################################################################################ # How to merge the pcitable with various source: # # update pciutils # PS: # A pciids with more accurate information are available from # http://www.yourvote.com/pci/vendors.txt ./merge2pcitable.pl pciids /usr/share/pci.ids pcitable > pcitable.new # with redhat's pcitable in /tmp/rh_pcitable (from kudzu or anaconda) ./merge2pcitable.pl pcitable /tmp/rh_pcitable pcitable > pcitable.new # with a new kernel ./merge2pcitable.pl kernel_pcimap $(echo /lib/modules/2.4.*/modules.pcimap | sed 's/ .*//') pcitable > pcitable.new # checking the pcitable ./merge2pcitable.pl pcitable pcitable pcitable > /dev/null ## do "ln -s ../lst/pcitable" first