#!/usr/bin/python3 """Msec plugin for enforcing local security settings""" # main plugin class name PLUGIN = "msec" # configuration import os import re import string import stat import sys import config import gettext # localization try: gettext.install('msec') except IOError: _ = str # list of config files # backup file suffix SUFFIX = '.msec' ATALLOW = '/etc/at.allow' AUTOLOGIN = '/etc/sysconfig/autologin' BASTILLENOLOGIN = '/etc/bastille-no-login' CRON = '/etc/cron.d/msec' CRONALLOW = '/etc/cron.allow' FSTAB = '/etc/fstab' GDM = '/etc/pam.d/gdm' GDMCONF = '/etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf' GDM230 = '/var/run/gdm' HALT = '/usr/bin/halt' HOSTCONF = '/etc/host.conf' HOSTSDENY = '/etc/hosts.deny' INITTAB = '/etc/inittab' ISSUE = '/etc/issue' ISSUENET = '/etc/issue.net' KDE = '/etc/pam.d/kde' KDMRC = '/usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc' LILOCONF = '/etc/lilo.conf' LOGINDEFS = '/etc/login.defs' MENULST = '/boot/grub/menu.lst' SHELLCONF = '/etc/security/shell' MSECBIN = '/usr/sbin/msec' MSECCRON = '/etc/cron.hourly/msec' MSEC_XINIT = '/etc/X11/xinit.d/msec' OPASSWD = '/etc/security/opasswd' PASSWD = '/etc/pam.d/passwd' POWEROFF = '/usr/bin/poweroff' REBOOT = '/usr/bin/reboot' SERVER = '/etc/security/msec/server' SHADOW = '/etc/shadow' SHUTDOWN = '/usr/bin/shutdown' SHUTDOWNALLOW = '/etc/shutdown.allow' SSHDCONFIG = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' STARTX = '/usr/bin/startx' SYSCTLCONF = '/etc/sysctl.conf' SYSLOGCONF = '/etc/syslog.conf' XDM = '/etc/pam.d/xdm' XSERVERS = '/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers' EXPORT = '/root/.xauth/export' SYSTEMCTL = '../bin/systemctl' # regexps # X server SECURETTY = '/etc/securetty' STARTX_REGEXP = '(\s*serverargs=".*) -nolisten tcp(.*")' XSERVERS_REGEXP = '(\s*[^#]+/usr/bin/X .*) -nolisten tcp(.*)' GDMCONF_REGEXP = '(\s*command=.*/X.*?) -nolisten tcp(.*)$' KDMRC_REGEXP = re.compile('(.*?)-nolisten tcp(.*)$') # ctrl-alt-del CTRALTDEL_REGEXP = '^ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown.*' # ssh PermitRootLogin PERMIT_ROOT_LOGIN_REGEXP = '^\s*PermitRootLogin\s+(no|yes|without-password|forced-commands-only)' # tcp_wrappers ALL_REGEXP = '^ALL:ALL:DENY' ALL_LOCAL_REGEXP = '^ALL:ALL EXCEPT 127\.0\.0\.1:DENY' # sulogin SULOGIN_REGEXP = '~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin' def invert(param): """Returns inverse value for param. E.g., yes becomes no, and no becomes yes.""" if param == "yes": return "no" else: return "yes" class msec: def __init__(self, log=None, configfiles=None, root=None): """This plugin is responsible for enforcing security settings on the machine.""" self.log = log self.configfiles = configfiles self.root = root # associate helper commands with files self.configfiles.add_config_assoc(INITTAB, '/sbin/telinit q') self.configfiles.add_config_assoc('/etc(?:/rc.d)?/init.d/(.+)', '[ -f /var/lock/subsys/@1 ] && @0 reload') self.configfiles.add_config_assoc(SYSCTLCONF, '/sbin/sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf') self.configfiles.add_config_assoc(SSHDCONFIG, '[ -f /var/lock/subsys/sshd ] && /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd restart') self.configfiles.add_config_assoc(LILOCONF, '[ `/usr/sbin/detectloader` = LILO ] && /sbin/lilo') self.configfiles.add_config_assoc(SYSLOGCONF, '[ -f /var/lock/subsys/syslog ] && service syslog reload') self.configfiles.add_config_assoc('^/etc/issue$', '/usr/bin/killall mingetty') # security options