diff options
authorAngelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>2015-02-13 21:10:41 +0100
committerAngelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>2015-02-13 21:10:41 +0100
commit7e11b8d8d6e954632990c83d5a787c945ac2796a (patch)
parent9aafbff3d7d2f018fbbaa315760315130e8799e6 (diff)
used dbus timedated api for backend (timezone, RTC and time)
2 files changed, 228 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/TimeZone.pm b/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/TimeZone.pm
index a2c64419..47a29af1 100644
--- a/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/TimeZone.pm
+++ b/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/TimeZone.pm
@@ -55,9 +55,8 @@ use strict;
use Moose;
use DateTime::TimeZone;
-use Config::Auto;
-use Config::Tiny;
-use File::Copy;
+use Net::DBus;
use AdminPanel::Shared::Locales;
use AdminPanel::Shared::Services;
@@ -84,24 +83,6 @@ has 'timezone_prefix' => (
default => "/usr/share/zoneinfo",
-=head2 new - optional parameters
-=head3 clock_configuration_file
- optional parameter to set the clock system configuration file,
- default value is /etc/sysconfig/clock
-has 'clock_configuration_file' => (
- is => 'rw',
- isa => 'Str',
- default => "/etc/sysconfig/clock",
@@ -163,7 +144,6 @@ has 'ntp_conf_dir' => (
has 'ntp_program' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
@@ -179,6 +159,28 @@ sub _ntp_program_init {
return "ntp";
+=head2 new - optional parameters
+=head3 installer_or_livecd
+ To inform the back-end that is working during installer or
+ livecd. Useful if Time zone setting and using fix_system
+ to use the real time clock (see setLocalRTC and
+ writeConfiguration).
+has 'installer_or_livecd' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Bool',
+ default => 0,
+#=== globals ===
has 'sh_services' => (
is => 'rw',
init_arg => undef,
@@ -192,7 +194,35 @@ sub _SharedServicesInitialize {
$self->sh_services(AdminPanel::Shared::Services->new() );
-#=== globals ===
+has 'dbus_timedate1_service' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ init_arg => undef,
+ lazy => 1,
+ builder => '_dbusTimeDateInitialize'
+sub _dbusTimeDateInitialize {
+ my $self = shift();
+ my $bus = Net::DBus->system;
+ $self->dbus_timedate1_service($bus->get_service("org.freedesktop.timedate1"));
+has 'dbus_timedate1_object' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ init_arg => undef,
+ lazy => 1,
+ builder => '_dbusObjectInitialize'
+sub _dbusObjectInitialize {
+ my $self = shift();
+ $self->dbus_timedate1_object($self->dbus_timedate1_service->get_object("/org/freedesktop/timedate1"));
has 'servername_config_suffix' => (
is => 'ro',
@@ -342,7 +372,6 @@ Return the timezone directory (defualt: /usr/share/zoneinfo)
sub get_timezone_prefix {
my $self = shift;
@@ -387,6 +416,149 @@ sub getTimeZones {
+=head2 setTimeZone
+=head3 INPUT
+ $new_time_zone: New time zone to be set
+ This method get the new time zone to set and performs
+ the setting
+sub setTimeZone {
+ my ($self, $new_time_zone) = @_;
+ die "Time zone value required" if !defined($new_time_zone);
+ my $object = $self->dbus_timedate1_object;
+ $object->SetTimezone($new_time_zone, 1);
+=head2 getTimeZone
+=head3 OUTPUT
+ $timezone: current time zone
+ This method returns the current timezone setting
+sub getTimeZone {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $object = $self->dbus_timedate1_object;
+ return $object->Get("org.freedesktop.timedate1", 'Timezone') || "";
+=head2 setLocalRTC
+=head3 INPUT
+ $enable: bool value enable/disable real time clock as
+ localtime
+ $fix_system: bool read or not the real time clock
+ This method enables/disables the real time clock as
+ localtime (e.g. disable means set the rtc to UTC).
+ NOTE from dbus:
+ Use SetLocalRTC() to control whether the RTC is in
+ local time or UTC. It is strongly recommended to maintain
+ the RTC in UTC. Some OSes (Windows) however maintain the
+ RTC in local time which might make it necessary to enable
+ this feature. However, this creates various problems as
+ daylight changes might be missed. If fix_system is passed
+ "true" the time from the RTC is read again and the system
+ clock adjusted according to the new setting.
+ If fix_system is passed "false" the system time is written
+ to the RTC taking the new setting into account.
+ Use fix_system=true in installers and livecds where the
+ RTC is probably more reliable than the system time.
+ Use fix_system=false in configuration UIs that are run during
+ normal operation and where the system clock is probably more
+ reliable than the RTC.
