Izberite vaš zaslon DrakX has a very comprehensive database of monitors and will usually correctly identify yours. Selecting a monitor with different characteristics could damage your monitor or video hardware. Please don't try something without knowing what you are doing. If in doubt you should consult your monitor documentation. Po meri Ta možnost dopušča nastavitev dveh kritičnih parametrov: navpično osveževanje (hitrost, s katero se osvežuje celoten zaslon) in najbolj pomembno, vodoravno osveževanje (hitrost, s katero se izrisujejo vrstice). ZELO POMEMBNO je, da ne izberete tipa zaslona z osvežitvami, ki presegajo zmožnosti vašega, ker ga s tem lahko poškodujete! Če ste v dvomih, izberite konservativno nastavitev in preverite dokumentacijo zaslona. Plug'n Play This is the default option and automatically tries to determine the monitor type from the monitor database. Proizvajalec If the installer has not correctly detected your monitor and you know which one you have, you can choose it from the options by selecting: Proizvajalec Model zaslona Splošno Selecting this group will list approximately 30 display configurations such as 1024x768 @ 60Hz and includes flat-panel displays as used in laptops. This is often a good monitor selection group if you need to use the VESA card driver when your video hardware cannot be determined automatically. Once again, it may be wise to be conservative in your selections.