# Copyright (C) YEAR Mageia
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Mageia Installer Help package.
# Translators:
# Anonymous, 2014.
# Pablo Foche <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, 2012-2013.
# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>, 2016.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: doc-discuss@ml.mageia.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-09 21:33+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-17 11:38+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <kde-i18n-uk@kde.org>\n"
"Language: eo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/acceptLicense.xml:25
msgid "License and Release Notes"
msgstr "Licenco kaj publikig-notoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/acceptLicense.xml:29
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata xml:id=\"acceptLicense-"
"im1\" revision=\"4\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"dx2-license."
"png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject> <imagedata xml:id=\"acceptLicense-im2\" "
"revision=\"5\" align=\"center\" condition=\"live\" format=\"PNG\" fileref="
"\"live-license.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/acceptLicense.xml:40
msgid "License Agreement"
msgstr "Licenco"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/acceptLicense.xml:43
msgid ""
"Before installing <application>Mageia</application>, please read the license "
"terms and conditions carefully."
msgstr ""
"Antaŭ ol instali <application>Magejon</application>, bv. legi la licencon "

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/acceptLicense.xml:46
msgid ""
"These terms and conditions apply to the entire <application>Mageia</"
"application> distribution and must be accepted before you can continue."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiuj kondiĉoj aplikiĝas al la tuta distribuaĵo <application>Magejo</"
"application> kaj devas esti akceptataj antaŭ ol daŭrigi la instaladon."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/acceptLicense.xml:50
msgid ""
"To accept, simply select <guilabel>Accept</guilabel> and then click on "
msgstr ""
"Por akcepti nur selektu <guilabel>Akceptu</guilabel> kaj klaku sur "

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/acceptLicense.xml:53
msgid ""
"If you decide not to accept these conditions, then we thank you for looking. "
"Clicking <guibutton>Quit</guibutton> will reboot your computer."
msgstr ""
"Se vi decidas ne akcepti tiujn kondiĉojn, tiam ni dankas vin pro via "
"rigardo. Klakante sur <guibutton>Ĉesu</guibutton> vi reŝarĝos vian "

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/acceptLicense.xml:63
msgid "Release Notes"
msgstr "Publikig-notoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/acceptLicense.xml:70
msgid ""
"Important information are given about this release of <application>Mageia</"
"application> and are accessible clicking on the <guibutton>Release Notes</"
"guibutton> button."
msgstr ""
"Por vidi kio estas nova en ĉi tiu versio de <application>Magejo</"
"application>, klaku sur la butono <guibutton>Publikig-notoj (Release Notes)</"

#. type: Attribute 'xml:lang' of: <section>
#: en/add_supplemental_media.xml:2 en/DrakLive-cover.xml:2 en/DrakLive.xml:1
#: en/DrakX-cover.xml:2 en/DrakX.xml:1 en/media_selection.xml:1
msgid "en"
msgstr "eo"

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/add_supplemental_media.xml:10
msgid "Media Selection (Configure Supplemental Installation Media)"
msgstr "Selekto de datumportilo (Konfiguru aldonaj instal-datumportiloj)"

#.  papoteur 2013-04-13  - created 
#.  marja 2013-04-16 added screenshot and expanded title (because is was the same as for media_selection 
#.  marja 2013-04-16 s/a optical/an optcal/ s/support/disc/ s/or or/or/ s/at/during/ as suggested by Tristan Campbell 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/add_supplemental_media.xml:18
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-"
"add_supplemental_media.png\" format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"dx2-"
"add_supplemental_media-im1\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-"
"add_supplemental_media.png\" format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"dx2-"
"add_supplemental_media-im1\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/add_supplemental_media.xml:24
msgid ""
"This screen gives you the list of already recognized repositories. You can "
"add other sources for packages, like an optical disc or a remote source. The "
"source selection determines which packages will be available for selection "
"during the next steps."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/add_supplemental_media.xml:29
msgid "For a network source, there are two steps to follow:"
msgstr "Por interreta datumportilo sekvighos per du pashoj:"

#. type: Content of: <section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/add_supplemental_media.xml:33
msgid "Choosing and activation of the network, if not already up."
msgstr "Selekti kaj aktivigi de retkonekto, se jam ne estas enshaltita"

#. type: Content of: <section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/add_supplemental_media.xml:37
msgid ""
"Selecting a mirror or specifying a URL (very first entry). By selecting a "
"mirror, you have access to the selection of all repositories managed by "
"Mageia, like the Nonfree , the Tainted repositories and the Updates. With "
"the URL, you can designate a specific repository or your own NFS "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/add_supplemental_media.xml:46
msgid ""
"If you are updating a 64 bit installation which may contain some 32 bit "
"packages, it is advised to use this screen to add an online mirror by "
"ticking one of the Network protocols here. The 64 bit DVD iso only contains "
"64 bit and noarch packages, it will not be able to update the 32 bit "
"packages. However, after adding an online mirror, installer will find the "
"needed 32 bit packages there."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/addUser.xml:3
msgid "User and Superuser Management"
msgstr "Uzula kaj superuzula administrado"

#.  Lebarhon: 20170210 updated for Mageia 6 (umask)
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/addUser.xml:7
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" fileref="
"\"dx2-setRootPassword.png\" align=\"center\" revision=\"1\" xml:id="
"\"setRootPassword-im1\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject> <imagedata format="
"\"PNG\" fileref=\"live-user1.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata revision=\"1\" align="
"\"center\" xml:id=\"setRootPassword-im1\" fileref=\"dx2-setRootPassword.png"
"\" format=\"PNG\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" "
"fileref=\"live-user1.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/addUser.xml:16
msgid "Set Administrator (root)  Password:"
msgstr "Kreo de mastrumanta pasvorto (Set administrator (root) password):"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:19
msgid ""
"It is advisable for all <application>Mageia</application> installations to "
"set a superuser or administrator's password, usually called the "
"<emphasis>root password</emphasis> in Linux. As you type a password into the "
"top box the colour of its shield will change from red to yellow to green "
"depending on the strength of the password. A green shield shows you are "
"using a strong password. You need to repeat the same password in the box "
"just below the first password box, this checks that you have not mistyped "
"the first password by comparing them."
msgstr ""
"Estas konsilinde por ĉiuj instaloj de <application>Magejo</application> krei "
"superuzulan pasvorton, kutime nomita la <emphasis>mastrumanta (root) "
"pasvorto</emphasis> en Linukso. Kiam vi tajpos pasvorton en la supra skatolo "
"ĝia koloro ŝanĝiĝos el ruĝa al flava kaj verda dependante de la forto de la "
"pasvorto. Verda kampo signifas ke vi estas uzanta fortan pasvorton. Vi devas "
"retajpi la saman pasvorton en la plisuba skatolo, tio certigos ke vi ne "
"mistajpis la unuan pasvorton dank'al komparo inter ambaŭ."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><note><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:28
msgid ""
"All passwords are case sensitive, it is best to use a mixture of letters "
"(upper and lower case), numbers and other characters in a password."
msgstr ""
"En ĉiuj pasvortoj diferenciĝas inter majuskloj kaj minuskloj, estas pli bone "
"utiligi miksaĵon de literoj (majusklaj kaj minusklaj), nombroj kaj aliaj "
"karaktroj en pasvorto."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/addUser.xml:35
msgid "Enter a user"
msgstr "Enigo de uzulo (Enter a user)"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:37
msgid ""
"Add a user here. A user has fewer rights than the superuser (root), but "
"enough to use the internet, office applications or play games and anything "
"else the average user does with his computer"
msgstr ""
"Aldonu uzulon ĉi tie. Uzulo havas malpli da rajtoj ol la superuzulo (root), "
"sed sufiĉajn por retumi, utiligi oficej-programojn aŭ ludi komputil-ludojn "
"kaj por io ajn kion la averaĝa uzulo faras perkomputile"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:40
msgid ""
"<guibutton>Icon</guibutton>: if you click on this button it will change the "
"user's icon."
msgstr ""
"<guibutton>Piktogramo</guibutton>: se vi klakas sur ĉi tiu butono vi ŝanĝos "
"la uzulan ikonon."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:43
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Real Name</guilabel>: Insert the user's real name into this text "
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Vera nomo</guilabel>: Metu la uzulan realan nomon en ĉi tiu teksta "

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:46
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Login Name</guilabel>: Here you enter the user login name or let "
"drakx use a version of the user's real name. <emphasis>The login name is "
"case sensitive.</emphasis>"
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Saluta nomo (login name)</guilabel>: Ĉi tie eniru la uzulan "
"salutan nomon aŭ lasu ke drakx-o utiligu version de la uzula vera nomo. "
"<emphasis>La saluta nomo diferencigas inter majuskloj kaj minuskloj.</"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:50
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Password</guilabel>: In this text box you should type in the user "
"password. There is a shield at the end of the text box that indicates the "
"strength of the password. (See also <xref linkend=\"givePassword\"/>)"
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Pasvorto</guilabel>: En ĉi tiu teksta skatolo vi devus tajpi la "
"uzulan pasvorton. Estas kampo je la fino de la teksto-skatolo indikanta la "
"forton de la pasvorto. (Vidu ankaŭ <xref linkend=\"givePassword\"/>)"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:55
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Password (again)</guilabel>: Retype the user password into this "
"text box and drakx will check you have the same password in each of the user "
"password text boxes."
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Pasvorto (denove)</guilabel>: Retajpu la uzulan pasvorton en ĉi "
"tiu teksta skatolo kaj darkx kontrolos ĉu la pasvorto estas la sama en ĉiuj "
"uzulaj pasvortaj teksto-skatoloj."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><note><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:61
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Any user you add while installing Mageia, will have a both read and write "
"protected home directory (umask=0027)."
msgstr ""
"Any user you add while installing Mageia, will have a world readable (but "
"write protected) home directory."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><note><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:63
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You can add all extra needed users in the <emphasis>Configuration - Summary</"
"emphasis> step during the install. Choose <emphasis>User management</"
msgstr ""
"If you prefer world readable home directories, you might want to add all "
"extra needed users in the <emphasis>Configuration - Summary</emphasis> step "
"during the install. Choose <emphasis>User management</emphasis>."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><note><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:66
msgid "The access permissions can also be changed after the install."
msgstr "The access permissions can also be changed after the install."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/addUser.xml:72
msgid "Advanced User Management"
msgstr "Sperta uzulo-administrado"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:74
msgid ""
"If the <guibutton>advanced</guibutton> button is clicked you are offered a "
"screen that allows you to edit the settings for the user you are adding."
msgstr ""
"Se la <guibutton>Progresinta</guibutton> butono estas klakita aperos ekrano "
"ebliganta eldoni la konfiguron de la aldonata uzulo."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:77
msgid "Additionally, you can disable or enable a guest account."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><warning><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:80
msgid ""
"Anything a guest with a default <emphasis>rbash</emphasis> guest account "
"saves to his /home directory will be erased when he logs out.  The guest "
"should save his important files to a USB key."
msgstr ""
"Ĉio konservita de gasto uzanta defaŭltan <emphasis>rbash-an</emphasis> "
"gastan konton en la dosierujo /home estos forigita post la elsaluto.  La "
"gasto devus konservi gravajn dosierojn en USB-ŝlosilo."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:86
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Enable guest account</guilabel>: Here you can enable or disable a "
"guest account. The guest account allows a guest to log into and use the PC, "
"but he has more restricted access than normal users."
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Aktivigi gastan konton (Enable guest account)</guilabel>: Ĉi tie "
"vi povas aktivigi aŭ malaktivigi gastan konton. Gasta konto ebligos gaston "
"ensaluti kaj uzi la komputilon, sed ĝi havas pli da limigoj ol tiu de "
"normalaj uzuloj."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:92
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Shell</guilabel>: This drop down list allows you to change the "
"shell used by the user you are adding in the previous screen, options are "
"Bash, Dash and Sh"
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Ŝelo</guilabel>: Ĉi tio vidigos liston ebligantan ŝanĝi la \"shell"
"\"-on uzatan de la uzulo aldonita en la antaŭa ekrano. Oni povas elekti Bash-"
"on, Dash-on kaj Sh-on"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:97
msgid ""
"<guilabel>User ID</guilabel>: Here you can set the user ID for the user you "
"are adding in the previous screen. This is a number.  Leave it blank unless "
"you know what you are doing."
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Uzula ID</guilabel>: Ĉi tie vi povas starigi uzulan identigilon "
"por la uzulo aldonita en la antaŭa ekrano. La identigilo estas nombro.  Lasu "
"ĝin malplena se vi ne scias kion fari."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/addUser.xml:102
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Group ID</guilabel>: This lets you set the group ID.  Also a "
"number, usually the same one as for the user. Leave it blank unless you know "
"what you are doing."
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Grupa ID</guilabel>: Ĉi tio ebligas vin starigi grupan "
"identigilon.  Ankaŭ temas pri nombro, kutime la sama kiel tiu de la uzulo. "
"Lasu ĝin malplena se vi ne scias kion fari."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:11
msgid "Choose the mount points"
msgstr "Elekti surmetingojn"

#.  Made by marja on 2012 03 28 
#.  SimonNZG 2012-04-03 has taken a look but needs to come back 
#.  removed para xml:id's, marja, 20120409 
#.  barjac 14/04/2012 Minor edit to improve grammar and replaced "at least ONE"
#.        with "a", as I can't imagine having more than one root partition ;) 
#.  Lebarhon : I put [] where it seems having mistakes 
#.  Marja: you're right, in English English it is "its type", however, the Americans
#.        write "it's type". And you're right about the redundant part, too, I removed it
#.  And JohnR says the Americans are WRONG! :-)) 
#.  2012-04-19  Language proofreading done 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:27
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition='classical'> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-"
"chooseMountpoints.png\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id="
"\"chooseMountPoints-im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition='live'> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"live-chooseMountpoints."
"png\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"live-chooseMountPoints-"
"im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition='classical'> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-"
"chooseMountpoints.png\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id="
"\"chooseMountPoints-im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition='live'> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"live-chooseMountpoints."
"png\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"live-chooseMountPoints-"
"im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:37
msgid ""
"Here you see the Linux partitions that have been found on your computer. If "
"you don't agree with the <application>DrakX</application> suggestions, you "
"can change the mount points."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tie vi vidas la linuksajn subdiskojn kiuj estis trovitaj en via "
"komputilo. Se vi ne akordas kun la sugestoj de <application>DrakX</"
"application> vi povas ŝanĝi la surmetingojn."

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:42
msgid ""
"If you change anything, make sure you still have a <literal>/</literal> "
"(root) partition."
msgstr ""
"Se vi ŝanĝas ion, certiĝu pri tio ke vi daŭre havas <literal>/</literal> "
"(radikan) subdiskon."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:48
msgid ""
"Every partition is shown as follows: \"Device\" (\"Capacity\", \"Mount point"
"\", \"Type\")."
msgstr ""
"Ĉiu subdisko estas montrita tiel: \"Aparato\" (\"Kapablo\", \"Surmetingo\", "

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:53
msgid ""
"\"Device\", is made up of: \"hard drive\", [\"hard drive number\"(letter)], "
"\"partition number\" (for example, \"sda5\")."
msgstr ""
"\"Aparato\", konsistas el: \"fiksita disko\", [\"fiksita diska litero\"], "
"\"subdiska nombro\" (ekzemple, \"sda5\")."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:59
msgid ""
"If you have many partitions, you can choose many different mount points from "
"the drop down menu, such as <literal>/</literal>, <literal>/home</literal> "
"and <literal>/var</literal>. You can even make your own mount points, for "
"instance <literal>/video</literal> for a partition where you want to store "
"your films, or <literal>/cauldron-home</literal> for the <literal>/home</"
"literal> partition of a cauldron install."
msgstr ""
"Se vi havas multajn subdiskojn, vi povas elekti multajn malsamajn "
"surmetingojn per la faldebla menuo, kiel <literal>/</literal>, <literal>/"
"home</literal> kaj <literal>/var</literal>. Vi povas ankaŭ fari viajn "
"proprajn surmetingojn kiel <literal>/video</literal> por subdisko kie vi "
"volas konservi viajn filmojn, aŭ <literal>/cauldron-home</literal> por la "
"<literal>/home</literal> subdisko de kaldrona instalo."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:69
msgid ""
"For partitions you don't need to have access to, you can leave the mount "
"point field blank."
msgstr ""
"En kazoj de subdiskoj al kiuj vi ne volas aliri vi povas lasi la surmetingan "
"kampon malplena."