config.SETTINGS['USER_UMASK'] = ("msec.set_user_umask", ['*']) config.SETTINGS['ROOT_UMASK'] = ("msec.set_root_umask", ['*']) config.SETTINGS['ALLOW_CURDIR_IN_PATH'] = ("msec.allow_curdir_in_path", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['WIN_PARTS_UMASK'] = ("msec.set_win_parts_umask", ['*']) config.SETTINGS['ALLOW_AUTOLOGIN'] = ("msec.allow_autologin", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['ALLOW_REBOOT'] = ("msec.allow_reboot", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['ALLOW_ROOT_LOGIN'] = ("msec.allow_root_login", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['ALLOW_USER_LIST'] = ("msec.allow_user_list", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['ALLOW_X_CONNECTIONS'] = ("msec.allow_x_connections", ['yes', 'no', 'local']) config.SETTINGS['ALLOW_XAUTH_FROM_ROOT'] = ("msec.allow_xauth_from_root", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['ALLOW_XSERVER_TO_LISTEN'] = ("msec.allow_xserver_to_listen", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['AUTHORIZE_SERVICES'] = ("msec.authorize_services", ['yes', 'no', 'local']) config.SETTINGS['CREATE_SERVER_LINK'] = ("msec.create_server_link", ['no', 'remote', 'local']) config.SETTINGS['ENABLE_AT_CRONTAB'] = ("msec.enable_at_crontab", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOG'] = ("msec.enable_console_log", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['ENABLE_MSEC_CRON'] = ("msec.enable_msec_cron", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['ENABLE_SULOGIN'] = ("msec.enable_sulogin", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['SECURE_TMP'] = ("msec.secure_tmp", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['SHELL_HISTORY_SIZE'] = ("msec.set_shell_history_size", ['*']) config.SETTINGS['SHELL_TIMEOUT'] = ("msec.set_shell_timeout", ['*']) config.SETTINGS['ENABLE_STARTUP_MSEC'] = ("msec.enable_startup_msec", ['yes', 'no']) config.SETTINGS['ENABLE_STARTUP_PERMS'] = ("msec.enable_startup_perms", ['yes', 'no', 'enforce']) # system settings for check in ["ENABLE_STARTUP_MSEC", "ENABLE_STARTUP_PERMS", "ENABLE_MSEC_CRON", "ENABLE_SULOGIN", "ENABLE_AT_CRONTAB", "ALLOW_XSERVER_TO_LISTEN", "ALLOW_ROOT_LOGIN", "ALLOW_USER_LIST", "ALLOW_AUTOLOGIN", "ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOG", "CREATE_SERVER_LINK", "ALLOW_XAUTH_FROM_ROOT", "ALLOW_REBOOT", "SHELL_HISTORY_SIZE", "SHELL_TIMEOUT", "USER_UMASK", "ROOT_UMASK", "SECURE_TMP", "WIN_PARTS_UMASK", "ALLOW_CURDIR_IN_PATH" ]: config.SETTINGS_SYSTEM.append(check) def create_server_link(self, param): ''' Creates the symlink /etc/security/msec/server to point to /etc/security/msec/server.SERVER_LEVEL. The /etc/security/msec/server is used by chkconfig --add to decide to add a service if it is present in the file during the installation of packages. By default, two presets are provided: local (which only enables local services) and remote (which also enables some remote services considered safe). Note that the allowed services must be placed manually into the server.SERVER_LEVEL files when necessary.''' server = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SERVER) if param == "no": if server.exists(): self.log.info(_('Allowing unrestricted chkconfig for packages')) server.unlink() else: newpath = "%s.%s" % (SERVER, param) if server.realpath() != newpath: self.log.info(_('Restricting chkconfig for packages according to "%s" profile') % param) server.symlink(newpath) def set_root_umask(self, umask): ''' Set the root umask.''' msec = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SHELLCONF) val = msec.get_shell_variable('UMASK_ROOT') if val != umask: self.log.info(_('Setting root umask to %s') % (umask)) msec.set_shell_variable('UMASK_ROOT', umask) def set_user_umask(self, umask): ''' Set the user umask.''' msec = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SHELLCONF) val = msec.get_shell_variable('UMASK_USER') if val != umask: self.log.info(_('Setting users umask to %s') % (umask)) msec.set_shell_variable('UMASK_USER', umask) def allow_x_connections(self, arg): ''' Allow local users to connect to X server. Accepted arguments: yes (all connections are allowed), local (only local connection), no (no connection).''' xinit = self.configfiles.get_config_file(MSEC_XINIT) val = xinit.get_match('/usr/bin/xhost\s*(\+\s*[^#]*)', '@1') if val: if val == '+': val = "yes" elif val == "+ localhost": val = "local" else: val = "no" else: val = "no" if val != arg: if arg == "yes": self.log.info(_('Allowing users to connect X server from everywhere')) xinit.replace_line_matching('/usr/bin/xhost', '/usr/bin/xhost +', 1) elif arg == "local": self.log.info(_('Allowing users to connect X server from localhost')) xinit.replace_line_matching('/usr/bin/xhost', '/usr/bin/xhost + localhost', 1) elif arg == "no": self.log.info(_('Restricting X server connection to the console user')) xinit.remove_line_matching('/usr/bin/xhost', 1) else: self.log.error(_('invalid allow_x_connections arg: %s') % arg) def allow_xserver_to_listen(self, arg): ''' Allow X server to accept connections from network on tcp port 6000.''' startx = self.configfiles.get_config_file(STARTX) xservers = self.configfiles.get_config_file(XSERVERS) gdmconf = self.configfiles.get_config_file(GDMCONF) kdmrc = self.configfiles.get_config_file(KDMRC) val_startx = startx.get_match(STARTX_REGEXP) val_xservers = xservers.get_match(XSERVERS_REGEXP) val_gdmconf = gdmconf.get_shell_variable('DisallowTCP') str = kdmrc.get_shell_variable('ServerArgsLocal', 'X-\*-Core', '^\s*$') if str: val_kdmrc = KDMRC_REGEXP.search(str) else: val_kdmrc = None # TODO: better check for file existance if arg == "yes": if val_startx or val_xservers or val_kdmrc or val_gdmconf != 'false': self.log.info(_('Allowing the X server to listen to tcp connections')) if startx.exists(): startx.replace_line_matching(STARTX_REGEXP, '@1@2', all=1) if xservers.exists(): xservers.replace_line_matching(XSERVERS_REGEXP, '@1@2', 0, 1) if gdmconf.exists(): gdmconf.set_shell_variable('DisallowTCP', 'false', '\[security\]', '^\s*$') if kdmrc.exists(): kdmrc.replace_line_matching('^(ServerArgsLocal=.*?)-nolisten tcp(.*)$', '@1@2', 0, 0, 'X-\*-Core', '^\s*$') else: if not val_startx or not val_xservers or not val_kdmrc or val_gdmconf != 'true': self.log.info(_('Forbidding the X server to listen to tcp connection')) if not val_startx: startx.exists() and startx.replace_line_matching('serverargs="(.*?)( -nolisten tcp)?"', 'serverargs="@1 -nolisten tcp"') if not val_xservers: xservers.exists() and xservers.replace_line_matching('(\s*[^#]+/usr/bin/X .*?)( -nolisten tcp)?$', '@1 -nolisten tcp', 0, 1) if val_gdmconf != 'true': gdmconf.exists() and gdmconf.set_shell_variable('DisallowTCP', 'true', '\[security\]', '^\s*$') if not val_kdmrc: kdmrc.exists() and kdmrc.replace_line_matching('^(ServerArgsLocal=.*)$', '@1 -nolisten tcp', 'ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp', 0, 'X-\*-Core', '^\s*$') def set_shell_timeout(self, val): ''' Set the shell timeout. A value of zero means no timeout.''' msec = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SHELLCONF) try: timeout = int(val) except: self.log.error(_('Invalid shell timeout "%s"') % val) return old = msec.get_shell_variable('TMOUT') if old: old = int(old) if old != timeout: self.log.info(_('Setting shell timeout to %s') % timeout) msec.set_shell_variable('TMOUT', timeout) def set_shell_history_size(self, size): ''' Set shell commands history size. A value of -1 means unlimited.''' try: