# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: package ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Plugin::Partition; #============================================================= -*-perl-*- =head1 NAME ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Plugin::Partition - Partition object =head1 SYNOPSIS use ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Plugin::Partition; my $db_man = ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Plugin::Partition->new($parent); ... =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin is an Partition plugin for the backend to manadisk =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this plugin with the perldoc command: perldoc ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Plugin::Partition =head1 AUTHOR Maarten Vanraes =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright (c) 2015 Maarten Vanraes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =head1 METHODS =cut use Moose; use File::Basename; use ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::PartitionTable; extends 'ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Plugin'; has '+dependencies' => ( default => sub { return ['Disk', 'Loop']; } ); has '+tools' => ( default => sub { return {parted => '/usr/sbin/parted'}; } ); sub _mkparttable { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; return ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::PartitionTable->new(parted => $self->tool('parted'), disk => $part->file()); } #============================================================= =head2 changedpart =head3 INPUT $part: ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part $partstate: PartState =head3 OUTPUT 0 if failed, 1 if success or unneeded =head3 DESCRIPTION this overridden method will load/probe/save a partition table when it's called =cut #============================================================= override ('changedpart', sub { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; my $partstate = shift; ## LOAD # read the partition table if ($partstate == ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part->LoadedState) { # only BlockDevices for loading return 1 if (!$part->does('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::BlockDevice')); my $pt = $self->_mkparttable($part); # exit if there is no detected PartitionTable return 1 if (!defined($pt)); # look or make the PartitionTable as a child of the BlockDevice my $parttable = $part->trychild($partstate, undef, 'PartitionTable', {probed => undef, saved => undef}); my @changedparts = ($parttable); # make the PartitionElement children for my $p (values %{$pt->partitions()}) { # look or create the child with id based on the filename my $child = $parttable->trychild($partstate, sub { my $self = shift; my $parameters = shift; return ($self->id() eq $parameters->{id}); },'PartitionElement', {id => $p->{'file'} =~ s'^.+/''r, probed => undef, saved => undef}); # set the necessary properties my @stat = stat($p->{'file'}); my $dev = $stat[6]; my $minor = $dev % 256; my $major = int (($dev - $minor) / 256); $child->prop('dev', $major .':'. $minor); $child->sync_majorminor(); $child->prop('start', $p->{'start'}); $child->prop('size', $p->{'size'}); $child->prop('num', $p->{'num'}); # add the child to the changedparts push @changedparts, $child; } # trigger changedpart on all children for other plugins to load further for my $part (@changedparts) { $part->changedpart($partstate); } } ## PROBE # check in the kernel partition table by reading /sys if ($partstate == ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part->CurrentState) { $self->D("$self: called changepart for probing partitiontable on $part"); # only BlockDevices for loading return 1 if (!$part->does('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::BlockDevice')); # only devices that are present return 1 if ($part->has_prop('present') && !$part->prop('present')); # only devices with positive size return 1 if (!$part->prop('size') <= 0); # there is no way to differentiate between an in-kernel empty partition table and no partition table # so, we're not making an empty partition table entry for probed state # since there is none, it'll just recreate the partition table (probably with the loaded state settings) anyway # # in any case, if there are no partition entries (in-kernel), we exit early. my @devices = glob($part->path(). "/". $part->id() ."*"); return 1 if (!scalar(@devices)); # look or make the PartitionTable as a child of the BlockDevice my $parttable = $part->trychild($partstate, undef, 'PartitionTable', {loaded => undef, saved => undef}); my @changedparts = ($parttable); # find subdevices in /sys/ my $prevchild = undef; for my $pf (@devices) { # look or create the child with id based on the filename my $child = $parttable->trychild($partstate, sub { my $self = shift; my $parameters = shift; return ($self->id() eq $parameters->{id}); },'PartitionElement', {id => $pf =~ s'^.+/''r, loaded => undef, saved => undef}); $child->prop_from_file('sectors', $pf . '/size'); # sectors are always 512 bytes here! $child->prop('size', $child->prop('sectors') * 512); $child->prop_from_file('start', $pf . '/start'); $child->prop_from_file('ro', $pf . '/ro'); $child->prop_from_file('dev', $pf . '/dev'); $child->sync_majorminor(); $child->prop('num', $pf =~ s/^.