# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: package ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab; #============================================================= -*-perl-*- =head1 NAME ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab - Class to manage a yui YDumbTab properly =head1 SYNOPSIS use ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab; my $exttab = ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab->new(name => "Tab1", eventHandler => $dialog, parentWidget => $widget, callback => { my $self = shift; my $yevent = shift; my $backenditem = $_; ... }); $exttab->addTabItem("Label 1", $backenditem1, sub { my ($self, $parent, $backendItem) = @_; my $dialog = $self->parentDialog(); my $factory = $dialog->factory(); my $vbox = $factory->createVBox($parent); my $button1 = $self->addWidget($backendItem->label() .'_button1', $factory->createPushButton('Button 1', $vbox), sub { my $self = shift; my $yevent = shift; my $backendItem = shift; my $tab = $self->eventHandler(); ... }, $backendItem); my $button2 = $self->addWidget($backendItem->label() .'_button2', $factory->createPushButton('Button 2', $vbox), sub {...}, $backendItem); ... }); $exttab->addTabItem("Label 2", $backenditem2, sub { my ($self, $parent, $backendItem) = @_; my $factory = $self->parentDialog()->factory(); my $vbox = $factory->createVBox($parent); ... } ); $exttab->addTabItem("Label 3", $backenditem3, sub { my ($self, $parent, $backendItem) = @_; my $factory = $self->parentDialog()->factory(); my $vbox = $factory->createVBox($parent); ... } ); $exttab->addTabItem("Label 4", $backenditem4, sub { my ($self, $parent, $backendItem) = @_; my $factory = $self->parentDialog()->factory(); my $vbox = $factory->createVBox($parent); ... } ); $exttab->finishedTabItems(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class wraps YDumbTab with backend items to handle =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command: perldoc ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab =head1 SEE ALSO yui::YDumbTab =head1 AUTHOR Maarten Vanraes =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright (C) 2015, Maarten Vanraes. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut use Moose; use diagnostics; use utf8; with 'ManaTools::Shared::GUI::EventRole'; use yui; #============================================================= =head2 new =head3 INPUT hash ref containing name: a name for the widget to add event to the eventHandler eventHandler: the parent that does eventHandlerRole parentWidget: the parent widget callback: optional parameter to execute a callback when an item has changed =head3 DESCRIPTION new is inherited from Moose, to create a ExtTab object =cut #============================================================= has '+eventType' => ( required => 0, default => $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent, ); has 'parentWidget' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'yui::YWidget', required => 1, ); has 'callback' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[CodeRef]', lazy => 1, default => sub { return undef; } ); has 'items' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab::Item]', lazy => 1, init_arg => undef, default => sub { return []; } ); has 'replacepoint' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ReplacePoint]', init_arg => undef, handles => ['addEvent', 'delEvent', 'getEvent', 'addWidget', 'delWidget', 'widget', 'addItem', 'delItem', 'item'], default => sub { return undef; } ); has 'tab' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'yui::YDumbTab', init_arg => undef, lazy => 1, builder => 'buildTab', ); has 'lastItem' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab::Item]', init_arg => undef, default => sub { return undef; } ); has 'itemcollection' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'yui::YItemCollection', init_arg => undef, default => sub { return new yui::YItemCollection(); } ); #============================================================= =head2 buildTab =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION builds the YDumbTab widget =cut #============================================================= sub buildTab { my $self = shift; my $dialog = $self->parentDialog(); my $optFactory = $dialog->optFactory(); my $parentWidget = $self->parentWidget(); # create the tab my $tab = $optFactory->createDumbTab($parentWidget); # create a replacepoint on the tab $self->{replacepoint} = ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ReplacePoint->new(parentWidget => $tab); # don't add any children right away $self->{replacepoint}->finished(); return $tab; } #============================================================= =head2 processEvent =head3 INPUT $self: this object $yevent: yui::YEvent =head3 DESCRIPTION handles the YDumbTab events and executes callback if necessary =cut #============================================================= sub processEvent { my $self = shift; my $yevent = shift; my $replacepoint = $self->replacepoint(); my $items = $self->items(); # call subevents return 0 if (!