+sub setLocalRTC {
+ my ($self, $enable, $fix_system) = @_;
+ die "Localtime enable/disable value required" if !defined($enable);
+ $fix_system = 0 if !defined($fix_system);
+ my $object = $self->dbus_timedate1_object;
+ $object->SetLocalRTC($enable, $fix_system, 1) ;
+=head2 getLocalRTC
+=head3 OUTPUT
+ $localRTC: 1 if RTC is localtime 0 for UTC
+ This method returns the RTC localtime setting
+sub getLocalRTC {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $object = $self->dbus_timedate1_object;
+ return $object->Get("org.freedesktop.timedate1", 'LocalRTC') ? 1 : 0;
+=head2 setTime
+=head3 INPUT
+ $sec_since_epoch: Time in seconds since 1/1/1970
+ This method set the system time and sets the RTC also
+sub setTime {
+ my ($self, $sec_since_epoch) = @_;
+ die "second since epoch required" if !defined($sec_since_epoch);
+ my $object = $self->dbus_timedate1_object;
+ my $usec = $sec_since_epoch* 1000000;
+ $object->SetTime($usec, 0, 1);
=head2 readConfiguration
=head3 OUTPUT
@@ -406,11 +578,9 @@ sub getTimeZones {
sub readConfiguration {
my $self = shift;
- my $prefs = {};
- if (-e $self->clock_configuration_file) {
- $prefs = Config::Auto::parse($self->clock_configuration_file);
- }
+ my $prefs = {};
+ $prefs->{'ZONE'} = $self->getTimeZone();
+ $prefs->{'UTC'} = $self->getLocalRTC() ? 0 : 1;
return $prefs;
@@ -428,39 +598,28 @@ sub readConfiguration {
-This method save Time Zone configuration into file
+ This method sets the passed Time Zone configuration.
+ If installer_or_livecd attribute is set fix_system is
+ passed to setLocalRTC
sub writeConfiguration {
my ($self, $info) = @_;
- die "UTC field required" if (!$info->{UTC});
- die "ZONE field required" if (!$info->{ZONE});
- my $Config = Config::Tiny->new;
- $Config->{_}->{UTC} = $info->{UTC};
- $Config->{_}->{ZONE} = $info->{ZONE};
- $Config->{_}->{ARC} = "false";
- $Config->write( $self->clock_configuration_file );
- my $tz = $self->get_timezone_prefix() . "/" . $info->{ZONE};
- # if we are going to use systemd then we have to remove the link only
- # if it is not a link, becuase it should be managed by systemd it self
- # eval { unlink '/etc/localtime' } unless -l '/etc/localtime';
- unlink '/etc/localtime' or Sys::Syslog::syslog('info|local1', "unlinking /etc/localtime failed");
- Sys::Syslog::syslog('info|local1', "Setting $tz as localtime");
- symlink $tz, '/etc/localtime' or Sys::Syslog::syslog('info|local1', "linking $tz to /etc/localtime failed");
- my $adjtime_file = '/etc/adjtime';
- my @adjtime = MDK::Common::File::cat_($adjtime_file);
- @adjtime or @adjtime = ("0.0 0 0.0\n", "0\n");
- my $utc = lc $info->{UTC};
- $adjtime[2] = $utc eq 'true' ? "UTC\n" : "LOCAL\n";
- MDK::Common::File::output_p($adjtime_file, @adjtime);
+ die "UTC field required" if !defined($info->{UTC});
+ die "ZONE field required" if !defined($info->{ZONE});
+ my $localRTC = $info->{UTC} ? 0 : 1;
+ $self->setLocalRTC(
+ $localRTC,
+ $self->installer_or_livecd
+ );
+ $self->setTimeZone(
+ $info->{ZONE}
+ );
@@ -538,7 +697,6 @@ sub ntpCurrentServer {
sub isNTPRunning {
my $self = shift;
@@ -564,7 +722,6 @@ settings
sub setNTPServer {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
@@ -623,7 +780,6 @@ sub setNTPServer {
sub disableAndStopNTP {
my $self = shift;
diff --git a/t/04-Shared_TimeZone.t b/t/04-Shared_TimeZone.t
index 26f9bfc9..f11bb2c6 100644
--- a/t/04-Shared_TimeZone.t
+++ b/t/04-Shared_TimeZone.t
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Test::More;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Time::Piece;
use_ok( 'AdminPanel::Shared::TimeZone' ) || print "AdminPanel::Shared::TimeZone failed!\n";
@@ -11,9 +13,21 @@ BEGIN {
is( $tz->get_timezone_prefix(), '/usr/share/zoneinfo', 'get_timezone_prefix' );
ok (my @l = $tz->getTimeZones(), 'getTimeZones');
ok (my $h = $tz->readConfiguration(), 'readConfiguration');
+ diag Dumper($h);
ok (my $s = $tz->ntpCurrentServer(), 'currentNTPServer');
diag "ntpCurrentServer got: < " . ($s ? $s : "none") . " >";
ok (my $a = ($tz->isNTPRunning() ? "running" : "not running"), 'isNTPRunning');
diag "isNTPRunning got: < " . $a . " >";
+ SKIP: {
+ #remember to skip the right number of tests
+ skip "To enable dialog tests set TEST_SET_DBUS", 3, unless $ENV{TEST_SET_DBUS};
+ eval {$tz->setLocalRTC(!$h->{UTC})};
+ is ($@, "", 'setLocalRTC' );
+ eval {$tz->setTimeZone($h->{ZONE})};
+ is ($@, "", 'setTimeZone');
+ my $t = localtime;
+ eval {$tz->setTime($t->epoch())};
+ is ($@, "", 'setTime');
+ }