# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: # Copyright 2012-2015 Angelo Naselli # Copyright 2013-2015 Matteo Pasotti # # This file is part of ManaTools # # ManaTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ManaTools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ManaTools. If not, see . package ManaTools::Shared; =head1 NAME ManaTools::Shared - ManaTools::Shared contains all the shared routines needed by ManaTools and modules =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION This module collects all the routines shared between ManaTools and its modules. =head1 EXPORT trim md5sum pathList2hash distName apcat inArray disable_x_screensaver enable_x_screensaver isProcessRunning custom_locale_dir devel_mode command_line help_requested =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command: perldoc ManaTools::Shared =head1 AUTHOR Angelo Naselli =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013, Angelo Naselli. Copyright (C) 2014, Matteo Pasotti. This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this file. If not, see . =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use feature 'state'; use Digest::MD5; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( trim md5sum pathList2hash distName apcat inArray disable_x_screensaver enable_x_screensaver isProcessRunning custom_locale_dir devel_mode command_line help_requested ); # changelog # 2015-12-30 A.Naselli removed VERSION # 2015-05-03 A.Naselli added locale_dir(), devel_mode() command_line() #============================================================= =head2 apcat =head3 PARAMETERS $filename the name of the file to read =head3 OUTPUT depending from the context it returns the content of the file as an array or a string =head3 DESCRIPTION This function return the content of $filename or false/0 if it fails =cut #============================================================= sub apcat { my $fn = shift(); my $fh = undef; my @content = (); open($fh, "<", $fn) || return 0; while(<$fh>) { push(@content, $_); } return (wantarray() ? @content : join('',@content)); } #============================================================= =head2 distName =head3 OUTPUT $distname: name of the distributed package =head3 DESCRIPTION This function return the distname, useful to retrieve data with File::ShareDir::dist_file and must be the same as into Makefile.PL (e.g. manatools) =cut #============================================================= sub distName { return "manatools"; } #============================================================= =head2 trim =head3 INPUT $st: String to be trimmed =head3 OUTPUT $st: trimmed string =head3 DESCRIPTION This function trim the given string. =cut #============================================================= sub trim { my ($st) = shift; $st =~s /^\s+//g; $st =~s /\s+$//g; return $st; } #============================================================= =head2 inArray =head3 INPUT $item: item to search $arr: array container =head3 OUTPUT true: if the array contains the item =head3 DESCRIPTION This method returns if an item is into the array container =cut #============================================================= sub inArray { my ($item, $arr) = @_; return grep( /^$item$/, @{$arr} ); } #============================================================= =head2 md5sum =head3 INPUT $filename: file for md5 calculation =head3 OUTPUT md5 sum =head3 DESCRIPTION compute MD5 for the given file =cut #============================================================= sub md5sum { my @files = @_; my @md5 = map { my $sum; if (open(my $FILE, $_)) { binmode($FILE); $sum = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($FILE)->hexdigest; close($FILE); } $sum; } @files; return wantarray() ? @md5 : $md5[0]; } #============================================================= =head2 pathList2hash =head3 INPUT $param : HASH ref containing paths => ARRAY of string containing path like strings separator => item separator inside a single path (default separator is /) =head3 OUTPUT \%tree: HASH reference containing the same structur passed as ARRAY in a tree view form, leaves are undef. =head3 DESCRIPTION This function return a tree representation of the given array. =cut #============================================================= sub pathList2hash { my ($param) = @_; die "array of path is missing" if ! exists $param->{paths}; my $separator = '/'; $separator = $param->{separator} if $param->{separator}; if ($separator eq "/" || $separator eq "|") { $separator = '\\' . $separator; } my %tree; for (@{$param->{paths}}) { my $last = \\%tree; $last = \$$last->{$_} for split /$separator/; } return \%tree; } #============================================================= =head2 disable_x_screensaver =head3 DESCRIPTION if exists /usr/bin/xset disable screensaver =cut #============================================================= sub disable_x_screensaver() { if (-e '/usr/bin/xset') { $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"; system ("/usr/bin/xset s off"); system ("/usr/bin/xset -dpms"); } } #============================================================= =head2 enable_x_screensaver =head3 DESCRIPTION if exists /usr/bin/xset enables screensaver =cut #============================================================= sub enable_x_screensaver() { if (-e '/usr/bin/xset') { $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"; system ("/usr/bin/xset +dpms"); system ("/usr/bin/xset s on"); system ("/usr/bin/xset s reset"); } } #============================================================= =head2 isProcessRunning =head3 INPUT $name: Process name $o_user: user who the process belongs to =head3 OUTPUT $pid: process identifier =head3 DESCRIPTION Function returns the process identifier if the given process is running =cut #============================================================= sub isProcessRunning { my ($name, $o_user) = @_; my $user = $o_user || $ENV{USER}; my @proc = `ps -o '%P %p %c' -u $user`; shift (@proc); foreach (@proc) { my ($ppid, $pid, $n) = /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/; return $pid if $n eq $name && $ppid != 1 && $pid != $$; } return; } #============================================================= =head2 command_line =head3 OUTPUT $cmdline: given command line =head3 DESCRIPTION returns the command line meant as yui::YCommandLine object =cut #============================================================= sub command_line() { require yui; state $cmdline = new yui::YCommandLine; return $cmdline; } # TODO evaluate if using state also for $pos into # custom_locale_dir and devel_mode #============================================================= =head2 custom_locale_dir =head3 OUTPUT locale_dir: custom locale directory or undef =head3 DESCRIPTION returns the custom locale directory if given by command line using "--locales-dir path" or undef =cut #============================================================= sub custom_locale_dir() { my $cmdline = ManaTools::Shared::command_line(); my $pos = $cmdline->find("--locales-dir"); return ($pos > 0) ? $cmdline->arg($pos+1) : undef; } #============================================================= =head2 devel_mode =head3 OUTPUT boolean: 1 if --devel-mode is passed to command line, 0 otherwhise =head3 DESCRIPTION returns 1 if "--devel-mode" is passed to command line, modules should check this value to work in developer mode =cut #============================================================= sub devel_mode() { my $cmdline = ManaTools::Shared::command_line(); my $pos = $cmdline->find("--devel-mode"); return ($pos > 0) ? 1 : 0; } #============================================================= =head2 help_requested =head3 OUTPUT boolean: 1 if "--help" or "-h" is passed to command line, 0 otherwhise =head3 DESCRIPTION returns 1 if "--help" or "-h" is passed to command line, modules should check this value to work accordingly =cut #============================================================= sub help_requested() { my $cmdline = ManaTools::Shared::command_line(); my $pos = $cmdline->find("--help"); return 1 if $pos > 0; $pos = $cmdline->find("--help"); return 1 if $pos > 0; return 0; } 1; # End of ManaTools::Shared