size = int(size) except: self.log.error(_('Invalid shell history size "%s"') % size) return msec = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SHELLCONF) val = msec.get_shell_variable('HISTFILESIZE') if val: val = int(val) if size >= 0: if val != size: self.log.info(_('Setting shell history size to %s') % size) msec.set_shell_variable('HISTFILESIZE', size) else: if val != None: self.log.info(_('Removing limit on shell history size')) msec.remove_line_matching('^HISTFILESIZE=') def set_win_parts_umask(self, umask): ''' Set umask option for mounting vfat and ntfs partitions. If umask is '-1', default system umask is used.''' fstab = self.configfiles.get_config_file(FSTAB) try: test_umask = int(umask) except: self.log.error(_('Invalid file system umask "%s"') % umask) return if umask == "-1": fstab.replace_line_matching("(.*\s(vfat|ntfs|ntfs-3g)\s+)umask=\d+(\s.*)", "@1defaults@3", 0, 1) fstab.replace_line_matching("(.*\s(vfat|ntfs|ntfs-3g)\s+)umask=\d+,(.*)", "@1@3", 0, 1) fstab.replace_line_matching("(.*\s(vfat|ntfs|ntfs-3g)\s+\S+),umask=\d+(.*)", "@1@3", 0, 1) else: fstab.replace_line_matching("(.*\s(vfat|ntfs|ntfs-3g)\s+\S*)umask=\d+(.*)", "@1umask="+umask+"@3", 0, 1) fstab.replace_line_matching("(.*\s(vfat|ntfs|ntfs-3g)\s+)(?!.*umask=)(\S+)(.*)", "@1@3,umask="+umask+"@4", 0, 1) def allow_reboot(self, arg): ''' Allow system reboot and shutdown to local users.''' shutdownallow = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SHUTDOWNALLOW) sysctlconf = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SYSCTLCONF) kdmrc = self.configfiles.get_config_file(KDMRC) gdmconf = self.configfiles.get_config_file(GDMCONF) inittab = self.configfiles.get_config_file(INITTAB) shutdown = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SHUTDOWN) poweroff = self.configfiles.get_config_file(POWEROFF) reboot = self.configfiles.get_config_file(REBOOT) halt = self.configfiles.get_config_file(HALT) gdm230 = self.configfiles.get_config_file(GDM230) val_shutdownallow = shutdownallow.exists() val_shutdown = shutdown.exists() val_poweroff = poweroff.exists() val_reboot = reboot.exists() val_halt = halt.exists() val_sysctlconf = sysctlconf.get_shell_variable('kernel.sysrq') val_inittab = inittab.get_match(CTRALTDEL_REGEXP) val_gdmconf = gdmconf.get_shell_variable('SystemMenu') oldval_kdmrc = kdmrc.get_shell_variable('AllowShutdown', 'X-:\*-Core', '^\s*$') if arg == "yes": if val_shutdownallow or not val_shutdown or not val_poweroff or not val_reboot or not val_halt: self.log.info(_('Allowing reboot and shutdown to the console user')) shutdownallow.exists() and shutdownallow.move(SUFFIX) shutdown.exists() or shutdown.symlink(SYSTEMCTL) poweroff.exists() or poweroff.symlink(SYSTEMCTL) reboot.exists() or reboot.symlink(SYSTEMCTL) halt.exists() or halt.symlink(SYSTEMCTL) if val_sysctlconf == '0': self.log.info(_('Allowing SysRq key to the console user')) sysctlconf.set_shell_variable('kernel.sysrq', 1) if val_gdmconf == 'false': self.log.info(_('Allowing Shutdown/Reboot in GDM')) if gdmconf.exists(): if gdm230.exists(): # TODO: log a message, as this variable is ignored on new gdm? pass else: gdmconf.set_shell_variable('SystemMenu', 'true', '\[greeter\]', '^\s*$') if kdmrc.exists(): if oldval_kdmrc != 'All': self.log.info(_('Allowing Shutdown/Reboot in KDM')) kdmrc.set_shell_variable('AllowShutdown', 'All', 'X-:\*-Core', '^\s*$') if not val_inittab: self.log.info(_('Allowing Ctrl-Alt-Del from console')) inittab.exists() and inittab.replace_line_matching(CTRALTDEL_REGEXP, 'ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now', 1) else: if not val_shutdownallow or val_shutdown or val_poweroff or val_reboot