#. type: Content of: <section><warning><para>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:75
msgid ""
"Choose <guibutton>Previous</guibutton> if you are not sure what to choose, "
"and then tick <guilabel>Custom disk partitioning</guilabel>. In the screen "
"that follows, you can click on a partition to see its type and size."
msgstr ""
"Klaku sur <guibutton>Antaŭa</guibutton> se vi ne scias kion elekti, kaj tiam "
"aktivigu <guilabel>Agordi subdiskon</guilabel>. En la aperonta ekrano, vi "
"povas klaki sur konkreta subdisko por vidi ĝian specon kaj grandon."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/ask_mntpoint_s.xml:81
msgid ""
"If you are sure the mount points are correct, click on <guibutton>Next</"
"guibutton>, and choose whether you only want to format the partition(s) "
"DrakX suggests, or more."
msgstr ""
"Se vi certas pri tio ke la surmetingoj estas ĝustaj, klaku sur "
"<guibutton>Sekvanta</guibutton>, kaj elektu ĉu vi nur volas strukturi la "
"subdisko(j)n kiu(j)n sugestas DrakX aŭ pli da ili."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/bestTime.xml:10
msgid "Clock settings"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/bestTime.xml:14
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"live-bestTime.png\" "
"format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"bestTime-im1\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"live-bestTime.png\" "
"format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"bestTime-im1\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/bestTime.xml:20
msgid ""
"In this step, you have to select on which time your internal clock is set, "
"either local time or UTC time."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/bestTime.xml:23
msgid "In advanced tab, you will find more options about clock settings."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/bootLive.xml:1
msgid "Boot Mageia as Live system"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/bootLive.xml:1
msgid "Booting the medium"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><info><title>
#: en/bootLive.xml:1
msgid "From a disc"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:1
msgid ""
"You can boot directly from the media you used to burn your image (CD-ROM, "
"DVD-ROM...). You usually just need to insert it in your CD/DVD drive for the "
"bootloader to launch the installation automatically after rebooting the "
"computer. If that does not happen you may need to reconfigure your BIOS or "
"press one key that will offer you to choose the peripheral from which the "
"computer will boot."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:6
msgid ""
"According to which hardware you have, and how it is configured, you get "
"either one or another of the two screens below."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><info><title>
#: en/bootLive.xml:7
msgid "From a USB device"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:7
msgid ""
"You can boot from the USB device on which you dumped your image ISO. "
"According to your BIOS settings, the computer boots perhaps directly on the "
"USB device already plugged in a port. If that does not happen you may need "
"to reconfigure your BIOS or press one key that will offer you to choose the "
"peripheral from which the computer will boot."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/bootLive.xml:12
msgid "In BIOS/CSM/Legacy mode"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/bootLive.xml:12
msgid "<imageobject><imagedata fileref=\"../live-bootCSM.png\"/></imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject><imagedata fileref=\"../live-bootCSM.png\"/></imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><mediaobject><caption><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:12
msgid "First screen while booting in BIOS mode"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:12
msgid "In the middle menu, you have the choice between three actions:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:13
msgid ""
"Boot Mageia: That means Mageia 5 will start from the connected media (CD/DVD "
"or USB stick) without writing anything on the disk, so expect a very slow "
"system. Once the boot is done, you can proceed to the installation on a hard "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:16
msgid ""
"Install Mageia: This choice will directly install Mageia on a hard disk."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:17
msgid ""
"Boot from hard disk: This choice allows to boot from hard disk, as usual, "
"when no media (CD/DVD or USB stick) is connected. (not working with Mageia "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:19
msgid "In the bottom menu, are the Boot Options:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:19
msgid ""
"F1 - Help. Explain the options \"splash\", \"apm\", \"acpi\" and \"Ide\""
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:20
msgid "F2 - Language. Choose the display language of the screens."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:21
msgid "F3 - Screen resolution. Choose between text, 640x400, 800x600, 1024x728"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:22
msgid ""
"F4 - CD-Rom. CD-Rom or Other. Normally, the installation is performed from "
"the inserted installation medium. Here, select other sources, like FTP or "
"NFS servers. If the installation is carried out in a network with an SLP "
"server, select one of the installation sources available on the server with "
"this option."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:26
msgid ""
"F5 - Driver. Yes or No. The system is aware about the presence of an "
"optional disk with a driver update and will require its insertion during "
"installation process."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:28
msgid ""
"F6 - Kernel options. This is a way to specify options according to your "
"hardware and the drivers to use."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/bootLive.xml:29
msgid "In UEFI mode"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/bootLive.xml:29
msgid ""
"<imageobject><imagedata format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"../live-bootUEFI.png\" "
"align=\"center\" xml:id=\"bootUEFI-im1\" revision=\"1\"/></imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject><imagedata format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"../live-bootUEFI.png\" "
"align=\"center\" xml:id=\"bootUEFI-im1\" revision=\"1\"/></imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><mediaobject><caption><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:29
msgid "First screen while booting on UEFI system from disk"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:29
msgid ""
"You have only the choice to run Mageia in Live mode (first choice)  or to "
"process the installation (second choice)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:30
msgid ""
"If you booted from a USB stick, you get two supplemental lines which are a "
"duplicata of the previous lines suffixed with \"USB\". You have to choose "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/bootLive.xml:32
msgid ""
"In each case, the first steps will be the same to choose language, timezone "
"and keyboard, then the processes differ, with <link linkend=\"testing"
"\">additional steps in Live mode</link>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/chooseDesktop.xml:3
msgid "Desktop Selection"
msgstr "Grafika medio"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/chooseDesktop.xml:8
msgid ""
"Depending on your selection here, you may be offered further screens to fine "
"tune your choice."
msgstr "Depende de viaj elektoj ĉi tie, povos aperi aliaj agordaj ekranoj."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/chooseDesktop.xml:11
msgid ""
"After the selection step(s), you will see a slide show during package "
"installation. The slide show can be disabled by pressing the "
"<guilabel>Details</guilabel> button"
msgstr ""
"Post la selekto-paŝo(j), vi vidos glitan ekranon dum la pakaĵ-instalo.  La "
"glitado povas esti malaktivigita premante la butonon <guilabel>Detaloj</"

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/chooseDesktop.xml:16
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"dx2-chooseDesktop.png\" "
"align=\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcomeHelp1.png\" align=\"center\"/> "

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/chooseDesktop.xml:21
msgid ""
"Choose whether you prefer to use the <application>KDE</application> or "
"<application>Gnome</application> desktop environment. Both come with a full "
"set of useful applications and tools. Tick <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> if "
"you want to use neither or both, or if you want something other than the "
"default software choices for these desktop environments. The "
"<application>LXDE</application> desktop is lighter than the previous two, "
"sporting less eye candy and fewer packages installed by default."
msgstr ""
"Elektu ĉu vi preferas uzi la labortablajn mediojn <application>KDE-on</"
"application> aŭ <application>Gnome-on</application>. Ambaŭ venas kun "
"kompleta aro da utilaj aplikaĵoj kaj iloj. Aktivigu <guilabel>Agordi</"
"guilabel> se vi volas utiligi unu aŭ ambaŭ, aŭ se vi volas personigi la "
"defaŭltajn program-elektojn de tiuj labortablaj medioj.  La labortablo "
"<application>LXDE-o</application> estas pli malpeza ol la du antaŭaj.  Ĝi "
"havas malpli da grafikaj uzulaj interfacoj kaj pakaĵoj instalitaj defaŭlte."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/choosePackageGroups.xml:3
msgid "Package Group Selection"
msgstr "Pakaĵaj grupoj"

#. Lebarhon 20170209 Updated SC
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/choosePackageGroups.xml:9
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"dx2-choosePackageGroups.png"
"\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-choosePackageGroups.png\" align="
"\"center\" format=\"PNG\" width=\"800\" depth=\"600\"></imagedata> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/choosePackageGroups.xml:14
msgid ""
"Packages have been sorted into groups, to make choosing what you need on "
"your system a lot easier. The groups are fairly self explanatory, however "
"more information about the content of each is available in tool-tips which "
"become visible as the mouse is hovered over them."
msgstr ""
"Pakaĵoj estis arigitaj en grupoj por plifaciligi la elekton de tio kion vi "
"bezonas en via sistemo. La grupoj estas sufiĉe memklarigaj, tamen plia "
"informo pri la enhavo de ĉiu pakaĵaro estas disponebla kiam oni metas la "
"musan montrilon sur ili."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/choosePackageGroups.xml:21
msgid "Workstation."
msgstr "Laborstacio."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/choosePackageGroups.xml:25
msgid "Server."
msgstr "Servilo."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/choosePackageGroups.xml:29
msgid "Graphical Environment."
msgstr "Grafika medio."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/choosePackageGroups.xml:33
msgid ""
"Individual Package Selection: You can use this option to manually add or "
"remove packages."
msgstr ""
"Elektado de individuaj pakaĵoj: vi povas uzi ĉi tiun elekton por aldoni aŭ "
"forigi permane pakaĵojn."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/choosePackageGroups.xml:38
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read <xref linkend=\"minimal-install\"/> for instructions on how to do a "
"minimal install (without or with X &amp; IceWM)."
msgstr ""
"Read <xref linkend=\"minimal-install\"></xref> for instructions on how to do "
"a minimal install."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/choosePackagesTree.xml:4
msgid "Choose Individual Packages"
msgstr "Elekto de individuaj pakaĵoj"

#. 2012-12-26 marja - exported this section from choosePackages.xml to start a new page
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/choosePackagesTree.xml:11
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-choosePackagesTree.png\" align="
"\"center\" format=\"PNG\" ></imagedata> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-choosePackagesTree.png\" align="
"\"center\" format=\"PNG\" ></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/choosePackagesTree.xml:17
msgid ""
"Here you can add or remove any extra packages to customise your installation."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tie vi povas elekti aŭ malelekti aldonajn pakaĵojn por agordi vian "

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/choosePackagesTree.xml:20
msgid ""
"After having made your choice, you can click on the <guibutton>floppy icon</"
"guibutton> at the bottom of the page to save your choice of packages (saving "
"to a USB key works, too). You can then use this file to install the same "
"packages on another system, by pressing the same button during install and "
"choosing to load it."
msgstr ""
"Post fari vian elekton, vi povas klaki sur la <guibutton>disketa ikono</"
"guibutton> sube en la paĝo por konservi vian pakaĵ-elekton (konservi en USB-"
"ŝlosilo funkcias ankaŭ). Vi povos utiligi ĉi tiun dosieron por instali la "
"samajn pakaĵojn en aliaj sistemo klakante sur la sama butono dum la "
"instalado kaj elektante ŝarĝi ĝin."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/configureServices.xml:12
msgid "Configure your Services"
msgstr "Konfiguru viajn Servojn"

#.  2012-12-25 marja - moved this section out of misc-params.xml 
#.  2013-05-05 marja - added screenshot 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/configureServices.xml:21
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-configureServices.png"
"\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"configureServices-im1\"></"
"imagedata> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-configureServices.png"
"\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"configureServices-im1\"></"
"imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureServices.xml:27
msgid ""
"Here you can set which services should (not) start when you boot your system."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tie vi povas decidi kiuj servoj (ne) devus esti lanĉitaj je la starto de "
"la sistemo."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureServices.xml:30
msgid ""
"There are four groups, click on the triangle before a group to expand it and "
"see all services in it."
msgstr ""
"Estas kvar grupoj, klaku sur la triangulo kiu troviĝas antaŭ grupo por "
"etendi ĝin kaj vidi ĉiujn servojn disponeblajn."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureServices.xml:34
msgid "The setting DrakX chose are usually good."
msgstr "La elekto kiun faris DrakX estas kutime adekvata."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureServices.xml:37
msgid ""
"If you highlight a service, some information about it is shown in the info "
"box below."
msgstr "Se vi elektas servon, iu informo pri ĝi montriĝos en la suba skatolo."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureServices.xml:41
msgid "Only change things when you know very well what you are doing."
msgstr "Ŝanĝu aferojn nur se vi scias tre bone kion vi estas faranta."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/configureTimezoneUTC.xml:3
msgid "Configure your Timezone"
msgstr "Konfiguru vian horzonon"

#.  2012-12-25 marja - moved this part out of misc-params.xml 
#.  2013-05-05 marja - added screenshot 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/configureTimezoneUTC.xml:11
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata xml:id="
"\"configureTimezoneUTC-im1\" revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-"
"configureTimezoneUTC.png\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\"/> </imageobject> "
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-timeZone.png\" condition=\"live\" "
"format=\"PNG\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata xml:id="
"\"configureTimezoneUTC-im1\" revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-"
"configureTimezoneUTC.png\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\"/> </imageobject> "
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-timeZone.png\" condition=\"live\" "
"format=\"PNG\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureTimezoneUTC.xml:20
msgid ""
"Choose your time zone by choosing your country or a city close to you in the "
"same time zone."
msgstr ""
"Elektu vian horzonon selektante vian landon aŭ urbon proksiman kiu troviĝu "
"en la sama tempo-zono."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureTimezoneUTC.xml:24
msgid ""
"In next screen you can choose to set your hardware clock to local time or to "
"GMT, also known as UTC."
msgstr ""
"En la sekva ekrano vi povas alĝustigi vian sisteman horloĝon je la loka horo "
"aŭ je GTM, ankaŭ konata kiel UTC."

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/configureTimezoneUTC.xml:29
msgid ""
"If you have more than one operating system on your computer, make sure they "
"are all set to local time, or all to UTC/GMT."
msgstr ""
"Se vi havas pli ol unu operacia sistemo en via komputilo, certiĝu pri tio ke "
"ili estas alĝustigitaj ĉiuj je la loka horo aŭ je UTC/GTM."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:11
msgid "Choose an X Server (Configure your Graphic Card)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:16
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" align=\"center\" xml:id="
"\"configureX_card_list-im1\" fileref=\"dx2-configureX_card_list.png\" format="
"\"PNG\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" align=\"center\" xml:id="
"\"configureX_card_list-im1\" fileref=\"dx2-configureX_card_list.png\" format="
"\"PNG\" /> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:21
msgid ""
"DrakX has a very comprehensive database of video cards and will usually "
"correctly identify your video device."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:24
msgid ""
"If the installer has not correctly detected your graphic card and you know "
"which one you have, you can select it from the tree by:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:27 en/configureX_monitor.xml:69
msgid "vendor"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:31
msgid "then the name of your card"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:35
msgid "and the type of card"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:39
msgid ""
"If you cannot find your card in the vendor lists (because it's not yet in "
"the database or it's an older card) you may find a suitable driver in the "
"Xorg category"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:43
msgid ""
"The Xorg listing provides more than 40 generic and open source video card "
"drivers. If you still can't find a named driver for your card there is the "
"option of using the vesa driver which provides basic capabilities."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:48
msgid ""
"Be aware that if you select an incompatible driver you may only have access "
"to the Commandline Interface."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:51
msgid ""
"Some video card manufacturers provide proprietary drivers for Linux which "
"may only be available in the Nonfree repository and in some cases only from "
"the card manufacturers' websites."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_card_list.xml:55
msgid ""
"The Nonfree repository needs to be explicitly enabled to access them.  If "
"you didn't select it previously, you should do this after your first reboot."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/configureX_chooser.xml:4
msgid "Graphic Card and Monitor Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguri X, grafik-karton kaj monitoron"

#.  Marja 2012-08-10, copied setupX.xml to this file and replaced all "setupX" in the code by "configureX_chooser", because this is the correct filename for this page
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/configureX_chooser.xml:11
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-configureX_chooser.png"
"\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"configureX_chooser-im1\"> </"
"imagedata> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-configureX_chooser.png"
"\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"configureX-im1\"></imagedata> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_chooser.xml:18
msgid ""
"No matter which graphical environment (also known as desktop environment) "
"you chose for this install of <application>Mageia</application>, they are "
"all based on a graphical user interface system called <acronym>X Window "
"System</acronym>, or simply <acronym>X</acronym>. So in order for "
"<acronym>KDE</acronym>, <acronym>Gnome</acronym>, <acronym>LXDE</acronym> or "
"any other graphical environment to work well, the following <acronym>X</"
"acronym> settings need to be correct. Choose the correct settings if you can "
"see that <application>DrakX</application> didn't make a choice, or if you "
"think the choice is incorrect."
msgstr ""
"Ne gravas kiun grafikan medion (ankaŭ konata kiel labortabla medio) vi "
"elektis por ĉi tiu instalo de <application>Magejo</application>, ili ĉiuj "
"baziĝas sur grafika uzula interfaco nomita <acronym>X Window System</"
"acronym>, aŭ simple <acronym>X</acronym>. Do cele al bona funkciado de "
"<acronym>KDE</acronym>, <acronym>GNOME</acronym>, <acronym>LXDE</acronym> aŭ "
"iu alia grafika medio, la jena konfiguro de <acronym>X</acronym> devas esti "
"ĝusta.  Elektu la ĝustan konfiguron se vi rimarkas ke <application>DrakX</"
"application> ne elektis konfiguron aŭ vi pensas ke tiu elekto estas malĝusta."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_chooser.xml:31
msgid ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Graphic card</guibutton></emphasis>: Choose your card "
"from the list if needed."
msgstr ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Grafik-karto </guibutton></emphasis>: Elektu vian "
"karton en la listo se bezonate."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_chooser.xml:37
msgid ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Monitor</guibutton></emphasis>: You can choose "
"<guilabel>Plug'n Play</guilabel> when applicable, or choose your monitor "
"from the <guilabel>Vendor</guilabel> or <guilabel>Generic</guilabel> list. "
"Choose <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> if you prefer to manually set the "
"horizontal and vertical refresh rates of your monitor."
msgstr ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Ekrano</guibutton></emphasis>: Vi povas elekti "
"<guilabel>\"Plug'n Play\"</guilabel> siakaze aŭ elekti vian monitoron en la "
"<guilabel>Vendista</guilabel> aŭ <guilabel>Ĝenerala</guilabel> listo. Elektu "
"<guilabel>Akomodata</guilabel> se vi preferas permane starigi la "
"horizontalan kaj vertikalan refreŝ-datumon de via monitoro."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><warning><para>
#: en/configureX_chooser.xml:45
msgid "Incorrect refresh rates may damage your monitor"
msgstr "Malĝustaj refreŝ-datumoj povas damaĝi vian monitoron"

