From d1e7d16b57bac2c79d2b60ea7c381de044e32c31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marja van Waes <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2015 16:15:23 +0200
Subject: update Esperanto xml files

 docs/installer/eo/DrakX-cover.xml             |  42 ++++------
 docs/installer/eo/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml       |  14 ++--
 docs/installer/eo/add_supplemental_media.xml  |  10 +++
 docs/installer/eo/choosePackageGroups.xml     |   2 +-
 docs/installer/eo/diskdrake.xml               |  52 +++++++------
 docs/installer/eo/doPartitionDisks.xml        |  18 ++++-
 docs/installer/eo/installer.xml               | 108 +++++++++++++++-----------
 docs/installer/eo/minimal-install.xml         |  46 ++++++++---
 docs/installer/eo/setupBootloader.xml         |  11 ++-
 docs/installer/eo/setupBootloaderAddEntry.xml |   8 +-
 10 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/DrakX-cover.xml b/docs/installer/eo/DrakX-cover.xml
index 1869711b..0abbc6d4 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/DrakX-cover.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/DrakX-cover.xml
@@ -14,16 +14,17 @@
         <para role="tagline">The Official Documentation for Mageia</para>
 <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="mageia-2013.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
-  <info>
-    <title>Instalado per DrakX-o</title>
-   <publisher> <publishername></publishername> </publisher>
-   <revhistory>
-     <revision>
-          <date>February 2014</date>
-        <revremark>Mageia 4</revremark>
-     </revision>
-   </revhistory>
-   </info>
+	    <para>La tekstoj kaj la ekranbildoj en ĉi helpo estas sub licenco CC-BY-SA 3.0
+	    </para>
+	    <para>Tiu ĉi helpo estas skribita kun helpo de <link
+ns6:href="">Calenco CMS</link> kreita per <link
+	    </para>
+            <para>It was written by volunteers in their free time. Please contact <link
+Team</link>, if you would like to help improve this manual.</para> 
@@ -33,33 +34,24 @@
-       <!-- 2013-01-03 removed link to choosePackages.xml, because there is no link to it in installer. link to setupX has been removed for the same reason, before-->
+<!-- 2013-01-03 removed link to choosePackages.xml, because there is no link to it in installer. link to setupX has been removed for the same reason, before-->
 <!--2013-03-31 removed link to setupBootloaderBeginner.xml, because that page is no longer needed -->
 <!--2013-05-10 hid includes for resizeFATchoose.xml and takeOverHdChoose.xml, because since over a year ago, no one in docteam managed to make a screenshot of those installer screens. They seem to already have been obsoleted in Mandriva -->
 <!--2013-05-10 put ask_mntpoint_s.xml before takeOverHdConfirm.xml, to better reflect the order in which the links to them appear in doPartitionDisks.xml -->
 <!--2013-12-08 add soundConfig.xml -->
+<title>Instalado per DrakX-o</title>
+       <para><note>
           <para>Neniu vidos ĉiujn ekranojn, kiujn vi vidas en ĉi helpo. Tio kiujn ekranojn
 vi vidos, dependas de via komputilo kaj viaj elektoj dum instalado.</para>
-      <para>La tekstoj kaj la ekranbildoj en ĉi helpo estas sub licenco CC-BY-SA 3.0
-      <para>Tiu ĉi helpo estas skribita kun helpo de <link
-ns6:href="">Calenco CMS</link> kreita per <link
-      <para>It was written by volunteers in their free time. Please contact <link
-Team</link>, if you would like to help improve this manual.</para>
   <!-- <xi:include href="drakx-intro.xml"/>
-<xi:include href="installer.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="SelectAndUseISOs2.xml"/>
+  <xi:include href="installer.xml"/>
   <xi:include href="selectLanguage.xml"/>
diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml b/docs/installer/eo/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml
index 50df2524..a9df02e2 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/SelectAndUseISOs2.xml
@@ -257,8 +257,7 @@ mirror in use and the possibility to change if the bandwidth is to low. If
 http is chosen, you may also see something like</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="Checking.png" contentwidth="650"/>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="Checking.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
       <para>md5sum and sha1sum are tools to check the ISO integrity. Use only one of
