Starta Mageia som ett Live-system
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Från en skiva You can boot directly from the media you used to burn your image (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM...). You usually just need to insert it in your CD/DVD drive for the bootloader to launch the installation automatically after rebooting the computer. If that does not happen you may need to reconfigure your BIOS or press one key that will offer you to choose the peripheral from which the computer will boot. According to which hardware you have, and how it is configured, you get either one or another of the two screens below.
Från en USB-enhet You can boot from the USB device on which you dumped your image ISO. According to your BIOS settings, the computer boots perhaps directly on the USB device already plugged in a port. If that does not happen you may need to reconfigure your BIOS or press one key that will offer you to choose the peripheral from which the computer will boot.
I BIOS/CSM/Legacy-läge First screen while booting in BIOS mode I den mittersta menyn så kan du välja mellan tre handlingar: Boot Mageia: That means Mageia 5 will start from the connected media (CD/DVD or USB stick) without writing anything on the disk, so expect a very slow system. Once the boot is done, you can proceed to the installation on a hard disk. Installera Mageia: Det här valet kommer att installera Mageia direkt på en hårddisk. Uppstart från hårddisk: Det här valet tillåter dig att starta upp som vanligt från en hårddisk när inget media (CD/DVD eller USB-minne) är anslutet. (fungerar inte med Mageia 5). In the bottom menu, are the Boot Options: F1 - Hjälp. Förklara valen "splash", "apm", "acpi" och "idle" F2 - Språk. Välj skärmens visningsspråk. F3 - Screen resolution. Choose between text, 640x400, 800x600, 1024x728 F4 - CD-Rom. CD-Rom or Other. Normally, the installation is performed from the inserted installation medium. Here, select other sources, like FTP or NFS servers. If the installation is carried out in a network with an SLP server, select one of the installation sources available on the server with this option. F5 - Driver. Yes or No. The system is aware about the presence of an optional disk with a driver update and will require its insertion during installation process. F6 - Kernel options. This is a way to specify options according to your hardware and the drivers to use.
I UEFI-läge First screen while booting on UEFI system from disk You have only the choice to run Mageia in Live mode (first choice) or to process the installation (second choice). If you booted from a USB stick, you get two supplemental lines which are a duplicata of the previous lines suffixed with "USB". You have to choose them. In each case, the first steps will be the same to choose language, timezone and keyboard, then the processes differ, with additional steps in Live mode.