package MGATools::rpmsrate; use strict; use MDK::Common; require Exporter; use URPM; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(cleanrpmsrate); =head1 NAME Mageia rpmsrate tools =head1 SYNOPSYS require MGATools::rpmsrate; =head1 DESCRIPTION includes Mageia rpmsrate tools. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 Mandriva This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =cut # must preread to get locale guessed packages sub preread_rpmsrate { my ($rpmsrate) = @_; my (@rpmsrate, %potloc); foreach (cat_or_die($rpmsrate)) { chomp; s/#.*//; #s/\s*$//; if (/^(\s*)$/) { push @rpmsrate, [ '', 0, '', [] ]; next; } if (/^(\S+)(.*)$/) { push @rpmsrate, [ 0, 0, $1, [], $2 ]; next; } if (/^(\s*)([1-5])?(\s?[0-9A-Z_]+)$/) { push @rpmsrate, [ $1, $2, $3, [] ]; next; } my ($indent, $r, $flags, $data) = /^(\s*)([1-5])?(\s*(?:(?:(?:!\s*)?[0-9A-Z_]+(?:"[^"]*")?(?:\s+(?:\|\|\s+)?)*)+\s+)|\s*)(.*)$/; # postfix is just used not to break the diff when checking if the result is correct my ($postfix) = $data =~ /(\s*)$/; my @data = ([ $data =~ /(?:^|\s)(\S+)-(?:\S+)\s+\1-(?:\S+)(?:\s|$)/g ], [ split ' ', $data ]); $potloc{$_} = [] foreach @{$data[0]}; push @rpmsrate, [ $indent,$r, $flags, $data[1], $postfix ]; } (\@rpmsrate, \%potloc); } sub lookup_pkg { my ($key, $fullpath, $urpm2, $o_urpm) = @_; # try to lookup package in urpm first (if we got an $urpm and if media were parsed): return $o_urpm->{rpm}{$o_urpm->{rpmkey}{key}{$key}} if ref($o_urpm); # if package is not urpmi' synthesis, try to parse it directly: my $id = $urpm2->parse_rpm($fullpath); return $urpm2->{depslist}[$id]; } sub check_if_expandable { my ($key, $raw, $fullpath, $potloc, $locale, $localized_pkg, $urpm2, $o_urpm) = @_; my ($pg, $loc) = $raw =~ /^(.*)-([^-+]+)$/; return if !$pg || !$loc; return if !$potloc->{$pg}; my $pkg = lookup_pkg($key, $fullpath, $urpm2, $o_urpm); # still nothing? bailout: if (!$pkg) { print "ERROR cleanrpmsrate: parse_rpm $fullpath ($key) failed\n"; next; } # some i18n packages does not require the same locale, e.g. kde-i18n-nb and nn requires locales-no # if (grep { s/locales-// && $loc =~ /^$_(_|$)/ } @{$header{REQUIRENAME}}) { if (any { /^locales-...?$/ } $pkg->requires) { push @{$locale->{$pg}}, $loc; $localized_pkg->{"$pg-$loc"} = 1; } } # function copied from Mkcd::Tools sub cleanrpmsrate { my ($rpmsrate_file, $output, $reprpms, $o_urpm) = @_; my ($rpmsrate, $potloc) = preread_rpmsrate($rpmsrate_file); my (%rpms, $text, %rate, %section, %keyword, %locale, %localized_pkg); # LIVE & INSTALL keyswords are special: my @plain_flags = qw(INSTALL LIVE); my $kernel_like = "((?:(?:NVIDIA_)?kernel|NVIDIA_nforce|cm2020).*)"; my $dkms_like = '(.*)([-_])kernel-([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){2,3}-\w+-[0-9]+(?:.[^.]+){0,2}\.?mga\d+)(.*)'; my $rpmsrate_dkms_like = "(.*[-_]kernel)(.*)"; my $urpm2 = URPM->new; foreach my $dir (keys %$reprpms) { foreach (@{$reprpms->{$dir}}) { my $rpm = "$_.rpm"; my $key = $_; s/-[^-]+-[^-]+\.[^.]+$// or next; if (/(.*?)([_-]*[\d._]+)(-.*)?-devel$/ || /^$kernel_like(-[^.]+(?:\.[^.]+){3,6}\.?mga\d+)$/) { if (!