Software Kudeaketa (Softwarea instalatu eta kendu) rpmdrake
Rpmdrake-ra sarrera Tresna hau Komando-lerrotik tresna hau abiaraz dezakezu, rpmdrake root bezala idatziz. , drakrpm bezala ezaguna, paketeak instalatu, ezabatu eta eguneratzeko programa bat da. URPMI-ren erabiltzaile interfaze grafiko bat da. Abiarazte bakoitzean, egiaztatuko ditu ('baliabide' deituetakoak) zuzenean Mageia-ko zerbitzari ofizialengandik jaitsitako lerroko paketeen zerrendak, eta aldi bakoitzean erakutsiko dizkizu zure ordenagailuarentzako azken aplikazio eta paketeak. Iragazki-sistema batek soilik pakete mota batzuk erakustea baimentzen du: instalatutako paketeak erakutsi ditzake soilik (lehenetsita), edo eguneaketa eskuragarriak soilik. Instalatu gabeko paketeak ere ikus ditzakezu soilik. Paketeak izenagatik ere ikusi ditzakezu, edo deskribapeneeko laburpenetan edo paketeen deskribapen osoetan edo paketeetan barneratutako fitxategi-izenetan. rpmdrake lan egin dezan biltegiak ezarri behar dira -rekin . During the installation, the configured repository is the medium used for the installation, generally the DVD or CD. If you keep this medium, rpmdrake will ask it each time you want to install a package, with this pop-up window : If the above message annoys you and you have a good internet connection without too strict download limit, it is wise to remove that medium and replace it by online repositories thanks to . Gainera, online biltegiak beti eguneratuta daude, pakete askoz gehiago dauka, eta zure instalatutako paketeak eguneratzeko aukera ematen dute.
Pantailaren zati nagusia Pakete mota iragazkia: This filter allows you to display only certain types of packages. The first time you start the manager, it only displays applications with a graphical interface. You can display either all the packages and all their dependencies and libraries or only package groups such as applications only, updates only or backported packages from newer versions of Mageia. The default filter setting is for new entrants to Linux or Mageia, who probably do not want command line or specialist tools. Since you're reading this documentation, you're obviously interested in improving your knowledge of Mageia, so it is best to set this filter to "All". Package egoera iragazkia: Iragazki honek instalatutako paketeak, instalatu gabeko edo pakete guztiak, bai instalatutako eta ez instalatutako paketeak soilik ikusteko aukera ematen du. Bilaketa modua: Ikonoan klikatu paketeen izenak bilatzeko, haien laburpenen bidez, haien deskribapen osoaren bidez edo paketean sartutako fitxategien bidez. "Aurkitu" kutxa: Sartu hemen hitz gako bat edo gehiago. Hitz gako bat baino gehiago erabili nahi baduzu '|' erabili hitz gakoen artean, adibidez "mplayer" eta "xine" bilatzeko denbora berean idatzi: 'mplayer | xine'. Guztia ezabatu: Ikur honek klik bakarrarekin "Bilatu" kutxan sartutako hitza guztiak ezaba ditzake . Kategorien zerrenda: Alde honetako barra argi sailkatzen ditu aplikazio eta pakete guztiak kategorietan eta azpi kategorietan. Deskribapen panela: This panel displays the package's name, its summary and complete description. It displays many useful elements about the selected package. It can also show precise details about the package, the files included in the package as well as a list of the last changes made by the maintainer.
Egoera zutabeak Once you correctly set the filters, you can find your software either by category (in area 6 above) or by name/summary/description using area 4. A list of packages fulfilling your query and, don't forget, the chosen medium is shown with different status markers according to whether each package is installed/not installed/an update... To change this status, just check or uncheck the box before the package name and click on Apply. <tgroup cols="2" align="left"> <colspec align="center"/> <thead> <row> <entry align="center">Ikonoa</entry> <entry valign="middle" align="center">Kondaira</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry><mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="rpmdrake2.png"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject></entry> <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau jada instalatuta dago</entry> </row> <row> <entry><mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="rpmdrake3.png"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject></entry> <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau instalatuko da</entry> </row> <row> <entry><mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="rpmdrake4.png"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject></entry> <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau ezin da aldatu</entry> </row> <row> <entry><mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="rpmdrake5.png"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject></entry> <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau eguneratuko da</entry> </row> <row> <entry><mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="rpmdrake6.png"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject></entry> <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau desinstalatuko da</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </table></para> <para>Goiko Screenshot adibideak:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>If I uncheck digikam (the green arrow tell us it is installed), the status icon will go red with an up arrow and it will be uninstalled when clicking on <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>If I check qdigidoc (which is not installed, see the status), the orange with a down arrow status icon will appear and and it will be installed when clicking on <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </section> <section> <title>Mendekotasunak Some packages need other packages called dependencies in order to work. They are for example libraries or tools. In this case, Rpmdrake displays an information window allowing you to choose whether to accept the selected dependencies, cancel the operation or get more information (see above). It may also happen that various packages are able to provide the needed library, in which case rpmdrake displays the list of alternatives with a button to get more information and another button to choose which package to install.