<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns42="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="eu" xml:id="setupBootloader">


<!--Lebarhon 2015 07 04 Project for Mageia 5. The UEFI and BIOS systems are so different I think it is better to split the page

Lebarhon 2016 12 16 updated for Mageia 6.  20170209 updated SC-->
<title xml:id="setupBootloader-ti1">Abio kargatzailearen aukera nagusiak</title>

    <title>Abioko kargatzailearen interfazea</title>

    <para>Lehenespenez, Mageia-k soilik darabil:</para>

        <para>Grub2 (enu grafikoarekin edo gabe) Legacy/MBR edo Legacy/GPT sistemarako</para>

        <para>Grub2-efi UEFI sistementzat.</para>

      <para>The mageia menuak grafikoa politak ditu :)</para>

      <title>Grub2 Legacy/MBR eta Legacy/GPT sistemetan</title>

<imageobject condition="classical"> <imagedata
fileref="dx2-setupBootloader.png" align="center"/> </imageobject>
<imageobject condition="live"> <imagedata xml:id="setupBootloader-im1"
fileref="live-setupBootloader.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>

      <para>Ez aldatu "Abio Gailua" zer egiten duzun benetan jakin gabe.</para>

      <title>Grub2-efi UEFI sistemetan</title>

      <para>UEFI sistema batekin, erabiltzaile interfazearen zertxobait ezberdinak dira,
ezin duzu abioko kargatzailea aukeratu, Grub2-efi soilik dagoelako</para>

<imageobject condition="classical"> <imagedata
fileref="dx2-setupBootloader2.png" align="center"/> </imageobject>
<imageobject condition="live"> <imagedata
fileref="live-setupBootloader2.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>

      <para>Mageia zure ordenagailuan instalatutako sistema bakarra bada,
instalatzaileak ESP (EFI sistema partizioa) sortuko du (Grub2-EFI)
kargatzaileak jasotzeko. Zure ordenagailuan UEFI sistema eragile bat
bazegoen aldez aurretik  (Windows 8 adibidez), Mageia instalatzaileak
detektatuko ditu dauden Windows-ek sortutako ESP eta grub2-EFI-ra gehituko
ditu. Hainbat ESP izatea posiblea izan arren, soilik bat izatea aholkatzen
da eta aski dituzun sistema eragileetako kopurua edozein izanik ere.</para>

      <para>Ez aldatu "Abio Gailua" zer egiten duzun benetan jakin gabe.</para>

    <title xml:id="setupMageiaBootloader">Mageia abio kargatzailea erabiliz</title>

    <para>Lehenespenez, zure sistemaren arabera, Mageia-k berri bat idazten du:</para>

        <para>GRUB2 abiarazlea MBR (Master Boot Record) zure lehen disko gogorrean edo
BIOSen abioko partizioan.</para>

        <para>Grub2-efi bootloader into the ESP</para>

    <para>If you already have other operating systems installed, Mageia attempts to
add them to your new Mageia boot menu. If you don't want this behaviour,
click on <guibutton>Next</guibutton> and then uncheck the box
<guilabel>Probe Foreign OS</guilabel></para>

<imageobject condition="classical"> <imagedata align="center"
fileref="dx2-setupBootloader3.png"/> </imageobject> <imageobject
condition="live"> <imagedata fileref="live-setupBootloader3.png"
align="center"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>

    <title>Existitzen den abio kargatzaile bat erabiliz</title>

    <para>Zure Mageia sistema erabilea existitzen den abiarazlera gehitzeko prozedura
zehatza eskuliburu honen esparrutik kanpo dago, baina normalean abio
kargatzaile instalazioak antzeman eta gehitu beharko luke. Ikusi kasuko
sistema eragilearen dokumentazioa.</para>

    <title xml:id="setupChainLoading">Katearen karga erabiltzen</title>

    <para>If you don't want a bootable Mageia, but to chain load it from another OS,
click on <guibutton>Next</guibutton>, then on
<guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> and Check the box <guilabel>Do not touch ESP
or MBR</guilabel>.</para>

<imageobject condition="classical"> <imagedata
fileref="dx2-setupBootloader4.png" align="center"/> </imageobject>
<imageobject condition="live"> <imagedata
fileref="live-setupBootloader4.png" align="center"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>

    <para>You will get a warning that the bootloader is missing, ignore it by clicking

<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="live-setupBootloader5.png"/>


      <title>Lehen orria</title>

            <para><guilabel>Delay before booting the default image</guilabel>: This text box
lets you set a delay in seconds before the default operating system is
started up.</para>

            <para><guilabel>Security</guilabel>: This allows you to set a password for the
bootloader. This means a username and password will be asked at the boot
time to select a booting entry or change settings. The username is "root"
and the password is the one chosen here after.</para>

            <para><guilabel>Pasahitza</guilabel>: Testu-koadro honetan benetako pasahitza
jartzen  da</para>

            <para><guilabel>Pasahitza (berriz)</guilabel>: Idatzi berriro pasahitza eta DrakX
lehen ezarritakoarekin bat etortzea egiaztatuko du.</para>


                <para><guilabel>Enable ACPI:</guilabel> ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power
Interface) is a standard for the power management. It can save energy by
stopping unused devices, this was the method used before APM. Unchecking it
could be useful if, for example, your computer does not support ACPI or if
you think the ACPI implementation might cause some problems (for instance
random reboots or system lockups).</para>

                <para><guilabel>SMP gaitu</guilabel>: Aukera honek prozesu anitzeko prozesadore
simetrikoak gaitzen / desgaitzen ditu.</para>

                <para><guilabel>Enable APIC</guilabel>: Enabling or disabling this gives the
operating system access to the Advanced Programmable Interrupt
Controller. APIC devices permit more complex priority models, and Advanced
IRQ (Interrupt Request)  management.</para>

                <para><guilabel>Enable Local APIC</guilabel>: Here you can set local APIC, which
manages all external interrupts for a specific processor in an SMP system.</para>

      <title>Hurrengo orria</title>

          <para><guilabel>Lehenetsia:</guilabel> Sistema eragilea modu lehenetsian hasi da</para>

          <para><guilabel>Erantsi:</guilabel> Aukera honek kernelaren informazioa pasatzera
edo kernelak informazio gehiago emateko esaten dio abioan.</para>

          <para><guilabel>Probe foreign OS</guilabel>: see above <link
linkend="setupMageiaBootloader">Using a Mageia bootloader</link></para>

                <para><guilabel>Video mode:</guilabel> This sets the screen size and colour depth
the boot menu will use. If you click the down triangle you will be offered
other size and colour depth options.</para>

                <para><emphasis role="bold">Ez ikutu ESP edo MBR</emphasis>: ikus goian <link
linkend="setupChainLoading">Katearen karga erabiliz</link></para>