Installation with a tiny boot image
RésuméMageia-<version>-netinstall-<arch>.iso (anciennement connu sous le nom de Boot.iso) est une image réduite qui ne contient que le strict nécessaire pour démarrer l'installeur drakx et détecter soit : Les sources en ligne (ou le miroir local)L'image ISO sur un disque dur local ou une clé USBl'image ISO sur un CD/DVD ROMl'image ISO sur un lan (réseau local)pour continuer et terminer l'installation.
Avant de commencerMageia-<version>-netinstall-nonfree-<arch>.iso (anciennement connu sous le nom de Boot-nonfree.iso) contient des pilotes supplémentaires, qui peuvent s'avérer nécessaires pour votre périphérique réseau, contrôleur de disque, ou autres matériels.Les fichiers Mageia-<version>-netinstall-nonfree-<arch>.iso et Mageia-<version>-netinstall-<arch>.iso peuvent être utilisés pour lancer une installation réseau depuis un réseau câblé ou sans fil non chiffré. (le wifi chiffré ou le bluetooth ne sont pas supportés)A la différence d'une installation depuis un DVD ou Live DVD, pendant la première partie de l'installation, appelée Stage 1, vous serez invité à entrer des données. Pendant cette étape, votre clavier sera configuré en clavier american. Cela peut être très perturbant pour entrer des noms ou des chemins.Vous pouvez trouver Mageia-<version>-netinstall-nonfree-<arch>.iso et Mageia-<version>-netinstall-<arch>.iso ici. Il est nommé Installation Réseau.Vous pouvez aussi télécharger ces images depuis n'importe quel miroir de cette liste Simplement suivre le chemin /distrib//cauldron/$ARCH/install/images/ oü $ARCH est i586 ou x86_64.Après le téléchargement de l'image, gravez là sur un DVD ou, si vous préférez l'écrire sur une clé USB, puis suivre les instructions données ici.
InstallationCette étape est aussi appelée Stage 1 (étape 1)
Votre ordinateur démarre en mode BIOS (aussi appelé MBR pour Master Boot Record)Cet écran est le premier à apparaîtreWhen booting up, you can choose to read the advanced help by pressing F2 and return to the installer screen with F1. If you don't choose one, the boot will continue with default settings.
Your computer boots in UEFI modeCet écran est le premier à apparaîtreUse the arrow keys to select Start Mageia n Install and press Enter.
In both modesThen you can see this screen :During Stage 1, nothing will be written to your Hard Disk, so it is safe at any point to quit. You can do so by pressing ctrl+alt+del.You can use alt+F3 to read the logs and alt+F1 to return to the installer screen.
Choose the installation methodUse the arrow keys to move down and up the list, until your method of choice is highlighted.If you don't know what to choose for a Network Installation, choose FTP server.On an enterprise network, FTP and rsync may be blocked, so using HTTP server is a good choice in this case.Press the tab key until Ok is highlighted and then press enter.For an installation from hard disk or USB stick, see below.
Selecting network connection typeIf you have several network cards, choose the right one. If you don't know what to choose, choose DHCP
Setting host name and domain nameIf you don't know what to do: leave it open and select "Ok"
Serveur mandataire HTTPLeave open if you don't know what to do
Select a mediumIf you choose to specify the mirror manually, you'll have to type the path to your preferred medium. This can be very hard if you don't have an American keyboard.Selecting Mageia (with the applying version) will give you a list you can choose from by moving up and down with the arrow keys.
Specify the mirror manuallyWhichever server you choose, listed here, it should use the same tree-like structure from "mageia" (or "Mageia") as used by the official Mageia mirrors. That means .../mageia/distrib/<version>/<arch>A correct entry (when using an official mirror) in the "Mageia directory" field below, could be:pub/linux/mageia/distrib/cauldron/i586Another example for Mageia 5 x86_64 would be:pub/Mirrors/Mageia/distrib/5/x86_64.Other mirrors may have a different structure and the screenshots below show such examples:If you chosed a HTTP server:If you chose a FTP server:
Mageia n (selecting a mirror from the list)If you get a lot of missing dependency errors later in the install, reboot and try a different mirror.After choosing an FTP server, you get a screen where you can add a login name and password if required.After this step, Stage 2 will be installed and startedThis is the first Stage 2 screen, see Installing - Stage 2 below:
Installation from Hard diskIf you choose to install from hard disk or USB stick, you must know where the iso file is saved. First, select your hard drive (or USB stick)and then the partitionThen specify the directory or the file name of the iso. Leaving open or using the directory is easier, because the installer then offers you a list of directories and files, from which you can select with up and down arrows, as seen by the second image.
<jobtitle>Installing - Stage 2 </jobtitle>The first screen you see now, is the "Please choose a language to use" screen. Nothing has been written to your HD yet. If you want to reboot, go to tty2 with ctrl+alt+F2 and press ctrl+alt+del. (ctrl+alt+F7 to come back if you change your mind).This part of the install is the same as shown in Please click the link to continue reading and change the "5" in the URL to the version you are installing.