or val_halt: self.log.info(_('Forbidding reboot and shutdown to the console user')) if not shutdownallow.exists(): self.configfiles.get_config_file(SHUTDOWNALLOW, SUFFIX).touch() shutdown.exists() and shutdown.unlink() poweroff.exists() and poweroff.unlink() reboot.exists() and reboot.unlink() halt.exists() and halt.unlink() if val_sysctlconf != '0': self.log.info(_('Forbidding SysRq key to the console user')) sysctlconf.set_shell_variable('kernel.sysrq', 0) if val_gdmconf != 'false': self.log.info(_('Forbidding Shutdown/Reboot in GDM')) if gdmconf.exists(): if gdm230.exists(): # TODO: log a message, as this variable is ignored on new gdm? pass else: gdmconf.set_shell_variable('SystemMenu', 'false', '\[greeter\]', '^\s*$') if kdmrc.exists(): if oldval_kdmrc != 'None': self.log.info(_('Forbidding Shutdown/Reboot in KDM')) kdmrc.set_shell_variable('AllowShutdown', 'None', 'X-:\*-Core', '^\s*$') if val_inittab: self.log.info(_('Forbidding Ctrl-Alt-Del from console')) inittab.exists() and inittab.remove_line_matching(CTRALTDEL_REGEXP) def allow_user_list(self, arg): ''' Allow display managers (kdm and gdm) to display list of local users.''' kdmrc = self.configfiles.get_config_file(KDMRC) gdmconf = self.configfiles.get_config_file(GDMCONF) gdm230 = self.configfiles.get_config_file(GDM230) oldval_gdmconf = gdmconf.get_shell_variable('Browser') oldval_kdmrc = kdmrc.get_shell_variable('ShowUsers', 'X-\*-Greeter', '^\s*$') if arg == "yes": if kdmrc.exists(): if oldval_kdmrc != 'NotHidden': self.log.info(_("Allowing list of users in KDM")) kdmrc.set_shell_variable('ShowUsers', 'NotHidden', 'X-\*-Greeter', '^\s*$') if gdmconf.exists(): if gdm230.exists(): pass else: if oldval_gdmconf != 'true': self.log.info(_("Allowing list of users in GDM")) gdmconf.set_shell_variable('Browser', 'true') else: if kdmrc.exists(): if oldval_kdmrc != 'Selected': self.log.info(_("Forbidding list of users in KDM")) kdmrc.set_shell_variable('ShowUsers', 'Selected', 'X-\*-Greeter', '^\s*$') if gdmconf.exists(): if gdm230.exists(): pass else: if oldval_gdmconf != 'false': self.log.info(_("Forbidding list of users in GDM")) gdmconf.set_shell_variable('Browser', 'false') def allow_autologin(self, arg): ''' Allow autologin.''' autologin = self.configfiles.get_config_file(AUTOLOGIN) val = autologin.get_shell_variable('AUTOLOGIN') if val != arg: if arg == "yes": self.log.info(_('Allowing autologin')) autologin.set_shell_variable('AUTOLOGIN', 'yes') else: self.log.info(_('Forbidding autologin')) autologin.set_shell_variable('AUTOLOGIN', 'no') def password_loader(self, value): '''Unused''' self.log.info(_('Activating password in boot loader')) liloconf = self.configfiles.get_config_file(LILOCONF) liloconf.exists() and (liloconf.replace_line_matching('^password=', 'password="' + value + '"', 0, 1) or \ liloconf.insert_after('^boot=', 'password="' + value + '"')) and \ Perms.chmod(liloconf.path, 0o600) # TODO encrypt password in grub menulst = self.configfiles.get_config_file(MENULST) menulst.exists() and (menulst.replace_line_matching('^password\s', 'password "' + value + '"') or \ menulst.insert_at(0, 'password "' + value + '"')) and \ Perms.chmod(menulst.path, 0o600) # TODO add yaboot support def nopassword_loader(self): '''Unused''' self.log.info(_('Removing password in boot loader')) liloconf = self.configfiles.get_config_file(LILOCONF) liloconf.exists() and liloconf.remove_line_matching('^password=', 1) menulst = self.configfiles.get_config_file(MENULST) menulst.exists() and menulst.remove_line_matching('^password\s') def enable_console_log(self, arg, expr='*.