#!/usr/bin/python #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Project : Mandrake Linux # Module : share # File : shadow.py # Version : $Id$ # Author : Frederic Lepied # Created On : Sat Jan 26 17:38:39 2002 # Purpose : loads a python module and creates another one # on stdout. All the functions of the module are shadowed according # to their doc string: "D" direct mapping, "1" indirect call but # name + first arg used as the key and all other cases indirect # call with the name as the key. #--------------------------------------------------------------- import sys import imp import inspect ### strings used in the rewritting direct_str = """ %s=%s.%s """ indirect_str = """ def %s(*args): indirect(\"%s\", %s.%s, %d, args) """ header = """ NONE=0 ALL=1 LOCAL=2 yes=1 no=0 FAKE = {} def indirect(name, func, type, args): if type == 1: key = (name, args[0]) else: key = name FAKE[key] = (func, args) def commit_changes(): for f in FAKE.values(): apply(f[0], f[1]) """ ### code modulename = sys.argv[1] module = __import__(modulename) sys.stdout.write(header) sys.stdout.write("import %s\n\n" % modulename) for f in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction): (args, varargs, varkw, locals) = inspect.getargspec(f[1]) if f[1].__doc__ and f[1].__doc__[0] == 'D': #argspec = inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw, locals) s = direct_str % (f[0], modulename, f[0]) else: if f[1].__doc__ and f[1].__doc__[0] == '1': type = 1 else: type = 0 s = indirect_str % (f[0], f[0], modulename, f[0], type) sys.stdout.write(s) # shadow.py ends here