# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: #***************************************************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Matteo Pasotti # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # #***************************************************************************** package ManaTools::Shared::Hosts; use Moose; use diagnostics; use Config::Hosts; use Net::DBus; use utf8; # costants by Config::Hosts my $is_ip = 1; my $is_host = -1; my $is_none = 0; has 'configHosts' => ( is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, builder => '_initialize' ); has 'dbusConnectionParams' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', builder => '_initDBusConnectionParams', ); sub _initialize { my $self = shift(); $self->configHosts(Config::Hosts->new()); } sub _initDBusConnectionParams { my $self = shift(); my %dbusConnParams = ( 'servicePath' => 'org.freedesktop.hostname1', 'objectPath' => '/org/freedesktop/hostname1' ); return \%dbusConnParams; } =pod =head2 _getHosts =head3 OUTPUT @result: array of hashes; each one of them represent a host definition from the hosts configuration file NOTE: the 'hosts' item into each hash is an array: it contains the hostname and -eventually- the aliases =head3 DESCRIPTION retrieve data from the hosts file (/etc/hosts) using the Config::Hosts module =cut sub _getHosts { my $self = shift(); # $self->configHosts(Config::Hosts->new()); my $hosts = $self->configHosts->read_hosts(); my @result = (); while( my ($key, $value) = each(%{$hosts})){ if($self->configHosts->determine_ip_or_host($key) == $is_ip){ my $tmp = {}; $tmp = $self->configHosts->query_host($key); $tmp->{'ip'} = $key; push @result,$tmp; } } return @result; } sub _insertHost { my $self = shift(); # remember that the order matters! my $ip = shift(); my @host_definitions = @_; # $self->configHosts = Config::Hosts->new(); return $self->configHosts->insert_host(ip => $ip, hosts => @host_definitions); } sub _dropHost { my $self = shift(); my $host_ip = shift(); return $self->configHosts->delete_host($host_ip); } sub _modifyHost { my $self = shift(); my $host_ip = shift(); my @host_definitions = @_; return $self->configHosts->update_host($host_ip, hosts => @host_definitions); } sub _writeHosts { my $self = shift(); return $self->configHosts->write_hosts(); } sub _dbus_connection { my $self = shift(); my %params = %{$self->dbusConnectionParams()}; my $bus = Net::DBus->system; my $service = $bus->get_service($params{'servicePath'}); my $object = $service->get_object($params{'objectPath'}); return $object; } sub _dbus_inquiry { my $self = shift(); my $required_field = shift(); my $object = $self->_dbus_connection(); my %params = %{$self->dbusConnectionParams()}; my $properties = $object->GetAll($params{'servicePath'}); return $properties->{$required_field} if(defined($properties->{$required_field})); return 0; } sub _dbus_setup { my $self = shift(); my $attribute = shift(); my $value = shift(); my $object = $self->_dbus_connection(); if($attribute eq "Hostname") { $object->SetHostname($value,1); } elsif($attribute eq "PrettyHostname") { $object->SetPrettyHostname($value,1); } elsif($attribute eq "StaticHostname") { $object->SetStaticHostname($value,1); } elsif($attribute eq "Chassis") { $object->SetChassis($value,1); } elsif($attribute eq "IconName") { $object->SetIconName($value,1); } } sub _getLocalHostName { my $self = shift(); return $self->_dbus_inquiry('Hostname'); } sub _getLocalPrettyHostName { my $self = shift(); return $self->_dbus_inquiry('PrettyHostname'); } sub _getLocalStaticHostName { my $self = shift(); return $self->_dbus_inquiry('StaticHostname'); } sub _getLocalChassis { my $self = shift(); return $self->_dbus_inquiry('Chassis'); } sub _getLocalIconName { my $self = shift(); return $self->_dbus_inquiry('IconName'); } sub _setLocalHostName { my $self = shift(); my $hostname = shift(); $self->_dbus_setup('Hostname',$hostname); } sub _setLocalPrettyHostName { my $self = shift(); my $value = shift(); $self->_dbus_setup('PrettyHostname',$value); } sub _setLocalStaticHostName { my $self = shift(); my $value = shift(); $self->_dbus_setup('StaticHostname',$value); } sub _setLocalIconName { my $self = shift(); my $value = shift(); $self->_dbus_setup('IconName',$value); } sub _setLocalChassis { my $self = shift(); my $value = shift(); $self->_dbus_setup('Chassis',$value); } 1;