This directory contains some scripts used to generate and use GPG keys for Mageia. To use them, gpg needs to be installed, and ssss-combine ssss-split binaries should be in ./bin directory (or path updated in config file). - generate-key : generate a new GPG key, copy the public key in ./public directory. The private key is encrypted and copied in file ./private/mageia-board-seckey.gpg. The password is split in 6 parts using "Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme" with this program : 3 parts are required to combine the password and decrypt the key. - move-part : script used to move on a USB key one part of the password and a copy of the encrypted GPG key. The public directory is also copied. It takes as argument a number (between 1 and 6) and a path. - import-priv-key : this script import the private key in directory ./homedir using encrypted key and 3 parts of the password. Copy all password parts in directory ./private/parts, the encrypted key in ./private/mageia-board-seckey.gpg, run the script and you should be able to use gpg with "gpg --homedir ./homedir" And the license for all scripts in this directory (except otherwise indicated, or for external programs) : * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * for more details.