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_chooser.xml:51
msgid ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Resolution</guibutton></emphasis>: Set the desired "
"resolution and color depth of your monitor here."
msgstr ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Distingivo</guibutton></emphasis>: Starigu la deziratan "
"distingivon kaj kolorprofundon de via monitoro ĉi tie."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_chooser.xml:56
msgid ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Test</guibutton></emphasis>: The test button does not "
"always appear during install. If the button is there, you can control your "
"settings by pressing it. If you see a question asking you whether your "
"settings are correct, you can answer \"yes\", and the settings will be kept. "
"If you don't see anything, you'll return to the configuration screen and be "
"able to reconfigure everything until the test is good. <emphasis>Make sure "
"your settings are on the safe side if the test button isn't available</"
msgstr ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Testo</guibutton></emphasis>: La testo-butono ne ĉiam "
"aperas dum la instalo. Se la butono estas tie, vi povas testi vian "
"konfiguron premante ĝin. Se vi vidas demandon demandantan vin ĉu via "
"konfiguro ĝustas, vi povas respondi \"jes\" kaj la konfiguro estos "
"konservita. Se vi vidas nenion vi revenos al konfigur-ekrano kaj povos "
"rekonfiguri ĉion ĝis kiam la testo sukcesos. <emphasis>Certiĝu pri tio ke "
"via konfiguro estas ĝusta se la testo-butono ne estas disponebla</emphasis>"

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_chooser.xml:67
msgid ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Options</guibutton></emphasis>: Here you can choose to "
"enable or disable various options."
msgstr ""
"<emphasis><guibutton>Opcioj</guibutton></emphasis>: Ĉi tie vi povas aktvigi "
"aŭ malaktivigi kelkajn elektojn."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:18
msgid "Choosing your Monitor"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:21
msgid ""
"DrakX has a very comprehensive database of monitors and will usually "
"correctly identify yours."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><warning><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:26
msgid ""
"<emphasis>Selecting a monitor with different characteristics could damage "
"your monitor or video hardware. Please don't try something without knowing "
"what you are doing.</emphasis> If in doubt you should consult your monitor "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:34
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-configureX_monitor."
"png\" format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"configureX_monitor-im1\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-configureX_monitor."
"png\" format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"configureX_monitor-im1\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:42
msgid "<emphasis>Custom</emphasis>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:44
msgid ""
"This option allows you to set two critical parameters, the vertical refresh "
"rate and the horizontal sync rate. Vertical refresh determines how often the "
"screen is refreshed and horizontal sync is the rate at which scan lines are "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:49
msgid ""
"It is <emphasis>VERY IMPORTANT</emphasis> that you do not specify a monitor "
"type with a sync range that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor: you "
"may damage your monitor. If in doubt, choose a conservative setting and "
"consult your monitor documentation."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:55
msgid "<emphasis>Plug 'n Play</emphasis>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:58
msgid ""
"This is the default option and tries to determine the monitor type from the "
"monitor database."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:63
msgid "<emphasis>Vendor</emphasis>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:65
msgid ""
"If the installer has not correctly detected your monitor and you know which "
"one you have, you can select it from the tree by selecting:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:73
msgid "the monitor manufacturers name"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:77
msgid "the monitor description"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:82
msgid "<emphasis>Generic</emphasis>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/configureX_monitor.xml:84
msgid ""
"selecting this group displays nearly 30 display configurations such as "
"1024x768 @ 60Hz and includes Flat panel displays as used in laptops. This is "
"often a good monitor selection group if you need to use the Vesa card driver "
"when your video hardware cannot be determined automatically. Once again it "
"may be wise to be conservative in your selections."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:7
msgid "Custom disk partitioning with DiskDrake"
msgstr "Agordi subdiskon per DiskDrake"

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:12
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-diskdrake.png"
"\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-diskdrake.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><warning><para>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:22
msgid ""
"If you wish to use encryption on your <literal>/</literal> partition you "
"must ensure that you have a separate <literal>/boot</literal> partition. The "
"encryption option for the <literal>/boot</literal> partition must NOT be "
"set, otherwise your system will be unbootable."
msgstr ""
"Se vi volas utiligi ĉifradon en via subdisko <literal>/</literal> vi devas "
"havi apartan subdiskon <literal>/boot</literal>.  La ĉifrada elekto por la "
"subdisko <literal>/boot</literal> ne devas esti selektita, alie via sistemo "
"ne startos."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:29
msgid ""
"Adjust the layout of your disk(s)  here. You can remove or create "
"partitions, change the filesystem of a partition or change its size and even "
"view what is in them before you start."
msgstr ""
"Agordu via(j)n disko(j)n ĉi tie. Vi povas forigi aŭ krei subdiskojn, ŝanĝi "
"la dosiersistemon de subdisko aŭ ŝanĝi ĝian grandon kaj eĉ vidi kio estas en "
"ĝi antaŭ ol komenci."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:34
msgid ""
"There is a tab for every detected hard disk or other storage device, like an "
"USB key. For example sda, sdb and sdc if there are three of them."
msgstr ""
"Estas langeto por ĉiu trovita fiksita disko aŭ alispeca stor-aparato kiel "
"USB-ŝlosilo. Ekzemple sda, sdb kaj sdc se estas tri."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:38
msgid ""
"Push <guibutton>Clear all</guibutton> to wipe all partitions on the selected "
"storage device"
msgstr ""
"Premu <guibutton>Forviŝu ĉion</guibutton> por forigi ĉiujn subdiskojn en la "
"elektita stor-aparato"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:41
msgid ""
"For all other actions: click on the desired partition first. Then view it, "
"or choose a filesystem and a mount point, resize it or wipe it."
msgstr ""
"Por aliaj agoj: klaku sur la dezirata subdisko unue. Tiam vi povos vidi ĝin, "
"elekti dosiersistemon kaj surmetingon, ŝanĝi ĝian grandon aŭ forigi ĝin."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:45
msgid "Continue until you adjusted everything to your wishes."
msgstr "Daŭrigu ĝis kiam vi agordos ĉion laŭ via deziro."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:48
msgid "Click <guibutton>Done</guibutton> when you're ready."
msgstr "Klaku sur <guibutton>Finata</guibutton> kiam vi estos preta."

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:52
msgid ""
"If you are installing Mageia on an UEFI system, check that an ESP (EFI "
"System Partition) is present and correctly mounted on /boot/EFI (see below)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para><mediaobject>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:57
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-diskdrake2.png"
"\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-diskdrake2.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><figure>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:56 en/installer.xml:41
msgid "<placeholder type=\"mediaobject\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:67
msgid ""
"If you are installing Mageia on a Legacy/GPT system, check that a BIOS boot "
"partition is present with a correct type"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><mediaobject>
#: en/diskdrake.xml:71
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"doPartitionDisks3.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata fileref=\"live-doPartitionDisks3.png\" align="
"\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:9
msgid "Partitioning"
msgstr "Kreo de subdiskoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:12
msgid ""
"In this screen you can see the content of your hard drive(s) and see the "
"solutions the DrakX partitioning wizard found for where to install "
msgstr ""
"En tiu ĉi ekrano vi povas vidi la enhavon de via(j) stor-aparato(j) kaj la "
"loko-proponon de DrakX por la instalo de <application>Magejo</application>."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:17
msgid ""
"The options available from the list below will vary depending on your "
"particular hard drive(s) layout and content."
msgstr ""
"La disponeblaj elektoj en la suba listo varios depende de la trajtoj kaj "
"enhavo de via konkreta(j)  stor-aparato(j)."

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:22
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"doPartitionDisks.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata fileref=\"live-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
"\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:33
msgid "Use Existing Partitions"
msgstr "Uzu ekzistantajn subdiskojn"

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:36
msgid ""
"If this option is available, then existing Linux compatible partitions have "
"been found and may be used for the installation."
msgstr ""
"Se tiu elekto estas disponebla oni trovis linuks-akordigeblajn subdiskojn "
"kiuj povas esti utiligataj por la instalo."

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:42
msgid "Use Free Space"
msgstr "Uzu liberan spacon"

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:44
msgid ""
"If you have unused space on your hard drive then this option will use it for "
"your new Mageia installation."
msgstr ""
"Se vi havas neuzitan spacon en via fiksita disko ĉi tiu elekto uzos ĝin por "
"nova Mageja instalo."

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:50
msgid "Use Free Space on a Windows Partition"
msgstr "Uzu la liberan spacon de vindoza subdisko"

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:53
msgid ""
"If you have unused space on an existing Windows partition, the installer may "
"offer to use it."
msgstr ""
"Se vi havas neuzitan spacon en ekzistanta vindoza subdisko, la instalilo "
"povas proponi utiligi ĝin."

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:57
msgid ""
"This can be a useful way of making room for your new Mageia installation, "
"but is a risky operation so you should make sure you have backed up all "
"important files!"
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tio povas esti utila maniero atingi spacon por via nova Mageja instalo, "
"sed temas pri riska operacio do vi devus fari sekurec-kopion de ĉiuj gravaj "
"dosieroj antaŭe!"

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:62
msgid ""
"Note that this involves shrinking the size of the Windows partition. The "
"partition must be \"clean\", meaning that Windows must have closed down "
"correctly the last time it was used. It must also have been defragmented, "
"although this is not a guarantee that all files in the partition have been "
"moved out of the area that is about to be used. It is highly recommended to "
"back up your personal files."
msgstr ""
"Rimarku ke ĉi tio implikas la ŝrumpigon de la vindoza subdisko. La subdisko "
"devas esti \"pura\", tio estas Vindozo devis fermiĝi senprobleme la lastan "
"fojon kiam ĝi estis uzita. Ĝi ankaŭ devas esti malfragmentiĝita kvankam tio "
"ne estas garantio pri tio ke ĉiuj dosieroj en la subdisko estis movitaj el "
"la areo uzota. Estas ege rekomendinde realigi sekurec-kopion de viaj "
"personaj dosieroj."

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:70
msgid ""
"With this option, the installer displays the remaining Windows partition in "
"light blue and the future Mageia partition in dark blue with their intended "
"sizes just under. You have the possibility to adapt these sizes by clicking "
"and dragging the gap between both partitions. See the screen-shot below."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><mediaobject>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:77
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"doPartitionDisks2.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata fileref=\"live-doPartitionDisks2.png\" align="
"\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:88
msgid "Erase and use Entire Disk."
msgstr "Forviŝu kaj uzu la tutan diskon."

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:91
msgid "This option will use the complete drive for Mageia."
msgstr "Ĉi tiu elekto utiligos la tutan diskon por Magejo."

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:94
msgid "Note! This will erase ALL data on the selected hard drive. Take care!"
msgstr ""
"Atentu! Ĉi tio forigos ĈIUJN datumojn en la elektita fiksita disko. Estu "

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:97
msgid ""
"If you intend to use part of the disk for something else, or you already "
"have data on the drive that you are not prepared to lose, then do not use "
"this option."
msgstr ""
"Se vi volas uzi parton de la disko por alia celo aŭ vi havas datumojn en la "
"disko kiujn vi ne volas perdi, ne elektu ĉi tion."

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:104
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Subdiskigo"

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:106
msgid ""
"This gives you complete control over the placing of the installation on your "
"hard drive(s)."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tio havigas al vi plenan kontrolon sur la lokigo de la instalo en via(j) "
"fiksita(j)  disko(j)."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:112
msgid "<emphasis role=\"bold\">Partitions sizing:</emphasis>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:114
msgid ""
"The installer will share the available place out according to the following "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:119
msgid ""
"If the total available place is lower than 50 GB, only one partition is "
"created for /, there is no separate partition for /home."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:125
msgid ""
"If the total available place is over 50 GB, then three partitions are created"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:130
msgid ""
"6/19 of the total available place is allocated to / with a maximum of 50 GB"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:135
msgid "1/19 is allocated to swap with a maximum of 4 GB"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:139
msgid "the rest (at least 12/19) is allocated to /home"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:145
msgid ""
"That means that from 160 GB and over of available place, the installer will "
"create three partitions: 50 GB for /, 4 GB for swap and the rest for /home."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:150
msgid ""
"If you are using an UEFI system, the ESP (EFI System Partition) will be "
"automatically detected, or created if it does not exist yet, and mounted on /"
"boot/EFI. The \"Custom\" option is the only one that allows to check it has "
"been correctly done"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:157
msgid ""
"If you are using a Legacy (as known as CSM or BIOS) system with a GPT disk, "
"you need to create a Bios boot partition if not already existing. It is an "
"about 1 MiB partition with no mount point. Choose the \"Custom disk "
"partitioning\" option to be able to create it with the Installer like any "
"other partition, just select BIOS boot partition as filesystem type."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><mediaobject>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:165
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"doPartitionDisks3.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata fileref=\"live-doPartitionDisks3.png\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><note><mediaobject>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:175
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks4.png\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks2.png\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><warning><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:182
msgid ""
"Some newer drives are now using 4096 byte logical sectors, instead of the "
"previous standard of 512 byte logical sectors. Due to lack of available "
"hardware, the partitioning tool used in the installer has not been tested "
"with such a drive. Also some ssd drives now use an erase block size over 1 "
"MB. We suggest to pre-partition the drive, using an alternative partitioning "
"tool like gparted, if you own such a device, and to use the following "
msgstr ""
"Some newer drives are now using 4096 byte logical sectors, instead of the "
"previous standard of 512 byte logical sectors. Due to lack of available "
"hardware, the partitioning tool used in the installer has not been tested "
"with such a drive. Also some ssd drives now use an erase block size over 1 "
"MB. We suggest to pre-partition the drive, using an alternative partitioning "
"tool like gparted, if you own such a device, and to use the following "

#. type: Content of: <section><warning><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:190
msgid "\"Align to\" \"MiB\""
msgstr "\"Align to\" \"MiB\""

#. type: Content of: <section><warning><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:192
msgid "\"Free space preceding (MiB)\" \"2\""
msgstr "\"Free space preceding (MiB)\" \"2\""

#. type: Content of: <section><warning><para>
#: en/doPartitionDisks.xml:194
msgid ""
"Also make sure all partitions are created with an even number of megabytes."
msgstr ""
"Also make sure all partitions are created with an even number of megabytes."

#. type: Content of: <article><info><title>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:4 en/DrakLive-cover.xml:30 en/DrakLive.xml:3
#, fuzzy
msgid "Installation from LIVE medium"
msgstr "Bonveniga instal-ekrano"

#. type: Content of: <book><info>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:5 en/DrakX-cover.xml:5
msgid "<publisher> <publishername>Mageia.org</publishername> </publisher>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <book><info><revhistory><revision><date>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:10
msgid "January 2015"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <book><info><revhistory><revision><revremark>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:11
msgid "Mageia 5"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <book><info><cover><para>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:15 en/DrakX-cover.xml:15
msgid "The Official Documentation for Mageia"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <book><info><cover><mediaobject>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:17 en/DrakX-cover.xml:17
msgid "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"mageia-2013.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <article><info><cover><para>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:21 en/DrakLive.xml:12 en/DrakX-cover.xml:21
#: en/DrakX.xml:12
msgid ""
"The texts and screenshots in this manual are available under the CC BY-SA "
"3.0 license <link ns6:href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/"
msgstr ""
"La tekstoj kaj la ekranbildoj en ĉi helpo estas sub licenco CC-BY-SA 3.0 "
"<link ns6:href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">http://"

#. type: Content of: <article><info><cover><para>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:24 en/DrakLive.xml:15 en/DrakX-cover.xml:24
#: en/DrakX.xml:16
msgid ""
"This manual was produced with the help of the <link ns6:href=\"http://www."
"calenco.com\">Calenco CMS</link> developed by <link ns6:href=\"http://www."
msgstr ""
"Tiu ĉi helpo estas skribita kun helpo de <link ns6:href=\"http://www.calenco."
"com\">Calenco CMS</link> kreita per <link ns6:href=\"http://www.neodoc.biz"

#. type: Content of: <article><info><cover><para>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:26 en/DrakLive.xml:17 en/DrakX-cover.xml:26
#: en/DrakX.xml:18
msgid ""
"It was written by volunteers in their free time. Please contact <link ns6:"
"href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Documentation_team\">Documentation Team</"
"link>, if you would like to help improve this manual."
msgstr ""
"It was written by volunteers in their free time. Please contact <link ns6:"
"href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Documentation_team\">Documentation Team</"
"link>, if you would like to help improve this manual."

