#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'fileutils' require 'rubygems' require 'sqlite3' require_relative 'bugscan' def create_tables(db) #db.execute "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Packages(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT, Version TEXT, Release TEXT, UNIQUE (Name, Version, Release))" db.execute "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Packages(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT, UNIQUE (Name))" db.execute "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Runs(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Start INTEGER, End INTEGER, UNIQUE(Start))" db.execute "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ResultValues(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT, UNIQUE(Name))" db.execute "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Results(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Package INTEGER, Run INTEGER, Result INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(Package) REFERENCES Packages(Id), FOREIGN KEY(Run) REFERENCES Run(Id), FOREIGN KEY(Result) REFERENCES ResultValues(Id), UNIQUE(Package, Run, Result))" db.execute "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Diffs(Run INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, New INTEGER, Fixed INTEGER, NotFixed INTEGER)" db.execute "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Attributes(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Package INTEGER, Run INTEGER, Attr TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(Package) REFERENCES Packages(Id), FOREIGN KEY(Run) REFERENCES Run(Id), UNIQUE(Package, Run))" end def get_or_add_resultvalue(db, result) db.execute "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ResultValues(Name) VALUES('#{result}')" return db.execute("SELECT Id FROM ResultValues WHERE Name = '#{result}'")[0][0] end def get_or_add_package(db, name, version, release) #db.execute "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Packages(Name, Version, Release) VALUES('#{name}','#{version}','#{release}')" #return db.execute("SELECT Id FROM Packages WHERE Name = '#{name}' AND Version = '#{version}' AND Release = '#{release}'")[0][0] db.execute "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Packages(Name) VALUES('#{name}')" return db.execute("SELECT Id FROM Packages WHERE Name = '#{name}'")[0][0] end # Find interesting attributes about the package. Right now, this is just interesting # dependencies. def find_attributes(build_dir) attr = {} rpm_list_files = Dir.glob(build_dir + '/rpm_qa.*.log') rpm_list_file = rpm_list_files[0] if rpm_list_file then File.open(rpm_list_file, 'r') {|f| f.each_line{|l| if l !~ /^(.*)-([^-]*)-([^-]*)/ then puts "Skipping " + l next end name = $1 if name =~ /^(bwbasic|yabasic|mono-basic)$/ then attr[:lang_basic] = true end if name =~ /^mono$/ then attr[:lang_dotnet] = true end if name =~ /^erlang-compiler$/ then attr[:lang_erlang] = true end if name =~ /^gcc-gfortran$/ then attr[:lang_fortran] = true end if name =~ /^golang$/ then attr[:lang_go] = true end if name =~ /^groovy$/ then attr[:lang_groovy] = true end if name =~ /^ghc$/ then attr[:lang_haskell] = true end if name =~ /^(java|gcc-java)/ then attr[:lang_java] = true end if name =~ /^clisp-devel$/ then attr[:lang_lisp] = true end if name =~ /^lib(64)?lua-devel$/ then attr[:lang_lua] = true end if name =~ /^gcc-objc$/ then attr[:lang_objc] = true end if name =~ /^(ocaml)-compiler$/ then attr[:lang_ocaml] = true end if name =~ /^(nodejs|uglify-js|slimit|yuicompressor)$/ then attr[:lang_javascript] = true end if name =~ /^fpc(-src)?$/ then attr[:lang_pascal] = true end if name =~ /^(perl)/ then # A bunch of perl modules are installed in every installation, # so ignore those. # A few are also pretty common and are ignored because of # too many false positives: # perl-libintl-perl # perl-WWW-Curl (required by openssl) if name !