<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section version="5.0" xml:lang="cs" xml:id="drakgw" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
    <title xml:id="drakgw-ti1">Sdílet připojení k internetu s ostatními lokálními počítači</title>


      <imagedata align="center" fileref="drakgw.png" format="PNG" revision="1"


  <section xml:id="drakgw-principles">

          <imagedata fileref="../drakgw-net.png"/>
      </mediaobject>This is useful when you have a
computer (3) which has Internet (2) access and is connected also to a local
network (1). You can use computer (3) as a gateway to give that access to
other workstations (5) and (6) in the local network (1). For this, the
gateway must have two interfaces; the first one such as an ethernet card
must be connected to the local network, and the second one (4) connected to
the Internet (2).</para>

    <para>The first step is to verify that the network and the access to Internet are
set up, as documented in <xref linkend="draknetcenter"/>.</para>

  <section xml:id="drakgw-wizard">
    <title>Gateway wizard</title>

    <para>The wizard<footnote>
        <para>You can start this tool from the command line, by typing <emphasis
role="bold">drakgw</emphasis> as root.</para>
      </footnote> offers successive steps
which are shown below:</para>

          <para>If the wizard does not detect at least two interfaces, it warns about this
and asks to stop the network and configure the hardware.</para>

          <para>specify the interface used for the Internet connection. The wizard
automatically suggests one of the interfaces, but you should verify that
what is proposed is correct.</para>

          <para>specify which interface is used for the Lan access. The wizard also proposes
one, check that this is correct.</para>

          <para>The wizard proposes parameters for the Lan network, such as IP address, mask
and domain name. Check that these parameters are compatible with the actual
configuration. It is recommended that you accept these values.</para>

          <para>specify if the computer has to be used as a DNS server. If yes, the wizard
will check that <code>bind</code> is installed.  Otherwise, you have to
specify the address of a DNS server.</para>

          <para>specify if the computer is to be used as a DHCP server. If yes, the wizard
will check that <code>dhcp-server</code> is installed and offer to configure
it, with start and end addresses in the DHCP range.</para>

          <para>specify if the computer is to be used as a proxy server. If yes, the wizard
will check that <code>squid</code> is installed and offer to configure it,
with the address of the administrator (admin@mydomain.com), name of the
proxy (myfirewall@mydomaincom), the port (3128) and the cache size (100 Mb).</para>

          <para>The last step allows you to check if the gateway machine is connected to
printers and to share them.</para>

    <para>You will be warned about the need to check the firewall if it is active.</para>

  <section xml:id="drakgw-configure">
    <title>Configure the client</title>

    <para>If you have configured the gateway machine with DHCP, you only need to
specify in the network configuration tool that you get an address
automatically (using DHCP). The parameters will be obtained when connecting
to the network. This method is valid whatever operating system the client is

    <para>If you must manually specify the network parameters, you must in particular
specify the gateway by entering the IP-address of the machine acting as the

  <section xml:id="drakgw-stop">
    <title>Stop connection sharing</title>

    <para>If you want to stop sharing the connection on the Mageia computer, launch
the tool. It will offer to reconfigure the connection or to stop the