 them. Both hexadecimal numbers have been calculated by an algorithm from the
@@ -289,8 +288,7 @@ path/to/the/image/file.iso</userinput>.</para>
 while) with the number given by Mageia. Example:</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="../Md5sum.png" contentwidth="650"/>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="../Md5sum.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
@@ -345,8 +343,7 @@ ns4:href=""
 final '-' )</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata contentwidth="650" fileref="../Root.png"/>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="../Root.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
@@ -358,8 +355,7 @@ application or file manager that could access or read it)</para>
             <para>Enter the command <userinput>fdisk -l</userinput></para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="../Fdisk.png" contentwidth="650"/>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="../Fdisk.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
@@ -412,4 +408,4 @@ Mageia documentation</link>.</para>
 ns4:href="">the Mageia
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/add_supplemental_media.xml b/docs/installer/eo/add_supplemental_media.xml
index 81619adf..facf4f92 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/add_supplemental_media.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/add_supplemental_media.xml
@@ -42,4 +42,14 @@ the URL, you can designate a specific repository or your own NFS
+    <note>
+      <para>If you are updating a 64 bit installation which may contain some 32 bit
+packages, it is advised to use this screen to add an online mirror by
+ticking one of the Network protocols here. The 64 bit DVD iso only contains
+64 bit and noarch packages, it will not be able to update the 32 bit
+packages. However, after adding an online mirror, installer will find the
+needed 32 bit packages there.</para>
+     </note>
diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/choosePackageGroups.xml b/docs/installer/eo/choosePackageGroups.xml
index aa6d6d96..d906019b 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/choosePackageGroups.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/choosePackageGroups.xml
@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@ forigi permane pakaĵojn.</para>
     <para>Read <xref linkend="minimal-install"></xref> for instructions on how to do a
-minimal install.</para> 
+minimal install (without or with X &amp; IceWM).</para> 
diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/diskdrake.xml b/docs/installer/eo/diskdrake.xml
index 779b3cda..bff741b6 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/diskdrake.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/diskdrake.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><section xmlns="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns="" version="5.0" xml:lang="eo" xml:id="diskdrake">
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><section xmlns="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns="" version="5.0" xml:lang="eo" xml:id="diskdrake">
@@ -6,11 +6,12 @@
     <!-- Started by marja on 2012 03 29 -->
@@ -27,35 +28,40 @@
 <title xml:id="diskdrake-ti1">Agordi subdiskon per DiskDrake</title>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx2-diskdrake.png"
-align="center"></imagedata> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx2-diskdrake.png" align="center"/>
+  <warning>
     <para revision="3" xml:id="diskdrake-pa1">Se vi volas utiligi ĉifradon en via subdisko <literal>/</literal> vi devas
 havi apartan subdiskon <literal>/boot</literal>.  La ĉifrada elekto por la
 subdisko <literal>/boot</literal> ne devas esti selektita, alie via sistemo
 ne startos.</para>
-  <para revision="2" xml:id="diskdrake-pa3">Agordu via(j)n disko(j)n ĉi tie. Vi povas forigi aŭ krei subdiskojn, ŝanĝi
-la dosiersistemon de subdisko aŭ ŝanĝi ĝian grandon kaj eĉ vidi kio estas en
-ĝi antaŭ ol komenci.
- </para>
+  <para revision="2" xml:id="diskdrake-pa3">Adjust the layout of your disk(s)  here. You can remove or create
+partitions, change the filesystem of a partition or change its size and even
+view what is in them before you start.</para>
   <para revision="1" xml:id="diskdrake-pa4">Estas langeto por ĉiu trovita fiksita disko aŭ alispeca stor-aparato kiel
-USB-ŝlosilo. Ekzemple sda, sdb kaj sdc se estas tri.