~ /^(perl|perl-base|perl-Config-IniFiles|perl-Exporter-Tiny|perl-File-Slurp|perl-File-Sync|perl-Filesys-Df|perl-IO-stringy|perl-JSON|perl-libintl-perl|perl-List-MoreUtils|perl-List-MoreUtils-XS|perl-Locale-gettext|perl-MDK-Common|perl-MDV-Distribconf|perl-MDV-Packdrakeng|perl-Module-ScanDeps|perl-srpm-macros|perl-Time-ZoneInfo|perl-URPM|perl-WWW-Curl|perl-XML-LibXML|perl-XML-NamespaceSupport|perl-XML-SAX|perl-XML-SAX-Base|perl-YAML|perl-YAML-Tiny)$/ then attr[:lang_perl] = true end end if name =~ /^(php-devel|lib(64)?php_common)/ then attr[:lang_php] = true end if name =~ /^(python3?-setuptools|lib(64)?python3?-devel)$/ then attr[:lang_python] = true end if name =~ /^(ruby-devel|lib(64)?ruby[0-9])/ then attr[:lang_ruby] = true end if name =~ /^tcl$/ then attr[:lang_tcl] = true end if name =~ /^vala$/ then attr[:lang_vala] = true end # Check for a few build systems, too if name =~ /^ant$/ then attr[:build_ant] = true end if name =~ /^bazel$/ then attr[:build_bazel] = true end if name =~ /^cmake$/ then attr[:build_cmake] = true end if name =~ /^maven$/ then attr[:build_maven] = true end if name =~ /^scons$/ then attr[:build_scons] = true end } } end attr_line = '' attr.keys.map{|key| key.to_s}.sort.each do |key| attr_line = attr_line + ' ' + key end attr_line = attr_line.strip() return attr_line end # Find interesting things about the build, indicating a known bug def find_bug_matches(build_dir) build_files = Dir.glob(build_dir + '/build.*.log') build_file = build_files[0] if build_file then # Big regex that matches everything we're looking for # Regexp.union doesn't work as it doesn't bracket each regex any_bug_re = Regexp.new('(' + $bug_matches.keys.join(')|(') + ')') regex_list = $bug_matches.keys.map{|key| key.to_s} # loop over file File.open(build_file).each_line do |li| begin if any_bug_re.match(li) then # loop over individual regexes to find the matching one regex_list.each do |regex| return $bug_matches[regex] if (/#{regex}/.match(li)) end end rescue ArgumentError => e # Some lines have invalid UTF-8, just ignore them end end return '' end end # Find to what stage the build made it def find_final_stage(build_dir) final_stage = 'stage_nobuild' build_files = Dir.glob(build_dir + '/build.*.log') build_file = build_files[0] if build_file then stage_re = Regexp.new('^Executing\(%(\w+)\)') final_stage = 'stage_preprep' # loop over file File.open(build_file).each_line do |li| begin match = stage_re.match(li) if match then final_stage = 'stage_' + match[1] end rescue ArgumentError => e # Some lines have invalid UTF-8, just ignore them end end end return final_stage end def insert_run(db, status_file) t_start = Date.parse(File.basename(File.dirname(status_file))).strftime('%s') puts "Inserting data for run #{t_start} (#{status_file})" t_end = File.mtime(status_file).to_i db.execute "INSERT INTO Runs(Start, End) VALUES(#{t_start}, #{t_end})" run_id = db.last_insert_row_id File.open(status_file, 'r') {|f| db.transaction f.each_line{|l| if l !~ /^(.*)-([^-]*)-([^-]*).src.rpm: (.*)$/ then puts l next end name = $1 version = $2 release = $3 result = $4 if result == 'rejected' then next end result_id = get_or_add_resultvalue(db, result) package_id = get_or_add_package(db, name, version, release) begin db.execute "INSERT INTO Results(Package, Run, Result) VALUES(#{package_id}, #{run_id}, #{result_id})" rescue Exception => e puts name end # Store some interesting attributes about the build log_dir = File.dirname(status_file) + '/' + name + '-' + version + '-' + release + '.src.rpm' attr = find_attributes(log_dir) if result != 'ok' then bug_attr = find_bug_matches(log_dir) attr = attr + ' ' + bug_attr if bug_attr attr = attr + ' ' + find_final_stage(log_dir) end #puts "\t\t\tAttributes: " + attr if attr then begin db.execute "INSERT INTO Attributes(Package, Run, Attr) VALUES(#{package_id}, #{run_id}, '#{attr.strip}')" rescue Exception => e puts name end end } db.commit } end def drop_run(db, r) t_start = Date.parse(r).strftime('%s') run_id = db.execute("SELECT Id FROM Runs WHERE Start='#{t_start}'")[0][0] puts "Dropping run #{t_start}" db.execute "DELETE FROM Attributes WHERE Run = #{run_id}" db.execute "DELETE FROM Diffs WHERE Run = #{run_id}" db.execute "DELETE FROM Results WHERE Run = #{run_id}" db.execute "DELETE FROM Runs WHERE Id = #{run_id}" end def diff_runs(db, r1, r2) (newly_broken, fixed, still_broken) = (db.execute "SELECT New, Fixed, NotFixed FROM DIffs WHERE Run = #{r2}")[0] if newly_broken.nil? then ok_id = get_or_add_resultvalue(db, 'ok') not_on_this_arch_id = get_or_add_resultvalue(db, 'not_on_this_arch') failure_query = "Result NOT IN (#{ok_id}, #{not_on_this_arch_id})" newly_broken = (db.execute "SELECT count(Id) FROM Results WHERE Run = #{r2} AND #{failure_query} AND Package NOT IN (SELECT Package FROM Results WHERE Run = #{r1} AND #{failure_query})")[0][0] fixed = (db.execute "SELECT count(Results.Id) FROM Results,Packages WHERE Run = #{r2} AND Package = Packages.Id AND (Result = #{ok_id} OR Result = #{not_on_this_arch_id}) AND Name IN (SELECT Name FROM Results,Packages WHERE Run = #{r1} AND #{failure_query} AND Package = Packages.Id)")[0][0] still_broken = (db.execute "SELECT count(Id) FROM Results WHERE Run = #{r2} AND #{failure_query} AND Package IN (SELECT Package FROM Results WHERE Run = #{r1} AND #{failure_query})")[0][0] db.execute "INSERT INTO Diffs(Run, New, Fixed, NotFixed) VALUES(#{r2},#{newly_broken},#{fixed},#{still_broken})" end { 'new' => newly_broken, 'fixed' => fixed, 'not fixed' => still_broken } end def report(db) resultvalues = db.execute("SELECT Name FROM ResultValues").flatten runs = db.execute("SELECT Id, Start FROM Runs ORDER BY Start ASC") results = {} prev_run = 0 runs.each{|r| run_id = r[0] results[run_id] = {} data = db.execute "SELECT count(Results.Id), ResultValues.Name FROM Results, ResultValues WHERE Results.Result = ResultValues.Id and Run = #{run_id} GROUP BY ResultValues.Name" total = 0 success = 0 failure = 0 data.each{|d| results[run_id][d[1]] = d[0] total += d[0] if (d[1] == "ok") success += d[0] elsif (d[1] == "build_failure" || d[1] == "missing_dep" || d[1] == "install_deps_failure" || d[1] == "recreate_srpm_failure") failure += d[0] end } results[run_id]['success'] = success results[run_id]['failure'] = failure results[run_id]['total'] = total results[run_id]['success_rate'] = (1000*success/(success+failure)).round.to_f/10 results[run_id].merge!(diff_runs(db, prev_run, run_id)) prev_run = run_id } results end def export_data(db, target_dir) resultvalues = db.execute("SELECT Name FROM ResultValues").flatten runs = db.execute("SELECT Id, Start FROM Runs ORDER BY Start DESC") results = report(db) File.open(target_dir + "/data.js", 'w') {|df| df.puts "var data = { cols: [ {id: 'A', label: 'Date', type: 'date'}," col = 'A' resultvalues.each{|v| df.puts "{id: '#{col.next!}', label: '#{v}', type: 'number'}," } df.puts "{id: '#{col.next!}', label: 'Total', type: 'number'}," df.puts "{id: '#{col.next!}', label: 'Success Rate', type: 'number'}," df.puts "{id: '#{col.next!}', label: 'Newly Broken', type: 'number'}," df.puts "{id: '#{col.next!}', label: 'Fixed', type: 'number'}," df.puts "{id: '#{col.next!}', label: 'Not Fixed', type: 'number'}," df.puts "]," df.puts "rows: [" runs.each{|r| result = results[r[0]] date_val = "new Date(#{DateTime.strptime(r[1].to_s, '%s').strftime('%Y, %m-1, %d')}, 0, 0, 0)" date_str = DateTime.strptime(r[1].to_s, '%s').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') df.print "{c:[{v: #{date_val}, f: '#{date_str}'}," resultvalues.each{|v| df.print "{v: #{result[v] || 0}},"} df.print "{v: #{result['total']}}," df.print "{v: #{result['success_rate']}, f: '#{result['success_rate']}%'}," df.print "{v: #{result['new']}}," df.print "{v: #{result['fixed']}}," df.print "{v: #{result['not fixed']}}," df.puts "]}," } df.puts "]}" } FileUtils.cp("autobuild.db", target_dir) end def finish # get date of finished one # olddate = readlink current latest # change link to point to newdate # cleanlogs.sh olddate newdate # insert newdate end begin db = SQLite3::Database.open "autobuild.db" create_tables(db) if (ARGV[0] == 'insert') then insert_run(db, ARGV[1]) elsif (ARGV[0] == 'report') export_data(db, ARGV[1]) elsif (ARGV[0] == 'drop') drop_run(db, ARGV[1]) end rescue SQLite3::Exception => e puts "Exception occured" puts e ensure db.close if db end