#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use MGA::Advisories; use Template; use YAML qw(LoadFile DumpFile); use File::Basename; my %actions = ( initqaconf => { run => \&initqaconf, descr => 'Initialize configuration for QA team members', usage => < { run => \&listadv, descr => 'List advisories', usage => < { run => \&mksite, descr => 'Generates the advisories web site', usage => < { run => \&newadv, descr => 'Create a new advisory file', usage => < { run => \&nextid, descr => 'Print next available ID', usage => < { run => \&publish, descr => 'Assign an ID to an advisory file', usage => < { run => \&showadv, descr => 'Show an advisory', usage => < { run => \&updateadv, descr => 'Update the advisories database', usage => < { run => \&usage, descr => 'Show usage informations for an action', usage => <{usage}; } else { print STDERR "$0 [action] [options]\n"; print STDERR "$0 usage [action]\n\n"; print STDERR "Available actions:\n"; print STDERR map { " - $_ : $actions{$_}->{descr}\n" } keys %actions; } } sub usageexit { usage(@_); exit 1; } sub mksite { my %advdb; $advdb{advisories} = MGA::Advisories::get_advisories(); MGA::Advisories::publish_advisories(\%advdb); MGA::Advisories::sort_advisories(\%advdb); MGA::Advisories::output_pages(\%advdb); MGA::Advisories::dumpdb(\%advdb); MGA::Advisories::send_adv_mail(\%advdb); MGA::Advisories::send_report(\%advdb); } sub editor { $ENV{EDITOR} || $ENV{VISUAL} || '/usr/bin/editor' } sub newadv { usageexit('usage', $_[0]) unless @_ == 3; my ($new, $type, $bugnum) = @_; my $file = MGA::Advisories::newadv($type, $bugnum); if ($file) { system(editor, $file); } } sub nextid { usageexit('usage', $_[0]) unless @_ == 2; my $type = $_[1]; if (!$MGA::Advisories::config->{advisory_types}{$type}) { print STDERR "Unknown type $type\n"; exit 1; } print MGA::Advisories::next_id( $MGA::Advisories::config->{advisory_types}{$type}{prefix}, keys %{MGA::Advisories::get_advisories()}), "\n"; } sub publish { usageexit('usage', $_[0]) unless @_ == 2; MGA::Advisories::assign_id($_[1]); } sub listadv { shift; my %advdb; $advdb{advisories} = MGA::Advisories::get_advisories(); MGA::Advisories::sort_advisories(\%advdb) if @_; MGA::Advisories::listadv(\%advdb, @_); } sub showadv { usageexit('usage', $_[0]) unless @_ == 2; my $adv = $_[1]; my %advdb; $advdb{advisories} = MGA::Advisories::get_advisories(); MGA::Advisories::showadv(\%advdb, $adv); } sub updateadv { usageexit('usage', $_[0]) unless @_ == 1; MGA::Advisories::download_advisories; } sub initqaconf { my $c = $MGA::Advisories::home_config_file; if (-f $c) { print STDERR "File $c already exists\n"; exit 1; } my %defaultconf = ( mode => 'qa', out_dir => $ENV{HOME} . '/mageia-advisories/html', status_dir => $ENV{HOME} . '/mageia-advisories/status', advisories_dir => $ENV{HOME} . '/mageia-advisories/advisories', ); DumpFile($c, \%defaultconf); system(editor, $c); my $newconf = LoadFile($c); foreach my $n ('out_dir', 'status_dir', 'advisories_dir') { mkdir dirname($newconf->{$n}) unless -d dirname($newconf->{$n}); } foreach my $n ('out_dir', 'status_dir') { mkdir $newconf->{$n} unless -d $newconf->{$n}; } if (! -d $newconf->{advisories_dir}) { system('svn', 'co', $MGA::Advisories::config->{advisories_repo_url}, $newconf->{advisories_dir}); } } if (@ARGV == 0 || !$actions{$ARGV[0]}) { usageexit(); } $actions{$ARGV[0]}->{run}->(@ARGV);