#!/usr/bin/perl -w # use 5.010; use MDK::Common; use TAP::Harness; use Tools; my ($image_path) = @ARGV; if (!defined $image_path) { print "Usage: ./test_iso.pl [ISO file]\nTry `./test_iso.pl --help' for more information.\n"; exit; } my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ formatter_class => 'TAP::Formatter::Console', merge => 1, verbosity => 1, normalize => 1, color => 1, test_args => [ $image_path, "Testing" ] }); print "# Date: ", `date --rfc-3339='ns' -u`; print "# Testing: $image_path\n"; print "# Host: ", `uname -n`; $harness->runtests(<./t/*.t>); # Mounting the ISO print "# Mounting ISO in /media/iso_check"; -r "/media/iso_check" or system 'mkdir /media/iso_check'; system "mount -r " . if_(!-b $image_path, "-o loop ") . "$image_path /media/iso_check/"; print "... ok\n"; my $name = basename($image_path); my %info = Tools::parse_mageia_iso_name($name); # FIXME the difference is actually regular versus LiveCD if ($info{"medium"} eq "DVD") { $harness->runtests(<./t_install_iso/*.t>); } elsif ($info{"medium"} eq "CD") { # LiveCD specific # CD specific } # Umounting the ISO print "# Umounting ISO\n"; # FIXME this fails sometimes; no idea why. Force umount? system 'umount /media/iso_check'; system 'rm -r /media/iso_check'; print "... ok\n"; print "# Date: ", `date --rfc-3339='ns' -u`; print "# Test is over.\n";