<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="cs" xml:id="drakrpm-edit-media">
    <title xml:id="drakrpm-edit-media-ti1">Nastavení zdrojů</title>




    <!-- 2013-01-06 marja - added Qilaq's and spturtle's corrections -->
<!--2013-10-22 marja - improved wording, thanks to Aragorn :-) 
                       - adjusted "Add" part to changed behaviour of this tool
		       (no longer a choice to only add "update sources" is
		       given) -->
      <imagedata xml:id="drakrpm-edit-media-im1" fileref="drakrpm-edit-media.png" revision="1" align="center" format="PNG"/>

      <para>First thing to do after an install is to add software sources (also known as
repositories, media, mirrors). That means you must select the media sources
to be used to install and update packages and applications. (see Add button
    </important> <note>
      <para>If you install (or upgrade) Mageia using an optical media (DVD or CD) or a
USB device, there will be a software source configured to the optical media
used. To avoid being asked to insert the media when you install new
packages, you should disable (or delete) this media.  (It will have the
media type CD-Rom).</para>
    </note> <note>
      <para>Your system is running under an architecture which may be 32-bit (called
i586), or 64-bit (called x86_64). Some packages are independent of whether
your system is 32-bit or 64-bit; these are called noarch packages. They
don't have their own noarch directories on the mirrors, but are all in both
the i586 and the x86_64 media.</para>

  <para>This tool is present in the Mageia Control Center under the tab <emphasis
role="bold">Software management.</emphasis><footnote>
      <para>You can start this tool from the command line, by typing <emphasis
role="bold">drakrpm-edit-media</emphasis> as root.</para>

    <title xml:id="drakrpm-edit-media-columns">The columns</title>

    <bridgehead>Column Enable:</bridgehead>

    <para>The checked media will be used to install new packages. Be cautious with
some media such as Testing and Debug, they could make your system unusable.</para>

    <bridgehead>Column Update:</bridgehead>

    <para>The checked media will be used to update packages, it must be enabled. Only
media with "Update" in its name should be selected. For security reasons,
this column isn't modifiable in this tool, you must open a console as root
and type <emphasis role="bold">drakrpm-edit-media --expert.</emphasis></para>

    <bridgehead>Column medium:</bridgehead>

    <para>Display the medium name. Mageia official repositories for final release
versions contain at least:</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Core</emphasis> which contains most programs available
supported by Mageia.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Nonfree</emphasis> which contains some programs which
are not free</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Tainted</emphasis> free software for which there might
be patent claims in some countries.</para>

        <para>Each medium has 4 sub-sections:</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Release</emphasis> the packages as of the day the this
version of Mageia was released.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Updates</emphasis> the packages updated since release
due to security or bug concerns. Everyone should have this medium enabled,
even with a very slow internet connection.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Backports</emphasis> some packages of new versions
backported from Cauldron (the next version under development).</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Testing</emphasis> which is used for temporary tests
of new updates, to allow the bug reporters and the QA team to validate the

    <title xml:id="drakrpm-edit-media-right-button">The buttons on the right</title>


    <para>To remove a medium, click on it and then on this button. It is wise to
remove the medium used for the installation (CD or DVD for example)  since
all the packages it contains are in the official Core release medium.</para>


    <para>Allows you to modify the selected medium settings, (URL, downloader and


    <para>Add the official repositories available on the Internet. These repositories
contain only safe and well tested software. Clicking on the "Add" button
adds the mirrorlist to your configuration, it is designed to make sure that
you install and update from a mirror close to you. If you prefer to choose a
specific mirror, then add it by choosing "Add a specific media mirror" from
the drop-down "File" menu.</para>

    <para><guibutton>Up and down arrows:</guibutton></para>

    <para>Change the list order. When Drakrpm looks for a package, it reads the list
in the displayed order and will install the first package found for the same
release number - in the event of a version mismatch, the latest release will
be installed. So if possible, put the fastest repositories at the top.</para>

    <title xml:id="drakrpm-edit-media-menu">The menu</title>

    <para><guimenu>File -> Update:</guimenu></para>

    <para>A window pops up with the media list. Select the ones you want to update and
click on the <guibutton>Update</guibutton> button.</para>

    <para><guimenu>File -> Add a specific media mirror:</guimenu></para>

    <para>Suppose you aren't happy with the actual mirror, because for example it's
too slow or often unavailable, you can choose another mirror. Select all the
actual media and click on <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> to take them
out. Click on <guimenu>File -> Add a specific media mirror</guimenu>, choose
between update only or the full set (if you do not know, choose the
<guibutton>Full set of sources</guibutton>) and accept the contact by
clicking on <guibutton>Yes</guibutton>. This window opens:</para>

        <imagedata fileref="drakrpmEditMedia2.png"/>

    <para>You can see, on the left, a list of countries, choose yours or one very
close by clicking on the > symbol, this will display all the available
mirrors in that country. Select one and click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>

    <para><guimenu>File -> Add a custom medium:</guimenu></para>

    <para>It is possible to install a new media (from a third party for example) that
isn't supported by Mageia. A new window appears:</para>

          <imagedata fileref="rpmdrakeEditMedia1.png"/>
      </mediaobject>Select the medium type, find a smart
name that well define the medium and give the URL (or the path, according to
the medium type)</para>

    <para><guimenu>Options -> Global options:</guimenu></para>

    <para>This item allows you to choose when to "Verify RPMs to be installed" (always
or never), the download program (curl, wget or aria2) and to define the
download policy for information about the packages (on demand -by default-,
update only, always or never).</para>

    <para><guimenu>Options -> Manage keys:</guimenu></para>

    <para>To guarantee a high level of security, digital keys are used to authenticate
the media. It is possible for each medium to allow or disallow a key. In the
window that appear, select a medium and then click on
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> to allow a new key or to select a key and click
on <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> to disallow that key.</para>

        <para>Do this with care, as with all security-related questions</para>
      </warning><guimenu>Options -> Proxy:</guimenu></para>

    <para>If you need to use a proxy server for internet access, you can configure it
here. You only need to give the <guibutton>Proxy hostname</guibutton> and if
necessary a <guilabel>Username</guilabel> and <guilabel>Password</guilabel>.</para>


    <para>For more information about configuring the media, see <link
ns2:href="https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Software_management">the Mageia Wiki