www Web Server apache apache-mod_perl lighttpd nginx 80/tcp 443/tcp 1 dns Domain Name Server bind dnsmasq mydsn 53/tcp 53/udp 4 ssh SSH server openssh-server 22/tcp 3 ftp FTP server proftpd pure-ftpd 20/tcp 21/tcp 2 dhcp DHCP Server dhcp-server udhcpd 67/udp 68/udp 5 mail Mail Server sendmail postfix 25/tcp 465/tcp 587/tcp 6 popimap POP and IMAP Server imap courier-imap-pop 109/tcp 110/tcp 143/tcp 993/tcp 995/tcp 7 telnet Telnet server netkit-telnet-server 23/tcp 8 nfs NFS Server nfs-utils 111/tcp 111/udp 2049/tcp 2049/udp 9 smbserver Windows Files Sharing (CIFS Server) samba swat 137/udp 138/udp 139/tcp 445/tcp 901/tcp 389/tcp 10 bacula Bacula backup bacula-fd bacula-sd 9101:9103/tcp 11 syslog Syslog network logging rsyslog syslog-ng 514/udp 12 cups CUPS server cups 631/tcp 631/udp 13 mysql MySQL server mariadb 3306/tcp 3306/udp 14 postgresql PostgreSQL server postgresql9.4 postgresql9.6 5432/tcp 5432/udp 15 echo Echo request (ping) 8/icmp 0 16 zeroconf Network servers autodiscovery (zeroconf and slp) 5353/udp 427/udp avahi cups openslp 17 bittorrent BitTorrent 6881:6999/tcp 6881:6999/udp bittorrent deluge ktorrent transmission-common vuze rtorrent 18 wmds Windows Mobile device synchronization synce-hal 990/tcp 999/tcp 5678/tcp 5679/udp 26675/tcp 19 kdeconnect KDEConnect kdeconnect-kde 1714:1764/udp 1714:1764/tcp 20 ident Identification Protocol server (ident) oidentd nullidentd 113/tcp 21