# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: package ManaTools::MainDisplay; #============================================================= -*-perl-*- =head1 NAME ManaTools::MainDisplay - class for ManaTools main window =head1 SYNOPSIS $mainDisplay = new ManaTools::MainDisplay(); $mainDisplay->start(); $mainDisplay->destroy(); =head1 METHODS =head1 DESCRIPTION ManaTools::MainDisplay implements the main window panel adding buttons reading the configuration for every categories and modules =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command: perldoc ManaTools::MainDisplay =head1 AUTHOR Steven Tucker =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Angelo Naselli. Copyright (C) 2012, Steven Tucker. ManaTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ManaTools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ManaTools. If not, see . =head1 METHODS =cut =head1 VERSION Version 1.1.0 See Changes for details =cut our $VERSION = '1.1.0'; use Moose; extends qw( ManaTools::Module ); use diagnostics; use ManaTools::SettingsReader; use ManaTools::ConfigReader; use ManaTools::Category; use ManaTools::Module; use ManaTools::Shared; use ManaTools::Shared::GUI; use ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Dialog; use ManaTools::Shared::Locales; use File::ShareDir ':ALL'; use yui; with 'ManaTools::LoggingRole'; has 'configDir' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', ); with 'ManaTools::ConfigDirRole'; #============================================================= =head2 new =head3 INPUT hash ref containing configDir: configuration files directory name: application name, logging identity, configuration subdirectory =head3 other attributes title: window title got from configuration file, default is name. categories: ArrayRef[ManaTools::Category] settings: HashRef containing settings file content currCategory: Selected category mainWin: Main Dialog window factory: yui::YUI::widgetFactory menus: HashRef containing menu items leftPane: left panel layout rightPane: right panel layout rightPaneFrame: right frame (needed for category title) replacePoint: replace point where to set new layout on category selection selectedModule: module to be returned when selected =head3 DESCRIPTION This method instanziates the MainWindo object, and setups the startup GUI. =cut #============================================================= has '+name' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'mpan', ); has '+icon' => ( default => File::ShareDir::dist_file(ManaTools::Shared::distName(), 'images/mageia.png'), ); has 'title' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', init_arg => undef, lazy => 1, builder => '_titleInitialize', ); sub _titleInitialize { my $self = shift; return $self->name(); } has 'settings' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', init_arg => undef, default => sub {return {};}, ); has 'categories' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[ManaTools::Category]', init_arg => undef, lazy => 1, default => sub {[];}, ); has 'currCategory' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ManaTools::Category]', init_arg => undef, default => undef, ); has 'factory' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[yui::YWidgetFactory]', lazy => 1, init_arg => undef, default => sub { return yui::YUI::widgetFactory; }, ); has 'mainWin' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Dialog]', init_arg => undef, default => undef, ); has 'menus' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', init_arg => undef, default => sub { { file => {}, help => {}, }; }, ); has 'leftPane' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[yui::YLayoutBox]', init_arg => undef, default => undef, ); has 'rightPane' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[yui::YLayoutBox]', init_arg => undef, default => undef, ); has 'rightPaneFrame' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[yui::YFrame]', init_arg => undef, default => undef, ); has 'replacePoint' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[yui::YReplacePoint]', init_arg => undef, default => undef, ); has 'selectedModule' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ManaTools::Module]', init_arg => undef, default => undef, ); #============================================================= =head2 configName =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 OUTPUT name: application name =head3 DESCRIPTION Returns the application name as configuration subdirectory. This method is required by ConfifDirRole =cut #============================================================= sub configName { my $self = shift; return $self->name(); } #============================================================= =head2 identifier =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 OUTPUT name: application name =head3 DESCRIPTION Returns the application name as logging identifier. This method is required by LoggingRole =cut #============================================================= sub identifier { my $self = shift; return $self->name(); } sub _showAboutDialog { my $self = shift; my $translators = $self->{loc}->N("_: Translator(s) name(s) & email(s)\n"); $translators =~ s/\/\>\;/g; my $sh_gui = ManaTools::Shared::GUI->new(); $sh_gui->AboutDialog({ name => $self->{name}, version => $ManaTools::MainDisplay::VERSION, credits => $self->loc()->N("Copyright (C) %s Mageia community", '2013-2015'), license => $self->loc()->N("GPLv2"), description => $self->loc()->N("mpan is the ManaTools panel that collects all the utilities."), authors => $self->loc()->N("



", "Angelo Naselli <anaselli\@linux.it>", "Matteo Pasotti <matteo.pasotti\@gmail.com>", $translators ), }); } ## Begin the program event loop =head2 start contains the main loop of the application where we can check for events =cut sub start { my $self = shift; $self->_setupGui(); return $self->selectedModule(); } #============================================================= =head2 cleanup =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION This method cleanup data for a further start. =cut #============================================================= sub cleanup { my $self = shift; $self->mainWin(undef); $self->menus({ file => {}, help => {}, }); for (my $cat=0; $cat < scalar(@{$self->categories()}); $cat++ ) { my $catSel = @{$self->categories()}[$cat]; $catSel->button(undef); $catSel->removeButtons(); } $self->leftPane(undef); $self->rightPane(undef); $self->rightPaneFrame(undef); $self->replacePoint(undef); } #============================================================= =head2 _setupGui =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION This method load configuration and build the GUI layout. =cut #============================================================= sub _setupGui { my $self = shift; $self->selectedModule(undef); # fill $self->settings from settings.conf $self->_loadSettings(); $self->title($self->settings()->{title}); yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($self->title); my $icon = defined($self->settings()->{icon}) ? $self->settings()->{icon} : $self->icon(); yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationIcon($icon); my $dialog = ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Dialog->new( module => $self, dialogType => ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Dialog::mainDialog, title => $self->title(), icon => $icon, buttons => { ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Dialog::aboutButton => sub { my $event = shift; ## ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Event my $self = $event->parentDialog()->module(); #this object $self->_showAboutDialog(); return 1; }, ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Dialog::closeButton => sub {return 0;}, }, layout => sub { my $self = shift; my $layoutstart = shift; my $ydialog = $self->dialog(); my $module = $self->module(); my $info = $self->info(); my $factory = $self->factory(); my $optFactory = $self->optFactory(); my $mainLayout = $factory->createVBox($layoutstart); my $menuLayout = $factory->createHBox($mainLayout); ## Menu File my $align = $factory->createAlignment($menuLayout, 1, 0); $module->menus()->{file} = { widget => $factory->createMenuButton($align, $self->loc()->N("File")), quit => new yui::YMenuItem($self->loc()->N("&Quit")), }; my @ordered_menu_lines = qw(quit); foreach (@ordered_menu_lines) { $module->menus()->{file}->{widget}->addItem($module->menus()->{file}->{ $_ }); } $module->menus()->{file}->{ widget }->rebuildMenuTree(); $align = $factory->createAlignment($menuLayout, 2, 0); $module->menus()->{help} = { widget => $factory->createMenuButton($align, $self->loc()->N("Help")), help => new yui::YMenuItem($self->loc()->N("Help")), about => new yui::YMenuItem($self->loc()->N("&About")), }; ## Menu Help @ordered_menu_lines = qw(help about); foreach (@ordered_menu_lines) { $module->menus()->{help}->{ widget }->addItem($module->menus()->{help}->{ $_ }); } $module->menus()->{help}->{ widget }->rebuildMenuTree(); ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Event->new( name => 'AboutMenuEvent', eventHandler => $self, eventType => $yui::YEvent::MenuEvent, item => $module->menus()->{help}->{about}, event => sub { my $event = shift; my $dialog = $event->parentDialog(); my $self = $dialog->module(); #this object $self->_showAboutDialog(); return 1; }, ); ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Event->new( name => 'QuitMenuEvent', eventHandler => $self, eventType => $yui::YEvent::MenuEvent, item => $module->menus()->{file}->{quit}, event => sub { return 0; }, ); my $layout = $factory->createHBox($mainLayout); #create left Panel Frame no need to add a label for title my $leftPaneFrame = $factory->createFrame($layout, $module->settings()->{category_title}); #create right Panel Frame no need to add a label for title (use setLabel when module changes) my $rightPaneFrame = $factory->createFrame($layout, ""); #create replace point for dynamically created widgets $module->replacePoint($factory->createReplacePoint($rightPaneFrame)); $module->rightPane($factory->createVBox($module->replacePoint())); $module->leftPane($factory->createVBox($leftPaneFrame)); $module->rightPaneFrame($rightPaneFrame); #logo from settings my $logofile = defined($module->settings()->{logo}) ? $module->settings()->{logo} : File::ShareDir::dist_file(ManaTools::Shared::distName(), 'images/logo_mageia.png' ); my $logo = $factory->createImage($module->leftPane(), $logofile); $logo->setAutoScale(1); #$leftPaneFrame->setWeight(0, 1); $rightPaneFrame->setWeight(0, 2); $module->_loadCategories(); $factory->createVStretch($module->leftPane()); my $closeButton = $self->widget('closeButton'); my $quitIcon = File::ShareDir::dist_file(ManaTools::Shared::distName(), 'images/quit.png'); $closeButton->setIcon($quitIcon); if (!$module->currCategory()) { $module->currCategory(@{$module->categories()}[0]); } $module->currCategory()->addButtons($module); $module->rightPaneFrame()->setLabel($module->currCategory()->name()); $factory->createSpacing($module->rightPane(), 1, 1, 1.0 ); return $self->widget('layout'); }, ); $self->mainWin($dialog); return $dialog->call(); } ## internal methods ## Check if event is from current Category View ## If icon click, returns the module to be launched sub _moduleSelected { my ($self, $selectedWidget) = @_; for(@{$self->currCategory()->modules()}) { if( $_->button() == $selectedWidget ){ return $_; } } return 0; } ## Discover if a category button was selected. ## If category button is selected, sets right panel to display ## the selected Category Modules ## returns 1 if category button is selected sub _categorySelected { my ($self, $selectedWidget) = @_; for (@{$self->categories()}) { if( $_->button() == $selectedWidget ) { #if current is already set then skips if ($self->currCategory() == $_) { ## returns 1 to skip any other checks on ## the selected widget return 1; } ## Menu item selected, set right pane my $ydialog = $self->mainWin()->dialog(); $ydialog->startMultipleChanges(); ## Remove existing modules $self->replacePoint()->deleteChildren(); $self->rightPane($self->factory()->createVBox($self->replacePoint())); ## Change Current Category to the selected one $self->currCategory($_); ## Add new Module Buttons to Right Pane $self->currCategory()->addButtons($self); $self->rightPaneFrame()->setLabel($self->currCategory()->name()); $self->factory()->createSpacing($self->rightPane(), 1, 1, 1.0 ); $self->replacePoint()->showChild(); $ydialog->recalcLayout(); $ydialog->doneMultipleChanges(); return 1; } } return 0; } ## mpan settings sub _loadSettings { my ($self, $force_load) = @_; # configuration file name my $fileName = $self->configPathName() . "/settings.conf"; if (! -e $fileName) { my $err = $self->loc()->N("Configuration file %s is missing", $fileName); $self->logger()->E($err); die $err; } $self->logger()->I($self->loc()->N("Reading configuration file %s", $fileName)); if (! scalar %{$self->settings()} || $force_load) { my $settingsReader = ManaTools::SettingsReader->new({fileName => $fileName}); $self->settings($settingsReader->settings()); } } #============================================================= # _categoryLoaded # # INPUT # # $self: this object # $category: category to look for # # OUTPUT # # $present: category is present or not # # DESCRIPTION # # This method looks for the given category and if already in # returns true. # #============================================================= sub _categoryLoaded { my ($self, $category) = @_; my $present = 0; if (!$category) { return $present; } foreach my $cat (@{$self->categories()}) { if ($cat->name() eq $category->name()) { $present = 1; last; } } return $present; } #============================================================= # _getCategory # # INPUT # # $self: this object # $name: category name # # OUTPUT # # $category: category object if exists # # DESCRIPTION # # This method looks for the given category name and returns # the realte object. #============================================================= sub _getCategory { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $category = undef; foreach $category (@{$self->categories()}) { if ($category->name() eq $name) { return $category; } } return $category; } # _loadCategory # # creates a new button representing a category # sub _loadCategory { my ($self, $category) = @_; if (!$self->_categoryLoaded($category)) { push ( @{$self->categories()}, $category ); my $cat = @{$self->categories()}[-1]; $cat->button( $self->factory()->createPushButton( $self->leftPane(), $cat->name() ) ); $cat->setIcon(); $cat->button()->setStretchable(0, 1); $self->mainWin()->addWidget( $cat->name(), $cat->button(), sub { my $event = shift; ## ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Event my $self = $event->parentDialog()->module(); #this object $self->_categorySelected($event->widget()); return 1; } ); } else { for (my $cat=0; $cat < scalar(@{$self->categories()}); $cat++ ) { my $catSelected = @{$self->categories()}[$cat]; if( $catSelected->name() eq $category->name() && !$catSelected->button()) { $catSelected->button( $self->factory()->createPushButton( $self->leftPane(), $catSelected->name() ) ); $catSelected->setIcon(); $catSelected->button()->setStretchable(0, 1); $self->mainWin()->addWidget( $catSelected->name(), $catSelected->button(), sub { my $event = shift; ## ManaTools::Shared::GUI::Event my $self = $event->parentDialog()->module(); #this object $self->_categorySelected($event->widget()); return 1; } ); last; } } } } sub _loadCategories { my $self = shift; # category files my @categoryFiles; my $fileName = $self->configPathName() . "/categories.conf"; # configuration file dir my $directory = $self->configPathName() . "/categories.conf.d"; push(@categoryFiles, $fileName); push(@categoryFiles, <$directory/*.conf>); my $currCategory; foreach $fileName (@categoryFiles) { $self->logger()->I($self->loc()->N("Parsing category file %s", $fileName)); my $inFile = new ManaTools::ConfigReader({fileName => $fileName}); my $tmpCat; my $tmp; my $hasNextCat = $inFile->hasNextCat(); while( $hasNextCat ) { $tmp = $inFile->getNextCat(); $tmpCat = $self->_getCategory($tmp->{title}); if (!$tmpCat) { $tmpCat = new ManaTools::Category({ name => $tmp->{title}, icon => $tmp->{icon} }); } $self->_loadCategory($tmpCat); $hasNextCat = $inFile->hasNextCat(); $currCategory = $tmpCat; my $hasNextMod = $inFile->hasNextMod(); while( $hasNextMod ) { $tmp = $inFile->getNextMod(); my $tmpMod; my $loaded = 0; if (exists $tmp->{title}) { if (not $currCategory->moduleLoaded($tmp->{title})) { $tmpMod = ManaTools::Module->create(name => $tmp->{title}, icon => $tmp->{icon}, launch => $tmp->{launcher} ); } } elsif (exists $tmp->{class}) { if (not $currCategory->moduleLoaded(-CLASS => $tmp->{class})) { $tmpMod = ManaTools::Module->create(-CLASS => $tmp->{class}); } } if ($tmpMod) { $loaded = $currCategory->loadModule($tmpMod); undef $tmpMod if !$loaded; } $hasNextMod = $inFile->hasNextMod(); } } } } no Moose; 1;