#. type: Content of: <article><info><cover><para><note>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:31 en/DrakLive.xml:6 en/DrakX-cover.xml:37
#: en/DrakX.xml:6
msgid "<note>"
msgstr "<note>"

#. type: Content of: <article><info><cover><para><note><para>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:32 en/DrakLive.xml:7 en/DrakX-cover.xml:38
#: en/DrakX.xml:7
msgid ""
"No one will see all the installer screens that you see in this manual. Which "
"screens you will see, depends on your hardware and the choices you make "
"while installing."
msgstr ""
"Neniu vidos ĉiujn ekranojn, kiujn vi vidas en ĉi helpo. Tio kiujn ekranojn "
"vi vidos, dependas de via komputilo kaj viaj elektoj dum instalado."

#. type: Content of: <article><info><cover><para>
#: en/DrakLive-cover.xml:35 en/DrakLive.xml:10 en/DrakX-cover.xml:41
#: en/DrakX.xml:10
msgid "</note>"
msgstr "</note>"

#. type: Content of: <article><info><title>
#: en/DrakX-cover.xml:4 en/DrakX-cover.xml:36 en/DrakX.xml:3
msgid "Installation with DrakX"
msgstr "Instalado per DrakX-o"

#. type: Content of: <book><info><revhistory><revision><date>
#: en/DrakX-cover.xml:10
msgid "February 2014"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <book><info><revhistory><revision><revremark>
#: en/DrakX-cover.xml:11
msgid "Mageia 4"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/exitInstall.xml:3
msgid "Congratulations"
msgstr "Gratulon"

#.  Lebarhon 20170209 updated SC
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/exitInstall.xml:9
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"dx2-exitInstall.png\" "
"align=\"center\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"exitInstall-im1\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-exitInstall.png\" "
"width=\"800\" depth=\"600\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id="
"\"exitInstall-im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/exitInstall.xml:14
msgid ""
"You have finished installing and configuring <application>Mageia</"
"application> and it is now safe to remove the installation medium and reboot "
"your computer."
msgstr ""
"Finiĝis la instalado kaj konfigurado de <application>Magejo</application> "
"kaj nun vi povas sekure eltiri la instal-medion kaj reŝarĝi vian komputilon."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/exitInstall.xml:18
msgid ""
"After reboot, in the bootloader screen, you can choose between the operating "
"systems on your computer (if you have more than one)."
msgstr ""
"Post tiu reŝarĝo, en la ŝarĝila ekrano vi povos elekti kiun operacian "
"sistemon lanĉi (se vi havas pli ol unu)."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/exitInstall.xml:22
msgid ""
"If you didn't adjust the settings for the bootloader, your Mageia install "
"will be automatically selected and started."
msgstr ""
"Se vi ne ŝanĝis la preferojn de la ŝarĝilo, Magejo estos aŭtomate elektita "
"kaj ŝarĝita."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/exitInstall.xml:26
msgid "Enjoy!"
msgstr "Ĝuu!"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/exitInstall.xml:28
msgid ""
"Visit www.mageia.org if you have any questions or want to contribute to "
msgstr ""
"Vizitu www.mageia.org se vi havas demandojn aŭ volas kontribui al Magejo"

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/formatPartitions.xml:4
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Strukturi subdiskojn"

#.  Made by marja on 2012 03 29 
#.  marja 2012-04-24 added screenshot 
#.  marja 2012-04-24 added emphasis tags in formatPartitions-pa1 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/formatPartitions.xml:18
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition='classical'> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-"
"formatPartitions.png\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id="
"\"formatPartitions-im1\"> </imagedata> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition='live'> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"live-formatPartitions."
"png\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id=\"live-formatPartitions-im1\"> "
"</imagedata> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition='classical'> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-"
"formatPartitions.png\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id="
"\"formatPartitions-im1\"> </imagedata> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition='live'> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"live-formatPartitions."
"png\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id=\"live-formatPartitions-im1\"> "
"</imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/formatPartitions.xml:30
msgid ""
"Here you can choose which partition(s) you wish to format. Any data on "
"partitions <emphasis>not</emphasis> marked for formatting will be saved."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tie vi povas elekti kiu(j)n subdisko(j)n vi ŝatus strukturi. Iu ajn "
"datumo en subdisko(j) <emphasis>ne</emphasis> markita(j) por strukturado "
"estos savita."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/formatPartitions.xml:34
msgid "Usually at least the partitions DrakX selected, need to be formatted"
msgstr "Kutime almenaŭ la subdiskoj elektitaj de DrakX bezonos strukturon"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/formatPartitions.xml:37
msgid ""
"Click on <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> to choose partitions you want to "
"check for so called <emphasis>bad blocks</emphasis>"
msgstr ""
"Klaku sur <guibutton>Progresinta</guibutton> por elekti subdiskojn kie vi "
"ŝatus kontroli ĉu ekzistas <emphasis>difektitaj blokoj</emphasis>"

#. type: Content of: <section><tip><para>
#: en/formatPartitions.xml:42
msgid ""
"If you're not sure you have made the right choice, you can click on "
"<guibutton>Previous</guibutton>, again on <guibutton>Previous</guibutton> "
"and then on <guibutton>Custom</guibutton> to get back to the main screen.  "
"In that screen you can choose to view what is in your partitions."
msgstr ""
"Se vi ne certas ĉu vi faris la ĝustan elekton, vi povas klaki sur "
"<guibutton>Antaŭa</guibutton>, denove sur <guibutton>Antaŭa</guibutton> kaj "
"tiam sur <guibutton>subdiskigo</guibutton> por reveni al la ĉefa ekrano.  En "
"tiu ekrano vi havas elekton por vidi kio estas en viaj subdiskoj."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/formatPartitions.xml:49
msgid ""
"When you are confident about the selection, click on <guibutton>Next</"
"guibutton> to continue."
msgstr ""
"Se vi estas certa pri la elekto, klaku sur <guibutton>Sekvanta</guibutton> "
"por daŭrigi."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/installer.xml:17
msgid "DrakX, the Mageia Installer"
msgstr "DrakX, la instalilo de Magejo"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:20
msgid ""
"Whether you are new to GNU-Linux or an experienced user, the Mageia "
"Installer is designed to help make your installation or upgrade as easy as "
msgstr ""
"Se vi estas nova aŭ nesperta uzulo de GNU/Linukso, la instalilo de Magejo "
"estas desegnita por igi vian instaladon aŭ ĝisdatigon tiel facila kiel eble."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:28
msgid ""
"The initial menu screen has various options, however the default one will "
"start the installer, which will normally be all that you will need."
msgstr ""
"La komenca menua ekrano havas plurajn elektojn, tamen defaŭlte lanĉiĝos la "
"mageja instalilo, kiu kutime havos ĉion kion oni bezonas."

#. type: Content of: <section><figure><info><title>
#: en/installer.xml:34
msgid "Installation Welcome Screen"
msgstr "Bonveniga instal-ekrano"

#. type: Content of: <section><figure>
#: en/installer.xml:33
msgid "<placeholder type=\"info\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><figure><para>
#: en/installer.xml:37
msgid ""
"Here are the default welcome screens when using a Mageia DVD, The first one "
"with a legacy system and the second one with an UEFI system:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><figure><mediaobject>
#: en/installer.xml:42
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata xml:id=\"BId-drakx-intro-im1\" revision=\"1\" align="
"\"center\" format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"../dx-welcome.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/installer.xml:49
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcome2.png\" align=\"center\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcome2.png\" align=\"center\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:54
msgid ""
"From this first screen, it is possible to set some personal preferences:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:59
msgid ""
"The language (for the installation only, may be different that the chosen "
"language for the system) by pressing the key F2 (Legacy mode only)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><mediaobject>
#: en/installer.xml:66
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcome-lang.png\" align=\"center\"/> "
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcome-lang.png\" align=\"center\"/> "

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:71
msgid "Use the arrow keys to select the language and press the key Enter."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:74
msgid ""
"Here is for example, the French welcome screen when using a Live DVD/CD. "
"Note that the Live DVD/CD menu does not propose: <guilabel>Rescue System</"
"guilabel>, <guilabel>Memory test</guilabel> and <guilabel>Hardware Detection "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><mediaobject>
#: en/installer.xml:82
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcome4fr.png\" align=\"center\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcome4fr.png\" align=\"center\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:91
msgid "Change the screen resolution by pressing the F3 key (Legacy mode only)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><mediaobject>
#: en/installer.xml:95
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcome5def.png\" align=\"center\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcome5def.png\" align=\"center\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:102
msgid ""
"Add some kernel options by pressing the <emphasis role=\"bold\">F6</"
"emphasis> key for the legacy mode or the <emphasis role=\"bold\">e</"
"emphasis> key for the UEFI mode."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:104
msgid ""
"If the installation fails, then it may be necessary to try again using one "
"of the extra options. The menu called by F6 displays a new line called "
"<guilabel>Boot options</guilabel> and propose four entries:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:109
msgid "- Default, it doesn't alter anything in the default options."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:112
msgid ""
"- Safe Settings, priority is given to the safer options to the detriment of "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:115
msgid ""
"- No ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface), power management "
"isn't taken into account."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:118
msgid ""
"- No Local APIC (Local Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller), it is "
"about CPU interruptions, select this option if you are asked for."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:122
msgid ""
"When you select one of these entries, it modifies the default options "
"displayed in the <guilabel>Boot Options</guilabel> line."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><note><para>
#: en/installer.xml:126
msgid ""
"In some Mageia releases, it may happen that the entries selected with the "
"key F6 does not appear in the <guilabel>Boot Options</guilabel> line, "
"however, they are really taken into account."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><mediaobject>
#: en/installer.xml:133
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx-welcome6opt.png\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx-welcome6opt.png\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:140
msgid "Add more kernel options by pressing the key F1 (Legacy mode only)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:143
msgid ""
"Pressing F1 opens a new window with more available options. Select one with "
"the arrow keys and press Enter to have more details or press the Esc key to "
"go back to the welcome screen."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><mediaobject>
#: en/installer.xml:150
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcomeHelp1.png\" align=\"center\"/> "
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx-welcomeHelp1.png\" align=\"center\"/> "

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:157
msgid ""
"The detailed view about the option splash. Press Esc or select "
"<guilabel>Return to Boot Options</guilabel> to go back to the options list. "
"These options can by added by hand in the <guilabel>Boot options</guilabel> "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><mediaobject>
#: en/installer.xml:163
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx-welcomeHelp2.png\"/> "
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx-welcomeHelp2.png\"/> "

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><note><para>
#: en/installer.xml:171
msgid "The help is translated in the chosen language with the F2 key."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:177
msgid ""
"For more information about kernel options on legacy and UEFI systems, see: "
"<link ns2:href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/How_to_set_up_kernel_options"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:180
msgid ""
"Here is the default welcome screen when using a Wired Network-based "
"Installation CD (Boot.iso or Boot-Nonfree.iso images):"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:183
msgid ""
"It does not allow to change the language, the available options are "
"described in the screen. For more information about using a Wired Network-"
"based Installation CD, see <link ns2:href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot."
"iso_install\">the Mageia Wiki</link>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><warning><para>
#: en/installer.xml:189
msgid "The keyboard layout is the American one."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/installer.xml:193
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"installer-im2\" align="
"\"center\" format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"../dx-help.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/installer.xml:200
msgid "The installation steps"
msgstr "La instal-paŝoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:203
msgid ""
"The install process is divided into a number of steps, which can be followed "
"on the side panel of the screen."
msgstr ""
"La instal-procezo dividiĝas en serio da paŝoj, kiuj povas esti sekvataj per "
"la flanka panelo de la ekrano."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:206
msgid ""
"Each step has one or more screens which may also have <guibutton>Advanced</"
"guibutton> buttons with extra, less commonly required, options."
msgstr ""
"Ĉiu paŝo havas unu aŭ pliajn ekranojn kiuj povas ankaŭ havi "
"<guibutton>Progresintan</guibutton> butonon kun aldonaj sed malofte "
"bezonataj elektoj."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:210
msgid ""
"Most screens have <guibutton>Help</guibutton> buttons which give further "
"explanations about the current step."
msgstr ""
"La plimulto el ekranoj havas butonon pri <guibutton>Helpo</guibutton> "
"havigantan pliajn karigojn pri tiu paŝo."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><note><para>
#: en/installer.xml:214
msgid ""
"If somewhere during install you decide to stop the installation, it is "
"possible to reboot, but please think twice before you do this.  Once a "
"partition has been formatted or updates have started to be installed, your "
"computer is no longer in the same state and rebooting it could very well "
"leave you with an unusable system. If in spite of this you are very sure "
"rebooting is what you want, go to a text terminal by pressing the three keys "
"<guibutton>Alt Ctrl F2</guibutton> at the same time. After that, press "
"<guibutton>Alt Ctrl Delete</guibutton> simultaneously to reboot."
msgstr ""
"Se iam dum la instalado vi decidas haltigi ĝin, eblas reŝarĝi la komputilon, "
"sed bv. pripensi tion dufoje antaŭe.  Post la formatigo de partigo aŭ post "
"la ekinstalo de ĝisdatigo via komputilo ne plu restos egale, reŝarĝi ĝin "
"povus igi vian sistemon neuzebla. Se malgraŭ tio vi estas certa pri tio ke "
"vi volas reŝarĝi, malfermu teksto-terminalon premante la tri klavojn "
"<guibutton>Alt Ctrl F2</guibutton> samtempe.  Post tio, premu <guibutton>Alt "
"Ctrl Delete</guibutton> samtempe por reŝarĝi."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/installer.xml:228
msgid "Installation Problems and Possible Solutions"
msgstr "Instal-problemoj kaj eblaj solvoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><info><title>
#: en/installer.xml:234
msgid "No Graphical Interface"
msgstr "Sen grafika interfaco"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:239
msgid ""
"After the initial screen you did not reach the language selection screen. "
"This can happen with some graphic cards and older systems. Try using low "
"resolution by typing <code>vgalo</code> at the prompt."
msgstr ""
"Post la komenca ekrano vi eble ne alvenos al la ekrano pri lingvo-selekto. "
"Ĉi tio povas okazi kun kelkaj grafik-kartoj kaj malnovaj maŝinoj. Provu "
"utiligi malaltan rezolucion per la tajpo de \"vgalo\" en la komand-linio."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/installer.xml:246
msgid ""
"If the hardware is very old, a graphical installation may not be possible. "
"In this case it is worth trying a text mode installation. To use this hit "
"ESC at the first welcome screen and confirm with ENTER. You will be "
"presented with a black screen with the word \"boot:\". Type \"text\" and hit "
"ENTER. Now continue with the installation in text mode."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><info><title>
#: en/installer.xml:258
msgid "The Install Freezes"
msgstr "Instal-paneoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:261
msgid ""
"If the system appeared to freeze during the installation, this may be a "
"problem with hardware detection. In this case the automatic detection of "
"hardware may be bypassed and dealt with later. To try this, type "
"<code>noauto</code> at the prompt. This option may also be combined with "
"other options as necessary."
msgstr ""
"Se la sistemo ŝajnas panei dum la instalo, tio povas esti pro aparatar-"
"detekta problemo. Ĉikaze la aŭtomata detektado de aparatoj povas esti "
"prokrastita. Por provi tion tajpu <code>noauto</code> en la komando-linio. "
"Ĉi tiu elekto povas ankaŭ esti miksita kun la antaŭa se estas necese."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><info><title>
#: en/installer.xml:270
msgid "RAM problem"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:273
msgid ""
"These will rarely be needed, but in some cases the hardware may report the "
"available RAM incorrectly. To specify this manually, you can use the "
"<code>mem=xxxM</code> parameter, where xxx is the correct amount of RAM. e."
"g. <code>mem=256M</code> would specify 256MB of RAM."
msgstr ""
"Ili estos malofte necesaj, sed en kelkaj kazoj la aparataro povas kalkuli la "
"disponeblan ĉefmemoron malĝuste. Por konkretigi ĝin permane vi povas utiligi "
"la parametron mem=xxxM, kie xxx estas la ĝusta kvanto da ĉefmemoro. Ekzemple "
"\"mem=256M\" specifus 256MB-ojn el ĉefmemoro."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><info><title>
#: en/installer.xml:281
msgid "Dynamic partitions"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/installer.xml:284
msgid ""
"If you converted your hard disk from \"basic\" format to \"dynamic\" format "
"on Microsoft Windows, you must know that it is impossible to install Mageia "
"on this disc. To go back to a basic disk, see the Microsoft documentation: "
"<link ns2:href=\"http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc776315.aspx"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/installUpdates.xml:3
msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Ĝisdatigoj"

