path: root/fake_packages/
diff options
authorThierry Vignaud <>2016-11-04 15:58:44 +0100
committerThierry Vignaud <>2016-11-04 16:24:10 +0100
commit4101e2226d4211a2c855c3e382fd8fcef7a2fdb0 (patch)
treeda55918b1ef33a0e0bdf44115ffbe76c882b615c /fake_packages/
parent5b587ef8fe8119e95035f9bf1b8d2c325afb2596 (diff)
add fake packages for Atk, Gio, GObject
This prevent the following errors after next commit: can't find package Atk::Object can't find package Gio::* can't find package GObject::TypeModule
Diffstat (limited to 'fake_packages/')
1 files changed, 657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fake_packages/ b/fake_packages/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc507d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fake_packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+package Atk;
+sub BINARY_AGE { }
+sub attribute_set_free { }
+sub focus_tracker_notify { }
+sub get_binary_age { }
+sub get_default_registry { }
+sub get_focus_object { }
+sub get_interface_age { }
+sub get_major_version { }
+sub get_micro_version { }
+sub get_minor_version { }
+sub get_root { }
+sub get_toolkit_name { }
+sub get_toolkit_version { }
+sub get_version { }
+sub relation_type_for_name { }
+sub relation_type_get_name { }
+sub relation_type_register { }
+sub remove_focus_tracker { }
+sub remove_global_event_listener { }
+sub remove_key_event_listener { }
+sub role_for_name { }
+sub role_get_localized_name { }
+sub role_get_name { }
+sub role_register { }
+sub state_type_for_name { }
+sub state_type_get_name { }
+sub state_type_register { }
+sub text_attribute_for_name { }
+sub text_attribute_get_name { }
+sub text_attribute_get_value { }
+sub text_attribute_register { }
+sub text_free_ranges { }
+sub value_type_get_localized_name { }
+sub value_type_get_name { }
+package Atk::Action;
+sub do_action { }
+sub get_description { }
+sub get_keybinding { }
+sub get_localized_name { }
+sub get_n_actions { }
+sub get_name { }
+sub set_description { }
+package Atk::ActionIface;
+sub do_action { }
+sub get_description { }
+sub get_keybinding { }
+sub get_localized_name { }
+sub get_n_actions { }
+sub get_name { }
+sub parent { }
+sub set_description { }
+package Atk::Attribute;
+sub name { }
+sub set_free { }
+sub value { }
+package Atk::Component;
+sub contains { }
+sub get_alpha { }
+sub get_extents { }
+sub get_layer { }
+sub get_mdi_zorder { }
+sub get_position { }
+sub get_size { }
+sub grab_focus { }
+sub ref_accessible_at_point { }
+sub remove_focus_handler { }
+sub set_extents { }
+sub set_position { }
+sub set_size { }
+package Atk::ComponentIface;
+sub add_focus_handler { }
+sub bounds_changed { }
+sub contains { }
+sub get_alpha { }
+sub get_extents { }
+sub get_layer { }
+sub get_mdi_zorder { }
+sub get_position { }
+sub get_size { }
+sub grab_focus { }
+sub parent { }
+sub ref_accessible_at_point { }
+sub remove_focus_handler { }
+sub set_extents { }
+sub set_position { }
+sub set_size { }
+package Atk::Document;
+sub get_attribute_value { }
+sub get_attributes { }
+sub get_current_page_number { }
+sub get_document { }
+sub get_document_type { }
+sub get_locale { }
+sub get_page_count { }
+sub set_attribute_value { }
+package Atk::DocumentIface;
+sub get_current_page_number { }
+sub get_document { }
+sub get_document_attribute_value { }
+sub get_document_attributes { }
+sub get_document_locale { }
+sub get_document_type { }
+sub get_page_count { }
+sub parent { }
+sub set_document_attribute { }
+package Atk::EditableText;
+sub copy_text { }
+sub cut_text { }
+sub delete_text { }
+sub insert_text { }
+sub paste_text { }
+sub set_run_attributes { }
+sub set_text_contents { }
+package Atk::EditableTextIface;
+sub copy_text { }
+sub cut_text { }
