<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xml:id="XFdrake" version="5.0">
    <title xml:id="XFdrake-ti1">Set up the graphical server</title>


      <imagedata xml:id="XFdrake-im1" revision="1" align="center" format="PNG" fileref="XFdrake.png"/>

  <para>This tool is present in the Mageia Control Center under the tab
  <emphasis role="bold">Hardware</emphasis>. Select <emphasis><guilabel>Set up
  the graphical server</guilabel></emphasis>. <footnote>
      <para>You can start this tool from the command line, by typing
      <emphasis>XFdrake</emphasis> as normal user or
      <emphasis>drakx11</emphasis> as root. Mind the capital letters.</para>


  <para>The buttons allow you to change the graphical configuration.</para>

  <para><emphasis role="bold">Graphic card</emphasis>:</para>

  <para>The graphic card currently detected is displayed and the matching
  server configured. Click on this button to change to another server, for
  example one with a proprietary driver.</para>

  <para>The available servers are sorted under <guilabel>Vendor</guilabel> by
  manufacturer in alphabetical order and then by model also in alphabetical
  order. The free drivers are sorted by alphabetical order under<guilabel>

      <para>In case of problems, <emphasis>Xorg - Vesa</emphasis> will work
      with most graphic cards and give you time to find and install the right
      driver while in your Desktop Environment.</para>

      <para>If even Vesa doesn't work, choose
      <emphasis><guilabel>Xorg</guilabel> -
      <guilabel>fbdev</guilabel></emphasis>, which is used while installing
      Mageia, but doesn't allow you to change resolution or refresh
    </note>If you made your choice for a free driver, you may be asked if you
  want to use a proprietary driver instead with more features (3D effects for


  <para><emphasis role="bold">Monitor:</emphasis></para>

  <para>In the same way as above, the monitor currently detected is displayed
  and you can click on the button to change to another one. If the desired
  monitor isn't in the <guilabel>Vendor</guilabel> list, choose in the
  <guilabel>Generic</guilabel> list a monitor with the same features.</para>


  <para><emphasis role="bold">Resolution:</emphasis></para>

  <para>This button allows the choice of the resolution (number of pixels) and
  the colour depth (number of colours). It displays this screen:</para>

        <imagedata fileref="XFdrake1.png"/>
    </mediaobject>When you change the color depth, a multi-colored bar will
  appear next to the second button and show a preview of what the selected
  color depth looks like.</para>

  <para>The first button shows the currently resolution, click to change for
  another one. The list gives all the possible choices according to the
  graphic card and the monitor, it is possible to click on
  <guilabel>Other</guilabel> to set other resolutions, but bear in mind that
  you can damage your monitor or select an uncomfortable setting.</para>

  <para>The second button shows the currently colour depth, click to change
  this for another one.</para>

      <para>Depending on the chosen resolution, it may be necessary to logout
      and restart the graphical environment for the settings to take


  <para><emphasis role="bold">Test:</emphasis></para>

  <para>Once the configuration done, it is recommended to do a test before
  clicking on OK because it is easier to modify the settings now than later if
  the graphical environment doesn't work.</para>

      <para>In case of a non working graphical environment, type Alt+Ctrl+F2
      to open a text environment, connect as root and type XFdrake (with the
      caps) to to use XFdrake's text version.</para>
    </note>If the test fails, just wait until the end, if it works but you
  don't want to change after all, click on <guibutton>No</guibutton>, if
  everything is right, click on <guibutton role="bold">OK</guibutton>.</para>


      <para><guilabel>Global options</guilabel>: If <emphasis>Disable
      Ctrl-Alt-Backspace</emphasis> is checked, it will no longer be possible
      to restart X server using Ctrl+Alt+Backspace keys.</para>

      <para><guilabel>Graphic card options</guilabel>: Allows you to enable or
      disable three specific features depending on the graphic card.</para>

      <para><guilabel>Graphical interface at startup</guilabel>: Most of the
      time, <emphasis>Automatically start the graphical interface (Xorg) upon
      booting</emphasis> is checked to make the boot switch to graphical mode,
      it may be unchecked for a server.</para>

  <para>After a click on the <guibutton>Quit</guibutton> button, the system
  will ask you to confirm. There is still time to cancel everything and keep
  the previous configuration, or to accept. In this case, you have to
  disconnect and reconnect to activate the new configuration.</para>