#.  Made by marja on 2012 03 30 
#.  marja 20120418 removed xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns42="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"" from section tag, trying to restore correct html filename
#.  marja, 2012-04-24 added screenshot 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/installUpdates.xml:13
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-installUpdates.png\" "
"format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id=\"installUpdates-im1\"></imagedata> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-installUpdates.png\" "
"width=\"800\" depth=\"600\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id="
"\"installUpdates-im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/installUpdates.xml:19
msgid ""
"Since this version of <application>Mageia</application> was released, some "
"packages will have been updated or improved."
msgstr ""
"Ekde la publikigo de ĉi tiu versio de <application>Magejo</application>, "
"pluraj pakaĵoj estis probable ĝisdatigitaj aŭ plibonigitaj."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/installUpdates.xml:23
msgid ""
"Choose <guilabel>yes</guilabel> if you wish to download and install them, "
"select <guilabel>no</guilabel> if you don't want to do this now, or if you "
"aren't connected to the Internet"
msgstr ""
"Elektu <guilabel>jes</guilabel> se vi deziras elŝuti kaj instali ilin, "
"elektu <guilabel>ne</guilabel> se vi ne volas fari tion nun aŭ se vi ne "
"havas retaliron"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/installUpdates.xml:28
msgid "Then press <guibutton>Next</guibutton> to continue"
msgstr "Klaku sur <guibutton>Sekvanta</guibutton> por daŭrigi"

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/login.xml:1
msgid "Login screen"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/login.xml:1
msgid ""
"<imageobject><imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"login-im1\" fileref=\"live-"
"login.png\" align=\"center\" revision=\"1\"/></imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject><imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"login-im1\" fileref=\"live-"
"login.png\" align=\"center\" revision=\"1\"/></imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject><caption><para>
#: en/login.xml:1
msgid "KDM login screen"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/login.xml:1
msgid "Finally, you will come to the login screen."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/login.xml:1
msgid ""
"Enter your user name and user password, and in a few seconds you will find "
"yourself with a loaded KDE or GNOME desktop, depending on which live medium "
"you used. You can now start using your Mageia installation."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/login.xml:3
msgid ""
"You can find another part of our documentation in <link linkend=\"https://"
"wiki.mageia.org/en/Category:Documentation\">the Mageia wiki</link>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/media_selection.xml:3
msgid "Media Selection (Nonfree)"
msgstr ""

#.  papoteur 2013-04-11  - created 
#.  marja 2013-04-16 added screenshot + made title longer (because it was the same as for add_supplemental_media)
#.  marja 2013-04-16 s/in/during/ as suggested by Tristan Campbell 
#. marja 2013-04-17 s/xml:id="media-selection"/xml:id="media_selection"/ (html filename was wrong)
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/media_selection.xml:12
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-media_selection.png"
"\" format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"media_selection-im1\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-media_selection.png"
"\" format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"media_selection-im1\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/media_selection.xml:18
msgid ""
"Here you have the list of available repositories. Not all repositories are "
"available, according to which media you use for installing. The repositories "
"selection determines which packages will be available for selection during "
"the next steps."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/media_selection.xml:25
msgid ""
"The <emphasis>Core</emphasis> repository cannot be disabled as it contains "
"the base of the distribution."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/media_selection.xml:30
msgid ""
"The <emphasis>Nonfree</emphasis> repository includes packages that are free-"
"of-charge, i.e. Mageia may redistribute them, but they contain closed-source "
"software (hence the name - Nonfree). For example this repository includes "
"nVidia and ATI graphics card proprietary drivers, firmware for various WiFi "
"cards, etc."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/media_selection.xml:38
msgid ""
"The <emphasis>Tainted</emphasis> repository includes packages released under "
"a free license. The main criteria for placing packages in this repository is "
"that they may infringe patents and copyright laws in some countries, e.g. "
"Multimedia codecs needed to play various audio/video files; packages needed "
"to play commercial video DVD, etc."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/minimal-install.xml:12
msgid "Minimal Install"
msgstr "Minimuma instalo"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/minimal-install.xml:19
msgid ""
"You can choose a Minimal Installation by de-selecting everything in the "
"Package Group Selection screen, see <xref linkend=\"choosePackageGroups\"></"
msgstr ""
"Vi povas elekti Minimuman Instalon malselektante ĉion en la Pakaĵara Elekta "
"ekrano, vidu <xref linkend=\"choosePackageGroups\"></xref>."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/minimal-install.xml:22
msgid ""
"If desired, you can additionally tick the \"Individual package selection\" "
"option in the same screen."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/minimal-install.xml:24
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Minimal Installation is intended for those with specific uses in mind for "
"their <application>Mageia</application>, such as a server or a specialised "
"workstation. You will probably use this option combined with the "
"\"Individual package selection\" option mentioned above, to fine-tune your "
"installation, see <xref linkend=\"choosePackagesTree\"></xref>."
msgstr ""
"Minimuma Instalo celas konkretajn uzojn por Magejo kiel servilojn aŭ "
"specialigitajn laborstaciojn. Probable vi uzos ĉi tiun elekton kune kun "
"Permana Pakaĵ-elekto, vidu <xref linkend=\"choosePackagesTree\"></xref>."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/minimal-install.xml:29
msgid ""
"If you choose this installation class, then the related screen will offer "
"you a few useful extras to install, such as documentation and X."
msgstr ""
"Se vi elektas ĉi tian instalon la venonta ekrano proponos al vi instali "
"plurajn utilajn aldonaĵojn kiel dokumentojn aŭ Ikso-servilon."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/minimal-install.xml:31
msgid ""
"If selected, \"With X\" will also include IceWM as lightweight desktop "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/minimal-install.xml:33
msgid ""
"The basic documentation is provided in the form of man and info pages.  It "
"contains the man pages from the <link xlink:href=\"http://www.tldp.org/"
"manpages/man.html\">Linux Documentation Project</link> and the <link xlink:"
"href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/\">GNU coreutils</link> "
"info pages."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/minimal-install.xml:41
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-minimal-install.png\" "
"align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"minimal-install-im1\"></imagedata> "
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-minimal-install.png\" "
"align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"minimal-install-im1\"></imagedata> "

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/misc-params.xml:3
msgid "Summary of miscellaneous parameters"
msgstr "Diversaj parametroj"

#.  Lebarhon 2016 12 16 updated for Mageia 6. 20170209 updated SC
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/misc-params.xml:10
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-summaryTop.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"../Md5sum.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:15
msgid ""
"DrakX made smart choices for the configuration of your system depending on "
"the choices you made and on the hardware DrakX detected. You can check the "
"settings here and change them if you want after pressing "
msgstr ""
"DrakX faris inteligentajn antaŭelektojn por la konfiguro de via sistemo "
"dependante de tio kion vi elektis kaj la aparataro kiun ĝi mem eltrovis. Vi "
"povas kontroli la konfigurojn ĉi tie kaj ŝanĝi ilin se vi volas klakante sur "

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:21
msgid ""
"As a general rule, default settings are recommended and you can keep them "
"with 3 exceptions:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:24
msgid "there are known issues with a default setting"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:28
msgid "the default setting has already been tried and it fails"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:32
msgid "something else is said in the detailed sections below"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/misc-params.xml:39
msgid "System parameters"
msgstr "Sistemaj parametroj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:44
msgid "<guilabel>Timezone</guilabel>"
msgstr "<guilabel>Horzono</guilabel>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:46
msgid ""
"DrakX selected a time zone for you, depending on your preferred language. "
"You can change it if needed. See also <xref linkend=\"configureTimezoneUTC\"/"
msgstr ""
"DrakX elektis tempo-zonon por vi, dependante de via preferata lingvo. Vi "
"povas ŝanĝi ĝin se bezonate. Vidu ankaŭ <xref linkend=\"configureTimezoneUTC"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:52
msgid "<guilabel>Country / Region</guilabel>"
msgstr "<guilabel>Lando</guilabel>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:55
msgid ""
"If you are not in the selected country, it is very important that you "
"correct the setting. See <xref linkend=\"selectCountry\"/>"
msgstr ""
"Se vi ne troviĝas en la selektita lando, estas tre grave ke vi korektu ĝin.  "
"Vidu <xref linkend=\"selectCountry\"></xref>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:61
msgid "<guilabel>Bootloader</guilabel>"
msgstr "<guilabel>Startŝarĝilo</guilabel>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:63
msgid "DrakX has made good choices for the bootloader setting."
msgstr "DrakX faris bonajn elektojn por la konfiguro de la sistema ŝarĝilo."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:66
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not change anything, unless you know how to configure Grub2"
msgstr "Ŝanĝu nenion se vi ne scias kiel konfiguri Grub kaj/aŭ Lilo"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:69
msgid "For more information, see <xref linkend=\"setupBootloader\"/>"
msgstr "Por plia informo vidu <xref linkend=\"setupBootloader\"></xref>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:74
msgid "<guilabel>User management</guilabel>"
msgstr "<guilabel>Uzula administrado (User management)</guilabel>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:77
msgid ""
"You can add extra users here. They will each get their own <literal>/home</"
"literal> directories."
msgstr ""
"Vi povas aldoni pliajn uzulojn ĉi tie. Ĉiuj havos sian propran dosierujon "

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:83
msgid "<guilabel>Services</guilabel>:"
msgstr "<guilabel>Servoj</guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:85
msgid ""
"System services refer to those small programs which run the background "
"(daemons). This tool allows you to enable or disable certain tasks."
msgstr ""
"Sistemaj servoj celas tiujn malgrandajn programojn funkciantajn fone "
"(demonoj). Ĉi tiu ilo ebligos vin aktivigi aŭ malaktivigi diversajn taskojn."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:89
msgid ""
"You should check carefully before changing anything here - a mistake may "
"prevent your computer from operating correctly."
msgstr ""
"Vi devus kontroli zorgeme antaŭ ol ŝanĝi ion ĉi tie - eraro povus okazigi ke "
"via komputilo ne funkciu ĝuste."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:93
msgid "For more information, see <xref linkend=\"configureServices\"/>"
msgstr "For more information, see <xref linkend=\"configureServices\"/>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/misc-params.xml:100
msgid "Hardware parameters"
msgstr "Aparatar-parametroj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:105
msgid "<guilabel>Keyboard</guilabel>:"
msgstr "<guilabel>Klavaro</guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:107
msgid ""
"This is where you setup or change your keyboard layout which will depend on "
"your location, language or type of keyboard."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tie vi konfiguras aŭ ŝanĝas vian klavar-agordon kiu dependas de via "
"lando, lingvo aŭ klavar-speco."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><note><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:112
msgid ""
"If you notice a wrong keyboard layout and want to change it, keep in mind "
"that your passwords are going to change too."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:118
msgid "<guilabel>Mouse</guilabel>:"
msgstr "<guilabel>Muso</guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:120
msgid ""
"Here you can add or configure other pointing devices, tablets, trackballs "
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tie vi povas aldoni aŭ konfiguri aliajn indikajn aparatojn, tabuletojn, "
"mov-globojn, ktp."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:125
msgid "<guilabel>Sound card</guilabel>:"
msgstr "<guilabel>Son-karto </guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:128
msgid ""
"The installer uses the default driver, if there is a default one. The option "
"to select a different driver is only given when there is more than one "
"driver for your card, but none of them is the default one."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:135
msgid "<guilabel>Graphical interface</guilabel>:"
msgstr "<guilabel>Grafika interfaco</guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:138
msgid "This section allows you to configure your graphic card(s) and displays."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu sekcio ebligas vin konfiguri vian grafik-karto(j)n kaj montrilo(j)n."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:141
msgid "For more information, see <xref linkend=\"configureX_chooser\"/>."
msgstr "Por plia informo vidu <xref linkend=\"configureX_chooser\"></xref>."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/misc-params.xml:147
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"summaryBottom-im1\" align="
"\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-summaryBottom.png\" revision=\"1\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"setupBootloaderAddEntry-"
"im1\" align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-setupBootloaderAddEntry.png\" revision="
"\"1\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/misc-params.xml:155
msgid "Network and Internet parameters"
msgstr "Retaj parametroj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:161
msgid "<guilabel>Network</guilabel>:"
msgstr "<guilabel>Reto</guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:163
msgid ""
"You can configure your network here, but for network cards with non-free "
"drivers it is better to do that after reboot, in the <application>Mageia "
"Control Center</application>, if you have not yet enabled the Nonfree media "
msgstr ""
"Vi povas konfiguri vian reton ĉi tie, sed por ret-kartoj utiligantaj "
"neliberajn pelilojn estas plibone fari tion post la reŝarĝo de la sistemo "
"per <application>Mageja Konfigurilo </application>. Por tio vi devos "
"aktivigi la neliberajn deponejojn."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><warning><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:170
msgid ""
"When you add a network card, do not forget to set your firewall to watch "
"that interface as well."
msgstr ""
"Kiam vi aldonas ret-karton ne forgesu konfiguri vian fajronŝirmilon por ke "
"ĝi kontrolu ankaŭ tiun ret-interfacon."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:177
msgid "<guilabel>Proxies</guilabel>:"
msgstr "<guilabel>Prokuraj serviloj</guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:179
msgid ""
"A Proxy Server acts as an intermediary between your computer and the wider "
"internet.  This section allows you to configure your computer to utilize a "
"proxy service."
msgstr ""
"Prokura servilo funkcias kiel peranto inter via komputilo kaj interreto.  Ĉi "
"tiu sekcio ebligas vin konfiguri vian komputilon por utiligi prokuran servon."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:184
msgid ""
"You may need to consult your systems administrator to get the parameters you "
"need to enter here"
msgstr ""
"Eble vi devas konsulti vian ret-mastrumanton por scii la parametrojn kiujn "
"vi devas enigi ĉi tie"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/misc-params.xml:193
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Sekureco"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:198
msgid "<guilabel>Security Level</guilabel>:"
msgstr "<guilabel>Sekurec-nivelo </guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:201
msgid ""
"Here you set the Security level for your computer, in most cases the default "
"setting (Standard) is adequate for general use."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tie vi starigas la sekurec-nivelon por via komputilo, en la plimulto el "
"okazoj la defaŭlta konfiguro estas adekvata por ĝenerala uzo."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:205
msgid "Check the option which best suits your usage."
msgstr "Aktivigu la elekton pli adekvatan laŭ viaj bezonoj."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:210
msgid "<guilabel>Firewall</guilabel>:"
msgstr "<guilabel>Fajroŝirmilo (Fajromuro)</guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:212
msgid ""
"A firewall is intended to be a barrier between your important data and the "
"rascals out there on the internet who would compromise or steal it."
msgstr ""
"Fajroŝirmilo celas esti bariero inter viaj gravaj datumoj kaj la friponoj en "
"la reto kiuj volas kompromiti aŭ forŝteli ilin."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:216
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select the services that you wish to have access to your system. Your "
"selections will depend on what you use your computer for. For more "
"information, see <xref linkend=\"firewall\"/>."
msgstr ""
"Elektu la servojn kiuj devas havi aliron al via sistemo. Viaj elektoj "
"dependos de tio por kio vi utiligas la komputilon."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><warning><para>
#: en/misc-params.xml:222
msgid "Bear in mind that allowing everything (no firewall) may be very risky."
msgstr "Rimarku ke ebligi ĉion (sen fajroŝirmilo) povas esti tre riska."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/reboot.xml:3
msgid "Reboot"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/reboot.xml:6
msgid ""
"Once the bootloader has been installed, you will be prompted to halt your "
"computer, remove the live CD and restart the computer, click on <emphasis "
"role=\"bold\"><guibutton>Finish</guibutton></emphasis> and act as "
"asked<emphasis role=\"bold\"> in this order!</emphasis>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/reboot.xml:11
#, fuzzy
msgid "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-reboot2.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-liveMode.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/reboot.xml:15
msgid ""
"When you restart, you will see a succession of download progress bars. These "
"indicate that the software media lists are being downloaded (see Software "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/reboot.xml:17
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"reboot-im1\" fileref=\"live-"
"reboot.png\" align=\"center\" revision=\"1\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject><imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"login-im1\" fileref=\"live-"
"login.png\" align=\"center\" revision=\"1\"/></imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/resizeFATChoose.xml:16
msgid ""
"Resize <application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> "
msgstr ""
"Grando-ŝanĝo de la subdisko <application>Vindoza<superscript>®</"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/resizeFATChoose.xml:20
msgid ""
"You have more than one <application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></"
"application> partition.  Choose which one should be made smaller to make "
"space for installing <application>Mageia</application>."
msgstr ""
"Vi havas pli ol unu <application>Vindoza<superscript>®</superscript></"
"application> subdisko.  Elektu kiu devus esti malgrandigita cele al liberigo "
"de spaco por la instalo de <application>Magejo</application>."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/securityLevel.xml:12
msgid "Security Level"
msgstr "Sekurec-nivelo"

