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<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
       	xml:id="draksnapshot-config" version="5.0">
	  <title xml:id="draksnapshot-config-ti1">Snapshots</title>

	    <imagedata   xml:id="draksnapshot-config-im1" revision="1" align="center"
		    format="PNG" fileref="draksnapshot-config.png"/>

  <para>This tool<footnote><para>You can start this tool from the command line,
			  by typing <emphasis role="bold">draksnapshot-config
			  </emphasis> as root.</para></footnote> is available in MCC's <guilabel>System</guilabel>
	    tab, in the <guilabel>Administration tools</guilabel> section.</para>
  <para>When you start this tool in MCC for the first time, you will see a
    message about installing draksnapshot. Click on <guibutton>Install</guibutton> to
	  proceed. Draksnapshot and some other packages it needs will be

 <para>Click again on <guilabel>Snapshots</guilabel>, you will see the <guilabel>Settings</guilabel> screen. Tick
   <guilabel>Enable Backups</guilabel> and, if you want to backup the whole system, <guilabel>Backup
     the whole system</guilabel>.</para>
  <para>If you only want to backup part of your directories, then choose
    <guilabel>Advanced</guilabel>. You will see a little pop-up screen. Use the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> and
      <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> buttons next to the <guilabel>Backup list</guilabel> to include or exclude
	  directories and files from the backup. Use the same buttons next to
	    the <guilabel>Exclude</guilabel> list to remove subdirectories and/or files from the
	  chosen directories, that should <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis>
	  be included in the backup. Click on <guibutton>Close</guibutton> when you are done.</para>
	  <para>Now give the path to <guilabel>Where to backup</guilabel>, or choose the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button
	  to select the correct path. Any mounted USB-key or external HD can be
	  found in <emphasis role="bold">/run/media/your_user_name/</emphasis>.
  <para>Click on <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> to make the snapshot.</para>