->
- (*print_endline_flush (existing_package.file_name ^ " vs " ^ package.file_name); *)
- Hashtbl.iter (fun var pos -> Hashtbl.replace existing_package.vars_declared var pos) package.vars_declared ;
- { existing_package with
- body = existing_package.body @ package.body ;
- uses = existing_package.uses @ package.uses ;
- exports = { export_ok = existing_package.exports.export_ok @ package.exports.export_ok ;
- export_auto = existing_package.exports.export_auto @ package.exports.export_auto ;
- export_tags = existing_package.exports.export_tags @ package.exports.export_tags ;
- special_export = None }
- }
- ) package.package_name state.per_package
- with Not_found ->
- (package.package_name, package) :: state.per_package
- in
- { state with
- per_package = per_package ;
- files_parsed = package.file_name :: state.files_parsed }
+ isa = isa ;
+ lines_starts = !Info.current_file_lines_starts ;
+ build_time = build_time ;
+ from_cache = false ;
+ from_basedir = from_basedir ;
+ }
+ ) current_packages
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/tree.mli b/perl_checker.src/tree.mli
index e5d19c1..7fa5fad 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/tree.mli
+++ b/perl_checker.src/tree.mli
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
open Types
-type special_export = Re_export_all | Export_all
+type special_export = Re_export_all | Fake_export_all
type exports = {
export_ok : (context * string) list;
@@ -15,27 +15,29 @@ type uses = (string * ((context * string) list option * pos)) list
type per_package = {
file_name : string ;
package_name : string ; has_package_name : bool ;
- vars_declared : (context * string, pos) Hashtbl.t;
- imported : ((context * string) * string) list option ref;
+ vars_declared : (context * string, pos * bool ref) Hashtbl.t;
+ imported : ((context * string) * (string * bool ref)) list option ref;
exports : exports ;
uses : uses ;
+ required_packages : (string * pos) list ;
body : fromparser list;
+ isa : (string * pos) list option ;
+ lines_starts : int list ;
+ build_time : int ;
+ from_cache : bool ;
+ from_basedir : bool ;
-type state = {
- per_package : (string * per_package) list;
- files_parsed : string list;
- global_vars_declared : (context * string * string, pos) Hashtbl.t;
- global_vars_used : ((context * string * string) * pos) list ref;
- }
-val ignored_packages : string list ref
+val ignore_package : string -> unit
val use_lib : string list ref
+val uses_external_package : string -> bool
+val findfile : string list -> string -> string
-val default_state : state
-val get_global_info_from_package : fromparser list -> per_package list * (string * pos) list
-val get_vars_declaration : state -> per_package -> unit
-val check_tree : state -> per_package -> unit
+val get_global_info_from_package : bool -> int -> fromparser list -> per_package list
+val get_vars_declaration : (context * string * string, pos) Hashtbl.t -> per_package -> unit
val die_with_pos : string * int * int -> string -> 'a
val warn_with_pos : string * int * int -> string -> unit
-val add_package_to_state : state -> per_package -> state
+val fold_tree : ('a -> fromparser -> 'a option) -> 'a -> fromparser -> 'a
+val from_qw : fromparser -> (context * string) list