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1 files changed, 187 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ManaTools/Shared/disk_backend/Plugin/Btrfs.pm b/lib/ManaTools/Shared/disk_backend/Plugin/Btrfs.pm
index ecf6dd03..02b1e621 100644
--- a/lib/ManaTools/Shared/disk_backend/Plugin/Btrfs.pm
+++ b/lib/ManaTools/Shared/disk_backend/Plugin/Btrfs.pm
@@ -75,7 +75,10 @@ has '+dependencies' => (
has '+tools' => (
default => sub {
- return {'btrfs' => '/usr/sbin/btrfs'};
+ return {
+ 'btrfs' => '/usr/sbin/btrfs',
+ 'btrfs-show-super' => '/usr/sbin/btrfs-show-super',
+ };
@@ -189,6 +192,189 @@ override ('probe', sub {
+=head2 changedpart
+=head3 INPUT
+ $part: ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part
+ $partstate: PartState
+=head3 OUTPUT
+ 0 if failed, 1 if success or unneeded
+ this overridden method will load/probe/save a partition table when it's called
+override ('changedpart', sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $part = shift;
+ my $partstate = shift;
+ $self->D("$self: called changepart for btrfs: $part, $partstate");
+ ## LOAD
+ # read the raw disk? or no loading filesystems? or is this more with fstab?
+ if ($partstate == ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part->LoadedState) {
+ # only BlockDevices for loading
+ return 1 if (!$part->does('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::BlockDevice'));
+ # TODO: fstab handles loading
+ }
+ ## PROBE
+ # check in /sys the currently in use btrfs systems --> should be in probe
+ if ($partstate == ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part->CurrentState) {
+ $self->D("$self: called changepart for probing btrfs on $part");
+ if ($part->isa('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part::Btrfs')) {
+ # get all volumes and create parts for them if they don't exist yet.
+ # To get volumes, we need to have the mount path
+ # 1. get the device first
+ # 2. ask mount plugin about the path depending on device
+ # 3. use the path to query volumes
+ # get the closest BlockDevice ancestor and get the dev prop
+ my $p = $part->find_closest($partstate, sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $parameters = shift;
+ return $self->does('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::BlockDevice');
+ }, undef, {}, 'parent');
+ return 1 if !defined ($p);
+ # get the dev property
+ my $dev = $p->prop('dev');
+ return 1 if !defined ($dev);
+ # get the Mount plugin from backend!
+ my $db = $self->parent();
+ my $mp = $db->findplugin('Mount');
+ # No mount path means no volumes ...
+ return 1 if !defined ($mp);
+ # ask mount plugin for the path
+ my $path = $mp->findpath($dev, $partstate, sub {
+ my $dev = shift;
+ my $fields = shift;
+ my $srcdev = $fields->[2];
+ my $devtype = $fields->[8];
+ my $devfile = $fields->[9];
+ if ($devfile ne $devtype) {
+ my @s = stat($devfile);
+ if (scalar(@s) > 6) {
+ my $minor = $s[6] % 256;
+ my $major = int (($s[6] - $minor) / 256);
+ $srcdev = $major .':'. $minor;
+ }
+ }
+ return ($srcdev eq $dev);
+ });
+ # We cannot get volumes if it's not mounted!
+ return 1 if !defined ($path);
+ # get quota informations for when we need it below
+ # [ ]# btrfs qgroup show '/' -re --raw
+ # qgroupid rfer excl max_rfer max_excl
+ # -------- ---- ---- -------- --------
+ # 0/5 385024 16384 none none
+ # 0/264 4589723648 419004416 none none
+ # 0/265 144602763264 144602763264 none none
+ my $quotas = $self->tool_columns('btrfs', 1, 1, 'qgroupid', '\s+', 'qgroup', 'show', "'$path'", '-re', '--raw');
+ # use the btrfs tool with the path to find the subvolumes and sync them with what is here already
+ # this only works on mounted filesystems
+ # [ ]# btrfs subvolume list / -agcpuq
+ # ID 264 gen 1090157 cgen 255 parent 5 top level 5 parent_uuid - uuid ab6d48f8-6d65-6b43-b792-dd31d93018be path <FS_TREE>/backup-@
+ my @lines = $self->tool_lines('btrfs', 'subvolume', 'list', "'$path'", '-agcpuq');
+ my %subvolumes = ();
+ for my $line (@lines) {
+ my $fields = {};
+ # top level is 2 strings, so combine them, so that the fields can be nicely splitted
+ %{$fields} = split(/[ \t\r\n]+/, $line =~ s'top level'top_level'r);
+ $subvolumes{$fields->{ID}} = $fields;
+ $subvolumes{$fields->{ID}}->{subvolumes} = {};
+ }
+ # move the subvolumes to their parent if they have it, and list them for later removal
+ for my $id (keys %subvolumes) {
+ if (defined($subvolumes{$subvolumes{$id}->{parent}})) {
+ $subvolumes{$subvolumes{$id}->{parent}}->{subvolumes}->{$id} = $subvolumes{$id};
+ }
+ }
+ # create the parts from the parent btrfs
+ my %subvolparts = ();
+ for my $id (keys %subvolumes) {
+ $self->create_subvolume($part, $partstate, $subvolumes{$id}, $quotas, \%subvolparts);
+ }
+ # remove any parts that are not there anymore
+ my @children = $part->children();
+ for my $child (@children) {
+ if (defined ($subvolumes{$child->prop('subvolid')})) {
+ # TODO: remove it (also from parent and possible children etc...)
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # only BlockDevices for loading
+ return 1 if (!$part->does('ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::BlockDevice'));
+ # only devices that are present
+ return 1 if ($part->has_prop('present') && !$part->prop('present'));
+ $self->D("$self: called changepart for probing btrfs on $part: size ". $part->prop('size'));
+ # only devices with positive size
+ return 1 if ($part->prop('size') <= 0);
+ # try with btrfs-show-super if this is actually an btrfs filesystem
+ my %fields = $self->tool_fields('btrfs-show-super', ' ', '/dev/'. $part->devicepath() =~ s'^.+/''r);
+ # get uuid
+ my $uuid = $fields{'fsid'};
+ $self->D("$self: called changepart for probing btrfs on $part: uuid ". $uuid) if defined($uuid);
+ # this is probably not an btrfs filesystem
+ return undef if (!defined $uuid || !$uuid);
+ # look or create part for btrfs
+ my $p = $part->trychild($partstate, sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $parameters = shift;
+ return ($self->uuid() eq $parameters->{uuid});
+ },'Btrfs', {plugin => $self, uuid => $uuid, loaded => undef, saved => undef});
+ # extra properties
+ $p->prop('label', $fields{'label'});
+ $p->prop('incompat_flags', $fields{'incompat_flags'});
+ $p->prop('flags', $fields{'flags'});
+ $p->prop('block_size', $fields{'sectorsize'});
+ $p->prop('size', $fields{'total_bytes'});
+ $p->prop('used', $fields{'bytes_used'});
+ $p->prop('generation', $fields{'generation'});
+ $p->prop('root_level', $fields{'root_level'});
+ $p->prop('root_dir', $fields{'root_dir'});
+ $p->changedpart($partstate);
+ }
+ ## SAVE
+ # save the partition table
+ if ($partstate == ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part->FutureState) {
+ # in all child parts, find PartitionTable entries and trigger ->save();
+ for my $p ($part->find_parts(undef, 'child')) {
+ # TODO: need to be able to abort during save!!!
+ $p->save();
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
package ManaTools::Shared::disk_backend::Part::Btrfs;