include Makefile.config PACKAGE = ldetect-lst VERSION := $(shell rpm -q --qf '%{VERSION}\n' --specfile $(PACKAGE).spec | head -1) RELEASE := $(shell rpm -q --qf '%{RELEASE}\n' --specfile $(PACKAGE).spec | head -1) TAG := $(shell echo "V$(VERSION)_$(RELEASE)" | tr -- '-.' '__') FILES = AUTHORS ChangeLog Makefile Makefile.config convert ldetect-lst.spec lst update-ldetect-lst .PHONY: changelog log build: make -C lst build check: make -C lst check clean: rm -f *~ make -C lst clean install: build install -d $(bindir) $(sbindir) $(dir) make -C lst install install update-ldetect-lst $(sbindir) install convert/ $(bindir) # rules to build a test rpm localsrpm: check changelog localdist rpm -ts $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 localrpm: localdist buildrpm localdist: cleandist dir localcopy tar cleandist: rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 dir: mkdir $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) localcopy: tar c $(FILES) | tar x -C $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) tar: tar cvf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) bzip2 -9vf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) buildrpm: rpm -ta $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 # rules to build a distributable rpm srpm: check changelog cvstag dist rpm -ts $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 rpm: srpm buildrpm dist: cleandist dir export tar export: cvs export -d $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) -r $(TAG) $(PACKAGE) cvstag: cvs tag $(CVSTAGOPT) $(TAG) log: changelog changelog: ../common/username cvs2cl -U ../common/username -I ChangeLog --accum -F TRUNK rm -f ChangeLog.bak cvs commit -m "Generated by cvs2cl the `LC_TIME=C date '+%d_%b'`" ChangeLog # Makefile ends here