$replacepoint->processEvents($yevent)); # only MenuEvents here... return 1 if ($yevent->eventType() != $yui::YEvent::MenuEvent); # only items from *this* tab my $yitem = $yevent->item(); my $item = $self->findTabItem($yitem); return 1 if !defined($item); # build the children $self->buildTabItem($item); # execute callback if needed my $callback = $self->callback(); my $result = 1; $result = $callback->($self, $yevent, $item->backend()) if defined($callback); # mark last item as this one $self->lastItem($item); # return result of callback return $result; } #============================================================= =head2 addTabItem =head3 INPUT $self: this object $label: a label for the YItem $backendItem: a backendItem needed to identify and/or handle the event $buildWidget: a CodeRef to rebuild the widget when required =head3 OUTPUT the created ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab::Item =head3 DESCRIPTION Creates an item and adds it to the ExtTab. Internally, it creates a yui::YItem and adds it to the YItemCollection. If it's the first item, mark it as the lastitem. =cut #============================================================= sub addTabItem { my $self = shift; my $label = shift; my $backendItem = shift; my $buildWidget = shift; my $items = $self->items(); my $item = ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab::Item->new(backend => $backendItem, builder => $buildWidget); push @{$items}, $item; $item->setLabel($label); $item->addToCollection($self->itemcollection()); if (scalar(@{$items}) == 1) { $self->lastItem($item); } return $item; } #============================================================= =head2 findTabItem =head3 INPUT $self: this object $yitem: the YItem to be found =head3 DESCRIPTION returns a ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab::Item that has the YItem =cut #============================================================= sub findTabItem { my $self = shift; my $yitem = shift; # loop all the items for my $i (@{$self->items()}) { return $i if ($i->equals($yitem)); } return undef; } #============================================================= =head2 buildTabItem =head3 INPUT $self: this object $item: the item to be built (widgets from this tab will be recreated in the tab) =head3 DESCRIPTION builds an item on the internal replace point =cut #============================================================= sub buildTabItem { my $self = shift; my $item = shift; my $replacepoint = $self->replacepoint(); my $container = $replacepoint->container(); # clear out any previous children/events $replacepoint->clear(); # build item's widgetbuilder my $builder = $item->builder(); $builder->($self, $container, $item->backend()) if (defined $builder); # finished with replacepoint children $replacepoint->finished(); } #============================================================= =head2 clearTabItems =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION clears the tab to prepare for re-adding new items, call finishedTabItems() afterwards =cut #============================================================= sub clearTabItems { my $self = shift; my $items = $self->items(); # remove all events before deleting all items $self->clearEvents(); for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$items}); $i = $i + 1) { delete $items->[$i]; } } #============================================================= =head2 finishedTabItems =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION finalizes the items on the ExtTab =cut #============================================================= sub finishedTabItems { my $self = shift; # remove all Items before adding $self->tab->deleteAllItems(); # add items from collection $self->tab->addItems($self->itemcollection); # set last item to know the active item my $item = $self->lastItem(); # show the current one if there is one $self->buildTabItem($item) if defined($item); # create a new itemcollection for adding new items $self->itemcollection(new yui::YItemCollection()); } #============================================================= no Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; #============================================================= package ManaTools::Shared::GUI::ExtTab::Item; use Moose; use diagnostics; use utf8; use yui; has 'builder' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[CodeRef]', lazy => 1, default => sub { return undef; } ); has 'item' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'yui::YItem', init_arg => undef, default => sub { return new yui::YItem('', 0); } ); has 'backend' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Ref]', lazy => 1, default => sub { return undef; } ); #============================================================= sub setLabel { my $self = shift; my $label = shift; my $yitem = $self->item(); $yitem->setLabel($label); } sub equals { my $self = shift; my $item = shift; return ($self->item() == $item); } sub addToCollection { my $self = shift; my $collection = shift; my $yitem = $self->item(); $yitem->DISOWN(); $collection->push($yitem); } #============================================================= no Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1;