Eine Netzwerkschnittstelle erstellen (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, ...) drakconnect
Einleitung This tool Sie können das Programm über die Kommandozeile aufrufen, indem sie drakconnect als root eingeben allows to configure much of local network or Internet access. You have to know some information from your access provider or your network administrator. Select the type of connection you want to set, according to which hardware and provider you have.
Eine neue kabelgebundene Verbindung (Ethernet) Das erste Fenster listet die verfügbaren Geräte auf. Wähle das Gerät aus, das eingerichtet werden soll. An diesem Punkt können Sie zwischen einer automatisch generierten oder manuell eingegebenen IP Adresse wählen. Automatische IP Ethernet/IP settings: you have to select if DNS servers are declared by the DHCP server or are manually specified, as explained below. In the last case, the IP address of DNS servers has to be set. The HOSTNAME of the computer can be specified here. If no HOSTNAME is specified, the name localhost.localdomain is attributed by default. The Hostname can also be provided by the DHCP server with the option Assign host name from DHCP server. Not all DHCP servers have such a function and if you're setting up your PC to get an IP address from a domestic ADSL router, it is unlikely. The advanced button give the opportunity to specify: Search domain (not accessible, as provided by the DHCP server) der DHCP-Client DHCP Zeitüberschreitung Get YP server from DHCP (checked by default): specify the NIS server Get NTPD server from DHCP (synchronisation of clocks) the HOSTNAME required by DHCP. Only use this option if the DHCP server requires the client to specify a hostname before receiving an IP address. This option is not dealt by some DHCP servers. After accepting, the last steps which are common to all connection configurations are explained: Manuelle Konfiguration Ethernet/IP settings: you need to declare what DNS servers to use. The HOSTNAME of the computer can be specified here. If no HOSTNAME is specified, the name localhost.localdomain is attributed by default. For a residential network, the IP address usually looks like 192.168.x.x, Netmask is, and the Gateway and DNS servers are available from your service provider's website. In advanced settings, you can specified a Search domain. It would usually be your home domain, i.e. if your computer is called "splash", and it's full domain name is "splash.boatanchor.net", the Search Domain would be "boatanchor.net". Unless you specifically need it, it's ok not to define this setting. Again, domestic ADSL would not need this setting. The next steps are exposed at
Eine neue Satelliten-Verbindung (DVB) This section hasn't been written yet for lack of resources. If you think you can write this help, please contact the Doc team. Thanking you in advance.
Eine neue Modem-Verbindung Das erste Fenster listet die verfügbaren Geräte auf. Wähle das Gerät aus, das eingerichtet werden soll. An diesem Punkt können Sie zwischen einer automatisch generierten oder manuell eingegebenen IP Adresse wählen. You have to specify a authentication method: Keine BPALogin (necessary for Telstra). In this case you have to provide User name and password. Automatische IP Cable/IP settings: you have to select if DNS servers are declared by the DHCP server or are manually specified, as explained below. In the last case, the IP address of DNS servers has to be set. The HOSTNAME of the computer can be specified here. If no HOSTNAME is specified, the name localhost.localdomain is attributed by default. The Hostname can also be provided by the DHCP server with the option Assign host name from DHCP server. Not all DHCP servers have such a function and if you're setting up your PC to get an IP address from a domestic ADSL router, it is unlikely. The advanced button give the opportunity to specify: Search domain (not accessible, as provided by the DHCP server) der DHCP-Client DHCP Zeitüberschreitung Get YP server from DHCP (checked by default): specify the NIS server Get NTPD server from DHCP (synchronisation of clocks) the HOSTNAME required by DHCP. Only use this option if the DHCP server requires the client to specify a hostname before receiving an IP address. This option is not dealt by some DHCP servers. After accepting, the last steps which are common to all connection configurations are explained: Manuelle Konfiguration Cable/IP settings: you need to declare what DNS servers to use. The HOSTNAME of the computer can be specified here. If no HOSTNAME is specified, the name localhost.localdomain is attributed by default. For a residential network, the IP address usually looks like 192.168.x.x, Netmask is, and the Gateway and DNS servers are available from your service provider's website. In advanced settings, you can specified a Search domain. It would usually be your home domain, i.e. if your computer is called "splash", and it's full domain name is "splash.boatanchor.net", the Search Domain would be "boatanchor.net". Unless you specifically need it, it's ok not to define this setting. Again, domestic connection would not need this setting. The next steps are exposed at
Eine neue DSL-Verbindung If the tool detects network interfaces, it offers to select one and to configure it. A list of providers is proposed, classified by countries. Select your provider. If it is not listed, select the option Unlisted and then enter the options your provider gave. Wählen Sie eins der verfügbaren Protokolle aus: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Manuelle TCP/IP Konfiguration PPP über ADSL (PPPoA) PPP über Ethernet (PPPoE) Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Zugangseinstellungen Benutzername (Login) Passwort (Fortgeschrittener) Virtuelle Pfad-ID (VPI): (Fortgeschrittener) Virtuelle Circuit-ID (VCI): The next steps are exposed at
