Sartu WebDAV bitartez partekatutako unitate eta direktorioetara diskdrake --dav This toolKomando-lerrotik tresna hau abiaraz dezakezu, diskdrake --dav root bezala idatziz. is found in the Mageia Control Center, under the Network Sharing tab, labeled Configure WebDAV shares.
Sarrera WebDAV direktorio lokal bat bezala agertzeko , inguruan web-zerbitzari baten direktoriora igo onartzen duen protokolo bat da. Beharrezkoa da urruneko makina bat martxan jarritzea WebDAV zerbitzari. Hau ez da WebDAV-zerbitzaria konfiguratzeko tresnaren helburua.
Sarrera berri bat sortzen The first screen of the tool displays the already configured entries, if any, and a New button. Use it to create a new entry. Insert the server URL in the field of the new screen. Then you get a screen with radio buttons to select some actions. Continue with the action Mount point by clicking OK after selecting the radio button, as the Server is already configured. You can however correct it, if needed. Urruneko direktorioa edukia mount puntu honen bidez eskuragarri izango da. In the next step, give your user name and password. If you need some other options, you can give them in the advanced screen. Mount aukera berehala muntatu duzun sarbidea ahalbidetzen du. After you accepted the configuration with the radio button Done, the first screen is displayed again and your new mount point is listed. After you choose Quit, you are asked whether or not to save the modifications in /etc/fstab. Choose this option if you want that the remote directory is available at each boot. If your configuration is for one-time usage, do not save it.