<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:id="misc-params">
    <title xml:id="misc-params-ti1">Summary of miscellaneous

  <!-- Lebarhon 2016 12 16 updated for Mageia 6. 20170209 updated SC-->

      <imagedata fileref="dx2-summaryTop.png"/>

  <para xml:id="misc-params-pa1" revision="1">DrakX made smart choices for the
  configuration of your system depending on the choices you made and on the
  hardware DrakX detected. You can check the settings here and change them if
  you want after pressing <guibutton>Configure</guibutton>.</para>

    <para>As a general rule, default settings are recommended and you can keep
    them with 3 exceptions:<itemizedlist>
          <para>there are known issues with a default setting</para>

          <para>the default setting has already been tried and it fails</para>

          <para>something else is said in the detailed sections below</para>

  <section xml:id="misc-params-system">
      <title xml:id="misc-params-system-ti2">System parameters</title>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa2" revision="1"><guilabel>Timezone</guilabel></para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa2a" revision="1">DrakX selected a
        time zone for you, depending on your preferred language. You can
        change it if needed. See also <xref linkend="configureTimezoneUTC"/></para>

        <para revision="1" xml:id="misc-params-system-pa3"><guilabel>Country /

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa3a" revision="1">If you are not in
        the selected country, it is very important that you correct the
        setting. See <xref linkend="selectCountry"/></para>

        <para revision="1" xml:id="misc-params-system-pa4"><guilabel>Bootloader</guilabel></para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa4a" revision="2">DrakX has made
        good choices for the bootloader setting.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa4b" revision="2">Do not change
        anything, unless you know how to configure Grub2</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa4c" revision="2">For more
        information, see <xref linkend="setupBootloader"/></para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa5" revision="1"><guilabel>User

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa5a" revision="2">You can add extra
        users here. They will each get their own <literal>/home</literal>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa6" revision="1"><guilabel>Services</guilabel>:</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa6a" revision="1">System services
        refer to those small programs which run the background (daemons). This
        tool allows you to enable or disable certain tasks.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-system-pa6b" revision="1">You should check
        carefully before changing anything here - a mistake may prevent your
        computer from operating correctly.</para>

        <para>For more information, see <xref linkend="configureServices"/></para>

  <section xml:id="misc-params-hardware">
      <title xml:id="misc-params-hardware-ti3">Hardware parameters</title>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-hardware-pa1" revision="1"><guilabel>Keyboard</guilabel>:</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-hardware-pa1a" revision="1">This is where
        you setup or change your keyboard layout which will depend on your
        location, language or type of keyboard.</para>

          <para>If you notice a wrong keyboard layout and want to change it,
          keep in mind that your passwords are going to change too.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-hardware-pa2" revision="1"><guilabel>Mouse</guilabel>:</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-hardware-pa2a" revision="1">Here you can add
        or configure other pointing devices, tablets, trackballs etc.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-hardware-pa3" revision="1"><guilabel>Sound

        <para xml:id="misc-params-hardware-pa3a" revision="1">The installer
        uses the default driver, if there is a default one. The option to
        select a different driver is only given when there is more than one
        driver for your card, but none of them is the default one.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-hardware-pa4" revision="1"><guilabel>Graphical

        <para xml:id="misc-params-hardware-pa4a" revision="1">This section
        allows you to configure your graphic card(s) and displays.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-hardware-pa4b" revision="1">For more
        information, see <xref linkend="configureX_chooser"/>.</para>

        <imagedata format="PNG" xml:id="summaryBottom-im1" align="center" fileref="dx2-summaryBottom.png" revision="1"/>

  <section xml:id="misc-params-network">
      <title xml:id="misc-params-network-ti4">Network and Internet

        <para xml:id="misc-params-network-pa1" revision="1"><guilabel>Network</guilabel>:</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-network-pa2" revision="1">You can configure
        your network here, but for network cards with non-free drivers it is
        better to do that after reboot, in the <application>Mageia Control
        Center</application>, if you have not yet enabled the Nonfree media

          <para xml:id="misc-params-network-pa3" revision="1">When you add a
          network card, do not forget to set your firewall to watch that
          interface as well.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-network-pa4" revision="1"><guilabel>Proxies</guilabel>:</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-network-pa4a" revision="1">A Proxy Server
        acts as an intermediary between your computer and the wider internet.
        This section allows you to configure your computer to utilize a proxy

        <para xml:id="misc-params-network-pa4b" revision="1">You may need to
        consult your systems administrator to get the parameters you need to
        enter here</para>

  <section xml:id="misc-params-security">
      <title xml:id="misc-params-security-ti5">Security</title>

        <para revision="1" xml:id="misc-params-security-pa1"><guilabel>Security

        <para xml:id="misc-params-security-pa1a" revision="1">Here you set the
        Security level for your computer, in most cases the default setting
        (Standard) is adequate for general use.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-security-pa1b" revision="1">Check the option
        which best suits your usage.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-security-pa2" revision="1"><guilabel>Firewall</guilabel>:</para>

        <para revision="1" xml:id="misc-params-security-pa2a">A firewall is
        intended to be a barrier between your important data and the rascals
        out there on the internet who would compromise or steal it.</para>

        <para xml:id="misc-params-security-pa2b" revision="1">Select the
        services that you wish to have access to your system. Your selections
        will depend on what you use your computer for. For more information,
        see <xref linkend="firewall"/>.</para>

          <para xml:id="misc-params-security-pa2c" revision="1">Bear in mind
          that allowing everything (no firewall) may be very risky.</para>