*', dev='tty12'): ''' Log syslog messages on console terminal 12.''' syslogconf = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SYSLOGCONF) val = syslogconf.get_match('\s*[^#]+/dev/([^ ]+)', '@1') if arg == "yes": if dev != val: self.log.info(_('Enabling log on console')) syslogconf.exists() and syslogconf.replace_line_matching('\s*[^#]+/dev/', expr + ' /dev/' + dev, 1) else: if val != None: self.log.info(_('Disabling log on console')) syslogconf.exists() and syslogconf.remove_line_matching('\s*[^#]+/dev/') def authorize_services(self, arg): ''' Allow full access to network services controlled by tcp_wrapper (see hosts.deny(5)). If yes, all services are allowed. If local, only connections to local services are authorized. If no, the services must be authorized manually in /etc/hosts.allow (see hosts.allow(5)).''' hostsdeny = self.configfiles.get_config_file(HOSTSDENY) if hostsdeny.get_match(ALL_REGEXP): val = "no" elif hostsdeny.get_match(ALL_LOCAL_REGEXP): val = "local" else: val = "yes" if val != arg: if arg == "yes": self.log.info(_('Authorizing all services')) hostsdeny.remove_line_matching(ALL_REGEXP, 1) hostsdeny.remove_line_matching(ALL_LOCAL_REGEXP, 1) elif arg == "no": self.log.info(_('Disabling all services')) hostsdeny.remove_line_matching(ALL_LOCAL_REGEXP, 1) hostsdeny.replace_line_matching(ALL_REGEXP, 'ALL:ALL:DENY', 1) elif arg == "local": self.log.info(_('Disabling non local services')) hostsdeny.remove_line_matching(ALL_REGEXP, 1) hostsdeny.replace_line_matching(ALL_LOCAL_REGEXP, 'ALL:ALL EXCEPT', 1) def enable_sulogin(self, arg): ''' Ask for root password when going to single user level (man sulogin(8)).''' inittab = self.configfiles.get_config_file(INITTAB) val = inittab.get_match(SULOGIN_REGEXP) if arg == "yes": if not val: self.log.info(_('Enabling sulogin in single user runlevel')) inittab.replace_line_matching('[^#]+:S:', '~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin', 1) else: if val: self.log.info(_('Disabling sulogin in single user runlevel')) inittab.remove_line_matching('~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin') def enable_msec_cron(self, arg): ''' Perform hourly security check for changes in system configuration.''' mseccron = self.configfiles.get_config_file(MSECCRON) val = mseccron.exists() if arg == "yes": if not val: self.log.info(_('Enabling msec periodic runs')) mseccron.symlink(MSECBIN) else: if val: self.log.info(_('Disabling msec periodic runs')) mseccron.unlink() def enable_at_crontab(self, arg): ''' Enable crontab and at for users. Put allowed users in /etc/cron.allow and /etc/at.allow (see man at(1) and crontab(1)).''' cronallow = self.configfiles.get_config_file(CRONALLOW) atallow = self.configfiles.get_config_file(ATALLOW) val_cronallow = cronallow.get_match('root') val_atallow = atallow.get_match('root') if arg == "yes": if val_cronallow or val_atallow: self.log.info(_('Enabling crontab and at')) if val_cronallow: cronallow.exists() and cronallow.move(SUFFIX) if val_atallow: atallow.exists() and atallow.move(SUFFIX) else: if not val_cronallow or not val_atallow: self.log.info(_('Disabling crontab and at')) cronallow.replace_line_matching('root', 'root', 1) atallow.replace_line_matching('root', 'root', 1) def allow_xauth_from_root(self, arg): ''' Allow to export display when passing from the root account to the other users. See pam_xauth(8) for more details.''' export = self.configfiles.get_config_file(EXPORT) allow = export.get_match('^\*$') if arg == 'yes': if not allow: self.log.info(_('Allowing export display from root')) export.insert_at(0, '*') else: if allow: self.log.info(_('Forbidding export display from root')) export.remove_line_matching('^\*$') def allow_root_login(self, arg): ''' Allow