-  </para>
+USB-ŝlosilo. Ekzemple sda, sdb kaj sdc se estas tri.</para>
   <para revision="1" xml:id="diskdrake-pa5">Premu <guibutton>Forviŝu ĉion</guibutton> por forigi ĉiujn subdiskojn en la
 elektita stor-aparato</para>
   <para revision="1" xml:id="diskdrake-pa6">Por aliaj agoj: klaku sur la dezirata subdisko unue. Tiam vi povos vidi ĝin,
 elekti dosiersistemon kaj surmetingon, ŝanĝi ĝian grandon aŭ forigi ĝin.</para>
-  <para revision="1" xml:id="diskdrake-pa6a">Daŭrigu ĝis kiam vi agordos ĉion laŭ via deziro. </para>
-  <para revision="1" xml:id="diskdrake-pa7">Klaku sur <guibutton>Finata</guibutton> kiam vi estos preta.</para> </section>
\ No newline at end of file
+  <para xml:id="diskdrake-pa6a" revision="1">Daŭrigu ĝis kiam vi agordos ĉion laŭ via deziro.</para>
+  <para revision="1" xml:id="diskdrake-pa7">Klaku sur <guibutton>Finata</guibutton> kiam vi estos preta.</para>
+  <note>
+    <para>If you are installing Mageia on an UEFI system, check that an ESP (EFI
+System Partition) is present and correctly mounted on /boot/EFI (see above)</para>
+    <para><mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx2-diskdrake2.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject></para>
+  </note>
diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/doPartitionDisks.xml b/docs/installer/eo/doPartitionDisks.xml
index f39db611..4d3d4f04 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/doPartitionDisks.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/doPartitionDisks.xml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ loko-proponon de DrakX por la instalo de <application>Magejo</application>.</par
 enhavo de via konkreta(j)  stor-aparato(j).</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx2-doPartitionDisks.png"
-align="center"></imagedata> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx2-doPartitionDisks.png"/>
   <para revision="1" xml:id="doPartitionDisks-pa3"><itemizedlist>
@@ -76,6 +76,15 @@ fojon kiam ĝi estis uzita. Ĝi ankaŭ devas esti malfragmentiĝita kvankam tio
 ne estas garantio pri tio ke ĉiuj dosieroj en la subdisko estis movitaj el
 la areo uzota. Estas ege rekomendinde realigi sekurec-kopion de viaj
 personaj dosieroj.</para>
+        <para>With this option, the installer displays the remaining Windows partition in
+light blue and the future Mageia partition in dark blue with their intended
+sizes just under. You have the possibility to adapt these sizes by clicking
+and draging the gap between both partitions. See the screen-shot below.</para>
+        <mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx2-doPartitionDisks2.png"/>
     </itemizedlist> <itemizedlist>
@@ -113,4 +122,5 @@ settings: </para>
     <para>Also make sure all partitions are created with an even number of megabytes.</para>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/installer.xml b/docs/installer/eo/installer.xml
index 6536747f..57a77d39 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/installer.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/installer.xml
@@ -40,23 +40,30 @@ mageja instalilo, kiu kutime havos ĉion kion oni bezonas.</para>
       <title xml:id="installer-ti2">Bonveniga instal-ekrano</title>
-    <para>Here is the default welcome screen when using a Mageia DVD:</para>
+    <para>Here are the default welcome screens when using a Mageia DVD, The first one
+with a legacy system and the second one with an UEFI system:
+    </para>
 <imageobject> <imagedata xml:id="BId-drakx-intro-im1" revision="1"
 align="center" format="PNG" fileref="../dx-welcome.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject></figure>
+  <mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcome2.png" align="center"/>
   <para>From this first screen, it is possible to set some personal preferences:</para>
       <para>The language (for the installation only, may be different that the chosen
-language for the system) by pressing the key F2</para>
+language for the system) by pressing the key F2 (Legacy mode only)</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcome-lang.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcome-lang.png" align="center"/>
       <para>Use the arrow keys to select the language and press the key Enter.</para>
@@ -68,20 +75,24 @@ Detection Tool</guilabel>.</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcome4fr.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcome4fr.png" align="center"/>
-      <para>Change the screen resolution by pressing the F3 key.</para>
+      <para>Change the screen resolution by pressing the F3 key (Legacy mode only).</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcome5def.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcome5def.png" align="center"/>
-      <para>Add some kernel options by pressing the F6 key.</para>
+      <para>Add some kernel options by pressing the <emphasis role="bold">F6</emphasis>
+key for the legacy mode or the <emphasis role="bold">e</emphasis> key for
+the UEFI mode.</para>
       <para>If the installation fails, then it may be necessary to try again using one
 of the extra options. The menu called by F6 displays a new line called
