Hainbat parametroen laburpena DrakX made smart choices for the configuration of your system depending on the choices you made and on the hardware DrakX detected. You can check the settings here and change them if you want after pressing Configure.
Sistema parametroak Denbora-Eremua DrakX selected a time zone for you, depending on your preferred language. You can change it if needed. See also Herrialde/Eskualde If you are not in the selected country, it is very important that you correct the setting. See Abio kargatzailea DrakX aukerak onak egin ditu abio zamatzailearen ezarpenarekin. Ez ezer aldatu, Grub edo/ta Lilo konfiguratzeaz jakin ezean Informazio gehiagorako, ikus Erabiltzaile kudeaketa Erabiltzaile extrak hemen gehi dezakezu. Bakoitzak bere /home direktorioa izango du. Serbitzuak: System services refer to those small programs which run the background (daemons). This tool allows you to enable or disable certain tasks. You should check carefully before changing anything here - a mistake may prevent your computer from operating correctly. For more information, see
Hardware parametroak Teklatua: This is where you setup or change your keyboard layout which will depend on your location, language or type of keyboard. Sagua: Hemen gehitu edo konfiguratu dezakezu beste gailu batzuk, tabletak, trackballs, etab Soinu txartela: The installer uses the default driver, if there is a default one. The option to select a different driver is only given when there is more than one driver for your card, but none of them is the default one. Interfaze grafikoa: Atal honen bitartez, zure txartel grafikoa(k) eta pantaila konfigura dezakezu. Informazio gehiagorako, ikus .
Sare eta Internet parametroak Sarea: You can configure your network here, but for network cards with non-free drivers it is better to do that after reboot, in the Mageia Control Center, if you have not yet enabled the Nonfree media repositories. Sare txartel bat gehitzen duzunean, ez ahaztu zure suebakia interfazena ezartzen, ikusteko ere. Proxiak: A Proxy Server acts as an intermediary between your computer and the wider internet. This section allows you to configure your computer to utilize a proxy service. Zure sistema administratzaileari kontsultatu beharko diozu eskuratzeko hemen sartu beharreko parametroak
Segurtasuna Segurtasun Maila: Here you set the Security level for your computer, in most cases the default setting (Standard) is adequate for general use. Begiratu zure erabilerara hoberen egokitzen den aukera. Suebakia: A firewall is intended to be a barrier between your important data and the rascals out there on the internet who would compromise or steal it. Select the services that you wish to have access to your system. Your selections will depend on what you use your computer for. Kontuan izan dena ahalbidetzea (suebaki gabe) oso arriskutsua izan daitekeela.