direct root login on terminal.''' securetty = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SECURETTY) kde = self.configfiles.get_config_file(KDE) gdm = self.configfiles.get_config_file(GDM) gdmconf = self.configfiles.get_config_file(GDMCONF) xdm = self.configfiles.get_config_file(XDM) gdm230 = self.configfiles.get_config_file(GDM230) val = {} val_kde = kde.get_match('auth required (?:/lib/security/)?pam_listfile.so onerr=succeed item=user sense=deny file=/etc/bastille-no-login') val_gdm = gdm.get_match('auth required (?:/lib/security/)?pam_listfile.so onerr=succeed item=user sense=deny file=/etc/bastille-no-login') val_xdm = xdm.get_match('auth required (?:/lib/security/)?pam_listfile.so onerr=succeed item=user sense=deny file=/etc/bastille-no-login') num = 0 for n in range(1, 7): s = 'tty' + str(n) if securetty.get_match(s): num = num + 1 s = 'vc/' + str(n) if securetty.get_match(s): num = num + 1 if arg == "yes": if val_kde or val_gdm or val_xdm or num != 12: self.log.info(_('Allowing direct root login')) if gdmconf.exists(): if gdm230.exists(): pass else: gdmconf.set_shell_variable('ConfigAvailable', 'true', '\[greeter\]', '^\s*$') for cnf in [kde, gdm, xdm]: if cnf.exists(): cnf.remove_line_matching('^auth\s*required\s*(?:/lib/security/)?pam_listfile.so.*bastille-no-login', 1) for n in range(1, 7): s = 'tty' + str(n) securetty.replace_line_matching(s, s, 1) s = 'vc/' + str(n) securetty.replace_line_matching(s, s, 1) else: if gdmconf.exists(): if gdm230.exists(): pass else: gdmconf.set_shell_variable('ConfigAvailable', 'false', '\[greeter\]', '^\s*$') if (kde.exists() and not val_kde) or (gdm.exists() and not val_gdm) or (xdm.exists() and not val_xdm) or num > 0: self.log.info(_('Forbidding direct root login')) bastillenologin = self.configfiles.get_config_file(BASTILLENOLOGIN) bastillenologin.replace_line_matching('^\s*root', 'root', 1) # TODO: simplify this for cnf in [kde, gdm, xdm]: if cnf.exists(): (cnf.replace_line_matching('^auth\s*required\s*(?:/lib/security/)?pam_listfile.so.*bastille-no-login', 'auth required pam_listfile.so onerr=succeed item=user sense=deny file=/etc/bastille-no-login') or cnf.insert_at(0, 'auth required pam_listfile.so onerr=succeed item=user sense=deny file=/etc/bastille-no-login')) securetty.remove_line_matching('.+', 1) # bogus functions def secure_tmp(self, param): """Use secure location for temporary files. If this parameter is set to 'yes', user home directory will be used for temporary files. Otherwise, /tmp will be used.""" shell = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SHELLCONF) val = shell.get_shell_variable('SECURE_TMP') if val != param: if param == 'yes': self.log.info(_('Using secure location for temporary files')) else: self.log.info(_('Not using secure location for temporary files')) shell.set_shell_variable('SECURE_TMP', param) pass def enable_startup_msec(self, param): """Enforce MSEC settings on system startup""" pass def enable_startup_perms(self, param): """Enforce MSEC file directory permissions on system startup. If this parameter is set to 'enforce', system permissions will be enforced automatically, according to system security settings.""" pass def allow_curdir_in_path(self, param): """Include current directory into user PATH by default""" msec = self.configfiles.get_config_file(SHELLCONF) val = msec.get_shell_variable('ALLOW_CURDIR_IN_PATH') if val != param: if param == 'yes': self.log.info(_('Allowing including current directory in path')) msec.set_shell_variable('ALLOW_CURDIR_IN_PATH', param) else: self.log.info(_('Not allowing including current directory in path')) msec.set_shell_variable('ALLOW_CURDIR_IN_PATH', param)