@@ -108,11 +119,12 @@ however, they are really taken into account.</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcome6opt.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-welcome6opt.png"/>
-      <para>Add more kernel options by pressing the key F1</para>
+      <para>Add more kernel options by pressing the key F1 (Legacy mode only).</para>
       <para>Pressing F1 opens a new window with more available options. Select one with
 the arrow keys and press Enter to have more details or press the Esc key to
@@ -121,7 +133,8 @@ go back to the welcome screen.</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcomeHelp1.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcomeHelp1.png" align="center"/>
@@ -131,7 +144,8 @@ list. These options can by added by hand in the <guilabel>Boot
 options</guilabel> line.</para>
-<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="dx-welcomeHelp2.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-welcomeHelp2.png"/>
@@ -141,6 +155,10 @@ options</guilabel> line.</para>
+  <para>For more information about kernel options on legacy and UEFI systems, see:
   <para>Here is the default welcome screen when using a Wired Network-based
 Installation CD (Boot.iso or Boot-Nonfree.iso images):</para>
@@ -184,68 +202,68 @@ Ctrl Delete</guibutton> samtempe por reŝarĝi.</para>
-    <section xml:id="installationProblems">
+  <section xml:id="installationProblems">
+    <info>
+      <title xml:id="installationProblems-ti1">Instal-problemoj kaj eblaj solvoj</title>
+    </info>
+    <section xml:id="noX">
-        <title xml:id="installationProblems-ti1">Instal-problemoj kaj eblaj solvoj</title>
+        <title xml:id="noX-ti2">Sen grafika interfaco</title>
-      <section xml:id="noX">
-        <info>
-          <title xml:id="noX-ti2">Sen grafika interfaco</title>
-        </info>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Post la komenca ekrano vi eble ne alvenos al la ekrano pri
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Post la komenca ekrano vi eble ne alvenos al la ekrano pri
 lingvo-selekto. Ĉi tio povas okazi kun kelkaj grafik-kartoj kaj malnovaj
 maŝinoj. Provu utiligi malaltan rezolucion per la tajpo de "vgalo" en la
-          </listitem>
+        </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para revision="2">If the hardware is very old, a graphical installation may not be
+        <listitem>
+          <para revision="2">If the hardware is very old, a graphical installation may not be
 possible. In this case it is worth trying a text mode installation. To use
 this hit ESC at the first welcome screen and confirm with ENTER. You will be
 presented with a black screen with the word "boot:". Type "text" and hit
 ENTER. Now continue with the installation in text mode.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      </section>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </section>
-      <section xml:id="installFreezes">
-        <info>
-          <title xml:id="installFreezes-ti1">Instal-paneoj</title>
-        </info>
+    <section xml:id="installFreezes">
+      <info>
+        <title xml:id="installFreezes-ti1">Instal-paneoj</title>
+      </info>
-        <para>Se la sistemo ŝajnas panei dum la instalo, tio povas esti pro
+      <para>Se la sistemo ŝajnas panei dum la instalo, tio povas esti pro
 aparatar-detekta problemo. Ĉikaze la aŭtomata detektado de aparatoj povas
 esti prokrastita. Por provi tion tajpu <code>noauto</code> en la
 komando-linio. Ĉi tiu elekto povas ankaŭ esti miksita kun la antaŭa se estas
-      </section>
+    </section>
-      <section xml:id="kernelOptions">
-        <info>
-          <title xml:id="kernelOptions-ti1">RAM problem</title>
-        </info>
+    <section xml:id="kernelOptions">
+      <info>
+        <title xml:id="kernelOptions-ti1">RAM problem</title>
+      </info>
-        <para>Ili estos malofte necesaj, sed en kelkaj kazoj la aparataro povas kalkuli la
+      <para>Ili estos malofte necesaj, sed en kelkaj kazoj la aparataro povas kalkuli la
 disponeblan ĉefmemoron malĝuste. Por konkretigi ĝin permane vi povas utiligi
 la parametron mem=xxxM, kie xxx estas la ĝusta kvanto da ĉefmemoro. Ekzemple
 "mem=256M" specifus 256MB-ojn el ĉefmemoro.</para>
-      </section>
+    </section>
-      <section xml:id="DynamicPartitions">
-        <info>
-          <title xml:id="DynamicPartitions-ti1">Dynamic partitions</title>
-        </info>
+    <section xml:id="DynamicPartitions">
+      <info>
+        <title xml:id="DynamicPartitions-ti1">Dynamic partitions</title>
+      </info>
-        <para>If you converted your hard disk from "basic" format to "dynamic" format on
+      <para>If you converted your hard disk from "basic" format to "dynamic" format on
 Microsoft Windows, you must know that it is impossible to install Mageia on
 this disc. To go back to a basic disk, see the Microsoft documentation:
-      </section>
+  </section>
diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/minimal-install.xml b/docs/installer/eo/minimal-install.xml