#.  2012-12-25 marja - moved this part out of misc-params.xml" 
#.  2013-05-05 marja - added screenshot 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/securityLevel.xml:19
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-securityLevel.png\" "
"align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"securityLevel-im1\"></imagedata> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-securityLevel.png\" "
"align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"securityLevel-im1\"></imagedata> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/securityLevel.xml:24
msgid "You can adjust your security level here."
msgstr "Vi povas alĝustigi vian sekurec-nivelon ĉi tie."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/securityLevel.xml:27
msgid ""
"Leave the default settings as they are, if you don't know what to choose."
msgstr "Lasu la defaŭltan konfiguron senŝanĝe se vi ne scias kion elekti."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/securityLevel.xml:30
msgid ""
"After install, it will always be possible to adjust your security settings "
"in the <guilabel>Security</guilabel> part of the Mageia Control Center."
msgstr ""
"Post la instalo, ĉiam eblos alĝustigi la sekurec-konfiguron en la fako "
"<guilabel>Sekureco</guilabel> en la Mageja Kontrolilo."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:6
msgid "Select and use ISOs"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:9
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:10
msgid ""
"Mageia is distributed via ISO images. This page will help you to choose "
"which image match your needs."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:12
msgid "There is two families of media:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:15
msgid ""
"Classical installer: After booting the media, it will follow a process "
"allowing to choose what to install and how to configure your target system. "
"This give you the maximal flexibility for a customized installation, in "
"particular to choose which Desktop Environment you will install."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:22
msgid ""
"LIVE media: you can boot the media in a real Mageia system without "
"installing it, to see what you will get after installation.  The "
"installation process is simpler, but you get lesser choices."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:28
msgid "Details are given in the next sections."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:31
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:33
msgid "Definition"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:34
msgid ""
"Here, a medium (plural: media) is an ISO image file that allows you to "
"install and/or update Mageia and by extension any physical support the ISO "
"file is copied to."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:37
msgid ""
"You can find them <link ns4:href=\"http://www.mageia.org/en/downloads/"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:40
msgid "Classical installation media"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:42 en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:73
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:142
msgid "Common features"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:45
msgid "These ISOs use the traditional installer called drakx."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:49
msgid ""
"They are able to make a clean install or an update from previous releases."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:53 en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:84
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:159
msgid "Different media for 32 or 64 bit architectures."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:56
msgid ""
"Some tools are available in the Welcome screen: Rescue System, Memory Test, "
"Hardware Detection Tool."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:60
msgid "Each DVD contains many available desktop environments and languages."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:64
msgid ""
"You'll be given the choice during the installation to add non free software."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:71
msgid "Live media"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:76
msgid ""
"Can be used to preview the distribution without installing it on a HDD, and "
"optionally install Mageia on to your HDD."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:80
msgid "Each ISO contains only one desktop environment (Plasma, GNOME or Xfce)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:87
msgid ""
"<emphasis role=\"bold\">Live ISOs can only be used to create clean "
"installations, they cannot be used to upgrade from previous releases.</"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:92
msgid "They contain non free software."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:97
msgid "Live DVD Plasma"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:100
msgid "Plasma desktop environment only."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:103 en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:117
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:131
msgid "All languages are present."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:106
msgid "64 bit architecture only."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:111
msgid "Live DVD GNOME"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:114
msgid "GNOME desktop environment only."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:120
msgid "64 bit architecture only"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:125
msgid "Live DVD Xfce"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:128
msgid "Xfce desktop environment only."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:134
msgid "32 or 64 bit architectures."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:140
msgid "Boot-only CD media"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:145
msgid ""
"Each one is a small image that contains no more than that which is needed to "
"start the drakx installer and find drakx-installer-stage2 and other packages "
"that are needed to continue and complete the install. These packages may be "
"on the PC hard disk, on a local drive, on a local network or on the Internet."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:153
msgid ""
"These media are very light (less than 100 MB) and are convenient when "
"bandwidth is too low to download a full DVD, a PC without a DVD drive or a "
"PC that can't boot from a USB stick."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:162
msgid "English language only."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "netinstall.iso"
msgstr "La instal-paŝoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:170
msgid ""
"Contains only free software, for those people who prefer not to use non-free "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:175
msgid "netinstall-nonfree.iso"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:178
msgid ""
"Contains non-free software (mostly drivers, codecs...) for people who need "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:186
msgid "Downloading and Checking Media"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:188
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:189
msgid ""
"Once you have chosen your ISO file, you can download it using either http or "
"BitTorrent. In both cases, a window gives you some information, such as the "
"mirror in use and an opportunity to change if the bandwidth is to low. If "
"http is chosen, you may also see something like"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:191
msgid "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"Checking.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:195
msgid ""
"md5sum and sha1sum are tools to check the ISO integrity. Use only one of "
"them. Keep one of them <link linkend=\"integrity\">for further usage</link>. "
"Then a window similar to this one appears:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:199
msgid "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"Download.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:203
msgid "Check the radio button Save File."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:206
msgid "Checking the integrity of the downloaded media"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:207
msgid ""
"Both checksums are hexadecimal numbers calculated by an algorithm from the "
"file to be downloaded. When you ask these algorithms to recalculate this "
"number from your downloaded file, either you have the same number and your "
"downloaded file is correct, or the number is different and you have a "
"failure. A failure infers that you should retry the download or attempt a "
"repair using BitTorrent."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:213
msgid "Open a console, no need to be root, and:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:214
msgid ""
"- To use md5sum, type: [sam@localhost]$ <userinput>md5sum path/to/the/image/"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:216
msgid ""
"- To use sha1sum, type: [sam@localhost]$ <userinput>sha1sum path/to/the/"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:218
msgid ""
"and compare the obtained number on your computer (you may have to wait for a "
"while) with the number given by Mageia. Example:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:221
msgid "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"../Md5sum.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"../Md5sum.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:229
msgid "Burn or dump the ISO"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:230
msgid ""
"The checked ISO can now be burned to a CD or DVD or dumped to a USB stick. "
"These operations are not a simple copy and aim to make a bootable medium."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:234
msgid "Burning the ISO to a CD/DVD"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:235
msgid ""
"Use whatever burner you wish but ensure the burning device is set correctly "
"to <emphasis role=\"bold\">burn an image</emphasis>, burn data or files is "
"not correct. There is more information in <link ns4:href=\"https://wiki."
"mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images\">the Mageia wiki</link>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:241
msgid "Dump the ISO to a USB stick"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:242
msgid ""
"All Mageia ISOs are hybrids, which means you can 'dump' them to a USB stick "
"and then use it to boot and install the system."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><warning><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:245
msgid ""
"\"Dumping\" an image onto a flash device destroys any previous file-system "
"on the device; any other data will be lost and the partition capacity will "
"be reduced to the image size."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:249
msgid ""
"To recover the original capacity, you must redo partitioning and re-format "
"the USB stick."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:252
msgid "Using a graphical tool within Mageia"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:253
msgid ""
"You can use a graphical tool like <link ns4:href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:256
msgid "Using a graphical tool within Windows"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:257
msgid "You could try:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:258
msgid ""
"- <link ns4:href=\"http://rufus.akeo.ie/?locale=en_US\">Rufus</link> using "
"the \"ISO image\" option;"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:260
msgid ""
"- <link ns4:href=\"http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager\">Win32 "
"Disk Imager</link>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><title>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:264
msgid "Using Command line within a GNU/Linux system"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><warning><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:266
msgid ""
"It is potentially *dangerous* to do this by hand. You risk to overwrite a "
"disc partition if you get the device-ID wrong."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:269
msgid "You can also use the dd tool in a console:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:272
msgid "Open a console"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:275
msgid ""
"Become root with the command <userinput>su -</userinput> (don't forget the "
"final '-' )"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><mediaobject>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:278
msgid "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"../Root.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"../Root.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:284
msgid ""
"Plug in your USB stick (do not mount it, this also means do not open any "
"application or file manager that could access or read it)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:289
msgid "Enter the command <userinput>fdisk -l</userinput>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><mediaobject>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:291
msgid "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"../Fdisk.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"../Fdisk.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:295
msgid ""
"Alternatively, you can get the device name with the command <code>dmesg</"
"code>: at end, you see the device name starting with <emphasis>sd</"
"emphasis>, and <emphasis>sdd</emphasis> in this case:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><screen>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:299
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"[72594.604531] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 27 using xhci_hcd\n"
"[72594.770528] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=8564, idProduct=1000\n"
"[72594.770533] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3\n"
"[72594.770536] usb 1-1: Product: Mass Storage Device\n"
"[72594.770537] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: JetFlash\n"
"[72594.770539] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 18MJTWLMPUCC3SSB\n"
"[72594.770713] usb 1-1: ep 0x81 - rounding interval to 128 microframes, ep desc says 255 microframes\n"
"[72594.770719] usb 1-1: ep 0x2 - rounding interval to 128 microframes, ep desc says 255 microframes\n"
"[72594.771122] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected\n"
"[72594.772447] scsi host8: usb-storage 1-1:1.0\n"
"[72595.963238] scsi 8:0:0:0: Direct-Access     JetFlash Transcend 2GB    1100 PQ: 0 ANSI: 4\n"
"[72595.963626] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] 4194304 512-byte logical blocks: (2.14 GB/2.00 GiB)\n"
"[72595.964104] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Write Protect is off\n"
"[72595.964108] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Mode Sense: 43 00 00 00\n"
"[72595.965025] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] No Caching mode page found\n"
"[72595.965031] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Assuming drive cache: write through\n"
"[72595.967251]  <emphasis>sdd</emphasis>: sdd1\n"
"[72595.969446] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Attached SCSI removable disk"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:319
msgid ""
"Find the device name for your USB stick (by its size), for example <code>/"
"dev/sdb</code> in the screenshot above, it is a 8GB USB stick."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:324
msgid ""
"Enter the command: # <userinput>dd if=path/to/the/ISO/file of=/dev/sdX "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:326
msgid "Where X=your device name eg: /dev/sdc"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:327
msgid ""
"Example: # <userinput>dd if=/home/user/Downloads/Mageia-6-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/"
"dev/sdb bs=1M</userinput>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:330
msgid "Enter the command: # <userinput>sync</userinput>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><section><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml:333
msgid "Unplug your USB stick, it is done"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/selectCountry.xml:3
msgid "Select your Country / Region"
msgstr "Elektu vian Landon / Regionon"

#.  Lebarhon 2016 12 16 updated for Mageia 6
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/selectCountry.xml:9
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"selectCountry-im1\" align="
"\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-selectCountry.png\" revision=\"1\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"setupBootloaderAddEntry-"
"im1\" align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-setupBootloaderAddEntry.png\" revision="
"\"1\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/selectCountry.xml:14
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select your country or region.  This is important for all kinds of settings, "
"like the currency and wireless regulatory domain. Setting the wrong country "
"can lead to not being able to use a Wireless network."
msgstr ""
"Selektu vian landon aŭ regionon. Ĉi tio estas grava por ĉiaj konfiguroj, "
"kiel la monero kaj senkabla reguliga domajno. Konfiguri eraran landon povus "
"kaŭzi ke vi ne kapablu utiligi senkablan reton."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/selectCountry.xml:19
msgid ""
"If your country isn't in the list, click the <guilabel>Other Countries</"
"guilabel> button and choose your country / region there."
msgstr ""
"Se via lando ne estas en la listo, klaku sur la butono <guilabel>Aliaj "
"Landoj</guilabel> kaj elektu vian landon / regionon tie."

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/selectCountry.xml:24
msgid ""
"If your country is only in the <guilabel>Other Countries</guilabel> list, "
"after clicking <guibutton>OK</guibutton> it may seem a country from the "
"first list was chosen. Please ignore this, DrakX will follow your real "
msgstr ""
"Se via lando estas nur en la listo <guilabel>Aliaj Landoj</guilabel>, post "
"klaki sur <guibutton>Enorde</guibutton> povas ŝajni ke vi elektis landon de "
"la unua listo.  Bv. ignori tion, DrakX daŭrigos kun via reala elekto."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/selectCountry.xml:32
msgid "Input method"
msgstr "Enir-metodo"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/selectCountry.xml:35
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"In the <guilabel>Other Countries</guilabel> screen you can also select an "
"input method (at the bottom of the list). Input methods allow users to input "
"multilingual characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). IBus is the "
"default input method, so users should not need to configure it manually. "
"Other input methods(SCIM, GCIN, HIME, etc) also provide similar functions "
"and can be installed if you added HTTP/FTP media before package selection."
msgstr ""
"En la ekrano <guilabel>Aliaj Landoj</guilabel> vi povas ankaŭ elekti enir-"
"metodon (sube en la listo). Enir-metodoj ebligas uzulojn tajpi mult-lingvajn "
"literojn (ĉina, japana, korea, ktp.). IBus estas la defaŭlta enir-metodo en "
"Magejaj DVD, kaj en Afrikaj/Barataj kaj Aziaj/ne-Barataj KD. Por aziaj kaj "
"afrikaj tajp-konfiguroj, IBus agordos la defaŭltan enir-metodon aŭtomate "
"tiel uzuloj ne bezonos konfiguri ĝin permane. Aliaj enir-metodoj (SCIM, "
"GCIN, HIME, ktp.) ankaŭ havigas similajn funkciojn kaj povas esti instalitaj "
"se vi aldonis HTTP/FTP-an medion antaŭ la pakaĵa selekto."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><note><para>
#: en/selectCountry.xml:44
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you missed the input method setup during installation, you can access it "
"after you boot your installed system via \"Configure your Computer\" -> "
"\"System\", or by running localedrake as root."
msgstr ""
"Se vi nevole preterpaŝis la enir-metodon dum la instalo, vi povas aliri ĝin "
"post ŝarĝi la instalitan sistemon per \"Konfiguri vian Komputilon\" -> "
"\"Sistemo\" aŭ lanĉante localdrake kiel mastrumanto."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/selectInstallClass.xml:21
msgid "Install or Upgrade"
msgstr "Instalado/ĝisdatigo"

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/selectInstallClass.xml:25
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-selectInstallClass.png\" align="
"\"center\" format=\"PNG\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-selectInstallClass.png\" align="
"\"center\" width=\"800\" format=\"PNG\" depth=\"600\"></imagedata> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectInstallClass.xml:32
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Instalado"

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectInstallClass.xml:34
msgid ""
"Use this option for a fresh <application>Mageia</application> installation."
msgstr ""
"Uzu tiun elekton por freŝa instalado de <application>Magejo</application> ."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectInstallClass.xml:39
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Ĝisdatigu"

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectInstallClass.xml:41
msgid ""
"If you have one or more <application>Mageia</application> installations on "
"your system, the installer will allow you to upgrade one of them to the "
"latest release."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><warning><para>
#: en/selectInstallClass.xml:45
msgid ""
"Only upgrading from a previous Mageia version that was <emphasis>still "
"supported</emphasis> when this installer's version was released, has been "
"thoroughly tested. If you want to upgrade a Mageia version that had already "
"reached its End\tOf Life when this one was released, then it is better to do "
"a clean install while preserving your <literal>/home</literal> partition."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/selectInstallClass.xml:56
msgid ""
"If during install you decide to stop the installation, it is possible to "
"reboot, but please think twice before you do this. Once a partition has been "
"formatted or updates have started to be installed, your computer isn't in "
"the same state anymore and rebooting it could very well leave you with an "
"unusable system. If in spite of that you are very sure rebooting is what you "
"want, go to a text terminal by pressing the three keys <guilabel>Alt Ctrl "
"F2</guilabel> at the same time. After that, press <guilabel>Alt Ctrl Delete</"
"guilabel> simultaneously to reboot."
msgstr ""
"Se iam dum la instalado vi decidas haltigi ĝin, eblas reŝarĝi la komputilon, "
"sed bv. pripensi tion dufoje antaŭe.  Post la strukturado de subdisko aŭ "
"post la ekinstalo de ĝisdatigo via komputilo ne plu restos egale, reŝarĝi "
"ĝin povus igi vian sistemon neuzebla. Se malgraŭ tio vi estas certa pri tio "
"ke vi volas reŝarĝi, malfermu teksto-terminalon premante la tri klavojn "
"<guibutton>Alt Ctrl F2</guibutton> samtempe.  Post tio, premu <guibutton>Alt "
"Ctrl Delete</guibutton> samtempe por reŝarĝi."

