Configurar la hora drakwizard ntp This tool Puede iniciar esta herramienta como superusuario desde la línea de comando, escribiendo drakwizard ntp. purpose is to set the time of your server synchronised with an external server. It isn't installed by default and you have to also install the drakwizard and drakwizard-base packages.
Setup a NTP server with drakwizard ntp After a welcome screen (see above), the second one ask you to choose three time servers in the drop down lists and suggests to use twice because this server always points to available time servers. The following screens allows to choose the region and the city and then, you arrive on a summary. If something is wrong, you can obviously change it using the Previousbutton. If everything is right, click on the Next button to proceed to the test. It may take a while and you finally get this screen below: Click en el botón Finalizar para cerrar la aplicación
Qué se hace Esta herramienta ejecuta los siguientes pasos: Installing the package ntp if needed Saving the files /etc/sysconfig/clock to /etc/sysconfig/clock.orig and /etc/ntp/step-tickers to /etc/ntp/step-tickers.orig; Writing a new file /etc/ntp/step-tickers with the list of servers; Modifying the file /etc/ntp.conf by inserting the first server name; Stopping and starting crond, atd and ntpd services; Configurar el reloj del sistema con la hora actual usando UTC como referencia.