+sub delete_text { }
+sub insert_text { }
+sub parent_interface { }
+sub paste_text { }
+sub set_run_attributes { }
+sub set_text_contents { }
+package Atk::GObjectAccessible;
+our @ISA = qw(Atk::Object);
+sub for_object { }
+sub get_object { }
+package Atk::GObjectAccessibleClass;
+sub pad1 { }
+sub pad2 { }
+sub parent_class { }
+package Atk::Hyperlink;
+our @ISA = qw(GObject::Object);
+sub get_end_index { }
+sub get_n_anchors { }
+sub get_object { }
+sub get_start_index { }
+sub get_uri { }
+sub is_inline { }
+sub is_selected_link { }
+sub is_valid { }
+package Atk::HyperlinkClass;
+sub get_end_index { }
+sub get_n_anchors { }
+sub get_object { }
+sub get_start_index { }
+sub get_uri { }
+sub is_selected_link { }
+sub is_valid { }
+sub link_activated { }
+sub link_state { }
+sub pad1 { }
+sub parent { }
+package Atk::HyperlinkImpl;
+sub get_hyperlink { }
+package Atk::HyperlinkImplIface;
+sub get_hyperlink { }
+sub parent { }
+package Atk::Hypertext;
+sub get_link { }
+sub get_link_index { }
+sub get_n_links { }
+package Atk::HypertextIface;
+sub get_link { }
+sub get_link_index { }
+sub get_n_links { }
+sub link_selected { }
+sub parent { }
+package Atk::Image;
+sub get_image_description { }
+sub get_image_locale { }
+sub get_image_position { }
+sub get_image_size { }
+sub set_image_description { }
+package Atk::ImageIface;
+sub get_image_description { }
+sub get_image_locale { }
+sub get_image_position { }
+sub get_image_size { }
+sub parent { }
+sub set_image_description { }
+package Atk::Implementor;
+sub ref_accessible { }
+package Atk::KeyEventStruct;
+sub keycode { }
+sub keyval { }
+sub length { }
+sub state { }
+sub string { }
+sub timestamp { }
+sub type { }
+package Atk::Misc;
+our @ISA = qw(GObject::Object);
+sub get_instance { }
+sub threads_enter { }
+sub threads_leave { }
+package Atk::MiscClass;
+sub parent { }
+sub threads_enter { }
+sub threads_leave { }
+sub vfuncs { }
+package Atk::NoOpObject;
+our @ISA = qw(Atk::Object);
+sub new { }
+package Atk::NoOpObjectClass;
+sub parent_class { }
+package Atk::NoOpObjectFactory;
+our @ISA = qw(Atk::ObjectFactory);
+sub new { }
+package Atk::NoOpObjectFactoryClass;
+sub parent_class { }
+package Atk::Object;
+our @ISA = qw(GObject::Object);
+sub add_relationship { }
+sub get_attributes { }
+sub get_description { }
+sub get_index_in_parent { }
+sub get_layer { }
+sub get_mdi_zorder { }
+sub get_n_accessible_children { }
+sub get_name { }
+sub get_object_locale { }
+sub get_parent { }
+sub get_role { }
+sub initialize { }
+sub notify_state_change { }
+sub peek_parent { }
+sub ref_accessible_child { }
+sub ref_relation_set { }
+sub ref_state_set { }
+sub remove_property_change_handler { }
+sub remove_relationship { }
+sub set_description { }
+sub set_name { }
+sub set_parent { }
+sub set_role { }
+package Atk::ObjectClass;
+sub active_descendant_changed { }
+sub children_changed { }
+sub connect_property_change_handler { }
+sub focus_event { }
+sub get_attributes { }
+sub get_description { }
+sub get_index_in_parent { }
+sub get_layer { }
+sub get_mdi_zorder { }
+sub get_n_children { }
+sub get_name { }
+sub get_object_locale { }
+sub get_parent { }
+sub get_role { }
+sub initialize { }
+sub pad1 { }
+sub parent { }
+sub property_change { }
+sub ref_child { }
+sub ref_relation_set { }
+sub ref_state_set { }
+sub remove_property_change_handler { }
+sub set_description { }
+sub set_name { }
+sub set_parent { }
+sub set_role { }
+sub state_change { }
+sub visible_data_changed { }
+package Atk::ObjectFactory;
+our @ISA = qw(GObject::Object);
+sub create_accessible { }
+sub get_accessible_type { }
+sub invalidate { }
+package Atk::ObjectFactoryClass;
+sub create_accessible { }
+sub get_accessible_type { }