#. type: Content of: <section><tip><para>
#: en/selectInstallClass.xml:67
msgid ""
"If you have discovered that you forgot to select an additional language, you "
"can return from the \"Install or Upgrade\" screen to the language choice "
"screen by pressing <guilabel>Alt Ctrl Home</guilabel>. Do <emphasis>not</"
"emphasis> do this later in the install."
msgstr ""
"Se vi rimarkas ke vi forgesis selekti aldonan lingvon, vi povas reveni el la "
"ekrano \"Instalado/ĝisdatigo\" al la ekrano por lingva elekto per la premo "
"de <guilabel>Alt Ctrl Home</guilabel>.  <emphasis>Ne</emphasis> faru tion "
"poste en la instalo."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/selectKeyboardLive.xml:3
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select keyboard"
msgstr "Klavaro"

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/selectKeyboardLive.xml:7
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata xml:id=\"selectKeyboardLive-im1\" revision=\"1\" "
"align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"live-selectKeyboard.png\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata xml:id=\"selectKeyboardLive-im1\" revision=\"1\" "
"align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"live-selectKeyboard.png\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/selectKeyboardLive.xml:12
msgid ""
"You will be required to set the keyboard layout you wish to use in Mageia​​. "
"The default one is selected according to your language and timezone "
"previously selected."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/selectKeyboard.xml:14
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Klavaro"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/selectKeyboard.xml:17
msgid ""
"DrakX selects an appropriate keyboard for your language. If no suitable "
"keyboard is found it will default to a US keyboard layout."
msgstr ""
"DrakX selektas adekvatan klavaron por via lingvo. Se ne estas disponebla ĝi "
"aŭtomate elektos usonan klavaron."

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/selectKeyboard.xml:22
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-selectKeyboard.png"
"\" /> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-selectKeyboard.png\" align=\"center"
"\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectKeyboard.xml:30
msgid ""
"Make sure that the selection is correct or choose another keyboard layout. "
"If you don't know which layout your keyboard has, look in the specifications "
"that came with your system, or ask the computer vendor. There may even be a "
"label on the keyboard that identifies the layout. You can also look here: "
"<link xlink:href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout\">en."
msgstr ""
"Estu certa pri tio ke la selekto estas ĝusta aŭ elektu male alian klavaron. "
"Se vi ne scias kiun klavaron vi havas rigardu la specifojn kiuj venas kun "
"via sistemo aŭ demandu al la vendisto. Eble estas etikedo sur la klavaro kiu "
"identigas ĝin. Vi ankaŭ povas rigardi ĉi tie: <link xlink:href=\"http://eo."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectKeyboard.xml:40
msgid ""
"If your keyboard isn't in the list shown, click on <guibutton>More</"
"guibutton> to get a full list, and select your keyboard there."
msgstr ""
"Se via klavaro ne estas en la montrita listo klaku sur la butono "
"<guibutton>Pli (Plu)</guibutton> por aliri etenditan liston kaj selektu vian "
"klavaron tie."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para><warning><para>
#: en/selectKeyboard.xml:45
msgid ""
"After choosing a keyboard from the <guibutton>More</guibutton> dialog, "
"you'll return to the first keyboard choice dialog and it will seem as though "
"a keyboard from that screen was chosen. You can safely ignore this anomaly "
"and continue the installation: Your keyboard is the one you chose from the "
"full list."
msgstr ""
"Post elekti klavaron per la butono <guibutton>Pli (Plu)</guibutton> , vi "
"revenos al la unua priklavara ekrano sed povos ŝajni kvazaŭ klavaro de tiu "
"ekrano estas elektita. Vi povas sentime ignori tiun anomalion kaj daŭrigi la "
"instaladon: Via klavaro estas tiu kiun vi elektis per la etendita listo."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectKeyboard.xml:55
msgid ""
"If you choose a keyboard based on non-Latin characters, you will see an "
"extra dialog screen asking how you would prefer to switch between the Latin "
"and non-Latin keyboard layouts"
msgstr ""
"Se vi elektis klavaron nebazitan sur latinaj literoj, vi vidos aldonan "
"ekranon demandantan kiel vi ŝatus ŝanĝi inter latinaj kaj nelatinaj klavaroj"

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/selectLanguage.xml:15
msgid "Please choose a language to use"
msgstr "Bv. elekti la uzotan lingvon"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/selectLanguage.xml:18
msgid ""
"Select your preferred language, by first expanding the list for your "
"continent. <application>Mageia</application> will use this selection during "
"the installation and for your installed system."
msgstr ""
"Selektu vian preferatan lingvon unue per la disfaldo de via kontinenta "
"listo. <application>Magejo</application> uzos ĉi tiun selekton dum la "
"instalado kaj por la instalita sistemo."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/selectLanguage.xml:22
msgid ""
"If it is likely that you will require several languages installed on your "
"system, for yourself or other users, then you should use the "
"<guibutton>Multiple languages</guibutton> button to add them now. It will be "
"difficult to add extra language support after installation."
msgstr ""
"Se vi bezonas instali en via sistemo plurajn lingvojn por vi aŭ aliaj "
"uzuloj, tiam vi devas utiligi la butonon <guibutton>Multaj lingvoj (Multiple "
"languages)</guibutton> por aldoni ilin nun. Estos malfacile aldoni plian "
"lingvan eltenon post la instalo."

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/selectLanguage.xml:29
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref="
"\"dx2-selectLanguage.png\" format=\"PNG\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata fileref=\"live-language.png\" format=\"\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref="
"\"dx2-selectLanguage.png\" format=\"PNG\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata fileref=\"live-language.png\" format=\"\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><warning><para>
#: en/selectLanguage.xml:39
msgid ""
"Even if you choose more than one language, you must first choose one of them "
"as your preferred language in the first language screen. It will also be "
"marked as chosen in the multiple languages screen ."
msgstr ""
"Se vi elektas pli ol unu lingvon, vi devas selekti unu el ili kiel vian "
"preferatan lingvon en la komenca lingva ekrano. Ĝi markiĝos ankaŭ en la "
"plurlingva ekrano ."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectLanguage.xml:46
msgid ""
"If your keyboard language is not the same as your preferred language, then "
"it is advisable to install the language of your keyboard as well."
msgstr ""
"Se via klavara lingvo ne estas la sama kiel via preferata lingvo, tiam estas "
"rekomendinde instali la lingvon de via klavaro ankaŭ."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectLanguage.xml:52
msgid "Mageia uses UTF-8 (Unicode) support by default."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectLanguage.xml:54
msgid ""
"This may be disabled in the \"multiple languages\" screen if you know that "
"it is inappropriate for your language. Disabling UTF-8 applies to all "
"installed languages."
msgstr ""
"Ĉi tio povas esti malŝaltita en la plurlingva ekrano se vi certas pri tio ke "
"ĝi estas neadekvata por via lingvo. Malŝalti unikodon havos konsekvencojn "
"sur ĉiuj instalitaj lingvoj."

#. type: Content of: <section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/selectLanguage.xml:60
msgid ""
"You can change the language of your system after installation in the Mageia "
"Control Center -> System -> Manage localization for your system."
msgstr ""
"Vi povas ŝanĝi la lingvon de via sistemo post la instalo per la Kontrolilo "
"de Magejo -> Sistemo -> Agordi skrib-sistemojn."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/selectMouse.xml:4
msgid "Select mouse"
msgstr "Selekti muson"

#.  Made by marja on 2012 04 11 
#.  adding some "real" text now that we know the page shows up in the right place
#.  marja 2012-04-24 adding screenshot 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/selectMouse.xml:16
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-selectMouse.png\" align=\"center\" "
"format=\"PNG\" > </imagedata> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-selectMouse.png\" "
"width=\"800\" depth=\"600\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id="
"\"selectMouse-im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/selectMouse.xml:23
msgid ""
"If you are not happy with how your mouse responds, you can select a "
"different one here."
msgstr ""
"Se vin ne kontentigas la funkciado de via muso, vi povas elekti iun malsaman "
"ĉi tie."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/selectMouse.xml:25
msgid ""
"Usually, <guilabel>Universal</guilabel> - <guilabel>Any PS/2 and USB mice</"
"guilabel> is a good choice."
msgstr ""
"Ofte, <guilabel>Universala</guilabel> - <guilabel>Ajna PS/2- kaj USB-musoj</"
"guilabel> estas bona elekto."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/selectMouse.xml:27
msgid ""
"Select <guilabel>Universal</guilabel> - <guilabel>Force evdev</guilabel> to "
"configure the buttons that do not work on a mouse with six or more buttons."
msgstr ""
"Selektu <guilabel>Universalan</guilabel> - <guilabel>Trudi evdev</guilabel> "
"por konfiguri la butonojn kiuj ne funkcias en muso kun ses aŭ pli butonoj."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/setupBootloaderAddEntry.xml:7
msgid "Add or Modify a Boot Menu Entry"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/setupBootloaderAddEntry.xml:11
msgid ""
"To do that you need to manually edit /boot/grub2/custom.cfg or use the "
"software grub-customizer instead (Available in the Mageia repositories)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><note><para>
#: en/setupBootloaderAddEntry.xml:16
msgid ""
"For more information, see our wiki: <link ns2:href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:9
msgid "Bootloader main options"
msgstr "Lanĉilaj ĉefaj elektoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:13
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bootloader interface"
msgstr "Lanĉilaj ĉefaj elektoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:15
msgid "By default, Mageia uses exclusively:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:19
msgid ""
"Grub2 (with or without graphical menu) for a Legacy/MBR or Legacy/GPT system"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:24
msgid "Grub2-efi for a UEFI system."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><tip><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:29
msgid "The Mageia graphical menus are nice :"
msgstr "La grafika menuo de Magejo estas bela :)"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:33
msgid "Grub2 on Legacy/MBR and Legacy/GPT systems"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:36
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata xml:id=\"setupBootloader-im1\" fileref=\"live-"
"setupBootloader.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata xml:id=\"setupBootloader-"
"im1\" format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"dx2-setupBootloader.png\" align=\"center\" "
"revision=\"1\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> <imagedata "
"xml:id=\"setupBootloader-im1\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" revision="
"\"1\" fileref=\"live-setupBootloader.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:45 en/setupBootloader.xml:73
msgid ""
"Don't modify the \"Boot Device\" unless you really know what you are doing."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:50
msgid "Grub2-efi on UEFI systems"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:52
msgid ""
"With an UEFI system, the user interface is slightly different as you cannot "
"choose between with or without graphical menu"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:56
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:65
msgid ""
"If Mageia is the only system installed on your computer, the installer "
"created an ESP (EFI System Partition) to receive the bootloader (Grub2-efi). "
"If there are already UEFI operating systems installed on your computer "
"(Windows 8 for example), the Mageia installer detects the existing ESP "
"created by Windows and adds grub2-efi. Although it is possible to have "
"several ESPs, only one is advised and enough whatever the number of "
"operating systems you have."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:79
msgid "Using a Mageia bootloader"
msgstr "Uzi la lanĉilon de Magejo"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:81
msgid "By default, according to your system, Mageia writes a new:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:85
msgid ""
"GRUB2 bootloader either into the MBR (Master Boot Record) of your first hard "
"drive or in the BIOS boot partition."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:90
msgid "Grub2-efi bootloader into the ESP"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:94
msgid ""
"If you already have other operating systems installed, Mageia attempts to "
"add them to your new Mageia boot menu. If you don't want this behaviour, "
"click on <guibutton>Next</guibutton> and then uncheck the box "
"<guilabel>Probe Foreign OS</guilabel>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:100
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader3.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader3.png\" align="
"\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:111
msgid "Using an existing bootloader"
msgstr "Uzi ekzistantan lanĉilon"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:113
msgid ""
"The exact procedure for adding your Mageia system to an existing bootloader "
"is beyond the scope of this help, however in most cases it will involve "
"running the relevant bootloader installation program which should detect and "
"add it automatically. See the documentation for the operating system in "
msgstr ""
"La ĝusta procezo por aldoni vian Magejan sistemon al ekzistanta lanĉilo "
"estas preter la celo de tiu ĉi helpilo, tamen en la plimulto el la kazoj "
"estos necese lanĉi lanĉilan instal-programon kiu devus detekti kaj konfiguri "
"ĝin aŭtomate.  Vidu la dokumentaron por la konkreta operacia sistemo."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:121
msgid "Using chain loading"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:123
msgid ""
"If you don't want a bootable Mageia, but to chain load it from another OS, "
"click on <guibutton>Next</guibutton>, then on <guibutton>Advanced</"
"guibutton> and Check the box <guilabel>Do not touch ESP or MBR</guilabel>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:129
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader4.png\" align=\"center\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
"condition=\"live\"> <imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader4.png\" align="
"\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
"<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:138
msgid ""
"You will get a warning that the bootloader is missing, ignore it by clicking "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:142
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-setupBootloader5.png\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align=\"center"
"\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:149
msgid "Options"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:152
msgid "First page"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:156
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Delay before booting the default image</guilabel>: This text box "
"lets you set a delay in seconds before the default operating system is "
"started up."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:162
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Security</guilabel>: This allows you to set a password for the "
"bootloader. This means other people can not enter single user mode or change "
"settings at the boot time."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:168
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Password</guilabel>: This text box is where you actually put the "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:173
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Password (again)</guilabel>: Retype the password and Drakx will "
"check that it matches with the one set above."
msgstr ""
"<guilabel>Pasvorto (denove)</guilabel>: Retajpu la uzulan pasvorton en ĉi "
"tiu teksta skatolo kaj darkx kontrolos ĉu la pasvorto estas la sama en ĉiuj "
"uzulaj pasvortaj teksto-skatoloj."

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:179 en/setupBootloader.xml:237
#, fuzzy
msgid "<guilabel>Advanced</guilabel>"
msgstr "<guilabel>Servoj</guilabel>:"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:183
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Enable ACPI:</guilabel> ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power "
"Interface) is a standard for the power management. It can save energy by "
"stopping unused devices, this was the method used before APM. Unchecking it "
"could be useful if, for example, your computer does not support ACPI or if "
"you think the ACPI implementation might cause some problems (for instance "
"random reboots or system lockups)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:193
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Enable SMP</guilabel>: This option enables / disables symmetric "
"multiprocessing for multi core processors."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:199
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Enable APIC</guilabel>: Enabling or disabling this gives the "
"operating system access to the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller. "
"APIC devices permit more complex priority models, and Advanced IRQ "
"(Interrupt Request)  management."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para><itemizedlist><listitem><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:207
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Enable Local APIC</guilabel>: Here you can set local APIC, which "
"manages all external interrupts for a specific processor in an SMP system."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><title>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:217
msgid "Next page"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:221
msgid "<guilabel>Default:</guilabel> Operating system started up by default"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:226
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Append:</guilabel> This option lets you pass the kernel "
"information or tell the kernel to give you more information as it boots."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:232
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Probe foreign OS</guilabel>: see above <link linkend="
"\"setupMageiaBootloader\">Using a Mageia bootloader</link>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:239
msgid ""
"<guilabel>Video mode:</guilabel> This sets the screen size and colour depth "
"the boot menu will use. If you click the down triangle you will be offered "
"other size and colour depth options."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/setupBootloader.xml:246
msgid ""
"<emphasis role=\"bold\">Do not touch ESP or MBR</emphasis>: see above <link "
"linkend=\"setupChainLoading\">Using the chain loading</link>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/setupSCSI.xml:11
msgid "Setup SCSI"
msgstr "Konfiguri SCSI"

#.  Made by marja on 2012 04 02 
#.  JohnR - edited 2012-03-03 
#.  SimonNZG has reviewed 2012-04-03 (changed editted to edited in JohnR's comment ;-) 
#.  barjac has re-reviewed and made some minor tweaks. Revisions incremented. 
#.  marja 2012-04-24 added screenshot 
#.  marja 2012-04-25 replacing John's version 1.6 because that one was based on the
#.        Mdv doc instead of on our setupSCSI file 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/setupSCSI.xml:26
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-setupSCSI.png\" format="
"\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id=\"setupSCSI-im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-setupSCSI.png\" width="
"\"800\" depth=\"600\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id=\"setupSCSI-"
"im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/setupSCSI.xml:32
msgid ""
"DrakX usually detects hard disks correctly. With some older SCSI controllers "
"it may be unable to determine the correct drivers to use and subsequently "
"fail to recognise the drive."
msgstr ""
"DrakX kutime trovas fiksitajn diskojn senprobleme. Ĝi tamen povas ne trovi "
"kelkajn malnovajn SCSI-aparatojn kaj do malsukcesi pri la instalado de la "
"bezonataj peliloj."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/setupSCSI.xml:36
msgid ""
"If this happens, you will need to manually tell Drakx which SCSI drive(s) "
"you have."
msgstr ""
"Se tio okazas, vi devos permane diri al Drakx kiun SCSI-aparaton vi havas."

