from distutils.core import setup from import build import os, glob LOCALE_DIR= '/usr/share/mageiawelcome/translations' class BuildQm(build): for po in glob.glob('po/*.po'): os.system('lconvert {} -o i18n/mageiawelcome_{}.ts'.format(po, os.path.splitext("path_to_file")[0])) for ts in glob.glob('i18n/*.ts'): os.system('lrelease {0} -qm {1}'.format(ts, (ts[:-2]+'qm'))) os.system("rm -f i18n/*.ps") data_files = [("share/applications/", ["share/applications/mageiawelcome.desktop"]), ("share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/", ["share/icons/mageiawelcome.svg"]), ("share/mageiawelcome/translations/",glob.glob('i18n/*.qm')), ] setup( name = 'mageiasync', version = '1.90', license = 'GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)', url = '', description = 'Welcome Screen shows important information of the Mageia distribution.', platforms = ['Linux'], author = 'Daniel Napora', author_email = '', data_files = data_files, cmdclass = {'build_qm': BuildQm,}, )