+sub invalidate { }
+sub pad1 { }
+sub pad2 { }
+sub parent_class { }
+package Atk::Plug;
+our @ISA = qw(Atk::Object);
+sub get_id { }
+sub new { }
+package Atk::PlugClass;
+sub get_object_id { }
+sub parent_class { }
+package Atk::PropertyValues;
+sub new_value { }
+sub old_value { }
+sub property_name { }
+package Atk::Range;
+sub copy { }
+sub free { }
+sub get_description { }
+sub get_lower_limit { }
+sub get_upper_limit { }
+sub new { }
+package Atk::Rectangle;
+sub height { }
+sub width { }
+sub Atk::Rectangle::x { }
+sub y { }
+package Atk::Registry;
+our @ISA = qw(GObject::Object);
+sub get_factory { }
+sub get_factory_type { }
+sub set_factory_type { }
+package Atk::RegistryClass;
+sub parent_class { }
+package Atk::Relation;
+our @ISA = qw(GObject::Object);
+sub add_target { }
+sub get_relation_type { }
+sub get_target { }
+sub new { }
+sub remove_target { }
+package Atk::RelationClass;
+sub parent { }
+package Atk::RelationSet;
+our @ISA = qw(GObject::Object);
+sub add { }
+sub add_relation_by_type { }
+sub contains { }
+sub contains_target { }
+sub get_n_relations { }
+sub get_relation { }
+sub get_relation_by_type { }
+sub new { }
+sub remove { }
+package Atk::RelationSetClass;
+sub pad1 { }
+sub pad2 { }
+sub parent { }
+package Atk::RelationType;
+sub for_name { }
+sub get_name { }
+sub register { }
+package Atk::Role;
+sub for_name { }
+sub get_localized_name { }
+sub get_name { }
+sub register { }
+package Atk::Selection;
+sub add_selection { }
+sub clear_selection { }
+sub get_selection_count { }
+sub is_child_selected { }
+sub ref_selection { }
+sub remove_selection { }
+sub select_all_selection { }
+package Atk::SelectionIface;
+sub add_selection { }
+sub clear_selection { }
+sub get_selection_count { }
+sub is_child_selected { }
+sub parent { }
+sub ref_selection { }
+sub remove_selection { }
+sub select_all_selection { }
+sub selection_changed { }
+package Atk::Socket;
+our @ISA = qw(Atk::Object);
+sub embed { }
+sub is_occupied { }
+sub new { }
+package Atk::SocketClass;
+sub embed { }
+sub parent_class { }
+package Atk::StateSet;
+our @ISA = qw(GObject::Object);
+sub add_state { }
+sub add_states { }
+sub and_sets { }
+sub clear_states { }
+sub contains_state { }
+sub contains_states { }
+sub is_empty { }
+sub new { }
+sub or_sets { }
+sub remove_state { }
+sub xor_sets { }
+package Atk::StateSetClass;
+sub parent { }
+package Atk::StateType;
+sub for_name { }
+sub get_name { }
+sub register { }
+package Atk::StreamableContent;
+sub get_mime_type { }
+sub get_n_mime_types { }
+sub get_stream { }
+sub get_uri { }
+package Atk::StreamableContentIface;
+sub get_mime_type { }
+sub get_n_mime_types { }
+sub get_stream { }
+sub get_uri { }
+sub pad1 { }
+sub pad2 { }
+sub pad3 { }
+sub parent { }
+package Atk::Table;
+sub add_column_selection { }
+sub add_row_selection { }
+sub get_caption { }
+sub get_column_at_index { }
+sub get_column_description { }
+sub get_column_extent_at { }
+sub get_column_header { }
+sub get_index_at { }
+sub get_n_columns { }
+sub get_n_rows { }
+sub get_row_at_index { }
+sub get_row_description { }
+sub get_row_extent_at { }
+sub get_row_header { }
+sub get_selected_columns { }
+sub get_selected_rows { }
+sub get_summary { }
+sub is_column_selected { }
+sub is_row_selected { }
+sub is_selected { }
+sub ref_at { }
+sub remove_column_selection { }
+sub remove_row_selection { }
+sub set_caption { }
+sub set_column_description { }
+sub set_column_header { }
+sub set_row_description { }
+sub set_row_header { }
+sub set_summary { }
+package Atk::TableCell;
+sub get_column_header_cells { }
+sub get_column_span { }
+sub get_position { }
+sub get_row_column_span { }
+sub get_row_header_cells { }
+sub get_row_span { }
