Abio zamatzailearen aukera nagusiak
Instalatzaileak automatikoki aukeratutako abio kargatzaile ezarpen
ezberdinak nahiago badituzu, hemen alda ditzakezu.
Dagoeneko beste sistema eragile bat duzu zure makinan, eta kasu horretan
Mageia zure abio kargatzailera gehitu , edo baimendu Mageia berri bat
sortzea erabaki behar duzu.
The mageia menuak grafikoa politak ditu :)
Mageia abio kargatzailea erabiliz
Berez, mageia GRUB kargatzailea berria zure disko gogorreko MBR (Master Boot
Record)-an idazten du lehenengoz. Sistema eragile bat baino gehiago
badituzu, mageia saiatuko da abio menu berriak gehitzen.
Mageia gaur egun GRUB2 eskaintzen GRUB ondarea eta Lilo gain aukerako abioko
kargatzailea gisa.
Linux systems which use the GRUB2 bootloader are not currently supported by
GRUB (legacy) and will not be recognised if the default GRUB bootloader is
Instalazioan orrialdean zehar laburpena eskuragarri duen GRUB2 abio
kargatzailea hemen erabiltzea da konponbiderik onena.
Existitzen den abio kargatzaile bat erabiliz
If you decide to use an existing bootloader then you will need to remember
to STOP at the summary page during the installation and click the Bootloader
Configure button, which will allow you to change the
bootloader install location.
Do not select a device e.g."sda", or you will overwrite your existing
MBR. You must select the root partition that you chose during the
partitioning phase earlier, e.g. sda7.
Argi izan, sda gailu bat, sda7 gailuaren partizio bat da.
Go to tty2 with Ctrl+Alt+F2 and type df to check where
your / (root) partition is. Ctrl+Alt+F7 takes you back to
the installer screen.
The exact procedure for adding your Mageia system to an existing bootloader
is beyond the scope of this help, however in most cases it will involve
running the relevant bootloader installation program which should detect and
add it automatically. See the documentation for the operating system in
Abioko kargatzailearen aukera aurreratuak
If you have very limited disk space for the / partition
that contains /tmp, click on
Advanced and check the box for Clean /tmp
at each boot. This helps to maintain some free space.