index bcb85acf..9d3e128d 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/minimal-install.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/minimal-install.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,44 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><section xmlns="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns42="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns="" version="5.0" xml:lang="eo" xml:id="minimal-install">
-    <!--2012-12-26 marja - exported this section from choosePackages.xml to start a new page-->
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<section version="5.0" xml:lang="eo" xml:id="minimal-install"
+         xmlns=""
+	 xmlns:xlink=""
+         xmlns:ns5=""
+         xmlns:ns42=""
+         xmlns:ns4=""
+         xmlns:ns3=""
+         xmlns:ns="">
+  <!--2012-12-26 marja - exported this section from choosePackages.xml to
+ start a new page-->
 <!--2013-05-05 marja - added screenshot and s/next/related/ -->
-      <title xml:id="minimal-install-ti1">Minimuma instalo</title>
-    </info>
+    <title xml:id="minimal-install-ti1">Minimuma instalo</title>
+  </info>
-    <para>Vi povas elekti Minimuman Instalon malselektante ĉion en la Pakaĵara Elekta
+  <para>Vi povas elekti Minimuman Instalon malselektante ĉion en la Pakaĵara Elekta
 ekrano, vidu <xref linkend="choosePackageGroups"></xref>.</para>
-    <para>Minimuma Instalo celas konkretajn uzojn por Magejo kiel servilojn aŭ
-specialigitajn laborstaciojn. Probable vi uzos ĉi tiun elekton kune kun
-Permana Pakaĵ-elekto, vidu <xref linkend="choosePackagesTree"></xref>.</para>
-    <para>Se vi elektas ĉi tian instalon la venonta ekrano proponos al vi instali
+  <para>If desired, you can additionally tick the "Individual package selection"
+option in the same screen.</para>
+  <para>Minimal Installation is intended for those with specific uses in mind for
+their <application>Mageia</application>, such as a server or a specialised
+workstation. You will probably use this option combined with the "Individual
+package selection" option mentioned above, to fine-tune your installation,
+see <xref linkend="choosePackagesTree"></xref>.</para>
+  <para>Se vi elektas ĉi tian instalon la venonta ekrano proponos al vi instali
 plurajn utilajn aldonaĵojn kiel dokumentojn aŭ Ikso-servilon.</para>
+  <para>If selected, "With X" will also include IceWM as lightweight desktop
+  <para>The basic documentation is provided in the form of man and info pages.  It
+contains the man pages from the <link
+xlink:href="">Linux Documentation
+Project</link> and the <link
+coreutils</link> info pages.</para>
+  <mediaobject>
 <imageobject> <imagedata revision="1" fileref="dx2-minimal-install.png"
 align="center" format="PNG" xml:id="minimal-install-im1"></imagedata>
diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/setupBootloader.xml b/docs/installer/eo/setupBootloader.xml
index d3f0fa3a..dcca4a95 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/setupBootloader.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/setupBootloader.xml
@@ -9,9 +9,14 @@
 <!-- 2012-08-12 Copied this page, setupBootloader.xml,  from setupBootloaderBeginner.xml and REMOVED the string "Beginner" everywhere, except in this sentence.  
  2013-3-30 Removed refernce to bootloader expert page and suggest using grub2 where other grub2 systems exist-->
-<imageobject> <imagedata revision="1" fileref="dx2-setupBootloader.png"
-align="center" width="800" format="PNG" depth="600"
-xml:id="setupBootloader-im1"></imagedata> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+<imageobject> <imagedata revision="1" align="center"
+fileref="dx2-setupBootloader.png" xml:id="setupBootloader-im1"
+format="PNG"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
+  <para><note>
+      <para>With an UEFI system, the user interface is slightly different as you cannot
+choose the boot loader (first drop down list) since only one is available</para>
+    </note></para>
   <para xml:id="setupBootloader-pa1" revision="4">Se vi preferas malsaman lanĉilan konfiguron al tiu elektita aŭtomate fare de
 la instalilo, vi povas ŝanĝi ĝin ĉi tie.</para>
diff --git a/docs/installer/eo/setupBootloaderAddEntry.xml b/docs/installer/eo/setupBootloaderAddEntry.xml
index d23d1040..22ee604e 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eo/setupBootloaderAddEntry.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eo/setupBootloaderAddEntry.xml
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ relevant button in the <emphasis>Bootloader Configuration</emphasis> screen
 and editing the screen that pops up on top of it.</para>
-    <para>If you have chosen <code>Grub 2</code> as your bootloader, you cannot use
-this tool to edit entries at this step, press 'Next'. You need to manually
-edit <code>/boot/grub2/custom.cfg</code> or use <code>grub-customizer</code>
+    <para>If you have chosen <code>Grub 2</code> as your bootloader, or Grub2-efi for
+UEFI systems, you cannot use this tool to edit entries at this step, press
+'Next'. You need to manually edit <code>/boot/grub2/custom.cfg</code> or use
+<code>grub-customizer</code> instead.</para>
cgit v1.2.1