path: root/lib/AdminPanel/Shared
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/AdminPanel/Shared')
1 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/TimeZone.pm b/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/TimeZone.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b1eb81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/TimeZone.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4:
+package AdminPanel::Shared::TimeZone;
+#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
+=head1 NAME
+AdminPanel::Shared::TimeZone - module to manage TimeZone settings
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $tz = AdminPanel::Shared::TimeZone->new();
+This module allows to manage time zone settings.
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command:
+perldoc AdminPanel::Shared::TimeZone
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Angelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>
+Copyright (C) 2014, Angelo Naselli.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
+published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+=head1 METHODS
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use Moose;
+use DateTime::TimeZone;
+use Config::Auto;
+=head2 new - optional parameters
+=head3 timezone_prefix
+ optional parameter to set the system timezone directory,
+ default value is /usr/share/zoneinfo
+has 'timezone_prefix' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ default => "/usr/share/zoneinfo",
+=head2 new - optional parameters
+=head3 clock_configuration_file
+ optional parameter to set the clock system configuration file,
+ default value is /etc/sysconfig/clock
+has 'clock_configuration_file' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ default => "/etc/sysconfig/clock",
+=head2 get_timezone_prefix
+=head3 OUTPUT
+timezone_prefix: directory in which time zone files are
+Return the timezone directory (defualt: /usr/share/zoneinfo)
+sub get_timezone_prefix() {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->timezone_prefix;
+=head2 getTimeZones
+=head3 INPUT
+ $from_system: if present and its value is not 0 checks into timezone_prefix
+ directory and gets the list from there
+=head3 OUTPUT
+ @l: ARRAY containing sorted time zones
+ This method returns the available timezones
+sub getTimeZones {
+ my ($self, $from_system) = @_;
+ if ($from_system and $from_system != 0) {
+ require MDK::Common::DataStructure;
+ require MDK::Common::Various;
+ my $tz_prefix = $self->get_timezone_prefix();
+ open(my $F, "cd $tz_prefix && find [A-Z]* -noleaf -type f |");
+ my @l = MDK::Common::DataStructure::difference2([ MDK::Common::Various::chomp_(<$F>) ], [ 'ROC', 'PRC' ]);
+ close $F or die "cannot list the available zoneinfos";
+ return sort @l;
+ }
+ return DateTime::TimeZone->all_names;
+=head2 readConfiguration
+=head3 OUTPUT
+ hash containing:
+ UTC => HW clock is set as UTC
+ ZONE => Time Zone set
+ This method returns the time zone system settings as hash
+ reference
+sub readConfiguration {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $prefs = {};
+ if (-e $self->clock_configuration_file) {
+ $prefs = Config::Auto::parse($self->clock_configuration_file);
+ }
+ return $prefs;
+no Moose;
+# TODO fix
+our $ntp = "ntp";
+my $servername_config_suffix = "";
+# unless (-f $::prefix . "/etc/" . $ntp . ".conf") {
+# $ntp = "chrony";
+# $servername_config_suffix = " iburst";
+# }
+sub ntp_server() {
+ find { $_ ne '' } map { if_(/^\s*server\s+(\S*)/, $1) } cat_($::prefix . "/etc/" . $ntp . ".conf");
+sub set_ntp_server {
+ my ($server) = @_;