$rpms{"$1$3"} || URPM::ranges_overlap("== $2", "> $rpms{'$1$3'}")) { $rpms{"$1$3"} = [ $2, $1, $3 ]; } if (/^$kernel_like-(\d+\.\d+)(.*)/) { $rpms{"$1-$2"} = [ $3, "$1-$2" ]; } } elsif (/^$dkms_like$/) { my $vname = "$1$2kernel$4"; if (!$rpms{$vname}) { $rpms{$vname} = [ $3, $vname ]; } elsif (URPM::ranges_overlap("== $3", "> $rpms{$vname}[0]")) { $rpms{$vname} = [ $3, $vname ]; } } else { check_if_expandable($key, $_, "$dir/$rpm", $potloc, \%locale, \%localized_pkg, $urpm2, $o_urpm); } } } my (%done, @flags, @tree_rate, $prev_level); foreach (@$rpmsrate) { if (!$_->[0]) { $text .= "$_->[2]$_->[4]\n"; @flags = $_->[2] if $_->[2]; next; } my ($indent, $r, $flags, $data, $postfix) = @$_; my $level = (length $indent)/2 - 1; my $rate; if ($r) { #print "tree_rate[$level] = $r\n"; $rate = $r; $tree_rate[$level] = $r; } else { if (@$data) { if ($level > $prev_level) { $level--; } else { # fix a syntax error in rpmsrate such as # A # 1 toto # B tata <--- # 4 titi @$data = (); } } $rate = $tree_rate[$level]; } $prev_level = $level; @flags = @flags[0 .. $level]; push @flags, split(' ', $flags); #push @flags, grep { s/\s//; !/(\|\||[A-Z_]+"[^"]+")/ } split(' ', $flags); if (!@$data) { $text .= "$indent$r$flags$postfix\n"; next; } my @k; my $flat_path = join ' ', @flags; foreach (@$data) { my $c = $_; next if ref $done{$_} && any { $flat_path eq $_ } @{$done{$_}}; my $is_plain_flag = member($flags[0], @plain_flags); die "FATAL: too complicated flags for duplicate entry $c ($flat_path and " . join ',', @{$done{$_}} if !$is_plain_flag && @flags > 1 && any { my ($f) = $flat_path =~ /^[^ ]+ (.*)/; !/^[^ ]+ (.*)/ || $1 ne $f; } @{$done{$_}}; my ($name) = /(.*)-[^-]+/; my ($e, $do); if (!$is_plain_flag) { my ($a, $b); if ((s/(-devel)// ? ($b = "-devel") : /^$kernel_like/) && ($rpms{$_} || (defined $rpms{"lib$_"} and $a = "lib") || (defined $rpms{"lib64$_"} and $a = "lib64") || (s/^lib(.*?)[_-]*[\d._]*(-.*)?$/$1$2/g && defined $rpms{"lib64$_"} and $a = 'lib64'))) { warn ">> looking at $c\n"; $e = $rpms{"$a$_"}[1] . $rpms{"$a$_"}[0] . $rpms{"$a$_"}[2] . $b; $do = 1; } elsif (/^$rpmsrate_dkms_like$/ && $rpms{"$1$2"}) { $e = "$1-" . $rpms{"$1$2"}[0] . $2; $do = 1; } } if ($do) { $keyword{$c} = $e; if (!ref $done{$e} || $is_plain_flag && !(any { $flat_path eq $_ } @{$done{$e}}) || $flat_path =~ /DRIVER|HW/) { push @{$done{$e}}, $flat_path; push @k, $e; } } # process localized packages (eg: man-pages-XX, hunspell-XX, firefox-XX, ...) if ($locale{$name} && $localized_pkg{$c}) { foreach (sort @{$locale{$name}}) { next if member($flat_path, @{$done{"$name-$_"}}); push @{$done{"$name-$_"}}, $flat_path; push @k , "$name-$_"; } next; } push @k, $c; push @{$done{$c}}, $flat_path; } $text .= "$indent$r$flags@k$postfix\n" if @k; @rate{@k} = ($rate) x @k; my $path; foreach (@flags) { $path .= $path ? "/$_" : $_; push @{$section{$path}}, @k; } } if (%rpms || $output || %locale) { if (%$reprpms || $output) { $output ||= $rpmsrate_file; if (open my $A, ">$output") { print $A $text; } else { warn "ERROR cleanrpmsrate: cannot open $rpmsrate_file for writing\n"; print $text; } } } [\%rate, \%section, \%keyword]; } 1