Abiatu Mageia Zuzeneko sistema bezala
Euskarria abiarazten
DiskotikYou can boot directly from the media you used to burn your image (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM...). You usually just need to insert it in your CD/DVD drive for the bootloader to launch the installation automatically after rebooting the computer. If that does not happen you may need to reconfigure your BIOS or press one key that will offer you to choose the peripheral from which the computer will boot.According to which hardware you have, and how it is configured, you get either one or another of the two screens below.
USB gailu batetikYou can boot from the USB device on which you dumped your image ISO. According to your BIOS settings, the computer boots perhaps directly on the USB device already plugged in a port. If that does not happen you may need to reconfigure your BIOS or press one key that will offer you to choose the peripheral from which the computer will boot.
BIOS/CSM/Legacy moduanLehen pantaila BIOS moduan abiarazten den bitarteanIn the middle menu, you have the choice between three actions:Boot Mageia: That means Mageia 5 will start from the connected media (CD/DVD or USB stick) without writing anything on the disk, so expect a very slow system. Once the boot is done, you can proceed to the installation on a hard disk.Install Mageia: This choice will directly install Mageia on a hard disk.Boot from hard disk: This choice allows to boot from hard disk, as usual, when no media (CD/DVD or USB stick) is connected. (not working with Mageia 5).Menuaren azpikaldean, Abio Aukerak daude:F1 - Laguntza. Azaldu aukerak "splash", "APM", "acpi" eta "Ide"F2 - Hizkuntza. Aukeratu pantailen hizkuntza.F3 - Pantailaren bereizmena. Aukeratu testua, 640x400, 800x600, 1024x728 arteanF4 - CD-Rom. CD-Rom edo besteak. Normalean, instalazioa txertatuko instalazio euskarri batetik egiten da. Hemen, hautatu beste iturri bat, FTP edo NFS zerbitzariak bezalakoa. Instalazioa zabaltzen baditu SLP zerbitzari batekin sare batean, hautatu instalazio iturria aukera honekin zerbitzarian eskuragarri.F5 - Driver. Bai edo Ez. Sistemak disko optikoak ontrolatzailea eguneraketarik duen jakitun da eta instalazio prozesuan zehar txertatzeko eskatzen du.F6 - Kernel aukera. Hau zure hardware eta gidarien erabileraren araberako aukerak zehazteko modu bat da.
UEFI moduanLehen pantaila diskotik UEFI sistema abiarazteanYou have only the choice to run Mageia in Live mode (first choice) or to process the installation (second choice).If you booted from a USB stick, you get two supplemental lines which are a duplicata of the previous lines suffixed with "USB". You have to choose them.In each case, the first steps will be the same to choose language, timezone and keyboard, then the processes differ, with additional steps in Live mode.