+([0-9]+)$/$1/r); # add the child to the changedparts push @changedparts, $child; } # trigger changedpart on all children for other plugins to load further for my $part (@changedparts) { $part->changedpart($partstate); } } ## SAVE # save the partition table if ($partstate == ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part->FutureState) { # in all child parts, find PartitionTable entries and trigger ->save(); for my $p ($part->find_parts(undef, 'child')) { # TODO: need to be able to abort during save!!! $p->save(); } } return 1; }); #============================================================= =head2 load =head3 OUTPUT 0 if failed, 1 if success or unneeded =head3 DESCRIPTION this method will load all disks partition tables =cut #============================================================= override ('loadio', sub { my $self = shift; my $io = shift; # get the partition table my $pt = ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::PartitionTable->new(parted => $self->tool('parted'), disk => $io->file()); # get partitions and mkio them all for my $p (values %{$pt->partitions()}) { my @stat = stat($p->{'file'}); my $dev = $stat[6]; my $minor = $dev % 256; my $major = int (($dev - $minor) / 256); my $io = $self->parent->mkio('Partition', {id => $p->{'file'} =~ s'^.+/''r}); $io->prop('dev', $major .':'. $minor); $io->sync_majorminor(); $io->prop('start', $p->{'start'}); $io->prop('size', $p->{'size'}); $io->prop('num', $p->{'num'}); # TODO: also create the Part (if it doesn't already exists) and link it } return 1; }); #============================================================= =head2 probeio =head3 OUTPUT 0 if failed, 1 if success or unneeded =head3 DESCRIPTION this method will try to probe the specific disk IO and get partitions =cut #============================================================= override ('probeio', sub { my $self = shift; my $io = shift; my $part = undef; # return if $io is not the correct type if ($io->type() ne 'Disk') { return 1; } if ($io->prop('present') == 0) { return 1; } # find out if the IO already has a part, if not: make a part my @parts = $self->parent->findin($io); if (scalar(@parts) > 0) { $part = $parts[0]; } else { $part = $self->parent->mkpart('PartitionTable', {plugin => $self}); if (!defined($part)) { return 0; } # assign this IO to the ins if (!$part->in_add($io)) { return 0; } # add properties # TODO: partition table type, size and position, logical alignment, etc... # default partition is always 1 sector ? $part->prop('size', 1); # add an action $part->add_action('addPartition', 'Add a partition', $part, sub { my $self = shift; my $part = $self->item(); print STDERR "Add partition is not implemented...\n"; return 1; }, sub { my $self = shift; my $part = $self->item(); return 1; }); } @parts = $self->parent->findin($io); my $err = 0; my $partitions = 0; # find subdevices in /sys/ for my $pf (glob($io->path(). "/". $io->id() ."*")) { my $io = $self->parent->mkio('Partition', {id => $pf =~ s'^.+/''r}); $io->prop_from_file('sectors', $pf . '/size'); # sectors are always 512 bytes here! $io->prop('size', $io->prop('sectors') * 512); $io->prop_from_file('start', $pf . '/start'); $io->prop_from_file('ro', $pf . '/ro'); $io->prop_from_file('dev', $pf . '/dev'); $io->sync_majorminor(); $io->prop('num', $pf =~ s/^.+([0-9]+)$/$1/r); $partitions = $partitions + 1; if (!$part->out_add($io)) { $err = 1; } } $part->prop('partitions', $partitions); # find out how to differentiate between an empty partition table and no partition table return $err == 0; }); package ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::IO::Partition; use Moose; extends 'ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::IO'; with 'ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::BlockDevice'; has '+type' => ( default => 'Partition' ); package ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part::PartitionTable; use Moose; extends 'ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part'; use MooseX::ClassAttribute; class_has '+type' => ( default => 'PartitionTable' ); class_has '+restrictions' => ( default => sub { return { child => sub { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; return $part->isa('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part::PartitionElement'); }, parent => sub { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; return $part->does('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::BlockDevice'); }, sibling => sub { return 0; }, previous => sub { return 0; }, next => sub { return 0; }, } } ); class_has '+in_restriction' => ( default => sub { return sub { my $self = shift; my $io = shift; my $del = shift; if (!defined $del) { $del = 0; } if ($del != 0) { return ($self->in_length() > 0); } return ($self->in_length() == 0 && ref($io) eq 'ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::IO::Disk'); }; } ); class_has '+out_restriction' => ( default => sub { return sub { my $self = shift; my $io = shift; my $del = shift; if (!defined $del) { $del = 0; } if ($del != 0) { return ($self->out_length() > 0); } return ($self->out_length() < 4 && ref($io) eq 'ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::IO::Partition'); }; } ); package ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part::PartitionElement; use Moose; extends 'ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part'; with 'ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::BlockDevice'; use MooseX::ClassAttribute; class_has '+type' => ( default => 'PartitionElement' ); class_has '+order' => ( default => sub { return sub { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; return $self->prop('offset') <=> $part->prop('offset'); } } ); class_has '+restrictions' => ( default => sub { return { parent => sub { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; return $part->isa('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part::PartitionTable'); }, sibling => sub { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; return $part->isa('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part::PartitionElement'); }, previous => sub { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; return $part->isa('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part::PartitionElement'); }, next => sub { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; return $part->isa('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part::PartitionElement'); }, } } ); 1;