+ my $f = $::prefix . "/etc/" . $ntp . ".conf";
+ -f $f or return;
+ my $pool_match = qr/\.pool\.ntp\.org$/;
+ my @servers = $server =~ $pool_match ? (map { "$_.$server" } 0 .. 2) : $server;
+ my $added = 0;
+ substInFile {
+ if (/^#?\s*server\s+(\S*)/ && $1 ne '') {
+ $_ = $added ? $_ =~ $pool_match ? undef : "#server $1\n" : join('', map { "server $_$servername_config_suffix\n" } @servers);
+ $added = 1;
+ }
+ } $f;
+ if ($ntp eq "ntp") {
+ output_p("$::prefix/etc/ntp/step-tickers", join('', map { "$_\n" } @servers));
+ }
+ require services;
+ services::set_status($ntp . 'd', to_bool($server), $::isInstall);
+sub write {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ set_ntp_server($t->{ntp});
+ my $tz_prefix = get_timezone_prefix();
+ eval { cp_af($tz_prefix . '/' . $t->{timezone}, "$::prefix/etc/localtime") };
+ $@ and log::l("installing /etc/localtime failed");
+ setVarsInSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/clock", {
+ ZONE => $t->{timezone},
+ UTC => bool2text($t->{UTC}),
+ ARC => "false",
+ });
+ my $adjtime_file = $::prefix . '/etc/adjtime';
+ my @adjtime = cat_($adjtime_file);
+ @adjtime or @adjtime = ("0.0 0 0.0\n", "0\n");
+ $adjtime[2] = $t->{UTC} ? "UTC\n" : "LOCAL\n";
+ output_p($adjtime_file, @adjtime);
+sub reload_sys_clock {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ require run_program;
+ any::disable_x_screensaver();
+ run_program::run('hwclock', '--hctosys', ($t->{UTC} ? '--utc' : '--localtime'));
+ any::enable_x_screensaver();
+#- best guesses for a given country
+my %c2t = (
+'AM' => 'Asia/Yerevan',
+'AR' => 'America/Buenos_Aires',
+'AT' => 'Europe/Vienna',
+'AU' => 'Australia/Sydney',
+'BA' => 'Europe/Sarajevo',
+'BE' => 'Europe/Brussels',
+'BG' => 'Europe/Sofia',
+'BR' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', #- most brazilians live on this time zone
+'BY' => 'Europe/Minsk',
+'CA' => 'Canada/Eastern',
+'CH' => 'Europe/Zurich',
+'CN' => 'Asia/Beijing',
+'CZ' => 'Europe/Prague',
+'DE' => 'Europe/Berlin',
+'DK' => 'Europe/Copenhagen',
+'EE' => 'Europe/Tallinn',
+'ES' => 'Europe/Madrid',
+'FI' => 'Europe/Helsinki',
+'FR' => 'Europe/Paris',
+'GB' => 'Europe/London',
+'GE' => 'Asia/Yerevan',
+'GL' => 'Arctic/Longyearbyen',
+'GR' => 'Europe/Athens',
+'HR' => 'Europe/Zagreb',
+'HU' => 'Europe/Budapest',
+'ID' => 'Asia/Jakarta',
+'IE' => 'Europe/Dublin',
+'IL' => 'Asia/Tel_Aviv',
+'IN' => 'Asia/Kolkata',
+'IR' => 'Asia/Tehran',
+'IS' => 'Atlantic/Reykjavik',
+'IT' => 'Europe/Rome',
+'JP' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
+'KR' => 'Asia/Seoul',
+'LT' => 'Europe/Vilnius',
+'LV' => 'Europe/Riga',
+'MK' => 'Europe/Skopje',
+'MT' => 'Europe/Malta',
+'MX' => 'America/Mexico_City',
+'MY' => 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur',
+'NL' => 'Europe/Amsterdam',
+'NO' => 'Europe/Oslo',
+'NZ' => 'Pacific/Auckland',
+'PL' => 'Europe/Warsaw',
+'PT' => 'Europe/Lisbon',
+'RO' => 'Europe/Bucharest',
+'RU' => 'Europe/Moscow',
+'SE' => 'Europe/Stockholm',
+'SI' => 'Europe/Ljubljana',
+'SK' => 'Europe/Bratislava',
+'TH' => 'Asia/Bangkok',
+'TJ' => 'Asia/Dushanbe',
+'TR' => 'Europe/Istanbul',
+'TW' => 'Asia/Taipei',
+'UA' => 'Europe/Kiev',
+'US' => 'America/New_York',
+'UZ' => 'Asia/Tashkent',
+'VN' => 'Asia/Saigon',
+'YU' => 'Europe/Belgrade',
+'ZA' => 'Africa/Johannesburg',
+sub fuzzyChoice {
+ my ($b, $count) = bestMatchSentence($_[0], keys %c2t);
+ $count ? $b : '';
+sub bestTimezone { $c2t{fuzzyChoice($_[0])} || 'GMT' }
+our %ntp_servers;
+sub get_ntp_server_tree {
+ my ($zone) = @_;
+ map {
+ $ntp_servers{$zone}{$_} => (
+ exists $ntp_servers{$_} ?
