perl-MDK-Common tutorial v0.1

Guillaume Cottenceau


This document aims at helping people interested in learning more on perl-MDK-Common, a Perl library which is intensively used in MandrakeSoft in-house software development.

The library adds some convenient "basic" functions to Perl, allows easier functional-style programming, and also provides some better system-related operations. It can be seen as an extension to the standard Perl library, adding missing helpful functions. It is divided as follows:

Thanks to perl-MDK-Common's own documentation, an easy way to directly access information about the provided functions is to use perldoc. For example, perldoc MDK::Common::Func will list the functions of the Func sub-module. Use perldoc MDK::Common to view information on all the available functions.

Additionally, perl-MDK-Common provides a binary called perl_checker, which is a Perl compiler aiming at enforcing the use of a subset of Perl, so that all MandrakeSoft Perl programs roughly follow the same code style. It will also help the programmer to remove unneeded parentheses and conditionals.


Of course, a first look at the Perl language will be necessary for the reader. The following can be a good Perl Tutorial (although there are many others on the web):

Programming with perl-MDK-Common also emphasizes the following quality properties on your code:

We can't discuss Perl programming without referring to two excellent books from O'Reilly. The first one is called "The Perl Cookbook", and covers many daily problems a Perl programmer will face, in a recipe-like fashion. All Perl programmers should own this book :). The second one can be a good resource for more skillful programmers, and is called "Advanced Perl Programming"; it covers interesting advanced features of Perl.

Structure of this document

This document will first try to emphasize the most useful functions of the perl-MDK-Common library, e.g. the most commonly used and simple. Then, some functions whose use is not trivial will be explained. As a last part, an introduction to the code-style to please perl_checker will be shown.

Most useful functions

Note: many functions' name, extending capabilities of existing functions, or being their functional counterpart, are suffixed with the underscore character (_); for example, chomp_ is the semantical equivalent of chomp, but returns the chomp'ed results instead of modifying its argument.

Other interesting functions

The following describes functions whose use is not trivial.


Let's examine now the code-style perl_checker wants you to adopt. Let's consider the following naive code example:

  1: sub calc {
  2:     my ($x,$y) = @_;
  3:     $_ = $y;
  4:     ($x==0 && $y==0) and return -1;
  5:     my @tab = (1, 2, 3);
  7:     /sysconfig\/i18n/ and return 1;
  8: }

The following problems are reported:

Finally, the correct code looks like:

  sub calc {
      my ($x, $y) = @_;
      local $_ = $y;
      $x == 0 && $y == 0 and return -1;
      my @_tab = (1, 2, 3);
      m|sysconfig/i18n| and return 1;

Under Emacs, you might want to add the following to your .emacs and then be able to validate your code with C-Enter:

  (defmacro ilam (&rest body) `(lambda () (interactive) ,@body))
  (add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook 
	    '(lambda ()
	       (local-set-key [(control return)] 
			      (ilam (save-some-buffers 1) (compile (concat "perl_checker --restrict-to-files " (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))))

Last update: Wed Apr 30 18:05:40 2003