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/setupSCSI.xml:39
msgid "DrakX should then be able to configure the drive(s) correctly."
msgstr "DrakX devus tiam esti kapabla konfiguri la aparato(j)n ĝuste."

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/soundConfig.xml:3
msgid "Sound Configuration"
msgstr ""

#.  Lebarhon 20170209 updated SC
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/soundConfig.xml:9
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"dx2-soundConfig.png\" xml:"
"id=\"soundConfig-im1\" revision=\"1\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-soundConfig.png\" revision=\"1\" "
"format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"soundConfig-im1\" /> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/soundConfig.xml:14
msgid ""
"In this screen the name of the driver that the installer chose for your "
"sound card is given, which will be the default driver if we have a default "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/soundConfig.xml:18
msgid ""
"The default driver should work without problems. However, if after install "
"you do encounter problems, then run <command>draksound</command> or start "
"this tool via MCC (Mageia Control Center), by choosing the "
"<guilabel>Hardware</guilabel> tab and clicking on <guilabel>Sound "
"Configuration</guilabel> at the top right of the screen."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/soundConfig.xml:24
msgid ""
"Then, in the draksound or \"Sound Configuration\" tool screen, click on "
"<guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> and then on <guibutton>Troubleshooting</"
"guibutton> to find very useful advice about how to solve the problem."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/soundConfig.xml:31
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Progresinta"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/soundConfig.xml:34
msgid ""
"Clicking <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> in this screen, during install, is "
"useful if there is no default driver and there are several drivers "
"available, but you think the installer selected the wrong one."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/soundConfig.xml:39
msgid ""
"In that case you can select a different driver after clicking on "
"<guibutton>Let me pick any driver</guibutton>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/takeOverHdConfirm.xml:4
msgid "Confirm hard disk to be formatted"
msgstr ""

#.  Made by marja on 2012 04 03 
#.  test comment - johnr 
#.  2012-04-24 marja - replaced "if you are not sure you selected the correct
#.     hard disk." with "if you are not sure about your choice", because I'm sure I
#.     saw this help screen when I had only one HD 
#.  2013-05-05 marja added screenshot 
#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/takeOverHdConfirm.xml:19
msgid ""
"<imageobject condition='live'> <imagedata fileref=\"live-takeOverHdConfirm."
"png\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" ></imagedata> </imageobject> "
"<imageobject condition='classical'> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
"takeOverHdConfirm.png\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" ></imagedata> </"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/takeOverHdConfirm.xml:27
msgid ""
"Click on <guibutton>Previous</guibutton> if you are not sure about your "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/takeOverHdConfirm.xml:30
msgid ""
"Click on <guibutton>Next</guibutton> if you are sure and want to erase every "
"partition, every operating system and all data on that hard disk."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/testing.xml:9
msgid "Testing Mageia as Live system"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><info><title>
#: en/testing.xml:14
msgid "Live mode"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/testing.xml:18
msgid "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-liveMode.png\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-liveMode.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/testing.xml:23
msgid ""
"You get this screen if you selected \"Boot Mageia\". If not, you get the "
"\"<link linkend=\"doPartitionDisks\">Partitioning</link> step\""
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><info><title>
#: en/testing.xml:28
msgid "Testing hardware"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/testing.xml:31
msgid ""
"One of the Live mode goals is to test if the hardware is correctly managed "
"by Mageia. You can check if all devices have a driver in the Hardware "
"section of the Mageia Control Center. You can test the most current devices:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/testing.xml:38
msgid "network interface: configure it with net_applet"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/testing.xml:42
msgid "graphical card: if you see the previous screen, it's already OK."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/testing.xml:47
msgid "webcam:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/testing.xml:51
msgid "sound: a jingle has already been played"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/testing.xml:55
msgid "printer: configure it and print a test page"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
#: en/testing.xml:59
msgid "scanner: scan a document from ..."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/testing.xml:63
msgid ""
"If all is OK for you, you can process to the installation. If not, you can "
"leave with the quit button."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><remark>
#: en/testing.xml:66
msgid "The configuration settings you made here are kept for the installation."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><info><title>
#: en/testing.xml:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "Launch installation"
msgstr "La instal-paŝoj"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><mediaobject>
#: en/testing.xml:76
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-liveMode-install.png\"/> </"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-liveMode-install.png\"/> </"

#. type: Content of: <section><section><section><para>
#: en/testing.xml:81
msgid ""
"To launch the installation of Mageia LiveCD or Live DVD to the hard disc or "
"SSD drive, simply click on the icon \"Install on Hard Disk\". You will get "
"this screen, and then the \"<link linkend=\"doPartitionDisks\">Partitioning</"
"link> step\" as for the direct installation."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/uninstall-Mageia.xml:3
msgid "Uninstalling Mageia"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><title>
#: en/uninstall-Mageia.xml:10
msgid "Howto"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/uninstall-Mageia.xml:12
msgid ""
"If Mageia didn't convince you or you can't install it correctly, in short "
"you want get rid of it. That is your right and Mageia also gives you the "
"possibility to uninstall. This is not true for every operating system."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/uninstall-Mageia.xml:17
msgid ""
"After your data backup, reboot your installation Mageia DVD and select "
"Rescue system, then, Restore Windows boot loader. At the next boot, you will "
"only have Windows with no option to choose your operating system."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/uninstall-Mageia.xml:22
msgid ""
"To recover the space used by Mageia partitions on Windows, click on "
"<code>Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -"
"> Storage -> Disk Management</code> to access to the partition management. "
"You will recognize the Mageia partition because they are labeled "
"<guilabel>Unknown</guilabel>, and also by their size and place in the disk. "
"Right click on each of these partitions and select <guibutton>Delete</"
"guibutton>. The space will be freed."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/uninstall-Mageia.xml:30
msgid ""
"If you are using Windows XP, you can create a new partition and format it "
"(FAT32 or NTFS). It will get a partition letter."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><section><para>
#: en/uninstall-Mageia.xml:33
msgid ""
"If you have Vista or 7, you have one more possibility, you can extend the "
"existing partition that is at the left of the freed space.  There are other "
"partitioning tools that can be used, such as gparted, available for both "
"windows and linux. As always, when changing partitions, be very careful, and "
"make sure all important things have been backed up."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><info><title>
#: en/unused.xml:9
msgid "Keep or delete unused material"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/unused.xml:13
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"live-unused.png\" format="
"\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"unused-im1\"/> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"live-unused.png\" format="
"\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"unused-im1\"/> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/unused.xml:19
msgid ""
"In this step, the installer looks for unused locales packages and unused "
"hardware packages. Then it proposes you to delete them. It is a good idea to "
"accept, except if you prepare an installation which has to run on different "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <section><mediaobject>
#: en/unused.xml:25
msgid ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"../live-unused-InstallationProgress.png\"/"
"> </imageobject>"
msgstr ""
"<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"../live-unused-InstallationProgress.png\"/"
"> </imageobject>"

#. type: Content of: <section><para>
#: en/unused.xml:30
msgid ""
"The next step is the copying of files on hard disk. This takes some minutes. "
"At the end, you get a blank screen for some time, it's normal."
msgstr ""

#~ msgid "DVD"
#~ msgstr "DVD"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-diskdrake2.png\"/> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-diskdrake2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-diskdrake2.png\"/> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-diskdrake2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks3.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-doPartitionDisks3.png"
#~ "\"/> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-"
#~ "setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject condition=\"live\"> "
#~ "<imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\"/> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-doPartitionDisks.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-doPartitionDisks2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks3.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-doPartitionDisks3.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-setupBootloader.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata xml:id=\"setupBootloader-im1\" fileref=\"live-"
#~ "setupBootloader.png\"/> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-setupBootloader3.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader3.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-setupBootloader4.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"live-setupBootloader4.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "However, while using your new install, any user you add in <emphasis>MCC "
#~ "- System - Manage users on system</emphasis> will have a home directory "
#~ "that is both read and write protected."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "However, while using your new install, any user you add in <emphasis>MCC "
#~ "- System - Manage users on system</emphasis> will have a home directory "
#~ "that is both read and write protected."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you don't want a world readable home directory for anyone, it is "
#~ "advised to only add a temporary user now and to add the real one(s)  "
#~ "after reboot."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "If you don't want a world readable home directory for anyone, it is "
#~ "advised to only add a temporary user now and to add the real one(s) after "
#~ "reboot."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-chooseDesktop.png\" align=\"center"
#~ "\" format=\"PNG\" ></imagedata> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-chooseDesktop.png\" align=\"center"
#~ "\" format=\"PNG\"/> </imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks."
#~ "png\"/> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-doPartitionDisks."
#~ "png\"/> </imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-summary.png\" revision=\"1\" align="
#~ "\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"summary-im1\" /> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-summary.png\" align="
#~ "\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"summary-im1\"></imagedata> </"
#~ "imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata xml:id=\"summaryBottom-im1\" revision=\"1\" "
#~ "align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" fileref=\"dx2-summaryBottom.png\" /> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-summaryBottom.png\" "
#~ "align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"summary-im2\"></imagedata> </"
#~ "imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"live-reboot.png\" "
#~ "format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"reboot-im1\"/> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata align=\"center\" fileref=\"live-reboot.png\" "
#~ "format=\"PNG\" revision=\"1\" xml:id=\"reboot-im1\"/> </imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-selectCountry.png\" "
#~ "align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"selectCountry-im1\"></imagedata> "
#~ "</imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-selectCountry.png\" "
#~ "align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id=\"selectCountry-im1\"></imagedata> "
#~ "</imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id="
#~ "\"bootloaderConfiguration-im1\" fileref=\"dx2-bootloaderConfiguration.png"
#~ "\" align=\"center\" revision=\"1\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
#~ "condition=\"live\"> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id="
#~ "\"bootloaderConfiguration-im1\" fileref=\"live-bootloaderConfiguration.png"
#~ "\" align=\"center\" revision=\"1\"/> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject condition=\"classical\"> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id="
#~ "\"bootloaderConfiguration-im1\" fileref=\"dx2-bootloaderConfiguration.png"
#~ "\" align=\"center\" revision=\"1\"/> </imageobject> <imageobject "
#~ "condition=\"live\"> <imagedata format=\"PNG\" xml:id="
#~ "\"bootloaderConfiguration-im1\" fileref=\"live-bootloaderConfiguration.png"
#~ "\" align=\"center\" revision=\"1\"/> </imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-bootloaderConfiguration2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-bootloaderConfiguration2.png\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you prefer different bootloader settings to those chosen automatically "
#~ "by the installer, you can change them here."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Se vi preferas malsaman lanĉilan konfiguron al tiu elektita aŭtomate fare "
#~ "de la instalilo, vi povas ŝanĝi ĝin ĉi tie."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You may already have another operating system on your machine, in which "
#~ "case you need to decide whether to add Mageia to your existing "
#~ "bootloader, or allow Mageia to create a new one."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Eble vi havas jam alian operacian sistemon en via maŝino, tiukaze vi "
#~ "devas decidi ĉu vi volas aldoni Magejon al via ekzistanta lanĉilo aŭ "
#~ "ebligi al Magejo krei novan."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "By default, Mageia writes a new GRUB (legacy) bootloader into the MBR "
#~ "(Master Boot Record)  of your first hard drive. If you already have other "
#~ "operating systems installed, Mageia attempts to add them to your new "
#~ "Mageia boot menu."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Defaŭlte Magejo skribas novan GRUB-lanĉilon en la MBR de via unua fiksita "
#~ "disko.  Se vi jam havas aliajn operaciajn sistemojn, Magejo provos aldoni "
#~ "ilin al via nova Mageja lanĉilo."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Mageia now also offers GRUB2 as an optional bootloader in addition to "
#~ "GRUB legacy and Lilo."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mageia now also offers GRUB2 as an optional bootloader in addition to "
#~ "GRUB legacy and Lilo."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Linux systems which use the GRUB2 bootloader are not currently supported "
#~ "by GRUB (legacy)  and will not be recognized if the default GRUB "
#~ "bootloader is used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Linux systems which use the GRUB2 bootloader are not currently supported "
#~ "by GRUB (legacy) and will not be recognised if the default GRUB "
#~ "bootloader is used."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The best solution here is to use the GRUB2 bootloader which is available "
#~ "at the Summary page during installation."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "The best solution here is to use the GRUB2 bootloader which is available "
#~ "at the Summary page during installation."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you decide to use an existing bootloader then you will need to "
#~ "remember to STOP at the summary page during the installation and click "
#~ "the Bootloader <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button, which will allow "
#~ "you to change the bootloader install location."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Se vi decidas uzi ekzistantan lanĉilon tiam vi devos klaki sur la lanĉila "
#~ "butono <guibutton>Konfiguru</guibutton>, kiu ebligos vin ŝanĝi la instal-"
#~ "lokon de la lanĉilo."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Do not select a device e.g.\"sda\", or you will overwrite your existing "
#~ "MBR. You must select the root partition that you chose during the "
#~ "partitioning phase earlier, e.g. sda7."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ne selektu aparaton kiel \"sda\" aŭ vi anstataŭigos la ekzistantan MBR. "
#~ "Vi devas selekti la saman radikan subdiskon kiun vi elektis dum la "
#~ "subdiskigo, ekzemple sda7."

#~ msgid "To be clear, sda is a device, sda7 is a partition on that device."
#~ msgstr "Klarigcele, sda estas aparato, sda7 subdisko."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Go to tty2 with Ctrl+Alt+F2 and type <literal>df</literal> to check where "
#~ "your <literal>/</literal> (root) partition is. Ctrl+Alt+F7 takes you back "
#~ "to the installer screen."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Iru al tty2 per la premo de Ctrl+Alt+F2 kaj tajpu <literal>df</literal> "
#~ "por vidi kie estas via radika subdisko <literal>/</literal>. Ctrl+Alt+F7 "
#~ "venigos vin ree al la instal-ekrano."

#~ msgid "Bootloader advanced option"
#~ msgstr "Lanĉila sperta elekto"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you have very limited disk space for the <literal>/</literal> "
#~ "partition that contains <literal>/tmp</literal>, click on "
#~ "<guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> and check the box for <guilabel>Clean /"
#~ "tmp at each boot</guilabel>. This helps to maintain some free space."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Se vi havas tre limigitan spacon en via disko por subdisko <literal>/</"
#~ "literal> enhavanta samtempe la dosierujon <literal>/tmp</literal>, klaku "
#~ "sur <guibutton>Progresinta</guibutton> kaj aktivigu la skatolon dirantan "
#~ "<guilabel>Purigu /tmp dum ĉiuj startadoj</guilabel>. Tio helpos teni iom "
#~ "da libera spaco."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-"
#~ "bootloaderConfiguration.png\" align=\"center\" format=\"PNG\" xml:id="
#~ "\"bootloaderConfiguration-im1\"/> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-"
#~ "bootloaderConfiguration.png\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id="
#~ "\"bootloaderConfiguration-im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" align=\"center\" fileref=\"dx2-"
#~ "setupBootloader.png\" xml:id=\"setupBootloader-im1\" format=\"PNG\"/> </"
#~ "imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-setupBootloader.png"
#~ "\" align=\"center\" width=\"800\" format=\"PNG\" depth=\"600\" xml:id="
#~ "\"setupBootloader-im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-setRootPassword.png"
#~ "\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id=\"setRootPassword-im1\"></"
#~ "imagedata> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata revision=\"1\" fileref=\"dx2-setRootPassword.png"
#~ "\" width=\"800\" depth=\"600\" format=\"PNG\" align=\"center\" xml:id="
#~ "\"setRootPassword-im1\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-diskdrake.png\" align=\"center\"/> "
#~ "</imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-diskdrake.png\" align=\"center\"></"
#~ "imagedata> </imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-selectLanguage.png\" align=\"center"
#~ "\" format=\"PNG\" > </imagedata> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-selectLanguage.png\" align=\"center"
#~ "\" width=\"800\" format=\"PNG\" depth=\"600\"></imagedata> </imageobject>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-takeOverHdConfirm.png\" format="
#~ "\"PNG\" align=\"center\" ></imagedata> </imageobject>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<imageobject> <imagedata fileref=\"dx2-takeOverHdConfirm.png\" format="
#~ "\"PNG\" align=\"center\" ></imagedata> </imageobject>"