-it's very configurable
-support for many types of svn checkout: anonymous (default), user or ssh key authentication
-it logs all important actions
-it operates on list of "translation projects" in svn (including web pages)
-svn checkout or update as needed on every single project
-verbose checking for fuzzy and untranslated strings or just statistics (numbers of translated, fuzzy and untranslated strings) if required
-checking the syntax of po file from svn if required
-checking the syntax of pot file from svn if required
-copying the *.pot file, *.po file and web page files for editing in working directory if required
-testing for differences of *.po file from working copy if required
-testing for differences of *.pot file from working copy if required
-searching for new *.pot files in svn


Please put script check_for_translation_work.sh in your home directory ~/bin. That way it will be in your PATH so you can call it from any directory. After first run please adjust file ~/.mageia-i18n-config to suit your needs. Remember to upload your public ssh key to mageia identity! Otherwise the script will prompty you for password everytime for every resource. See wiki for details how to do that.

Set this according to your language code:

Adjust svn and working translations directories
svn_directory= default is /home/user/Mageia/i18n/svn
working_translations_directory= default is /home/user/Mageia/i18n/translations

choose anonymous svn method if you don't need commit access:

otherwise choose public ssh key svn access:

Other options should be obvious by its name or comment.

better configurability of messages shown (only what work needs to be done and no message for up to date projects)
better documentation

How to svn co single file (file.pot):
svn checkout $url_of_big_dir $target_dir --depth=empty
svn up $target_dir/$file_you_want