Eine neue ISDN-Verbindung The wizard asks which device to configure: Manuelle Auswahl (Interne ISDN-Karte) Externes ISDN-Modem A list of hardware is proposed, classified by category and manufacturer. Select your card. Wählen Sie eins der verfügbaren Protokolle aus: Protocol for the rest of the world, except Europe (DHCP) Protokoll für Europa (EDSS1) A list of providers is then offered, classified by countries. Select your provider. If it is not listed, select the option Unlisted and then enter the options your provider gave you. Then it is asked for parameters: Name der Verbindung Telefonnummer Login-ID Passwort Authentifizierungsmethode After that, you have to select if you get the IP address by automatic or manual method. In the last case, specify IP address and Subnet mask. The next step is to choose how DNS servers address are obtained, by automatic or manual method. In the case of manual configuration, you have to put: Name der Domäne Erster und zweiter DNS Server Select if the hostname is set from IP. This option is to select only if you are sure that your provider is configured to accept it. The next step is to choose how the gateway address is obtained, by automatic or manual method. In the case of manual configuration, you have to enter the IP address. The next steps are exposed at
Eine neue Drahtlos-Verbindung A first window lists the interfaces which are available and an entry for Windows driver (ndiswrapper). Select the one to configure. Use ndiswrapper only if the other configuration methods did not work. At this step, the choice is given between the different access points that the card has detected. Specific parameter for the wireless card are to provide: Betriebsmodus Geführt To access to an existing access point (the most frequent). Direkt To configure direct connection between computers. Netzwerkname (ESSID) Encryption mode: it depends of how the access point is configured. WPA/WPA2 Dieses Verschlüsselungsverfahren wird empfohlen, wenn es Ihre Hardware unterstützt. WEP Einige alte Hardware unterstützt nur dieses Verschlüsselungsverfahren. Schlüssel It is generally provided with the hardware which give the access point. At this step, the choice is given between an automatic IP address or a manual IP address. Automatische IP IP settings: you have to select if DNS servers are declared by the DHCP server or are manually specified, as explained below. In the last case, IP address of DNS servers has to be set. The HOSTNAME of the computer can be specified here. If no HOSTNAME is specified, the name localhost.localdomain is attributed by default. The Hostname can also be provided by the DHCP server with the option Assign host name from DHCP server The advanced button give the opportunity to specify: Search domain (not accessible, as provided by the DHCP server) der DHCP-Client DHCP Zeitüberschreitung Get YP server from DHCP (checked by default): specify the NIS servers Get NTPD server from DHCP (synchronisation of clocks) the HOSTNAME required by DHCP. Only use this option if the DHCP server requires the client to specify a hostname before receiving an IP address. This option is not dealt by some DHCP servers. After accepting the configuration the step, which is common to all connection configurations, is explained: Manuelle Konfiguration IP settings: you have to declare DNS servers. The HOSTNAME of the computer can be specified here. If no HOSTNAME is specified, the name localhost.localdomain is attributed by default. For a residential network, the IP address always looks like 192.168.x.x, Netmask is, and the Gateway and DNS servers are available from your providers website. In advanced settings, you can specified a Search domain. It must seem to your hostname without the first name, before the period. The next steps are exposed at
Eine neue GPRS/Edge/3G Verbindung If the tool detects wireless interfaces, it offers to select one and to configure it. The PIN is asked. Leave empty if the PIN is not required. The wizard asks for network. If it is not detected, select the option Unlisted. A list of providers is proposed, classified by countries. Select your provider. If it is not listed, select the option Unlisted and then enter the options your provider gave. Provide access settings Access-Point-Name Benutzername (Login) Passwort The next steps are exposed at
A new Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking connection This section hasn't been written yet for lack of resources. If you think you can write this help, please contact the Doc team. Thanking you in advance.
A new Analog telephone modem connection (POTS) The wizard asks which device to configure: Manuelle Auswahl Gefundene Hardware, falls vorhanden A list of ports is proposed. Select your port. If not yet installed, it will be suggested that you install the package kppp-provider. A list of providers is proposed, classified by countries. Select your provider. If it is not listed, select the option Unlisted and then enter the options your provider gave. Then it is asked for Dialup options: Verbindungs Name Telefon Number Login ID Passwort Authentikation, Auswahl: PAP/CHAP Skript-basiert PAP Terminal-basiert CHAP The next steps are exposed at
Ending the configuration In the next step, you can specify: Allow users to manage the connection Start the connection at boot Enable traffic accounting Allow interface to be controlled by Network Manager In the case of a wireless connection, a supplemental box is Allow access point roaming which give the possibility to switch automatically between access point according to the signal strength. With the advanced button, you can specify: Metrisch (standardmäßig 10) MTU Netzwerk Hotplugging Aktiviere IPv6-zu-IPv4-Tunnel The last step allows you to specify if the connection is to start immediately or not.