+sub get_table { }
+package Atk::TableCellIface;
+sub get_column_header_cells { }
+sub get_column_span { }
+sub get_position { }
+sub get_row_column_span { }
+sub get_row_header_cells { }
+sub get_row_span { }
+sub get_table { }
+sub parent { }
+package Atk::TableIface;
+sub add_column_selection { }
+sub add_row_selection { }
+sub column_deleted { }
+sub column_inserted { }
+sub column_reordered { }
+sub get_caption { }
+sub get_column_at_index { }
+sub get_column_description { }
+sub get_column_extent_at { }
+sub get_column_header { }
+sub get_index_at { }
+sub get_n_columns { }
+sub get_n_rows { }
+sub get_row_at_index { }
+sub get_row_description { }
+sub get_row_extent_at { }
+sub get_row_header { }
+sub get_selected_columns { }
+sub get_selected_rows { }
+sub get_summary { }
+sub is_column_selected { }
+sub is_row_selected { }
+sub is_selected { }
+sub model_changed { }
+sub parent { }
+sub ref_at { }
+sub remove_column_selection { }
+sub remove_row_selection { }
+sub row_deleted { }
+sub row_inserted { }
+sub row_reordered { }
+sub set_caption { }
+sub set_column_description { }
+sub set_column_header { }
+sub set_row_description { }
+sub set_row_header { }
+sub set_summary { }
+package Atk::Text;
+sub add_selection { }
+sub free_ranges { }
+sub get_bounded_ranges { }
+sub get_caret_offset { }
+sub get_character_at_offset { }
+sub get_character_count { }
+sub get_character_extents { }
+sub get_default_attributes { }
+sub get_n_selections { }
+sub get_offset_at_point { }
+sub get_range_extents { }
+sub get_run_attributes { }
+sub get_selection { }
+sub get_string_at_offset { }
+sub get_text { }
+sub get_text_after_offset { }
+sub get_text_at_offset { }
+sub get_text_before_offset { }
+sub remove_selection { }
+sub set_caret_offset { }
+sub set_selection { }
+package Atk::TextAttribute;
+sub for_name { }
+sub get_name { }
+sub get_value { }
+sub register { }
+package Atk::TextIface;
+sub add_selection { }
+sub get_bounded_ranges { }
+sub get_caret_offset { }
+sub get_character_at_offset { }
+sub get_character_count { }
+sub get_character_extents { }
+sub get_default_attributes { }
+sub get_n_selections { }
+sub get_offset_at_point { }
+sub get_range_extents { }
+sub get_run_attributes { }
+sub get_selection { }
+sub get_string_at_offset { }
+sub get_text { }
+sub get_text_after_offset { }
+sub get_text_at_offset { }
+sub get_text_before_offset { }
+sub parent { }
+sub remove_selection { }
+sub set_caret_offset { }
+sub set_selection { }
+sub text_attributes_changed { }
+sub text_caret_moved { }
+sub text_changed { }
+sub text_selection_changed { }
+package Atk::TextRange;
+sub bounds { }
+sub content { }
+sub end_offset { }
+sub start_offset { }
+package Atk::TextRectangle;
+sub height { }
+sub width { }
+sub Atk::TextRectangle::x { }
+sub y { }
+package Atk::UtilClass;
+sub add_global_event_listener { }
+sub add_key_event_listener { }
+sub get_root { }
+sub get_toolkit_name { }
+sub get_toolkit_version { }
+sub parent { }
+sub remove_global_event_listener { }
+sub remove_key_event_listener { }
+package Atk::Value;
+sub get_current_value { }
+sub get_increment { }
+sub get_maximum_value { }
+sub get_minimum_increment { }
+sub get_minimum_value { }
+sub get_range { }
+sub get_sub_ranges { }
+sub get_value_and_text { }
+sub set_current_value { }
+sub set_value { }
+package Atk::ValueIface;
+sub get_current_value { }
+sub get_increment { }
+sub get_maximum_value { }
+sub get_minimum_increment { }
+sub get_minimum_value { }
+sub get_range { }
+sub get_sub_ranges { }
+sub get_value_and_text { }
+sub parent { }
+sub set_current_value { }
+sub set_value { }
+package Atk::ValueType;
+sub get_localized_name { }
+sub get_name { }
+package Atk::WindowIface;
+sub parent { }