+ $zone ?
+ translate($_) . "|" . N("All servers") :
+ N("All servers") :
+ translate($zone) . "|" . translate($_)
+ ),
+ get_ntp_server_tree($_);
+ } keys %{$ntp_servers{$zone}};
+sub ntp_servers() {
+ # FIXME: missing parameter:
+ +{ get_ntp_server_tree() };
+sub dump_ntp_zone {
+ my ($zone) = @_;
+ map { if_(/\[\d+\](.+) -- (.+\.ntp\.org)/, $1 => $2) } `lynx -dump http://www.pool.ntp.org/zone/$zone`;
+sub print_ntp_zone {
+ my ($zone, $name) = @_;
+ # FIXME: missing parameter:
+ my %servers = dump_ntp_zone($zone);
+ print qq(\$ntp_servers{"$name"} = {\n);
+ print join('', map { qq( N_("$_") => "$servers{$_}",\n) } sort(keys %servers));
+ print "};\n";
+ \%servers;
+sub print_ntp_servers() {
+ print_ntp_zone();
+ my $servers = print_ntp_zone('@', "Global");
+ foreach my $name (sort(keys %$servers)) {
+ my ($zone) = $servers->{$name} =~ /^(.*?)\./;
+ print_ntp_zone($zone, $name);
+ }
+# perl -Mtimezone -e 'timezone::print_ntp_servers()'
+$ntp_servers{""} = {
+ N_("Global") => "pool.ntp.org",
+$ntp_servers{Global} = {
+ N_("Africa") => "africa.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Asia") => "asia.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Europe") => "europe.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("North America") => "north-america.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Oceania") => "oceania.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("South America") => "south-america.pool.ntp.org",
+$ntp_servers{Africa} = {
+ N_("South Africa") => "za.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Tanzania") => "tz.pool.ntp.org",
+$ntp_servers{Asia} = {
+ N_("Bangladesh") => "bd.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("China") => "cn.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Hong Kong") => "hk.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("India") => "in.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Indonesia") => "id.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Iran") => "ir.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Israel") => "il.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Japan") => "jp.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Korea") => "kr.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Malaysia") => "my.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Philippines") => "ph.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Singapore") => "sg.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Taiwan") => "tw.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Thailand") => "th.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Turkey") => "tr.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("United Arab Emirates") => "ae.pool.ntp.org",
+$ntp_servers{Europe} = {
+ N_("Austria") => "at.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Belarus") => "by.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Belgium") => "be.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Bulgaria") => "bg.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Czech Republic") => "cz.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Denmark") => "dk.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Estonia") => "ee.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Finland") => "fi.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("France") => "fr.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Germany") => "de.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Greece") => "gr.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Hungary") => "hu.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Ireland") => "ie.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Italy") => "it.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Lithuania") => "lt.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Luxembourg") => "lu.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Netherlands") => "nl.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Norway") => "no.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Poland") => "pl.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Portugal") => "pt.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Romania") => "ro.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Russian Federation") => "ru.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Slovakia") => "sk.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Slovenia") => "si.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Spain") => "es.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Sweden") => "se.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Switzerland") => "ch.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Ukraine") => "ua.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("United Kingdom") => "uk.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Yugoslavia") => "yu.pool.ntp.org",
+$ntp_servers{"North America"} = {
+ N_("Canada") => "ca.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Guatemala") => "gt.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Mexico") => "mx.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("United States") => "us.pool.ntp.org",
+$ntp_servers{Oceania} = {
+ N_("Australia") => "au.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("New Zealand") => "nz.pool.ntp.org",
+$ntp_servers{"South America"} = {
+ N_("Argentina") => "ar.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Brazil") => "br.pool.ntp.org",
+ N_("Chile") => "cl.pool.ntp.org",