<_title>About Mandriva Linux
<_span>What is Mandriva Linux? | <_span>Browse resources
<_div id="title2">Mandriva Linux is... <_h3>a Linux distribution... <_p>Mandriva Linux is a Linux distribution created in 1998. <_h3>based on OpenSource software <_p>Mandriva Linux aims to provide the best of Open Source components. All packages included in repositories "main" and "contrib" use Open Source compliant licenses. Any non Open Source components will be stored in the "non-free" repository provided its license allows public redistribution. Any package that does not fit this requirement must be removed. Providing non-free packages should be only a way to make life easier for users. The "Free" version of Mandriva Linux contains only Open Source components. <_h3>easy to use <_p>Mandriva Linux was created in order to help beginners on both the Linux desktop and server. Mandriva Linux provides installation and configuration tools that make the Linux experience easy and smooth. A global packaging policy focuses on packaging quality: providing tools, examples, documentation and templates to help more advanced users in daily administration. <_h3>a collective project <_p>Mandriva Linux development is based on a collective work of Mandriva Community (a combination of paid employees and volunteer contributors). Global specifications are a result of global discussion. The community is responsible for testing, packaging and translation work. <_h3>not only an international project <_p>Mandriva Linux is translated in more than 70 languages. More languages may come to complete it. Mandriva Linux members come from all over the world, which means not only complete localization but also very different commitments. <_h3>... but also an organized community <_p>Mandriva Linux development is based on Cooker daily work. It uses a code of conduct, well defined policies for packaging, defined tools like Bugzilla, svn or git. Community is now also organized in Mandriva Assembly, the main goal of which is to help make contributing to Mandriva easier and to help users, packagers, testers and translators work together more smoothly. <_h3>open to any contribution <_p>All included components in the Mandriva Linux distribution are available through version control software. Anyone can contribute to improve it, either as an individual or a corporation. <_h3>based on quality and stability requirements... <_p>Mandriva Linux is strongly committed to both quality and stability for official releases. This applies to packages included in distribution as well as general updates, upgrades and security. <_h3>compliant with Open Source standards <_p>Mandriva Linux aims to follow recognized standards that allow improved global distribution quality and interoperability. Among the main standards you will find: LSB, freedesktop <_h3>working in collaboration with other open source projects <_p>Mandriva Linux is looking to collaborate with other open source communities by ensuring our work is retrofitted upstream, when relevant.

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<_div id="title2">Browse resources <_h3>Users documentation <_p>Mandriva Linux comes with a full set of documentation for beginners but also for advanced users. You may also find help in Mandriva community: forums, Expert, mailing-lists... <_h3>Development and contribution <_p>You can contribute to Mandriva Linux whatever your technical skills are. <_h3>Fund Mandriva Linux project <_p>You can also contribute to Mandriva Linux funding it.

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